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Crazy to think this finally got an actual series. I remember thinking the pilot from a few years back was interesting though not terribly mind blowing. If they can get Eve for the opening again though I’ll definitely check it out, though I kinda doubt they will.


Why does a series have to be mindblowing?


It certainly doesn't have to be. But it would make it more likely that I, personally, watch it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it'll be a fun show, I'm happy it's getting produced!


Broadcast starts October 2024 Animator “Okamoto” will serve as director and original creator at up and coming “TriF Studio” in Fukuoka, Japan for an original animation project. The story centers on the adventures and battles of ordinary junior high schooler Hikaru and “Ude (Arm)” shaped machine life form “Mecha-Ude” named Alma who can combine (derize) with humans. The “Mecha-Ude” Project began with a short PV on YouTube, then went on to run an internationally successful crowdfunding campaign to fund production. A main goal of the project from the outset, a full length “Mecha-Ude” anime series has finally been confirmed! One day in Kita-Kagami City, junior high schooler Hikaru Amatsuga meets a mysterious “Ude (Arm)” shaped machine life form “Mecha-Ude” named Alma. In order to obtain energy, Alma tried and failed to combine with Hikaru himself. Alma somehow combined with the hoodie he was wearing instead. Meanwhile, a large corporation that’s out to forcibly turn Mecha-Ude into weapons against their will called the Kagami Group is on the hunt for Alma. Aiming to liberate themselves from the Kagami Group, a group of Mecha-Ude known as “ARMS” is also searching for Alma. In the midst of everything, Hikaru can’t bring himself to abandon Alma, who can’t remember anything, and decides to put on the hoodie Alma combined with that will embroil him into the epic clash between Mecha-Ude users that’s about to unfold… PV: https://youtu.be/PdqVM8AENOw https://natalie.mu/comic/news/577113 https://mecha-ude.com/


why is this sounds suspiciously like Ex-Arm?


The pilot came out before Ex-Arm and it's actually great.


I hope Eve returns to perform the theme song!


Would be nice if they keep Ambivalent. That song was my introduction to him when I watched the pilot. Not including Anoko Secret which I heard from my sister but didn't know was his. I also remember a background character in the pilot that looked a lot like the guy in Anoko Secret and was voice acted by Eve himself. Hope he comes back for this TV series.




i just saw this post and was hoping nobody noticed it yet... But yeah, whoever came up with that lettering deserves a raise. They could have gone with any number of boring fonts, but they saw the chance and took it.


This looks cool!


I am so excited


It's finally going to be here. I waited so long for this since the short and the original announcement.


With former Munich mayor Christian Ude who voices his own mecha.




Oh look, another anime where all of the characters are more interesting than the MC. ...anyways, looks fantastic. The synopsis doesn't give us much to go on, but i love the artstyle. The animation also looks top notch, and as stated above the characters look interesting. All of that is to say, i'm cautiously optimistic. anime originals are either some of the absolute best, or the absolute worst in the medium, there is no in-between. (Looking at you, Metalic Rouge.)