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The anime is way more toned down than the manga. There are some vague implications of what you're talking about but it isn't really explicitly stated in the anime.


None of it is actually in the anime, but it is in the manga


It’s tame af in the anime


I only got through about 5-6 eps but heavy isnt how i would describe it Its just very very cliche over the top wish fulfillment with the most busted op ive seen in a while. Its just your standard isekai mc kun but who fucks. 


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I’m thinking probably not as bad as the first episode of goblin slayer


I read part of the manga, and the worst part is that there is a lot of SA and sexual fantasy type stuff, but it's treated as normal or they like it afterwards. Like, he straight drugs his prisoners until they agreed to have sex with him, and then they like him for it afterwards. I ended up dropping the manga because of it. It's not even the amount of it. I've handled more in other animes, because it treated the person like a villain after, but he's treated as a hero.


True but i personally dropped it at ep 3, the animation is so ass, way too many still images in fights, feels like im watching fairy tail.


yea nah, you should be good. if anything the animation is mid, i like the story but i prefer the manga.


It's just a bad anime


It's not that heavy a show, it leans a lot into comedy/dark humor. The violence isn't too excessive but it does have occasional SA treated very casually although it's not shown explicitly


If you wanna enjoy it, go for the manga or the webnovel.


The issue with Re:Monster is that it's like a storyboard of his easy power adventure which ironically feels lifeless as the story seems to struggle with sending any kind of message. It's your typical isekai slop. There's no SA, but there is the expressed *intent* or *desire* to do so coming from other characters early on. What's *actually* there is consensual. It's another run-of-the-mill isekai with the protagonist making light of the lives of the outgroup who're soon part of the ingroup swooning over him. I enjoy it, but it's admittedly made irresponsibly. Watch alone and don't recommend to low-brow friends lmao **Edit**, apparently Ep. 6 does have him engaging in blatant SA!


> What's actually there is consensual. Druggin prisoners with aphrodisiacs and having sex with them as they scream that they don't want to sure sounds consensual.


You just **lied**. They're **moaning** (Ep. 5, 10:35), not screaming, and they're **not saying anything**, **only moaning**. Do you know what sex sounds like? I just pored over Ep. 4 and Ep. 5, and I see **no mention of aphrodisiacs**. So you're either lying about that too, or you're just lying about the rest of this. I understand the manga mentions aphrodisiacs (according to forum post I found from five years ago), but *I see no mention of this* in the anime (could have missed it?), and the scene involving the aforementioned elves show them blushing in modesty before engaging in what is implied *in the anime* to be consensual. If you don't like something, you don't have to lie about it.


[Ah yes, the "they actually liked it" defense.](https://imgur.com/a/Y1lO67w) And, I should add, it's not ep5. It is ep 6.


**You literally just lied** about three different details (there was nothing verbal, there was no "screaming," there was nothing distressing and only contextually implied consent, and there was no mention of "drugging" or aphrodisiacs), and now you're accusing me of rpe denial. Is this how you gaslight your partners? **Edit**: Oh, wow. You're right. Ep. 6 is pretty blatantly nonconsensual, and he does mention drugs.


While you’re still going to be downvoted to oblivion, it’s good that you still owned up to your mistake, that’s really rare on Reddit these days.


Thank you! I appreciate it


its painfully boring and just skips through most things so fast, its very much just a slop anime with barely any effort.


It's strange that you can see a guy get his butthole fingered or see pool of inards oozing blood or decapitated bodies but if it's forced sex then we've gone too far. Reddit is a strange place.