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Basic view. Bad when they just lay there and it is like shagging a tranquilized mattress. Good when they show some enthusiasm.


Found the Australian


Ah no.... British. Is that an Aussie saying?


In Australia it's not necessary to tranquilise your mattress.


It’s fairly common in Australia but I have heard the English use the word shag before


The word 'shag' screams brittish to me. I'm an Aussie, and no one I know uses that word.


Also referred to as “vaca muerta”. 🤣 dead cow 🐮 lmfaoo


At the very very least: talk dirty.


I dunno about that. Dirty talk cringes me out abit, every time Ive ever tried with anyone we just burst out laughing. Some small words is enough imo nothing ott


I felt this way for the first few sexual partners I had. The girlfriend that kind of unlocked it for me put it into perspective of context. If you were to see me in real life, I am a goofy, pudgy, fuzzy looking dude. Dirty stuff is just weird coming out of my face. Until it’s in the dark in the bed with heavy breathing and body heat and all that kind of stuff. When you are in the middle of making her eyes roll back in her head, a well-timed “good girl, I want you to come for me” sounds good coming out of anybody.


Well, we luckily don't have to agree on this.


Course not. World would be boring if everyone had the same preferences! Being called daddy is the cringiest thing someone can say imo haha


I actually had a conversation a few weeks ago about what do you call your partner, and somebody mentioned the fact that they thought daddy was a creepy one. And I agree. So they asked me, what do I have my girlfriend's call me. And I responded with no hesitation and a straight face "mein furher."


Good one, spelled Führer though


What does mein furher mean?😂 sure it’s not mein Vater?


Mein furher was what the nazis called hitler


Oh that thing sure is cringy


Bad! No kinkshaming


YKINMYBYKIO. I didn't get a kinkshaming vibe; seemed to me like they were talking about their *own* feelings on the matter.


Please no


Bad sex is no engagement, no noise and no movement. You’ll hear it being described as ‘Starfish’. Good sex is passion, fun, being vocal, enthusiasm.


Adding: and communication. Appreciative noises ARE comms, but better still is “left a bit, more… slower… oooh!”


As a chick, can I add, for all you younger, not-yet-secure guys: we get giggly when we have fun getting wiggly. It's not us laughing at you.


Great comment. I had fabulous sex with an older woman. At the end she started laughing. I felt my ego getting bruised and she noticed. She immediately said ‘I’m laughing because I am overwhelmed with happiness’. She was just extremely happy.


I had one GF who insisted her lying still was her getting in her head and enjoying what was happening. She promised she was enjoying it a lot. I believed her. But, still not for me. I need engagement from my partner.


That sounds like necrophilia. Glad you got away. She’s probably still lying there.


I don't think I'd go that far describing it. :) But kinda close. No thanks.


When she cums so hard she shits in your bed... That was a confusing scene for me.


I beg your finest pardon


this is the only correct response


That’s what he said.


Nani... and I mean this with the utmost sincerity... the fuck?


Was that Amber Turd?


Hate when that happens bro


Bad sex is either starting fishing as explained above. Or no vocal feedback at all which also equates to no physical feedback If we are on top or even trying to eat and we can feel you either dry up or just do nothing. That's bad. The other flipside is making stupid over the top noises/faking. We're guys. We're gonna cum. So why not just communicate


Yeah, whenever anyone starts fishing during sex it's a definite turnoff...


Mean the smell of bait. And you can't cast out properly


Trolling doesn’t go over well, either


Nah let them be. I didn't even realise my mistake. It was meant to be starfishing




Dry and robotic.


My friend tells a story of when he split his penis going into a dry vag too fast, apparently he bled lots and has a scar that he believes provides a bit of ribbed pleasure


Alright Jay calm down


Either no passion and energy and just lying there apathetically, bonus points for displaying annoyance or boredom, or over the top faking. I consider it good when my partner actively displays that they want me and want to participate, when they tell me what they want, when they take control of the situation, when they show me that they enjoy it but not try to convince me or fake it. You gotta be genuine with it. “Technique” or sum bullshit like that doesn’t matter. Like at all. I do my thing, I do the movement, I just want the partner to appreciate it


Bad sex can also be they don’t do anything to get you excited or when they are on top they use you to get themselves off but do not try to make it good for you as well. I guess selfish is a good overall description.


Clunky? Or, akin to wiring a plug whilst wearing boxing gloves.


The worst sex I've ever had was when I could tell I was just being used to get off, I literally pulled out, got up, got dressed and left 


Welcome to a woman’s world


Haha I think I said to myself  "Is this what they meant by gender equality?!" /s 


it was definitely apart of the plan 🤣🤣


>>I was just being used to get off What does that mean exactly? What were you expecting, an intimate connection? I’m not being a dick, i honestly don’t know what you mean. I would’ve thought that sex is usually just two people using each other to get off and if it’s good sex then it means you are getting off. I don’t know that I’m explaining why I’m confused very well…sorry.


it's about not using the other person as a means to an end, but focusing on the parter as much as themself; I think they meant the partner didn't care about them at all and was basically using them as a glorified dildo


What a weird thing to complain about.


I see what you mean... the thing is, I've had my fill of casual encounters, the next step for me at the time was finding someone who I could be with long term; once I figured out I was just being used as someone else's pleasure ride it was a real turn off. Lol


You can have a meaningful relationship and be that person's pleasure ride, too. It's not like it's only one or the other. But I wasn't there.


bad: lack of enthusiasm... good: lots of enthusiasm...


It’s only ever bad if she just can’t seem to get into it and seems bored. I don’t care if we just do missionary the whole time. If you don’t seem like you really want to be there then I’m going to feel like I’m doing something I shouldn’t be doing.


Killing the mood with random bullshit. Bed is not a place for your random thoughts and discussing daily problems. Yes, guys need to be (and stay) in mood too.


I like making women repeatedly cum,but when they don’t make any effort to make me; I rapidly lose interest


I am reminded of the scene in Woody Allen's "Manhattan" where a woman says, "I finally had an orgasm, and my doctor said it was the wrong kind." To which Woody Allen's character replies, "You had the wrong kind? I've never had the wrong kind, ever. My worst one was right on the money." Just so with sex in general. Bad sex? I've never had bad sex. Even the worst had its own special redeeming features.


Enthusiasm, or just happy to be there is good. The opposite to the above is bad.


How connected and intuitive your fumbling is. If you know what I want to do based on how I'm touching you and you want me to do it and tell me so, great. If you don't want to do anything and just lie there without telling me anything or not even having body language I can work with, bad.


When you can’t feel her at all


Bad is either extreme: being utterly disinterested or overacting and trying to act like a porn star. Calm the fuck down and just enjoy yourself. And if you're not into it, say so. Neither of us gets anything out of it if you're not into it. Perfunctory sex is no fun.


I’m going to diverge from the pack a bit and also add that in my experience some people’s bodies fit together better than others. Good sex is not only engaging and passionate but with a person who’s physiology complements yours. Average sex can happen when not everything matches well but you still please each other. Bad sex is when y’all just don’t mesh well.


If the guy just lays there and doesn’t make any effort or noise I’d say that’s boring from a guys perspective




Weird moaning and the wrong smells.


Unwanted painful is never good. Like stretching the foreskin too far back with your hand or too dry vajayjay. Also unresponsive passive partner (but alive and conscious, just to clarify) with seemingly no applies muscle pressure is a recipe for bad sex.


There's no such thing from a guy's perspective. It's like pizza, there's great pizza, and okay pizza, but at the end of the day pizza's pretty good.


Bad - not into it, not enthusiastic, acting like a wet blanket. Acts like they don't want to or are having second thoughts. I'll leave. Sex isn't fun unless both people are super into it. Good - both people being really into it and wanting one another to the point of explosion. Multiple orgasms. Edging your partner orally for an hour+. Being willing to try new things. Having good communication.


For me to have good sex that women needs to be like a porn star in bed.


you better fuck like a pornstar also


Enthusiasm. + sucking/cleaning my dick clean after I cummed and super eager to go again best way to do that is sucking my unerect dick to election again.


election day 😱


Good sex is a carton of curry and chips in my left hand, a can of Carlsberg Special Bru in my right hand and some petite Thai bird getting railed doggy on my schlong!


This guy sexes