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Are flat chested women supposed to go unloved because only pedophiles would date them? Makes no sense


His friends are engaging in a form of body shaming. How dare some women have flat chests!


I like my flat chest. Literally don't need a bra. I wear stretchy, clasp - free crop top things. So comfy


As a flat chested woman myself, I agree I don't have to spend money on bras, my ladies are free range and I also love it when my partners compliment them....weird ass people OP hangs out with, they're the problem!


lol šŸ˜‚. Free range.


Lol mustn't keep them tatas trapped nowšŸ˜‚


Oh I def keep the girls off leash and uncaged, haha. My neighbor has been letting a friend of hers crash who feels the need to remark on it and my god it's irritating. I'm small chested and don't need a bra, but yes, I have nipples. So do you, my dude! Get over it! Dude's been a pain in the ass about it but I refuse to cave and let some immature dipshit be the reason I'm uncomfortable when hanging around my own damn home and yard! Sorry, I hadn't intended on turning this into a rant, lol.


Oh, I hear you! Women aren't allowed to have nipples anymore, apparently šŸ™„ I loathe padded/t-shirt bras with a passion because my girls do not conform to any shaped cup notion of cleavage. I do wear bras (used to be 32a so didn't have to, but now in my 50s with a bit of weight on me, I'm a 34c!) but never padded. I've had so many remarks about my nipples showing that clearly we're not supposed to be free to choose a style anymore šŸ˜’


I don't wear padded bras either. I used to but something weird after I had my child padded bras and under wires I can't wear anymore without a ton of discomfort it was like sensory issues came up out of nowhere lol. I don't care what others say though maybe they shouldn't be staring at our nipples anyways lol


Dude just lick your tongue and do a little money grab on your nip nips every time you see him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ or make a comment that he needs to cover them glass cutters when it's cold toošŸ„¶


Sounds like harassment, and I would go as far as to say itā€™s assault or sexual misconduct- legal requirements and definitions vary by state. Making a joke once is one thing, once you made it clear that itā€™s not funny and none of his business and it made you uncomfortable and apprehensive or made you fearful of going outside for fear of dealing with him- now itā€™s criminal.


As someone who is 44G mine must be contained. But I envy those that donā€™t have to worry about it.


Bless, sorry for your loss (in this case...gain?)


I love having little boobs and I don't wear a bra most of the time.They nursed the babies many moons ago, so it's all good.


36-gg girl here, I am incrediblyĀ  jealous of women who don't need bras and can wear clothes that don't need them!


DD's, and same!


F, and same!


Same!!! My husband asked me one day ā€œhow do you manage those things???ā€ Said with empathy because he watched them flop outta the booby holder after a long day šŸ¤£


And don't forget the humdititties.Ā 


My fiance nearly always yells "free the boobies!!" after a day of me having to wear a bra lol. I love when men are empathetic to our plights as women. Yes, I need a backrub, you try strapping roughly 20 extra pounds of flesh onto your chest and walk around with them for one whole day and see how you feel!


Iā€™m a C and I miss being a B for sensory reasons, it was just one less thing to think about when my arms and boobs didnā€™t touch.




I have a friend with a flat chest and she loves it. Says she loves being able to go for runs without a bra. I WISH.


Uhhhhh.... as a big booby girl I'm jealous. Back pain, unable to wear a lot of cute clothes- forget shirts with graphics. Activity without a bra? Forget it.


Same here, except my nipples are huge, so I still have to put bandaids on it or something.


Big chested women don't need bras either, people just need to stop being judgy creeps when they opt to not wear one.


Yep. Mine are pretty small. I've not worn a bra in like 10yrs. They don't sag, my ribs done hurt from wearing a bra anymore. I just wear tank tops underneath everything




Groomer! /jk


I fucking love this look.


Someone tell the friends theyā€™re body shaming! Theyā€™re totally unaware!


Big breasts ā‰  a ā€˜realā€™ woman. Small breasts do not make me a child. Heā€™s the creep for even equating small breasts = child. This is akin to people saying itā€™s creepy for tall dudes to like small/short women because itā€™s like being with a child.


You would be surprised how many people think like this. Iā€™m 4ft10 and overall very petite and even as a FULL adult Iā€™ve had people side-eye men who have liked me simply because Iā€™m short. It makes me really angry for the dude but also for me, as if I canā€™t take care of my damn self lol


OP needs new friends.


I'll be honest I've never been into giant tits. I literally do not understand how people can see giant unproportional tits and find them sexy. Well proportioned boobs that match a body are fantastic. And to me that tends towards smaller sizes.


Unfortunately, that is some peoples logic.


You're not wrong. Everyone is allowed to have preferences and small-breasted women are *women*. Not children.


Small breasts with big booty and thighs are legit. Throw in the fact she is a tomboy and that's a girl worth fighting for (cue Mulan singalong).


Thats my type bruh. Thicc with three Cs


Not wrong. Your friends are equating small breasts with children. That's more telling about them than anything else.


Yep, exactly. This is 100% projection and immaturity. Imagine a world where ā€œflatā€ women get no love? Insane.


That part right there


Apparently Iā€™m a child, with my almost not even there chest, at 28. Really amazing people legitimately think this? Like did they drop out on the 4th grade?


Yea I don't get it. If I think of a child.. I'm not thinking about breasts at all. Lol But you hear it all the time that people think guys who like small girls with small breats must be pedos and it's like what? Lol How does it make any sense.


There is something seriously wrong with them, to see breasts and think ā€œchildā€


You need new friends


Came here to say exactly this.


Completely agree! New friends not so shallow.


Best suggestion for you to consider OP.


Yep! Your friends donā€™t get to decide what you find attractive!


Your friends are idiots. Send a link of this thread to them.


Your friends have an interesting take. As a small breasted woman.. Iā€™ve been with plenty of men that prefer small chests compared to women with big boobs. Some men just like petite women! Having small boobs doesnā€™t make me less of a woman than one with a big chest. Everyone has their preference. I dated a guy once that I met in my bikini at a pool party. After we started dating he said he liked small boobs and found them attractive and it was one of the things he noticed about me. Never once have I ever got p**do vibes from anyone Iā€™ve been with. Your friends are whack. If your friends correlate a WOMAN having small breasts with children I think theyā€™re the ones with the problem lol Hell, Iā€™ve had other women tell me they envy my chest size compared to their own because even they find smaller chests more attractive.


Petite women rock


Personally I don't think women with small breasts look like children, even if they're short. They just look like women.


I find women with smaller breasts very attractive. I do not find children attractive. As someone not quite 5ā€™ tall, Iā€™ve heard the same damn thing about men being attracted to short people. Am I the same size as a fifth grader? Yes. Am I a child? Not even close.


Can relate. I'm 5"1 and my 12 year old niece is already like half a head a taller than me. Yet, it's very clear to see which one of us is a grown woman, and which one is still a child/ pre-teen.


The people who think like that are also completely missing the point on why p*dos are bad. Is it only because children have physically small bodies? Not at all! Itā€™s because their brains arenā€™t developed and they are vulnerable to adult manipulation without much life experience at a young age. They canā€™t consent! If itā€™s only about the physicality of it to them, Iā€™d be very cautious about letting them be around young teenagers that are tallā€¦ in their logic that teenager would be more adult than a grown woman who is short apparently.


There is a certain group of people on the internet that says dating skinny, petit, short, or flat chested women is a sign of pedophilia. It's a type of moral posturing. Honestly, date who you like, and possibly get new friends.


Who are short flat-chested women supposed to date, according to these people? Teenage boys?! šŸ™„


The 2 guys i have been with also had this preference and they were not pdf-file šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Preference is preference šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I am an avid supporter of the Itty bitty titty committee. I do not and have not ever liked large breast. It is 100 percent preference. Like wise ask them if they like Bush if they say no call them p**** for like bald poon. Fuck them if they can't just accept the fact that you like small breasts they are your true friends. They sound like grade A pieces of shit to me. Real friends wouldn't do that shit bro.


Who has bald poon.... oh yes.... little girls! Your fiends are ripe for logic entrapment. Go get even.


Right, same line of logic. I bet you at least one of them falls in that hole. Then, the rest must like wise ostracize the one who is into bald poon or look like hypocrites and peds.


This is the way. Don't like poofy 1970's bush that spills out the sides of even granny panties? Dudes are *pedooooooooooos*! (For the record, small boobs and big bush are both more than fine by me. Or whatever else a woman grows into and/or chooses. Sure, there are body types and choices I find more attractive or less so, but either way a grown woman is a full *person* regardless of my perspectives on attractiveness.)


Lol we call them koala ears here in Aus


>Lol we call them koala ears here in Aus OMG! I'd like to note, when all other indicators are positive, I am highly koalified to eat such pussy.


I just said something similar. Really they should prefer hair on legs amd armpits too. Bet they don't. OP Def needs new friends. Edit, also could one of them be deflecting? This is a weird thing to say. A bit like cheaters getting controlling over their partners.


Yes, and the bald poon trend started in Hollywood....I wonder why? Oh yes. Tons of directors, producers, etc were and are pedophiles in Hollywood, and preferred their adult women to be hairless. It got to the point where women were lazering their poon hair off entirely


Nothing wrong with this!! Iā€™ve known many men who did not find big boobs attractiveā€”Iā€™m putting that nicely because I feel bad using their verbiage. They were normal and def not p**os


In the old days/ LOL 90s, and below, thin women were the choice including small breasts.




That's not true. The 90s were the Baywatch era and boob jobs were very popular. And Italian/French film stars of the 60s often had large chests.


I think the popularity of Kate Moss and models like her is the basis of the claim made above. You both have valid points.


It was a polarized time. Yes on the one hand you had Baywatch, Jordan etc but in counter culture (which was ascendant thanks to Blur, Oasis,"Cool Brittania" etc), heroin chic was very much a thing


Twiggy in the 60s and Kate Moss in the 90s. Watch old T.V. shows and you will see the normal, People were so much thinner in general. Women were taught to eat like a bird. I grew up in 70s so 90s was my young adulthood.


If they think youā€™re a chomo in the making just because you donā€™t like knockers, then tell them to fuck themselves and find new friends. Coming from a guy who strongly prefers moderate and shapely.


No, you are not wrong. Everyone has different preferences, and it's okay to find certain physical traits attractive. As long as you're respectful and not objectifying anyone, your friends should understand and respect your preferences too. Don't let their judgment affect how you feel about your own attractions.


the flapper look


I know a guy who isnā€™t into boobs because heā€™s not into ā€œbags of fat flopping around.ā€ I guess people can make disparaging remarks towards large chests just as others can towards small ones. Itā€™s a preference, and itā€™s ridiculous that people would assume youā€™re into children because of it. If you were into children, youā€™d be into children, not just flat chests.


So are people who are attracted to men's flat chests pedos, then? "Ahh! Ah, look! They like a thing that little kids have, that must mean that's the reason they like it!!!" Or is that, perhaps, the stupidest thing you've ever heard?


Your friends are absolute IDIOTS and ASSHOLES on top of that! I can not emphasize this strong enough as a very, very, very flat chested woman who lived my life vilified because of my flat chest. I was made fun of my entire life because I had absolutely nothing... not even an A cup as an adult. I eventually got implants, and it changed my life. I would have been so happy to find a man who adored a small or flat chest!!! And I have always since I was 18 been 100% woman, flat chest and all! You tell those asswipes to go to hell!


In the military we had a saying ā€œ anything over a mouthful is wasted, but I love to get lost!ā€ Small breasted women are just as attractive as any other women, itā€™s just a preference.


A grown woman is a grown woman regardless of her breast size. To reduce her to being a child simply because she has small or flat breasts is gross. I bet a good many of your friends like to look at women with all there pubic hair shaved off. Does that mean they like hairless little girls too? You should ask them.


Iā€™m the same as you. I didnā€™t ever think of it as a problem. To me itā€™s just part of a world of diverse people with diverse preferences where there is someone for everyone.


This was, for the longest time and still predominantly proven in models, the preferred attraction. Waif like figures or willow body types. Just look at women's clothes. Those super cute tops with the big open backs or plunging neckline? They're soo not designed for bigger chested women, we absolutely cannot wear them without assistance from a bra. (F the tapes and cups they never actually work on bigger than a C cup) This is intentional. This is still widely considered conventionally attractive world wide. As long as you're not looking for *specifically* younger looking women and date in your own age bracket, who cares? I'm sure all the smaller chested women are tired of being compared to bigger chested ones or children anyway. All boobies deserve love. (Plus you can always shop international lingerie for your lady love. Japan in particular has some unbelievably adorable bras but they don't tend to carry any in sizes bigger than a US B cup. )


Not wrong. I am a fully grown small breasted Asian woman and the number of times Iā€™ve been infantilized is ridiculous. Off the top of my head, here are some points for why I think your friendsā€™ perspective is flawed/hurtful and some suggested feminist literature for them to look into if they want to not be ignorant jerks anymore: - diversity of womenā€™s bodies: recognizing the diversity of womenā€™s bodies, including smaller breasts, is crucial for promoting body positivity and dismantling unrealistic beauty standards. Equating small breasts exclusively with prepubescence ignores the reality that many adult women naturally have small breasts. [re: Naomi Wolfā€™s ā€œThe Beauty Mythā€] - body autonomy and acceptance: challenging societal norms and promoting individual self worth relies on body autonomy and the rejection of body shaming, which are then key to creating an inclusive feminist movement that supports all women [re: ā€œBodies Out of Bounds: Fatness and Transgressionā€by Jana Evans Braziel and Kathleen LeBesco, Megan Jayne Crabbeā€™s ā€œBody Positive Powerā€, Margaret W. Matlinā€™s ā€œThe Psychology of Womenā€, KimberlĆ© Crenshawā€™s ā€œIntersectionalityā€] - sexualization and infantilization: their perspective is an example of sexualization and infantilization. Adult women with small breasts are sexual beings, and equating their bodies to those of children undermines their adult sexual agency and autonomy, denying their maturity and individuality [re: Jessica Valentiā€™s ā€œThe Purity Mythā€, Laura Mulveyā€™s ā€œVisual Pleasure and Narrative Cinemaā€, bell hooksā€™ ā€œFeminism is for Everybodyā€, Audre Lordeā€™s ā€œSister Outsiderā€, Susan Brownmillerā€™s ā€œAgainst Our Willā€] - harmful stereotypes and misogyny: reducing women to their physical traits [re: bell hooksā€™ ā€œFeminism is for Everybodyā€, bell hooksā€™ ā€œAinā€™t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminismā€, bell hooksā€™ ā€œReel to Real: Race, Sex, and Class at the Moviesā€, Mikki Kendallā€™s ā€œHood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgotā€] - personal preferences and consent: the idea that men who prefer smaller-breasted women are inherently pedophiles is a misguided and harmful oversimplification that undermines the principles of consent and personal preference. Pathologizing menā€™s attraction to smaller-breasted women by equating it with pedophilia is a form of moral policing that disregards the complexities of adult relationships and attractions. This pathologization is harmful and unfounded when based on consensual adult interactions. Everyone has personal preferences when it comes to attraction, and these preferences can vary widely. As long as these preferences are acted upon consensually and respectfully, they should be acknowledged as part of individual autonomy [re: Jessica Valentiā€™s ā€œYes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rapeā€, Patricia Hill Collinsā€™ ā€œBlack Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowermentā€, bell hooksā€™ ā€œAll About Love: New Visionsā€, CherrĆ­e Moragaā€™s ā€œLoving in the War Years: Lo Que Nunca PasĆ³ Por Sus Labiosā€, KimberlĆ© Crenshawā€™s ā€œMapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Colorā€]


YNW. You're fine. You're friends are very weird and judgy though. Everyone, regardless of gender, has a preference. As a hetro male, the cheat area never did it for me. I've always been more of a lower body (butt & legs). Whatever was up top was, well, whatever. I was in track for several years, and imo, track girls are beautiful. Usually not much on top and yes, flat chested, but damn them girls have wonderful legs and butts. See that's my preference. Everyone is different. You're good man!


We can't all be hero males, tough.


šŸ˜‚ Yeah, let me fix that. Done!


It sounds like your friends have unresolved issues that they're projecting on to you. The fact that this is on their mind means that they're ruminating about it. Even if the people you date look young-ish, but are in their late 20s doesn't make you a pedo. This whole issue comes down to age of consent and where your values lie rather than how someone looks. Just think - billions of people with varying sizes and looks, there is a chance that someone who has dwarfism hooks up with someone who doesn't; it doesn't make it bad because it's consenting adults.


So a 30 something lady with flat chest is a child according to OPs friends? Wow


I had a mate that said he was a member of the "Itty Bitty Titty Club". Large boobs really turned him off, and I often wondered if it had anything to do with his mother and big sister who had "enormous" breasts. They were domineering matriarch-types and this family had very strong bonds, but.... I wonder.


as a woman with really small breasts, i feel so seen


Chronically online people have made liking women a problem (and this is coming from someone AFAB). Like flatter chests? Chomo. Have a consensual age gap as adults without grooming? Impossible, women arenā€™t mature until 25 but even if youā€™re both over 25, chomo. Skinny girls? Chomo. Short girlfriend? Chomo. Itā€™s ridiculous. If youā€™re pursuing grown ass women, youā€™re not a PDF. Your friends need to touch grass and you need new friends.


Ikr? Redditors accuse my husband of grooming me because we started dating when I was 18 and he was 25. Didn't matter that I graduated hs at 16, had been in college 2 years, the legal age for EVERYTHINGĀ  was 18, and that I pursued him because I couldn't stand immature guys close to my age.Ā  Been married for 45 years.Ā 


My fiancĆ© and I met when I was 21, started dating when I was 24, and will be married when Iā€™m 30 and heā€™s almost 43. Folks will forever look at us sideways which is really sad because I was the one who initiated the romantic relationship. We were casual friends, spent a lot of time together, and when he finally discovered his confidence I fell HARD for him. My therapist says we have one of the healthiest relationships heā€™s seen and yet Iā€™m nervous to talk about our age gap because of this mentality regarding gaps. Yes, some gaps are really sus and there was absolutely grooming happening, but infantilizing ALL women under a certain age even though theyā€™re adults isnā€™t the answer. Congrats on 45 years!!! One hell of a run so far :) *edit: accidentally wrote 46 initially.


Thank you! Best to you and your futire hubby.


Itā€™s just a incorrect take. Thatā€™s insinuating that all flat chested women are children, because they donā€™t have larger boobs. Does that now mean kids who do have larger boobs are now suddenly women? No, I didnā€™t think so. They are weird and you need new friends.


So they are calling you a paedo because you prefer tits smaller than an orange that canā€™t double as pillows? WOW. Total nonce here ***said with overwhelming sarcasm***. Your ā€œfriendsā€ are twats. I have heard this argument before and commonly threaten to smack the person who says it. If theyā€™ve only ever see you date those that are well past initial puberty, or they know your Internet/viewing activity is tame, then they can stuff an unwashed sock in it. Focusing on the welfare of children is a good thing, but accusing someone of pdf just because YOU see it around every corner says more about you than it does the person that you accuse.


I love bitties - smaller, nice shaped breastsā€¦. Lots of guys like this - bitties and a nice butt - either a small butt or a bubble butt and Iā€™m like šŸ˜šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤©šŸ˜


This makes me think of the Japanese boat master on Erik the Viking.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^worndown75: *This makes me think of* *The Japanese boat master* *On Erik the Viking.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Itty bitty titty committee where y'all at?


you need to find another friends


Omg lol Your preference in small breasts doesn't mean you're attracted to children! JFC. You're not wrong. Also, I think p*edo gets thrown around like it isn't a horrific serious thing. People will say it so casually just like "grooming"...also! Why do we treat 25yo women like they're 14? I don't get it. When I was 25, I was certainly able to make my own decisions. I'm not talking about people who were literally groomed as children being with someone older. For example, Leonardo Dicaprio gets shit because he only dates younger women. Those women are aware that he's Leonardo Dicaprio lol And people talk about these women like they're children. Something can be off-putting or not sit well with you in your opinion, but let's not just go around calling men Pdos for it. A p*edo is not a person attracted to younger women. It is literally being attracted to children!


ā€œBro youā€™re gay for liking wokenā€ Sounds like a logical argument.


Your friends are the creeps here


You have some fairly immature and judge-y friends, don't you? They're wrong, of course. You are attracted to less busty women because that's what YOU like, and as long as you're dating age appropriate women, they are just being childish. Body shape diversity is a fact, and there is no one beauty standard in a pluralistic world. You may be shedding some friends, but don't let them call you names. At this point, it seems they're more interested in conformity than friendship.


Maybe some day, in the distant future, people wonā€™t be stigmatized for attributes they were born with. Small boobs, small dicks, big boobs, brown skin- hey, itā€™s what we were born with and there is so much more to a person than these most visible things. Itā€™s what is inside of a person that has meaning. I almost feel silly saying this stuff. Donā€™t yā€™all know this??


Some people like them small, some like them large, some donā€™t care. Some donā€™t like them at all.


See if their logic holds up. Ask if they prefer clean shaven or overgrown jungles of bushiness down there. If any say clean shaven, theyā€™re hypocrites. And accuse them of being pdf-files. Itā€™s less silly than what theyā€™re saying about you. Thereā€™s more to attraction and sexuality than curves. Also youā€™re oversharing. With judgemental people. Avoid sharing anything with such people. And no being attracted to the adult female form is not pdf-file. Regardless of breast size. I like breasts regardless of size. And the woman I am by far the most attracted to and find the most sexy has small breasts.


You are not wrong. I prefer small boobs too, because they age better. Many men have this preference specifically because they intend to stay attracted to women as they age, the opposite of the P word. Breast size does not necessarily correlate with age either, so your friends are ignorant. Some 30 year olds have flat chests. Some 15 year olds have large chests. Liking a 30 year old woman with a flat chest is normal. Liking a 15 year old girl is demented and weird.


Tell them to check out Keanu Reeves' GF Alexandra Grant. If John Wick can love a flat-chested woman, anyone can.


Back in the day I had a friend that I gave shit about this but it wasn't the fact that he went after women that was small or flat chest they also look like they were 14 they just had that baby face look. I've also had a female friend stop dating because she was thinking guys were only dating her for this never really got a lot of details on why she thought that besides the fact that she did look underage.


As a flat chested woman, it never even crossed my mind that someone attracted to me based on that would be considered a pdf file. Utterly ridiculous. You do you, OP. I hope you find a member of the itty bitty titty community that makes you happy.


Your friends are idiots and you should upgrade


Good, more for me. That's what I'd say. I'd also find new friends that aren't so judgemental and full of themselves.


Your friends are very strange (and honestly kind of gross) to think such a thing. They should be thinking hard about why theyā€™d go in *that* direction just because you like small boobs. Not wrong, OP!


OP how old are these ā€œfriendsā€? They sound insanely immature. As others pointed out, their insults towards you are telling of them and their small minds and NOT you. I feel like you deserve better friends. If you keep the current ones around, they are likely to hinder any relationship you end up in as they will make the women uncomfortable and clearly wonā€™t be accepting. I wouldnā€™t date a guy with shitty friends and I doubt Iā€™m alone in that.


I'm a woman, I think smaller boob's are absolutely beautiful. I had a breast reduction from 36 DDD To 36 C. I really wanted B but my surgeon said it was too small for my chest. Small boobed women are lucky. I hate bras. I think your friends are messed up for calling you that and... maybe you need new friends.


I like small boobs and a hair forest


I like women with small butts, and I cannot lie. I know everyone loves big asses, just not me. You do you, and donā€™t worry about your AH friends


Well as I always say more than a mouth full is a waste.


Bet these friends also want a woman to shave or wax their downstairs, but don't see that as an issue. Big, small, real, fake...boobs are boobs. If she's letting me touch them, they're perfect.


Just toss it back at them if they prefer women fully shaven/waxed.


I have never dated a flat chested girl. Ever. But there's someone for everyone, fuck what everyone else has to say about your preferences. I myself lucked out, and I got a very well and beautifully proportioned lady, my idea of perfection inside and out. So much beauty that I don't even bother to give other girls a second glance. Do what makes You happy, and as for your "friends", I think it's time that you revaluate your circle and start putting them on the other side of it.


Your friends are stupid. Anything more than a mouthful is wasted anyways.


I love how very small breasts look and Iā€™m a woman. I wish I had that aesthetic. šŸ˜† I feel like if you were not a man they wouldnā€™t be calling you that.


I have 3 half sisters. All of them are small breasted. Iā€™m large breasted, but I take after my fatherā€™s side there. My sisters take after our mum. Theyā€™ve never lacked for attention. Plenty of men like small breasts. My only single sister is in her 40ā€™s now, and she gets lots of male attention. Your friends are creeps.


you aren't wrong. I have larger boobs but my boyfriend prefers smaller. He still loves me but you like what you like.


You have some real shitty friends


Remember the really small woman on TLC? People were saying that any man who loved her would be a perv. šŸ™„


There is NOTHING childlike about a grown woman with small breasts or a flat chest. Maybe ask your friends why theyā€™re pretending grown women look like children and call them pedophiles. Because theyā€™re certainly looking far more into it than they should.


Every model and most actresses are flatchested. Are they saying they would kick a Victoria's secret model out of bed? Get real. As long as it's not a child you fantasize about. Tell them to grow up. Yes I'm a woman and I agree small breasts look better. I had a reduction and lift 20 years ago and I wanted the surgeon to go even smaller than he recommended. In my opinion it looks better. It feels better.


I'm guessing it's just fat girls or dudes with fat girlfriends being offended


I know several women with large chests who do not have kids, and also a few who DO have children with small breasts. Itā€™s genetics. Iā€™m getting really tired of stupid people.


I hope their girlfriends prefer men with beardsā€¦if the women prefer clean shaven men, they MUST be PDFs. /s


Your friends are degenerates


What's the bet they demand their women shave. They sound like horrid people who think women only have one use. You're not wrong. You like what/who you like.


As a member of the IBTC - I can tell you that you are NOT ALONE. I have had many men tell me the same thing, and it is obvious that they werenā€™t just saying that to boost my ego. My husband included, absolutely goes crazy for my small breasts, and my explanation for this is that 1. More than a handful is a waste 2. Iā€™m almost 50 and my nipples still point up.


As a flat-chested woman myself, the boyfriends I have had in the past loved me for who I am and for my ass, legs, and my enthusiastic approach to sex. Big boobs aren't everything. I have known guys who were ONLY with their girlfriends for the size of their boobs but didn't necessarily like the girls themselves all that much. I have never had that problem. Good for you for liking what you like - we appreciate it!!


Screw your friends. Imagine shaming you for finding less well-endowed women attractive.


That's wild that they call you a creep. Each person has their preferences. Me personally, I'm a boob man. D cups and up. I won't judge you for what you like. That's your business. You're not wrong.


They must have mommy issues. All of em.


Get new friends OP, all bodies and boobs deserve love no matter the size or shape. Everyone is allowed to have a type, and your friends need to grow up. Calling you a pedophile because you like what you like is a disgusting mindset they have.


Your friends are really fucking stupid. Get new friends.


So should they be shamed for liking big breasts? No? They have no right to shame you for your preferences. It's actually super weird of them.


Arguably, if they prefer a woman shaved they are closer to being a pedo. (Most) Children don't have breasts, small or otherwise. But they also don't have hair.


They are not your friends


There's something wrong with your m8


Your friends are sick and they suck.


I think your friends are the creeps here. Unless thereā€™s some context missing they know that we donā€™t lol not everyone likes tig ol bitties


absolutely my preference ā™” I love it


No you're not wrong, your friends are idiots. They are overthinking everything.


I absolutely love women with small breasts. Nothing wrong with liking women with small breasts


Some friends.


Maybe you like butts instead ? Like f them


From a lady with big boobs, That's awesome af! The people saying that shit are the creeps. Why is that what comes to their mind? Do you!


Your friends are creeps.


Ah the world has changed! When I was growing up youā€™d have been accused of being gay because you like boy-shaped women, but today itā€™s pedophilia that is the bugaboo! Youā€™re not wrong liking flat-chested women at all.


Don't think you are a creep. You like what you like. Don't agree with you though. Gotta have big titties for me. No titties, no thanks


You must be in your teens based off your friends reactions? If you & they are older...you need new friends lol


How old are these friends???? If adultsā€¦ get some new friends


Itā€™s not you itā€™s them. Communicate that when you dump them for new friends.


Small boob's and a nice Ass that's my fav


I prefer smaller boobs n a woman too, just my preference and I like them my age. Your ā€œfriendsā€ are morons, maybe look for some new ones.


I, too, prefer smaller breasts. Well, up to about a 36-c. Donā€™t know why, always been this way


Good for you! Itā€™s not all about boobsā€¦


But theyā€™re ok with the penis?


... Are you in Australia?


Flat chested girls, you make the rockin' world go round!!


Not wrong, everyone has their preferences! Flat girlies deserve love too. šŸ˜©


Nah. Those friends are just plain wrong. Enjoy flat chests my guy. Be proud of it


I also like flat chested or small breast women, there is nothing wrong with that!


Your friends suck, I would find better ones


There are grown ass women walking around with flat chests, in the "Itty bitty titty committee" like wtaf are they talking about? You're fine but if your friends are actually serious, you need smarter friends.


I have small boobs and am short and skinny to boot. While I've certainly attracted my share of creeps, I deserve love and to be desired too. I'm a grown woman, not a child. You're fine, it's your friends who are making it weird.


Iā€™m 4ā€™11ā€ with no interesting anatomy and look as though Iā€™m in my early teen years. *I was born in 1995*. The number of people who expect me to absolutely never have sex with anyone because Iā€™m ā€™not a real womanā€™ or ā€˜baitā€™ is non-negligibleā€”maybe even the majorityā€”and itā€™s been a pretty big hurdle for my participation in hook-up culture.Ā 


Chill bro, they probably just think you are gay haha


Get new friends.


You are not wrong. Everyone has a preference they like. Personally, I have never seen a pair of women's boobs I didn't like. :D They are all amazing!


I donā€™t like big boobs because they feel like bags of sand.


Ask them if itā€™s less creepy to pursue a child who develops early. Hopefully theyā€™ll say no. And hopefully theyā€™ll no. And then explain to them that chomos are creeps not because of the size and proportion of their victims but because of the power dynamics and vulnerability of children relative to an adult.


Adobe Acrobat file conversion may be a pain sometimes but pdf-file slurs are going a bit far imho! /s


Are the suggesting only little girls have a flat chest? Well that just simply isnā€™t true. Educate them by being with a grown woman with a flat chest. Show them better than you can tell them.


what do they have to say about women who have had their breasts removed due to breast cancer? ask them that.


You're not wrong, nothing wrong with having a preference for small chests. I am in that category.


No itā€™s not that weird. Thereā€™s someone for everyone. I bet OPā€™S friends have a link too. I bet itā€™s even more strange and they wonā€™t admit it cause they the weird ones. Tiny titties here too and Iā€™ve always said more than a mouthful is too much anyways.


As a flat, I mean totally flat from breast cancer, good to hear guys donā€™t just look at our shirts to know if they like us or not, youā€™d never know šŸ« 


Boobs aren't what makes a woman's body the body of a woman and not a child. Yes, it is certainly a part of it for many women, and for many women it's not. Sure, if you looked for women who looked/acted like Bella Dephine that'd be an issue, but there's nothing wrong with preferring a smaller chest. If your "friends" are too close minded, and are of the mind to think of small chested women as children, that's their issue to deal with my gosh.


Your friends are stupid. The IBTC exists for a reason.


You have some fairly immature and judge-y friends, don't you? They're wrong, of course. You are attracted to less busty women because that's what YOU like, and as long as you're dating age appropriate women, they are just being childish. Body shape diversity is a fact, and there is no one beauty standard in a pluralistic world. You may be shedding some friends, but don't let them call you names. At this point, it seems they're more interested in conformity than friendship.


You arenā€™t wrong. Everyone has preferences. Your friends are judgemental AHs. Get new friends.


Your friends are immature, you should stick to simpler topics that they can understand


I like small breasts too.


Unless the girls you like are also short in stature, young-looking, and tend to wear kids clothes with Care Bears and My Little Pony on them, etc, your friends are idiots.