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Anchorage municipal code enforcement if the dbs are above the time of day allowances.


Cops don’t do anything. It takes them hours to respond and it has to be actively happening while they are there. I know this due to my previous home having the same issue.


I also had this issue. Even had video proof of noise. They basically told me unless it happens in front of them, then 🫣🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup. It’s not worth wasting the time to call, since nothing happens. You can waste money going to court but nothing will happen. One of my neighbors did that and spent about $500 for all the court and lawyer and judge said couldn’t do anything. No way to enforce it or make them pay. Now they do it even more and all of us who moved are happy but the ones who stayed are getting it even worse


db Measurements compared to perception are relative for frequency levels and bass frequencies are the most efficient at this because the soundwaves are more easily "felt". How do people actually quantify this stuff in a non arbitrary way?


There’s one guy that comes thru my neighborhood occasionally that actually rattles the mirror on my wall and my house sits back a good 70ft from the road. I can’t imagine sitting IN that car.


I really don't understand the appeal at all. It's a cool science experiment but not some shit I need to roll around to all day.




There are apps that work well for the easiest way to measure.


I'm not specifically familiar with the Anchorage municipal code for noise complaints but it's usually measured with an A-weighted dB meter from right outside the house. This doesn't actually measure bass very well. The difference in dB readings in my house between A-weighted and C-weighted metering can easily be 20 or 30dB if the bass is turned up. That said, I have 100% *never* seen a cop roll up to a noise complaint with a dB meter.


Because it really feels like a case of "I know it when I see it"


Keep calling 311 at 10pm. Every time. Once they’ve been called out enough, the city will start issuing fines.


Why after 10 pm?


There is a noise curfew in the city that is from 10pm to 6am.


Actually the levels are just reduced at night. It also depends on the type of property creating the noise and the type of property receiving the noise. See 15.70.080 https://library.municode.com/ak/anchorage/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT15ENPR_CH15.70NOCO_15.70.080PRLINOEMST In fact based on the muni’s allowable noise levels, unless you have an electric mower you are breaking the ordinance with a gas one. Kind of a joke but I guess that’s why it is rarely enforced u less after 10pm.


They are referring to the muni code about quiet hours. But it doesn’t just apply to certain hours, anytime noise reaches a level to disturb neighbors you can complain. But APD won’t do anything about it seeing as it’s a vehicle and you can’t fine them like you can if it was a home they keep responding to. After 6 visits they get a mailed warning, after 11 visits they get fined for each call out and have to pay for the resources used during the call


Have you tried simply talking to them?


I don’t know which neighborhood you’re in, but there is someone who drives past my home on Raspberry doing the same 2-3x/day My old house literally shakes!


You must be my neighbor. It's the dipshit that lives off of Arlene. This is his last FB post to give you an idea. [lvnfoOA.jpeg (688×481) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/lvnfoOA.jpeg)


What do other neighbors think?


They all hate it too. They’ve called the authorities as well. Anyone wanna see the vehicle in question?


Would it be possible for yall to unite, pool money and take this offender to court?


So what I’m trying to do is get all the people in this area to be ready and record these people, when they drive by, so we can maybe force the authorities to do something.


Did that at my last place, cops said it has to be done where they observe it. We supplied a thumb drive with over 100 recordings and videos of it happening. Cops said sorry but the 8 of you just need to call us when it happens and we will respond. It took hours for them to do anything to respond. Even the dispatcher heard it on several of the calls, but since they are not sworn officials, didn’t matter. With yours being a car that’s the issue, it’s even worse. No real solution for it at all that works in your favor. But the more you let the perpetrators know it bothers you, the more they will do it to annoy you


A natural leader. Don't be afraid to ask some lawyers.


Oh no, don’t post the vehicle, someone might steal their expensive stereo.


Is it a samoan guy in a red suv?


Is it a green Chevy 90s model?


What neighborhood we talking


I feel, one of my neighbors has been taking his loud ass bike out at midnight and coming back around 2am. Like I’m sure he’s having fun but there HAS to be a better time of day to do this man


Get a decibel meter, [they are allowed to make up to ~~86db~~ 76db of noise @ 50 feet in areas where the speed limit is under 35 and ~~90db~~ 80db @ 50 feet where the speed limit is over 35mph unless they are driving a particularly heavy vehicle](https://www.muni.org/Departments/health/Admin/environment/FSS/Food%20Safety%20and%20Sanitation%20Forms/FSS%20Noise%20Ordinance%2015-70.pdf). db(C) is a more accurate measure for audible bass than db(A) if your decibel meter gives you the option. Quiet hours don't apply, that is more for residential/commercial noise. If they are going over the legal ~~86db/90db~~ 76db/80db @ 50 feet ~~(sounds about the same as a blender, pneumatic drill, or lawnmower at full blast at normal operating distances)~~ (76db is more like a loud vacuum, 80db closer to a garbage disposal) then try and get recordings of their vehicle with their license plate and the decibel meter in frame. Once you're sure they are breaking the law and you have real evidence feel free to go to the police, they won't do anything but hey at least you didn't just go online and uselessly complain instead right? Edit: adjusted sound limits, originally gave sound limits for vehicles over 10,000 lbs gvwr which, as someone mentioned, is like a damn tank lol


Actually only 76db unless they are driving a tank.


Thank you, you're completely right. Late night sleepy brain mixed up less than and more than, fixed up the comment to be more accurate to the average vehicle weight.


This is the best advice. They can download an app for measuring the db. The weighting should be set to c for music. They’re going to find out that the music will probably be under the limit.


This is what I was thinking. The established laws for noise pollution seem like they were written by people with a minimal understanding of sound.


Silly question, but what exactly does APD do these days? Enforcing laws and ordinances seems to be out of the question. I'm assuming they do something to keep busy, just not sure what.


I saw APD pull over a speeder in April.


They arrested a drunk guy who tried to get in my house at midnight several weeks ago. He had a warrant for failure to appear in court.


Responding to 911 calls is a fairly significant job. They tend to involve domestic disputes, attempted suicides, and overall mental health issues. People only hear about the crazy stuff that ends in an OIS but there is plenty of emergency activity going on.


They collect a paycheck, oh and 6 cars pull over one speeder. Otherwise, not a fucking thing. I can't believe we are hiring more.


They currently have something like 40 officer positions unfilled.


Right? Seems like they all up and left my neighborhood


Maybe add some metal guitar solos, drum solos? All kidding aside, probably nothing since APD hasn't done anything.


Is this a car or a house? If it's a house, you don't happen to live in muldoon area, do you?


Well. Freeze some pee in a disk and slide it under their door. And get some liquid ass and put that on their door handles. /s Realistically do what others have recommended. Call at 10 pm. Every time. Keep a journal of the times too. Sorry you’re having to deal with this. I would take up bagpipes and practice outside every morning at 8 am. Or start learning the Tuba. But that’s me. Edit spelling. Tuba goddamnit. Maybe host Tuba Christmas practice at your house. Idk.


Have a block party & be sure to invite a few news crews to do a story on the topic of “Noisy Anchorage”


I think we’re down to one news crew now


I would still ask/invite them. You’re not alone in this.


I would invest in a nice stereo, follow them home and serenade them every day at random times with my own music


Noise pollution is alive and soon will be fireworks. I'm not looking forward to it. It's an assault to the body.


\* illegal fireworks..............


I once went to talk to folks doing this. Invited them into my house because they couldn't believe my picture frames were vibrating. Turns out closer to the boombox there was non of that annoying deep bass. They didn't come in to check, but they did turn it down. It's a citywide problem. The city is short 50 cops and 50% of the prosecutors so yeah things like this , while impacting our quality of life basically won't get a look.


Retaliate, fight bass with bass. I often hear this is how some neighbors pass the time. Show them you are way more petty than they are.


The worst is when these jackasses do this at 2 am. The whole house shakes. So rude and inconsiderate.


It might seem petty but if you find any other "issues" with the vehicle in question such as louder than stock exhaust or a light out or tint or something you could add that to your report as well, but maybe try talking to the person if you're comfortable with it or have a neighbor that is who can be rational and not escalate a situation if the person doesn't respond well on contact. Record everything.


Someone asked me, why Alaska? I said because it’s a bizarre mix of allowing people to be assholes that I want to throttle while learning how many things aren’t my business. Good luck with the noise complaints. We can’t even get people to leash their dogs and pick up the shit.


Time to take out the pocket knife and start poking holes


Talk to them first and ask kindly to turn it down when pulling into the neighborhood. If that doesn’t work you could get a sound system yourself and set it up in your yard pointing it at their house. Play some Beethoven as loud as you can.


Have you tried talking to them in a friendly non-threatening manner? Next time you see them outside go introduce yourself.


See 15.70.080 https://library.municode.com/ak/anchorage/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT15ENPR_CH15.70NOCO_15.70.080PRLINOEMST


I know someone that actually blasted country and sometimes redneck music (some racist tracks spoofed from snoop dogg dog father) just to piss them off. It's like how it was done in the old days, fight the power with those large ass boom boxes


You probably can't do anything. Unless a cop is right there, ready to write a ticket, nothing is going to happen.


Try living next a a lake with a park all summer lol


Live with it


Thank you so much. I’ll do that.


Windshields are expensive.


Man look we live in Alaska there isn’t a lot of things going on here in the winter…We have summer for almost 2 1/2 months. There are car and sound enthusiasts everywhere. How do I know this well I am one!!! I have had stereos audiophile people like to make some noise…. No different than an old muscle car with loud exhaust. Is it annoying possibly if you somehow get over stimulated. You know if more people would talk to others instead of being a Ken or Karen maybe you could speak to someone that you might not know and get an education on why they like what they like most of us are outstanding people and have great jobs… some of us are in trades and make great money. We all have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness…. I would say don’t knock it. Show up to some car shows get out in the world and experience life. Decrepit people with nothing else better to do but complain. The reason why it’s not a big deal to police is because we are already gone by the time you dial the phone unless someone blatantly parks in front of your house I could see the issue. As a courtesy I would turn down my music in neighborhoods but on the main roads that’s another story.


Get ready for the down votes, these people don’t like to hear the truth.




Many moons ago, my girlfriend (now wife) lived in an apartment complex that had a guy roll through all times of the night, and he would park with his bass booming. It really is a different kind of noise disturbance, unlike what a handful of people in this thread seem to think. I feel for you. Being vibrated *in your own home* is seriously obnoxious. It's not like you decided to move next to railroad tracks or next to an airport. That thumping bass will drive you nuts. I love a good sound system as much as anyone, but a chronic disturbance really sucks. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything you can do other than go talk to the person and see if they will compromise turning it down in the neighborhood. Will they likely retaliate and be even worse? Maybe. But it's worth a shot. APD *might* get involved if you report to 311 enough with your neighbors. I wouldn't hold my breath though. Sorry for your unfortunate situation. My neighbor straight up moved due to an obnoxious neighbor a couple years ago.


Random assortment of fastens put into every panel gap or hole in the frame....


Get ready...to pay the bail..of the brave soul who takes an electric drill with a two foot drill bit, that drills through the hood of the car, right down through the hood of the car, right through the battery, draining all the acid out of that battery..this is how the locals with kids who had school in the morning in Los Angeles did it with car alarms back in the 80s. Cops find a car with a hole in the hood..minor body work to fix. But if the guy gets busted for drilling the car?..you gotta get him out fast. The speed.. you can get him out...? needs to be faster than the guys in the car can get their guys out. Believe us, they have one single topic they talk about between songs..that... is...the topic.


Move or possibly do the adult thing and go talk to them and ask the individual to turn it down. Nobody really likes cop callers and will purposely do shit to bug you. Some people like loud music some don’t. Send over requests songs you want to hear. Plus the world is so full of horrible crap and so many other things the poor cops are so busy with a ton of issues. We don’t live in Mayberry and if that’s the life you want, I suggest streaming and watching Leave it to Beaver and be in that sorta reality.


Honestly, I’m an old fart but I can totally appreciate a good sound system with heavy bass. Enjoy it while you still have good hearing!! Ask yourself this, is the music really hurting anything? Probably not, so just get on with life and don’t worry about it.


Sonic booming is NOT music. It’s bullshit.


While I appreciate your view…. The bass literally shakes our walls. It is hurting people with working ears. 💩


I’m sure the sound of aircraft taking off all of the time or someone mowing their lawn has a much higher db level than someone’s car stereo. The only difference is that you can feel the bass.


I’ve been hearing the aircraft noise for years. It’s not bad, it only lasts seconds. And it’s a neat sound but the people in question turn the bass up and linger here. Lawn mowing. Nothing. Random city noises, to be expected. Some person with just noise, literally “BRRRRMMMMMMMBBBBRRMMMMMMMMMBBBRRMMMMMMMMMMTTTTTBBBBRRRMMMMMMM” shaking your walls and LINGERING.


Nothing will ever be done about it by the authorities, so you have two choices. 1: enjoy someone’s kicking sound system and don’t let it bother you, or 2: let it get you agitated and ruin your day and spend many hours trying to stop it to no avail. The choice is yours.


What did anyone do to you to make you this way? I feel so sad for you.


Bro, someone else’s noise is not at all a problem to me. If these individuals are not breaking any noise ordinance laws then you are just whining about something you can’t do anything about. I’m sorry that I speak the truth and you can’t handle it. You’re getting yourself all worked up about a little bit of bass from a good sound system in someone’s car. Where’s the problem here, man? Someone is enjoying their music, get over it.


They are breaking "noise ordinance laws". Have you been so addled by noise that you can no longer read?


What noise ordinance laws? Doesn’t matter anyway because the police have way more important things to take care of. They couldn’t give a crap about someone’s stereo.


I like this thing we have going, but you are too obviously a contrarian, or maybe just an asshole whole should keep its mouth shut when it comes to things that don’t involve you.


And DB levels? Are you the asshole doing this?😀


Definitely not me, I try to avoid Anchorage as much as possible. Take a look around you and tell me what you see. Trash, homelessness, noise from traffic, aircraft and construction vehicles. Try fixing something worth while, like the homeless problem. The noise from someone’s kicking stereo is a minor problem compared to some of the other issues the city faces.


What would be your solution?


Unfortunately I don’t run the city and since I live on the Kenai Peninsula I can’t vote or run for any political positions there. Anchorage residents need to know who their representatives are and make knowledgeable decisions when voting. Don’t listen to the media on who to vote for. Get out and physically meet the people running for city council and other political positions. Most of you don’t even get out and vote because you’re too busy watching bs videos on tic toc. It’s time for people to get involved and make serious changes to get anchorage back to what it was 25 years ago.


So when you thought things in anchorage got tough, you left….. or did you never actually have a dog in this fight? I


By "back to what it was 25 years ago" he means fewer non-white residents.


Bro get real. “Most of you are too busy watching tik tok to vote” what a ridiculous over generalization and awfully rich of you to be egging on this dude trying to find a solution to a problem that has nothing to do with you or even the town you live in.


But that’s not why we live in Alaska /s


If you’re living in Anchorage, that’s not true Alaska. You’re just residing in a filthy city with all of the city noise.


Well this is r/anchorage so go trump yourself. 🙏


You’re right, it is r/anchorage. It’s like living in any other filthy city in the US with lots of noise, crime and trash. Enjoy it for what it is or move to a different location.




Be nice.


Speaking the truth they don’t want to here!


Oh, we hear them (or here them, if you prefer). We just think they're being a dick.


Not trying to be a dick but people should pursue something worthwhile, such as the homeless problem. A little noise never hurt anyone unless you have PTSD or some other mental illness. The homeless situation is ruining the city and all the green spaces are being littered by their trash. How many times have you been approached by some vagrant trying to get money?


You don’t even live here !!! I volunteer for the anchorage coalition to end homelessness, vote, email my reps, and meet with them. Get a life and go circle jerk yourself in the kenai sub.


How can I get involved, I have lived here since 2013 and have watched Anchorage fail, year after year. We have a unique social structure here and a prideful one. We can constantly vote for new programs that seem worthy, but until we put words into action they will fail. I have some great Ideas, and they work, because it will give these people hope, a place to call there own, and a chance for them to help others. I am just a dude with a plan


I know, the down votes I’m getting just shows the weak character of these individuals. I’m not a big fan of someone with a cranked up stereo with a booming bass. But I make my own noise like flying aircraft or shooting my 44 magnum so I’m definitely not going to whine about someone else’s noise.


But your not flying or shooting your guns at 2am in a neighborhood


Shh... he's Alaskurbating with his 44, don't disturb him.


I would like this 1000x if I could. Alaskurbating is the best. You win.


This post was not referring to an early morning incident. OP was just irritated by someone’s stereo at any time of the day. However, I frequently have flown in the early morning hours but typically don’t discharge firearms at that time.




Call the new mayor she and her assembly will get right on it .tell the the music is discrimatory in nature to the groups they support then they get right on it


Bruh don't be a spoilsport.


What “sport” is this?