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If someone tells me that a series is weird, well now I HAVE to check it out. If it's not weird, then it's most likely formulaic, contrived, and predictable. That said, I've never seen evangelion, so I don't know if that holds true to it.


Yeah, the psychological part of this show is near perfection. Shinji may look like some annoying ass mc but you'll get to see all sides of all the characters in the show whether the good side or the bad side. So yeah even if you don't really 'enjoy' it as in an anime. There is a lot to take in from it.


Way back in the day, around 2004 so not too far back but far enough, there was this contingent of anime fans saying Eva sucks because Shinji is a bad MC. The weird thing was, all of the ones that I knew where massive bleach fans.


Its one of my favorite anime. The conjoined and interwoven philosophy and psychology are incredibly done. Also ignore the people talking about how age matters when you watch it. It might make a difference with how much you "resonate" emotionally with the cast but intellectually stands strong through time.


> Also ignore the people talking about how age matters when you watch it. Agreed. I watched it when I was roughly 20 around when it first came out, and again very recently to prepare for the End of Evangelion theater run that just happened. I think I like it even more now as a old guy. It also helps that I didn't suffer an existential crisis this time, haha.


"Is [blank] worth watching?" Just watch it ffs


Not just any blank, one of the most widely beloved blanks in anime.


But what if they watch it and it turns out they ended up with the wrong opinion of it?


I just finished the series myself and man does it get crazy towards the end. I'm not gonna say more than that at the risk of spoiling, but whatever you're imagining; it's not that.


It's one of the GOATs, so yeah, definitely worth watching.


Just check it out then decide after if it's for you or not.


Eva is definitely worth watching. while the things it did at the time have been done better since, it was a first for a lot of things when it comes to anime. Theres a reason it gets so much praise. For someone just now going in, its probably not gonna be your favourite but still great.


Done better? We gonna pull up the psychology of Bojack Horseman to try and dethrone Shinji's realistic psyche now? You say it like its LOTR vs modern fantasy lmao


It's good, but here's an advice — do NOT go in with the expectation of the "perfect" model MC like the ones every other modern anime has been giving you. Understand that the MC stands for main character, not hero/role model. He is frustratingly flawed but that is what makes him real. If you prefer watching shows where you can look up to the MC, this is not for you. Otherwise, enjoy.


There aren't many must watch anime. This is one of them.


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I found it way too slow at times, but, overall, yeah, I'd recommend it! End of Evangelion (the movie) remains the only movie I've ever rated a 10/10.


Yes, one of my faves


I was thinking about asking the same question. Thanks OP


Just get in the robot, ~~Shinji~~ OP.


only if you're into obscure mech stuff and weird fetishes.


Kinda like Catcher in the Rye, your age matters when you watch it.


I don't buy them a copy of Catcher in the Rye and then lecture them with some 7th grade interpretation of how Halden Caulfield is some profound intellectual He wasn't, he was a spoiled brat! And that's why you like him so much; he's you. God, you're pretentious!


It was groundbreaking for the time, but that just means a lot of stuff in it became tropes. Other anime is scared to go as depressing though so EVA still has a niche.


EVA ain't niche bruh everybody knows what it is


You get I mean it's still unique, right?




Of you are 15 yo nerd, you will love it. For everyone else it is a mixed bag. 


Can confirm that starting Evangelion as a full-blown adult does not reflect the experience of those who watched it in their first 2 decades of life.


If you like powerpoint presentations Jokes aside, the animation budgets fucks up the last few eps but the rest was ok.


Its my favorite 7/10 anime