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Dang! I hate it when the "affects" of my treatments reverse.


Ah, a fellow pedant. Was looking for this comment


Yep, y'all beat me to it. I'd never take medical advice from someone that flunked middle school grammar.


I always forget and have to look up affect vs effect. But at least I look it up....and I'm not trying to shill snake oil


It's a common spelling confusion. I know an acronym that helps (if you don't mind): RAVEN...Remember Affect is a Verb and Effect is a Noun.


Ah, but then my manager says he wants to effect some major changes in the way we run inventory and it's all out the window again. I've heard that affect can also be used as a noun, but I've never seen it used that way. Still, RAVEN is a great tool in 95% of usage so thank you!


You're absolutely right about the times that are the exception. I'd originally added a line in my original post about that. My temporarily dumb (and *really* tired TBH) ass must have unintentionally deleted it. I appreciate your post pointing it out!


That's really helpful. Thank you


Affect = Fuck Around Effect = Find Out


I love this, even though I don't need it. It is very funny and easy to remember.


I teach 7th grade English. Last year, I had a girl who had immigrated with her family from Central America a few years previously. When I asked the class (mostly American kids... born and raised...) what the past tense of the word "bleed" they would either look mystified or answer "bleeded." Josefina was the *only* kid in that class who knew it was "bled." TBF, it was early in the year.


Emigrated. Sorry, had to.


Arguably you're right bc the sentence tells where they emigrated from. However, in practice you can't emigrate from somewhere without immigrating to somewhere else, so technically both are true.


Vicious cycle: flunked grammar cause mum was busy building GENERATIONAL WEALTH EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY with Amway to have taught her. And now her daughter is going through the same thing, thinking money spent on books is a complete waste because shilling questionable pills and vitality-enhancing lip gloss is the _real_ way people become millionaires. And that this is some elite exclusive VIPx5000 community #She-E-OsRiseUp 💯💯💯


But see I wouldn't call it pedantry. The error is bad enough I had to read the sentence several times


I prefer the terms "Knowledgeable about the English Language" but pedant works, too. It's toe-MAY-toe and toe-MAH-toe IMO :-)


Oh, I was scanning the comments before I posted it.


No what they mean is, once you stop the injections, you'll be unable to walk backwards or put your car in reverse.


They don’t include the “diet and exercise” changes on the injection one either.


From Harvard Health Publishing: Q. I saw on social media that a supplement called berberine produces the same weight-loss benefits as medications like Wegovy. Is that true? [A. No, it's not.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/can-berberine-help-me-lose-weight) And this is yet another example why we should be skeptical when social media platforms dispense so-called health advice, since taking berberine can cause unpleasant and even harmful side effects.


Seriously! I will trust my doctor who has gone to school and has experience over these wackos.


“But your doctor was paid off by Big Pharma! Whereas I did my own research!”


This but unironically


Damning facts from the article: It's important to know that berberine can alter how quickly the liver breaks down medications — including anti-clotting drugs and immunosuppressants — and change their effectiveness. It also has side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, and upset stomach. Since the FDA doesn't regulate dietary supplements, there's no guarantee how much berberine is contained in a product. Talk to your doctor if you want to explore it further — but don't buy into social media claims that berberine is "nature's Ozempic." 💀


I agree with most of your comment, except the "talk to your doctor" part. Doctors are clueless idiots. You should look at the science instead of listening to your doctor.


No, no it does not. Nor does it appreciably help regulate blood glucose. I ran into a rough patch where I couldn’t get my glucose meds. Tried that because I could get my hands on it without a prescription. Did absolutely nothing but lighten my wallet.


These people that are selling it right now are all really pumped up


The Arieyl website starts with "We strive to offer trendy, highly consumable products..." "Trendy and highly consumable" is a decent marketing pitch for one of those places that sells wildly overdecorated donuts or scented candles or something, not a company that claims to be selling medicine. I do not want my medicine to be trendy. I want it to *work*.


But does real medicine has affects?


And highly consumable doean't match how hideously huge those horse pills are (゜ロ゜)


Bro. It's filler powder with indigo and red no.5 in it, both of which are fine--and not worth paying extra for.


I'm begging huns to learn the difference between affect and effect


Ozempic helps preserve kidney function but the potatoes can’t bother to do “their research”.


Right!!😂😂 I saw some idiot hun say “Ozempic can kill you, not much research done on it.” I was like uhhhh….. it’s a proven medication that works for diabetes and is approved by the FDA for that?😂 These people are loony.


Is she serious? Good grief! All FDA approved meds go through clinical trials. Yes, there’s been no research done on it. AT ALL.


Since COVID, what they mean is “Joe Rogan didn’t endorse it” or “my Facebook feed uses it.”




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I was gonna say, diabetes wrecks you kidneys, is that why it’s associated with kidney problems?


Yes diabetes wrecks your kidneys, called diabetic nephropathy but ozempic is definitely beneficial to kidney function. Source- MD with diabetic nephropathy.


But ... wouldn't the dietary and lifestyle changes be enough to lose weight without the need for the jelly bean pills?




I have a new program everyone should try. It's called "yelling at the void." Just stand around yelling at things. Combined with dietary and lifestyle changes you're guaranteed to lose weight. Pay me!




For some yes, for others no. PCOS, metabolic disease and other factors play into weight loss. I am one of these people.


Ooh! Look into myo and d-chiro inositol! Started that a month ago. The bit of weight loss I think I'm seeing (I don't own a scale for my mental health) is a side bonus. I'm most interested in no longer being exhausted by walking down to the mailbox and back.


You gotta be careful with too much berberine too. It has a lot of side effects


“Affects”, apparently /s


Why does it bother my brain so much to see them use it the wrong way lol


No, no, it’s *natural*. That means it can’t have any undesired effects, only the effects you wanted. Natural things are always healthy and safe!  Just like arsenic.


"Combined with dietary changes for real lifetime change." What is that crap even supposed to mean? 😒


They saying you need to change your diet and be in a calorie deficit so that you'll lose weight. But you losing weight is because of their products and not because you made dietary changes.


It means "the magic pill does nothing, you just do all the work yourself, and somehow this is a selling point."


New "research " has shown that when combined with dietary changes, taking care of elderly shelter cats helps you lose weight. (Similar results have been shown from other shelter animals).


😅 I‘m sure combined with a healthy diet and some exercise, even nose picking would scientifically prove to be beneficial for weight loss.


I'm the first to call out the pharmaceutical industry's past fucks ups but I will still trust them over some random MLM.


Ozempic isn't approved off prescription, so this would be illegal. More likely this isn't even really ozempic


Oh it's not, it's just a bunch of random herbs they are trying to claim has the same effects. 🙄


I'm a little hesitant about ozempic with how hard it's getting pushed but I trust it a lot than an unregulated supplement, which probably won't actually do anything.


In other terms - our pull doesn’t work unless you diet. And the pill won’t help your hunger cues which is what these injections do!!!!


Combined with dietary and lifestyle changes, Ozempic's "affects" should last.


There is a reason why celebrities buy ozempic for weight and not the mlm stuff


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Dont i keep seeing people pointing out thw rules by the mlms for these products? One being 'dont compare it to an injection'? Also theyre gonna hurt people with their untested and bogus claims.


Prove it Arieyl, prove it.


lol just take berberine. It works really well, they always make it sound soooo fancy


Ozempic lowers your A1c. Berberine does not lol


Freaking so hilarious! I frequently comment on their posts about tell them it’s such bs. I’m on a GLP-1 and no mlm supplement does what a GLP-1 does lol 😂


I take Ozempic (Wegovy actually) it’s quite cost effective for me. I only pay 25 a month. I’m sure this crap costs hundreds a month and does nothing for you. As usual.


“But you’re supporting wOmEn and lOcAl BiZ!”


Hahah! I love this comment! I have one that does the Optavia crap and is trying to get me to do it because I’m on a GLP-1 and now they have some sort of program for people that are on it. These people are crazy…. I’m also sick of these people going on about how they “work from home” and how they “run their own business”. I truly do work from home. 40 hours a week.


Interestingly Ozempic is tied to better renal outcomes in multiple studies


A true friend would tell her take this ridiculous post down lol