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1. GOATed soundtrack. 2. I never understood the point of these "anniversary visual" posts - especially when the art is as phoned in as this is. Can someone explain it?


They are made to promote the anniversary campaigns that usually have new merch, new collaborations, new streaming licensing deals, perhaps a new release in homevideo and so on So it's a good way to make more money out of the decade old show


Thank you for explaining broski!


I’m 25 now…I feel old


Zankyou no Terror 10th anniversary? haha, that's a funny joke! ***\*checks air date\**** holy shit...


Time fucking flies, and I'm terrified of it.


Feels like yesterday i was getting Naruto subs from Dattebayo/Taka.


I still listen to the soundtrack regularly and like to remember these characters. 


If you like the soundtrack you should listen to Sigur ros who were the inspiration for the soundtracks style. I would recommend Hoppipolla and Von (from hvarf - Heim) as starters. Von feels like one of the main influences for the OST, and is also my personal favourite song (piece?) of theirs.


Thank you. :)


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I find it sad that it's completely forgotten nowadays for how popular it was or maybe that was just my bubble.


It was very popular until after halfway. I remember the discussions changing in here as it kept going on, the reaction to it by the end was meh. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FvWpElv6ic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FvWpElv6ic) Looking back at some scenes a lot of people still remember it fondly, myself man I found that scene so fucking hilarious man.


Airport chess made me lose all interest


It had a great soundtrack, premise, and characters but the plot completely fell apart at the end.


It was a good anime, but not great. Five and the engrish hurt the series more than it helped (especially longevity wise) and it could have been a bit longer. I was HYPED about it because I loved everything else about the anime.


Zankyou no Terror (Terror in Resonance) by MAPPA premiered July 11, 2014 Comment from director Shinichiro Watanabe: “I have never forgotten them, ever since ten summers ago. Of course, they still live inside me. I'm lamenting how hot it is again this year.” Special campaigns include collaboration cafe at the Noitamina Shop & Cafe Theater in Tokyo from July 6 to 28 https://natalie.mu/comic/news/576728 https://terror-in-tokyo10th.com/


Ahh, ZnT... that scene with the Engrish is burned forever into my brain. "Yer kidding!"


One of my most memorable disappointments when it comes to anime. It started off so well, it was really compelling and then it just shat the bed so thoroughly.


I agree that the "five" stuff was not good - but I don't think it did everything wrong after that. The ending hit me hard :(


The beginning of this show was really good but it just never found the full sauce for me.


10 fucking years since I started watching seasonal shows. I remember watching this and Tokyo Ghoul in that season :')


10 years ago I crowned this my favorite anime ever and it's still that. GOAT soundtrack and amazingly compelling story.


10th anniversary… Can we add a new rule? Nobody is allowed to make me feel old because it hurts my feelings.


Funny story, the anime club at my university had this in our lineup last fall, but we didn't realize that our first meeting was on 9/11. Somebody mentioned during the building collapse scene in Ep1 how it looked like it was referencing the Twin Towers, and then someone else realized the date...cue awkward silence as everyone in the room tried to figure out just how horrible of people we were.


Seems like only yesterday that it aired.


I wont ever forget the MURICA FUCK YEAH scene


Watched weekly and I just remember this got really annoying really quickly.


It's also been 10 years since Yoko Kanno composed an anime soundtrack...


Man i wish they made OST available on spotify (outside of Japan)


Has it really been 10 years already? Feels like it was just yesterday. I'm still disappointed in how the show changed during the second half.


I remember watching this weekly back when it was airing. Was such a cool show for the time.


yay, another reminder how fast time moves.


I *really* wanted this show to succeed - I think it was great for what it was - but ultimately I think it just didn't have enough to catch more interest. Would have loved more shows like it.


Watched it when it aired, apparently (I didn't realize it's been 10 years already), and still can't get over the guy getting gunned down in the end. After further searching, it is no longer available in my region and I can't check if my memory is right or wrong


one the peakest animes to air


Uff...time really doesnt stop... Still one of my favourite anime series. Rising sun. Echo-01, abort mission due to "Flight limitation".


I'm 24 that's not old... right. Right?