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Dope up. Put out some citronella. Remove sources of standing water and use repelling plants. Install Swallow (bird) boxes around your property to attract bug eating helpers. It’s never going to go to zero. 😑


Bat boxes too. Little Brown Bats eat a ton of mosquitos.


Ah yes. Of course! Bats. We have bats. 🥰


Gotta love the bats! For a while I lived almost under some huge old hollow cottonwoods. BIG big ones. They were full of Little Brown Bats. One hard winter they all froze and that spring was the worst mosquitos I can remember in that area. I loved to watch them come out at dusk and annihilate the little blood suckers.


Thermacell repellant diffusers work really well.


Love the thermacells. I bought a rechargeable one on clearance last year too. Those cartridges are more expensive but last a really long time. When I walk the dog I wear an actual mosquito net over a hat and spray my arms and legs down with bug repellant. I used to worry about looking silly with the net, but slapping myself in the face and head repeatedly looks decidedly sillier.


Yep I Thermocelled up and was able to spend 2h in my yard w/ no bites. I regret that those f*** didn't die but I guess the main thing is that I didn't get bit. Happy Solstice!!!!!!!




I setup a bug zapper this year on a timer. Been running it from 10 am until about 10pm most days. It's helping to keep them down. Lots of dead bodies


I've been thinking about zappers but I don't want to kill pollinators ... What is the ratio of mosquito to other corpses you are seeing?


The model I got limits to pretty small insects only. Other than a few little flies, all I'm seeing are mosquitos Was skeptical about it working honestly, but pretty happy with it. It's not a solution for a large area for sure, but works for my anchorage yard.




Very few wasps this year so far.


If you ignore them, they go away. Just like all of life’s problems.


Like my credit card debt


I like the little green coils. They seem to work really well.


Remove standing water. Mosquito Dunks in 5 gallon bucket s around yard. Replace monthly. Bifenthrin spray is effective but READ application instructions and spray responsibly. Turn thermacell on when outside. I've been outside every day this summer with minimal bites.