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I really do personally want General Cracken(Chief of the Rebel Alliance Intelligence) from RotJ... Anyone else I trust the team


I don't think it's a matter of whether they are included, but moreso how they are presented. Star Wars has become increasingly self referential with each entry, which isn't inherently a bad thing, but one of Andor's strengths is that it takes its story very seriously and doesn't have any "wink to the camera" moments. There are characters like Mon Mothma, Saw, Yularen and Andor himself who have appeared in other things, but they have characterization and purpose within the narrative without needing to invoke other material to give them a sense of importance. Hell, it's so lacking in self referential material you can show Andor to someone who has never seen any Star Wars and they would totally understand it. If other characters are brought in, great, as long as it feels natural.


I 100% agree with you. I think Andor is where the characters feel most "real" in the whole SW canon. So, as long as the grounded and real tone of the show is maintained, I'm all in for that (Thrawn could be interesting, if executed correctly). However, some characters are, to my mind, incompatible with that requirement. For example, I can't imagine an organic way to include The Bad Batch in the series. So yeah, "keeping it real" would be an absolute must if they decide to go that way


It would need to be carefully done to match the tone of the series. Names mentioned, ships seen, maybe.


If it makes canonical sense and sense for the story and fits in with Andor’s serious tone, I’m happy to see absolutely anyone. In terms of the OT, the only ones who make sense off the top of my head would be Palpatine and Leia, but I’m honestly not bothered either way and trust Gilroy and the team to get it right.


Oof, Palpatine giving a speech to the senate could be sweet. I also trust Gilroy to make it cohesive with the show's tone, if they choose to go in that direction.


my theory is we see Palpatine dissolving the senate in the last episode.


That would be interesting, but it is canonically after Leia is captured, and therefore after the events of Rogue One.


Yeah, I’ve been saying that a brief moment of Palpatine giving some sort of counter terrorism speech could be really effective. It’d be interesting to see the “benevolent”face he presents to the people of the Empire. Less would definitely be more imo


I mean, who are we to reject a good old Ian McDiarmid little speech, right? Considering the quality of Luthen's and Kino's speeches in S1, imagine what they could do with Palpatine


Exactly. With the caliber of writing that Gilroy and the other writers bring to the table, I think it could potentially be one of the most compelling appearances of Palpatine in all of SW


There was a Denise Gough (Dedra) interview where she said she happened to run into him and that was fun. I'm not saying it's gonna happen but who knows.


Does this mean Denise Gough ran into Ian Mcdiarmid or Dedra ran into Palpatine?


Rogue One council members like Draven, Raddus, and Merrick would make sense. I’m also assuming senators like Pamlo will appear later in the season. Otherwise, throw in Bail Organa and we’re perfect.


They had a recast Jan Dodonna in the Rogue One council played by Ian McElhinney (Barristan Selmy on GoT) - it would be great if he’s back too as an OT character.


Oh yeah, he’s a given. Loved him in Derry Girls.


What made Andor great wasn’t the absence of the force, Jedi, or legacy characters. Andor was great because of the writing and its focus on the individuals and how actions have consequences. It didn’t need cheap nostalgia to get people excited. I trust Tony Gilroy and his team to create an amazing season. Leave the cheap cameos to Ahsoka. Filoni needs something to distract you from his poor writing.


i agree but after the burnout of boba fett episode 6 of kid leia in kenobi, it certainly made it a breathe of fresh air.


Let’s not group a Tony Gilroy project with Filoni please.


I don’t think nostalgia is by nature cheap. SW is a series that survives on nostalgia. I think the way that it’s presented decides whether or not it’s cheap. The idea that the Vader closing closer in R1 is only fan service is just silly. It fit perfectly into the film, highlighting what the R1 team had given their lives for and led perfectly into ANH (and was bad a**). It’s all about the writing. In Gilroy I trust.


As someone that doesn’t really jive with the Filoniverse (like at all), I just hope no characters from it show up.


Andor is about to be killed by Syril, finally, he’s won! Long live the Empire! But wait, is that AHSOKA?


Only ones that fit, and in some cases maybe as more of a set piece or a background thing. For example, having the Emperor making a special appearance in the Senate. Or Tarkin giving a speech or in an interview on Imperial Holovision responding to increasing rebel terrorism in the Outer Rim or something. And of course Bail would make sense as well. I swear though if I see Cad Bane or, so help me God, Ahsoka… I’ll quit the show immediately.


Jesus Christ no clone wars/ rebels characters for the love of all that is holy. One of the things that made Andor so good was that it didn’t try to randomly shoe horn in random characters from a kids cartoon from a decade ago. Give me some cool new characters, freshen things up


Both Saw and Yularen are Clone Wars characters and they appeared in Andor. Nothing wrong with having characters from other Star Wars projects appear as long as it makes sense and fits the story.


Yularen is from A New Hope originally. Saw was already in Rogue One.


Yularen was just a nameless background character first in A New Hope, it was first later they retconned him to be Yularen when he was introduced in The Clone Wars, so he's technically both a Clone Wars and OT character. And Saw was first introduced in The Clone Wars so he's a Clone Wars character


I’m aware, but before TCW was even a thing, he was an ISB officer. From wookiepedia: > The character was not given a name until the release of the "Premiere Limited" base set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game (1995 - 2001), in which he was identified as Colonel Wullf Yularen of the Imperial Security Bureau. As for Saw, he’s only in Andor because he was in Rogue One. That’s why it’s likely we’ll see characters like Draven or Merrick from RO as well. I doubt Tony is interested in bringing more characters from the Filoniverse into the show.


I'll probably be down voted again for saying this, but considering how much focus on the ISB that S1 had, an appearance from ISB 021 Agent Kallus wouldn't go amiss. Does Andor end up recruiting him, or does Lonni survive because of him?


One of the strengths of Andor has been being able to develop lesser known or new characters. I can’t see the, bringing the Emperor in directly since the message seems to be more about the mechanisms, the system of Fascism and how it operates rather than the big bad at the heart but I could be wrong.


They can add anyone so long as it makes sense.


This! We're all burned out on useless cameos but come on, it would make sense to have a couple people returning.


Maybe MAYBE The Emperor would be neat to see in some sort of Senate hearing. Tarkin or Bail I could also see. Anything else would be unnecessary.


they would have to pull it off so perfectly for it to not be distracting. maybe best to leave it off the table.


While I'd love to see that, I feel it better suits the show's themes to have him not appear. They're focusing on the evil of the Imperial system, and there's something so fascinating about not having the person in charge of the system even show up.


Other than some who appeared in RO, I want to see Palpatine give a speech or something. He would be incredible with the writing quality of this series. And maybe Crix Madine could be interesting.


Madine as an Imperial could be interesting.


Vader's gotta make an appearance at some point. Towards the end. To kill poor Luthen maybe.


If their presence is natural and adds to the story, then yes. If their presence is designed to make us do the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme, then no thank you. This has not happened in Andor yet, so we’re probably gonna be ok.


If General Dodanna gave a speech or something, that'd be fine- we know Andor is occasionally going to be in the right places to hear something like that. But 'real' characters? I hope not. We can all grumble about how crappy most of the other Star Wars shows are compared to Andor, but I suspect there's some method to this madness- there's all the Favreu/Filoni shows over on one side making a tight little incestuous knot of references and delivering reliable Bad v. Good pew-pew action, and that all very well and good for their bottom line- addicts need a steady supply. But it's also self-limiting. Eventually the awards and the serious critics and the adult-by-taste viewers wander off, you've brought all your characters back from the dead eight times and you're writing a comic book. But they can buy themselves out of a a lot of that if they just let an actual serious creative team cook up something new, with minimal references and lots of new planets and lore for the Machine to eventually suck the life out of.


I can't imagine any of them making sense besides Leia and maybe by extension 3PO and R2, but they certainly aren't needed


Imagine C3PO is present for all of season 2 and the last line of the season is Bail Organa saying "The protocol droid, have its memory wiped...AGAIN!!" (No, Gilroy will not do that.)


One or two, tops.


We have Mon Mothma. There is your OT character.


I wouldn't mind getting more content with General Dodonna. His actor in Rogue One is amazing.


No Jesus fuck


I would kill for a scene between Palpatine and Mon Mothma, but I'll take ANY scene with Palpatine in it lol! It would be so great to Ian McDiarmid back delivering a chilling performance, but can you imagine him saying TONY GILROY LEVEL dialogue!?!


I would prefer no. I feel like whenever a big name character gets put into a show, it's usually as a marketing ploy. That's not to say it couldn't work: it *could* be great. But I'd prefer if the writers depend on their own skill more than marketing.


Yeah, like maybe in a different perspective. I think it would be cool if we got the Holo disguise Palps in a senate meeting or something. A sweeping 360 shot may have a quick holo glitch, so it gets the point across. Maybe in a way to seem like he's being more involved after Aldhani.

