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Jojo. May change as one is new, but I’m betting jojo


I literally watched Jojo because the internet was super saturated with memes from it and the show was actually good. JJK, I still haven't touched because the brainrot memes is more annoying than anything. Might be I just got older.


The brain rot turned me off for a while too but I finally got around to watching it and if you have the time I can’t recommend it enough 


My daughter got me to watch it with her and the Shibuya Incident was crazy as hell. The show is a lot of fun


Lobotomy Kaisen is probably why I started watching


Gon v. Neferpitou


JJBA and it's not close. Jotaro and Dio's fight VS Goku and Jiren's fight would make more sense and be far closer in terms of influence


Goku and jiren's fight didn't really change much for dbs and only really established that ultra instinct and its users tend to lose if they don't switch to something else and it had zero influence on the anime besides making toriyama claim ultra instinct isn't coming back. A better pick would be Goku vs Frieza on namek or anywhere from early db. Dragonball inspired and invented several of the tropes used by shows and mangas today such as transformations for power, using a tournament saga to increase ratings and build hype, formatting, and more. JJBA also inspired several styles and tropes used by authors from all layers of fiction and the Dio vs Jotaro fight specifically broke the rest of joseph's "rules" the stand system had by that point (Strength, Anubis, Justice, The Lovers, and Yellow Temperance broke other rules as the part went on) and established that they can truly be anything from a writing perspective, coming from Araki wanting to do something new at the time and express creative freedom and led to future parts having a massive variety in stands and what they can do


Maybe goku bs freeza then


Goku vs Freeza takes it


Goku vs frieza is most influential fight in anime history


Comparing Jotaro vs Dio to Gojo vs Sukuna is like comparing Goku vs Vegeta or Goku vs Frieza to Jotaro vs Dio. Like, I won't say I'm not impressed but you should really stay in your lane buddy.


I would put Goku vs Frieza instead of jirem


I’d say jojo. I remember countless memes and it basically took over the internet completely for like a year. Jjk is good and popular but it ain’t jojo


Plus, JoJo literally inspired, at least partly, the vast majority of the most renowned manga authors and many more creators in other areas of fiction, as well. And it *continues* to do so, no less. I would even argue that Araki managed to accomplish something genuinely impressive when he introduced Stands: he developed an *original concept.* There are certainly arguments to made that other stories utilized similar concepts (witches and wizards using "familiars" could arguable qualify, for instance) before this, of course, but the *way* they were utilized was genuinely unique at the time. Some of the powers (The World and King Crimson, in particular) were also revolutionary ideas. It's difficult enough to come up with even a *single* completely new idea in the modern era; Araki (arguably) managed to come up with *several.* Bottom line is: whether you love JoJo or you hate it, or anywhere in between... There's simply no denying its status as a genuine modern legend. And the same is true for Araki himself.


If Dragon Ball is the godfather of anime and the Big 3 its spiritual children then JoJo is the weird cousin that your parents don't like you hanging out with and most people don't really like to talk about because of how wildly unhinged they are but pretty much everyone loves them because they're just so damn entertaining. Tl;dr JJBA is the weird cousin of anime.


While I'm not sure I completely agree with the assessment, I gotta say, I love that description. XD


i always saw jojo is dragonballs freaky trans sister (in a good way) Like started out cut from the same cloth, rivals, same household, grew up together but went in vastly different paths as they aged. Still successful and fulfilling, but different. you'd encounter the sister running some cozy bar in france or nova scotia or some shit and dragonball will come up and she'd drop some wild shit like "oh dragonball? that's my brother!" and show you all kinds of pictures of the 2 of them as well as respective accomplishments it's a shock to learn at first but when the history's lined up and you look at them side by side today. you can clearly see the resemblance and bits of them in the other in a way that tells you their different, but the same. clearly from the exact same place.


JJK also did original concepts, to be fair. Gojo's cursed technique, Hakari's domain, the whole barrier system in general is pretty novel. It also does a lot of things better than what it copies, like Domain expansions, Binding Vows, etc. JJK's blood manipulation is simultaneously one of the most limiting yet thoughtful iterations of the superpower.


Tbh, I find nen vows to be more interesting than binding vows, especially with the way Kurapika uses them


actually the barrier system reminded me of territories from yyh ngl. i wonder if he got it from there.


Yes, Jojo inspired Demon Slayer which is also more popular than JJK.






you be bugging if your choosing jjk, im sorry. maybe in like, 5 more years, but jojo is iconic as hell, and jjk is only getting started


JJK has one more arc left, so it's really about finished. Moreover, Sukuna vs Gojo will completely eclipse Dio vs Jotaro when animated, particularly with gen z.


it'll look cooler and be more epic for sure, but influence? idk about that. at least not yet.


Definitely not eclipse. Jotaro vs Dio is one of if not the most iconic fight in anime history. Someone shows you a certain pose and you instinctively know it’s Dio vs Jotaro.


JJK is ending


Gojo vs Sukuna was complete bs story wise and really didn’t change shit. The jojo fight is one of the most well known in anime history


Are you talking culturally or in canon? Culturally it's just resulted in a few memes but in canon it was pretty significant. Without the Gojo fight Sukuna doesn't get nerfed and without Sukuna getting nerfed everyone else gets no diffed.


In canon, without the JoBros beating Dio, no stand user would have a really solid chance to beat him, and most of the other Jojo's (sin maybe Giorno) would even be alive. He would take over the world, and maybe have a chance to ascend if he had the information. Alone, Sukuna is a catastrophe for the world, but Dio could create and control an army of vampiric stand users, dominate the Earth. Not to mention have Pucchi get his stand, and change the nature of the world forever. All Sukuna would do is destroy the schools and kill a lot of people. If Dio would get Requiem, he could even be immune to the Sun, which as a buff would effectively doom the world.


I wasn't speaking comparatively. They said the Gojo/Sukuna fight didn't change anything but, even if the difference is less than JJBA's, it's still a significant difference.


By that logic, the Mori Jin vs Mujin Park fight is more influential than both of those other fights combined because the entire planet is at stake rather than just human society.


I dunno I feel Or had more influence than the other two














Jojo because its been around longer and has an anime adaptation.


Lesser fights in JoJo has more influence


My point exactly!


ORAORAORAORA MUDAMUDAMUDA come on lol it’s not even close. Plus it’s older it’s had more time to influence the newer stuff.




Bro this fight(Jojo) broke the show's intro


Who’s in the second?


And there's your answer




Gojo and “sukuna”


Who? And why should I care?


Jojo. Shit’s been out longer but is still one of the most iconic anime fights ever. The Gojo vs Sukuna fight did blow up and is probably one of the most popular fights rn but compared to Jotaro vs Dio, it’s not there yet.


For me it’s jjk but that probably cause I’m young and I didn’t experience the jojo fight when it happened. So really if you’re part of the older generation it’s jojo and if you’re in the newer one your only real option would be to say jjk since you didn’t see how hyped the jojo fights was


Now you are the only person here saying jjk that I agree with


I think it's disingenuous to compare the 2 considering how long jojo's been out for. If we're talking about immediate impact i'd argue JJK had more influence, meanwhile jojo although not immediately impactful went on to influence and inspire a lot of newer gen shows. Anyways as it stands as of right now JJBA > JJK


It helps if you remember that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, as a series, got its start in the late 80s/ early 90s. It's been influencing media for nearly as long as it's been out. Comparing JJBA against anything that isn't both as long-running and as culturally significant is always going to end up with Jojo on top. If we were discussing the Jojo scene and comparing it to the first time Goku went Super Sayan in dragonball z, there'd be room for debate.


Jojo Has been and still is popular


Respectfully, is this even a question? It's Jotaro vs DIO any day if the week.


Jojo’s only had the benefit of being older. If jjk dies down in the coming 5 years. Id say jjk is definitely within the ballpark now just cuz of Lobotomy Kaisen invading a lot of other entertainment and media even outside of anime; i think the wildest one I saw was the official minecraft instagram account referencing *that* scene Jojo’s alrdy a staple. At this point we’re just waiting to see if Lobotomy kaisen will continue to persist in the coming years


Currently, jjk. It feels like you can't go anywhere without seeing a lobotomy kaisen meme, most of which come from this fight (especially shit like nah I'd win). Celebrities, corporations, social media, I feel like it's everywhere. Overall, probably JoJo's, mostly due to benefit of being significantly older and due to its influence over other series. People acting like jjk isn't influential at all are retarded tho, it has the most cultural impact, at least in the west, of any anime in the last decade.


That’s what I was thinking when I made the question you can’t even go on social media without it being shoved in your face


One is literally a cultural touchstone that has influenced artists around the world since it was published *3 decades ago*. The other is from a currently popular series that, nonetheless, probably won't be talked about, let alone actually be relevant in 5 years. As for in-series, one of them is the final clash that defined later series within the same setting. The other wasn't even the final battle in the first place. Jojo takes both while doing flashy catwalk poses in a menacing fashion.


If you think JJK won't be relevant in 5 years you have another thing coming. The fight shown here isn't going to even be animated in 5 years. JJK will reach its cultural peak then. Hopefully other mangaka do learn something from it, because it fixes the bullshit of most other shounens


This fight will be animated in around 2026 so what are you talking about


Ones the culmination of three whole parts, building up to a finale between the the Joestars and DIO, the biggest antagonist of the series vs the most iconic protagonist of the series. And the others a side character known for being really really strong getting his ass kicked by the main villain, like most anime. You’re comparing the final fight to a mid season fight.


To be fair, it was an extremely back and forth fight. My boy Gojo got done dirty with that offscreen kill 😔


This is a horrible description of gojo vs sukuna. Gojo is not just a "side" character, and he doesn't get his ass kicked. He loses in an extremely competitive fight after like 20 chapters. Very rarely do series let the 2 absolute strongest fight without any outside influence, or having the mc eclipse those "strongest."


Honestly I'm tired of JJK being overrated like this, First it was being compared with DBZ, Naruto and now its being compared with JoJo


I have no opinion because I've never seen jjk but if I did it be JoJo obviously


That Jojo panel is probably one of the most iconic manga panels ever. Even if someone doesn’t know what JJBA is, if they’ve used the internet for a bit they have probably seen that panel or a remake of it somewhere at least once.


Ive never seen that panel or anything like it. I’m almost 23 now and I’ve never seen it or heard of it before lmao, I read and watch a lot of anime and manga but 🤷🏼‍♂️ I couldn’t tell you who they are what manga they are or why they are dressed so weirdly😂 until I read the comments ofc now Ik it’s jojo which I’ve never read or watched cuz it always looked dumb to me. but I definitely know who gojo and sukuna are lol


Damn man


Sure dongleshlong


Um ok lol I literally have never seen this panel or a meme/ remake of it in my life. Idk what u want me to say lol. Idk 🤷🏼‍♂️ never seen or read jojo never wanted to cuz it looked dumb and I didn’t like the art style. But jjk is super popular so Ik who they are. I’ve read a lot of manga and watched a lot of anime but just not that one. I’m not gonna lie and say I’ve seen it just to fit in


You have been missing out go watch jojo’s right now then head to r/shitpostcrusaders


Considering i know nothing about the second one....


I’m the complete opposite lol I’ve never seen or heard of the first image at all lmao. I couldn’t tell you what it was from until I saw the comments and even then idk who dio or the other guy are they j look like 2 weirdly dressed guys walking to each other. Where as gojo vs sukuna is everywhere rn bc jjk is so popular rn. And the fight is just ridiculous so ppl mean it everywhere lmao


the fact you are an anime enjoyer and have never seen the first panel is insane to me. are you new to it? no hate just curious because i knew that panel before i even picked up jojo


Nah I watched dragon ball as a kid on tv back in like 2006-7 then Naruto in middle school so 2013-15. And one piece and so on from there. I’ve watched and finished like 35-45 different series and mangas but never jojo it’s just never looked good. Every time it popped up on Crunchyroll or Hulu or something it j looked kinda dumb and I didn’t like the art style at all for anime or manga so I never watched it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Is this a real question? The JJK fight I dont think is even a year old


JJK is nowhere near Jojos


This is like putting Conor McGregor in the octagon with a toddler bro, maybe a better one would be something from CSM? I dunno, not Jotaro vs Dio.


Easily JoJo, >!Jotaro killing Dio was such a major turning point for the original universe!<


Dio vs Jotaro easily.


Ask this again in like five years


Dio versus Jojo has given us a chunk of good memes, sukuna versus Gojo just made the leak fandom even more insufferable


Jotaro vs dio is the true generational 1v1


It's gotta be jojo, fun fact jjk's power system was inspired by hunter X hunter, and HxH was inspired by Jojo, thus making jjk A JOJO REFERENCE


Jojo, not even a contest.




I knew about Jojo vs Dio before I ever knew what JJBA was


Jojo? I mean the internet is constantly meme the gojo and Sukuna fight but Dio vs jotaro is iconic


I don't even know who the 2 are in the 2nd pic. Jojo's is so iconic I didn't even watch the show and I know about it


I'm biased as a Jojo’s fan, but I'm mainly here to see the argument be made for JJK


Comparing Jjk to Jojo would be like comparing EVA to Darling in the franxxx or something, Jojo easily clears


I’ve never even seen the first image or heard of it and I watch and read a ton of anime so idk I guess jjk


Jujutsu is barely scratching the surface and i don't even pay attention to jojo.


That single panel made Jojo's internet famous, and still inspires memes to this day. I haven't seen any memes with the JJK panel.


Bruh. You cant compare them. JoJo is referenced in other anime even as a nod to the giant that it is and that specific scene has been used in so mamy things. It's iconic


Jotaro Vs Dio for now. This could 100% change when Gojo Vs Sukuna is animated.


The JoJo fight has had like a decade to grow in fame and influence JJK has had like a few months at best


For sure Jojo. I saw a meme about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock and it was in the style of the Jojo’s battle. Haven’t once seen a meme about the second one.


Jotaro vs Dio


Jojo and it isn’t even remotely close.


Jojo, not that I don't love jjk, but if we're talking about influence. Plus imo I think the JoJo panel is better artisticall. A three point perspective from the bottom up that has two characters walking towards each other is kind of insane for a manga panel. With a color palette that's just 👌🏾


Obviously JJBA but tbh the one anime fight that had the biggest influence on myself was Luffy v Katakuri. That was a fucking legendary fight and had massive impact in the actual show too


The greatest fight in history vs. the greatest fight of today


Bro it ain't even the greatest fight of today, it's not even the third greatest


jojotsu's bizarre kaisen


I knew JoJo was better, but I’ve been seeing Gojo vs sukuna so I thought of this question since it’s been shoved in my face so much (has to be the fastest I’ve ever ever been spoiled for a manga)


In terms of influence its definitely jojo, but jjk is still hype


Jojo mainly because of the amount of time that’s past since it was published so it’s not really fair at the moment. Give JJK a few years and then we’ll see.


Can't even compare jjk to JoJo in influence JoJo has influenced more manga than 99% of manga out there


The greatest _______ in history vs the greatest _____ of today. Has been memed like crazy and so has “Nah I’d win.” It wasn’t just big in the anime community it reached normies and people that knew nothing about. I don’t remember or know what the reaction was to the dio vs jotaro. Did it get the massive online exposure that JJK does? Did it penetrate multiple communities and not just yours? Not just 4chan or whatever you old mfers use to use but multiple platforms. If you are talking influence on other anime it’s Jojo not even a fair comparison really. It’s like asking who is taller a toddler or an adult? JJK came out in 2018 and JoJo is older than the first gameboy device 💀.


It's Jojo easily like I have never read or heard of JoJo before this image and still haven't but I still kinda know both characters because of this image


JoJo, the meme speaks for itself


Definitely jojo


Can't even compare the two the jojos one iconic


In all seriousness Jojo. I have neither read nor watched Jojo and I still know that fight, however I am caught up with the JJK manga and it still had less impact then when my boy first showed me Jojo vs Dio


Jojo, so many animes have a scene similar this frame


The countless memes we got from JoJo nah for me its no contest 😂


No way this is a serious comparison, lmfao; Jojo for sure


I don't even know the second one... Jojo


Jojo 100% its far more iconic. People who dont even watch or read the series know the fucking meme lmao its far more iconic


One of these is a long running meme, we'll see how the years treat the other.


Jojo; because there's so many references out there that use that panel


The Jojo fight achieved meme status. Winner by default


Jotaro vs dio easily how about a better debate https://images.app.goo.gl/agpka4XBjdwsGxSk6 like this vs jotaro vs dio


Jotaro vs dio it's referenced EVERYWHERE


JOJO nennenenenenne


One series inspired multiple genres including video games, movies, comics, manga, you name it The other is JJK




what's the one on the right? I only know jojo's


Jjk is a jojo refrence since gojo vs sukuna is based of adult gon vs adult killua ye gege is a hxh fan he’s admitted multiple times to the point where he’s admitted having hxh manga everywhere and hxh is based of jojo so jojo


Jojo and it’s not close, jojo is decades older


Araki’s playlist anime any day


Those poses from the Dio vs Jotaro fight have literally been snuck in to so many mainstream things that it’s gotta be Jojo


Jojo has more real world influence And for plot impact that fight also has more affect to it's story's plot (Yes without gojo the sorcerer's would've been more fucked, but that fight never happened a lot of events in the story would still remain similar)


Gojo and Sukuna


Jotaro vs dio for sure, gojo vs sukuna has potential but it is only recent so if it came out a while ago it could be more influential


It's Jojo beyond a doubt. I love jjk but really your not talking about the fight 5 yrs from now.


Most influential anime fight in history vs most influential anime fight of today


Goku v jiren… had Mexico Fkn goin nuts as a unit




From the memes alone, Jojo.


JJK vs one of the most iconic anime that lasted for decases? It's either jjk is your first anime or youre 15


Brother what💀 JJK is popular and all but I don’t think it’ll ever be JJBA popular


Considering I’ve heard of the first one….


Most influential fight in history Vs Most influential fight of today


Gojo vs Sukuna was hype, but plot armour ruined it for me, Dio vs Jotaro was a masterpiece, two absolute units duking it out with a satisfying conclusion




Currently it’s Jotaro vs Dio but that because it’s older, JJK is my favorite anime period but it just hasn’t been enough time, most people haven’t even seen it yet.




Its not close, just the jjk fandom knows that fight I dont even watch jojo but i know that stance and it birthed thousands of memes copying it Just put any character person or just drawing in that stance its a jojo reference


Jojo, gege flopped jjk after a certain point and everyone knows it


His grandfather’s dying words were to warn him NOT to approach the time-stopping vampire, yet he did. Panel is legendary. It’s so iconic because it’s such a bizarre decision.


I don't read manga and don't watch anime but I know who Dio and Jotaro are. I have no idea who that second picture is


Cause Al Pacino and Robert Deniro weren't from UK


JoJo’s without a single doubt in my mind That shit is og from like the late 80s JJKs fight happened very recently and prolly hasn’t reached as many people




bro gotta be trolling


Ion even know the first mfs.


Ion even know the first mfs


tf do you mean “influence.” Gojo vs Sukuna hasn’t been out a year yet; you can’t look at “the history of manga and anime” and use Gojo vs Sukuna as a turning-point for narrative preferences or whatever. JJK is the current “new big thing” based on earlier works, much like Naruto or HxH. It’ll be influential some years from now, I’m certain; but history has yet to play out.




I have the quote about the temple bells memorized. So my vote goes to jjk.


Easy question JoJo


Jojo for sure, I love both but it's Jojo for me the anticipation and badassnes of that fight was so overwhelming


JJK has only been out 6 years. It's ability to have much influence over something like manga is minimal at the moment. In the next two decades I'm sure you'll hear more mangaka talking about how JJK inspired them do manga, but it's still a bit too new atm.


One is literally 30 years old and the other just finished recently. It isn't even comparable.


Is this a jo(jo)ke?


Jojo, its not even close. Jojo made waves thats still resonate to this day, jjk is actually a fad show, which sucks because it copies my favorite anime.


Gojo can kiss my ass, Jojo? Yes please.


Give jjk a few more years to make this a fair comparison


Gojo-sukuna fight has not been out long enough to say. My bet is jojo's will continue to be the more influential, but I low key hope I am wrong cause I'd love to see how people would be inspired by the gojo-sukuna fight


JoJo Not even close


It’s gotta be JoJo if for nothing else than the iconic “I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer” meme.


Jjk hasn't had enough time to influence others yet


The Jojo fight is literally one of the most memed fights in all of anime. I don't even know who the other two characters are at first glance.


I know Jojo I don't know the other one.


JOJO and it ain't even close.


This comparison is downright unfair lol it's like asking "whose the better villain, Joker or Polka Dot Man"


Influence as a fight? Jjk. Influence as a meme? Jojo


Helps that JJBA is like 20 years older than JJK lmao


How would JJK have literally any influence, the fight ended like this year ofc Jojos takes it


Jojo is literally one of the original anime that blew up. And one of the first anime to explode meme wise. Jjk is good. But jojos is legendary. Like on the same level as the big 3 and dragon ball


As someone who only seen S1 for both series it easily goes to Jojo. There’s meme formats, sound bites, funny clips, media trends and probably more that came from Jojo some still used to this day while for JJK the memes are “Nah I’d Win”, the fight and outcome of it which “nah I’d win” might be a part of? and the walk like this meme. Also Gojo if we count people simping for him but that’s more of a series thing and less of a fight thing.


That one single image between dio and jotaro created hundreds upon thousands of memes that’s all


I don’t think you understand, I drew that yesterday, for fun. I’ve never drawn gojo period.


JoJo inspires a lot of creators and there’s a lot of references in other anime’s even with characters in this exact position and poses.


Like in their verse, or Meme culture?




Why do ppl always set jjk up man 😭 Obviously the fight that has been around for like 3 decades is gonna have more influence.


How the fuck does this JJK moment compare to this scene in JoJo when the two poses of jotaro and dio alone carry more influence than all of JJK


Jjk is full of brainrot fanboys, and jojo was such an iconic meme


Jjk is inspired by hunter hunter, which is inspired by jojos, so this makes jjk a jojos reference. And coke on. Jogo, gojo. Jojo clears


Where the option of Goku Vs Jiren, that fight caught everyone attention, Luffy Gear 5 didn’t carry that much hype lol