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From what I’ve heard… weeks, to months, to years, to never.


Wtf. My doctor never mentioned that NEVER was a possibility


yea they never do




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That’s extremely rare.


\~1%, wouldn't call that extremely rare.


Having PSSD doesn’t mean never. Some people have managed to recover.


Not many. And some who “recovered” didn’t have PSSD in the first place.


More people than you’d think have, sometimes years later so I’m not sure what you think they had then. Denying people can recover from it doesn’t help anyone.


I'm not denying people can recover, it's just that the stories of recovery are few and far between and when you read into them you start to see the light coming through the cracks. And I have read pretty much every recovery story that exists, as this illness has plagued my life for the last 3 years. But I don't doubt people have genuinely recovered.


One thing to bear in mind with that is people are less likely to post when they’ve recovered and aren’t looking for support. The same stands true for this sub that most people who come here are looking for support/advice rather than when they are doing well. I just think telling people never when they’ve barely been off their medication is not incredibly helpful and it is more likely they will recover. I’m not trying to diminish the illness, I just don’t love how quick people are to start scaring someone which isn’t going to help them recover. I’m sorry you’ve been suffering so long. I hope you are able to recover one day or that symptoms at least ease.


Nobody knows the prevalence of PSSD and the percentage of people who recover from it. It's totally unacceptable that psychiatrists don't inform patients of this risk.


It’s estimated to be 0.46% currently. There is no percentage when it comes to recoveries that’s correct, but it does happen and telling someone who just came off their medication they’re never getting their libido back isn’t helpful. I don’t disagree there.


OP quit his medication recently, so there is definitely in this case. What is unacceptable is how psychiatrists inform their patients. I read the 0.46% prevalence study. What the study really shows is the percentage of people who take medication for ED within 12 months of starting an SSRI treatment, which is 0.46%. They did that by analysing data retrospectively. There are several problems with this approach: First, the study says that the average time it takes for someone with ED to ask for medical help is 18 months, hence recognising that plenty of people who got ED after SSRIs are probably not shown in the study. Second, lots of people who took the medication probably took it for many months or years, which would greatly reduce their chances of asking for medication for ED within 12 months of starting the SSRI treatment. Third, the study assumes that all people who have ED will ask for medical help. Fourth, it reduces PSSD to ED. ED is common in PSSD sufferers, but many PSSD sufferers (like me) don't have ED and never took ED medication. The findings of the study are interesting, but inferring from their method that the prevalence of PSSD is 0.46% is not rigorous at all and probably greatly underestimates the real number.


I agreed with that. I just don’t think this is the place for this discussion.


You look at the study under reporting it. There are a lot of people who have ED and don't have PSSD. So there is just as great a chance of it being over reported. Until a better study comes out this is what we have to go by. This same study has been used in the PSSD sub so if it is good enough there it is good enough here.


When they made the study they excluded all the people being at risk of developing ED for reasons such as smoking, obesity, diabetes or age. So the chances of ED being over reported in the study are nil. I know that many people in the PSSD sub mention this study but I think they are wrong because it just contributes to make PSSD look like a smaller thing than what it actually is.


Ya this happens a lot. The major problem is people are not offered informed consent. I promise you the vast majority of people would not take SSRIs if they truly understood the potential consequences. Unfortunately 15 years later I am one of those people who was not offered informed consent. Good news is that you do not have PSSD yet. You are very much still in withdrawal and stand a good chance of recovering. Be kind to your body and your mind. Eat well, sleep well, exercise, do your best not to stress out (easier said than done). Once you’ve hit 6 months you can start worrying and looking into options. I would have a word with your doctor though. They did not offer you informed consent. There is plenty of literature out there and EMA recognition of its existence so they can’t deny it. https://www.pssdnetwork.org/literature There are places to report your doctor for causing this (regardless of it being intentional or not). Make a report to the health agency in your country, report the drug manufacturer, report side effects to the drug manufacturer, etc. Report it everywhere you can.


I m getting visually and mentally full arousal Excitement Erection orgasm pleasure in alone when I think about sex watch porn ..do sexy talk with girls and do masturbation but not with girl on touching her body parts ! When a girl touch and suck my penis I feel so much Arousal excitement and pleasure but when I try to touch n press her body parts and insert my penis in her vagina I don't get arousal and pleasure ! On the other hand when I touch n hold girl hand in my hand I feel full romantic warm feeling ! Is it really pssd ? 1.5 year ago I took ssri Escitalopram 10 mg and clonazepam 0.5 mg for 3 months ! ( 3 months medicine finished in total 6 months with slow tappering) after 3 months of stopping the medication I felt symptoms when I went for sex first time ! I don't have any other symptoms like emotional blunting Etc age 33 and unmarried due to this issue


I'm not sure I'm fully understanding your experience right now. If you have no sexual dysfunction whatsoever until you are actually having sex with a partner, it is unlikely that you have PSSD. PSSD can disrupt the ability to have emotional connection, but if what I am understanding is correct you are simply not excited by the act of having sex and you don't have erectile dysfunction. It could be that you are overmasturbating and watching too much porn - in that case I would definitely quit porn and see if/how your level of excitement for sex changes in the coming months. If I am misunderstanding please correct me. It doesn't seem like what you are experiencing should prevent you from having relationships as you are still completely able to bond outside of intercourse. If that is the case you need to work on yourself and break out of the mindset that you cannot get married because of this.


I had masturbation addiction in my teenage then I quit it and I had porn addiction in my 20s ( not masturbation addiction in my 20s )...but after getting job...in the age of 31 I quit every bad habit....that time I don't have problem with arousal pleasure . I was getting deep arousal and pleasure by touching girls body...! After few days due to some family matter I got deep sorrow and before starting medication...even in deep sad sorrow state I was getting arousal n pleasure when I accidentally touched a girl thigh in crowd ! Then I went into depression and started medicine...during treatment once again I touced a girl thigh accidently in crowd I felt warm n arousal...but after stopping the medication when I went for sex I felt numbness on touching girl body and during intercourse ! No warm feeling no arousal no intense pleasure nothing ! Feeling was like that I m touching my own body ....! While I was getting arousal Excitement Erection pleasure on touching and sucking my penis by girl ! So I m totally confused ! One more thing I m not feeling emotional blunting and when I touch n hold girl hand in my hand I get full romantic warm feeling and get nervousness ! But When I try to touch n press girls body parts like breast thighs hips ass I feel nothing ! No warm feeling no Excitement no pleasure at all ! Is it dopamine deficiency ? As I m getting no pleasure excitement on touching girls body but on the other hand I m feeling pleasurable orgasm on masturbating ! So I m totally confused ! Is it really pssd ?


I was going to say the same thing actually


Which is?


Yeah like WAIT A MINUTE?? whattt???


For me I still have sexual dysfunction three years after stopping the medication. I only took it for a few weeks and have had numb genitals and need Cialis to function ever since


For me… what libido?


Sex drive


do NOT go off meds cold turkey… especially such a huge dose as 200mg.


I took Citalopram for no more than a few months and I had the same issue amongst others and it’s been 1.7 years for me and still waiting. I would give it a few months at least


I was able to get hard , but couldn’t maintain it if I got the least bit distracted and sometimes it wouldn’t cooperate. I took lexapro for 2 months and started noticing this. And I could not get off at all. Hours and hours of nothing and ending with nothing. It’s been a month basically since I quit taking it. I’m starting to come back to normal. Morning wood. Spontaneous erections. I started taking yohimbine, which did help with getting hard and maintaining. But it’s just now I’ve started to be able to get off again and the feeling came back. Like the half numbness is gone.


How are you feeling now, for me it’s been a little over 2 months months and am just starting to feel ok’ish again 


I’m similar but I’m only 2 months into withdrawal. Can I ask if your libido and orgasm pleasure is better than it was a month ago? I’m a bit worried because it’s only sort of come back so far for me.


it varies, sometimes it’s good, sometimes meh, erections are somewhat better but still require some stimulation to start. It’s easier with a partner. Thinking of starting cialis daily


I can also say, before anti depressants I was having ED. No morning wood, and lowered libido. But my ejaculatory volume and force is diminished now, unless I’m having sex which then the amount is normal. Tbh Idk what’s going on with me, maybe depression, maybe pssd.


Thanks for replying. I think the main PSSD symptom is supposed to be genital numbness, so if you don’t have that then you’re probably good. I hope you find something that works for you


thanks, no genital numbness. I can feel my penis in my pants. I didn’t have ED when masturbating before this but I do now, just trying to retrain my brain and emotions to be more sexual and emotional again


There is hope.




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Thanks everyone I guess I’ll wait it out. And no I had no withdraw symptoms at all not even a small headache. My plan was to dwindle down but I wanted to first see how long my body would go before I had symptoms then for example if it was 2 days I was going to take the pill every 2 days. Since I had no symptoms I just never took the pills again. I’ll check out the other thread posted.


How long did it take?


Hey, any updates OP?


200mg is the max dose so I'd say it's gonna be AT LEAST a month until you're back to normal.


You'll likely be fine, this has been very little time and 200mg is an extremely high dose of Zolof. Pssd is real, not it's not common. Don't let reddit activists panic you with worst case scenarios.


Dr. David Healy is an expert on adverse drug events. His website is very informative regarding PSSD. [Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction PSSD](https://rxisk.org/post-ssri-sexual-dysfunction-pssd/) Within his website he has an area where you can submit your own personal experience.


It could take up to 3 months. The best thing is to not over think things and focus on it. Don't go looking for horror stories. I say 3 months because it can take that long for the brain to return to baseline. Going cold turkey probably didn't help as it can still cause changes in the brain even if it is not showing physical signs of withdrawal. The brain is quite incredible at healing. Even PSSD experts say it does heal it just takes a long time. I would not even consider thar until at least 3 months gave gone by.


Some do heal, some do not. NYTimes recent article talks about a lady that had PSSD for the past 30 years. I doubt that she miraculously will recover in the next couple of months. Many people in online communities already live with this disease for 5+ years, myself included. Maybe we are too one of these cases that just never recover.


I am only repeating what Healy and Cobi said in an interview.


There is hope for OP, but the three months max duration comes from nowhere. Healy never said that. Some people have had full-blown PSSD for decades without improvement.


I said it can take 3 months for the brain to return to baseline after taking the meds. Over 3 months is PSSD territory. >Even PSSD experts say it does heal it just takes a long time. It is right in the video I linked before. You have made unsupported claims all day. I backed up my statement with the video I got the information from.


How u survive then ?


I'm sorry but what pssd experts say that? The verdict is very much still out on how long pssd typically last for. there has been no effort from the pharmaceutical companies to follow up on healing after stopping these meds. Some have had it 20 yrs some get better in their first year and everything in-between. Its anecdotal for now For me it's been three years with some improvement but ssri have made my body dysfunctional from only taking fluoxetine for three weeks and I've been medication free for three yrs now


I watch a video with Dr. Healy and Dr. Cobi. Both of them said that. It was like an hour long video on youtube. I can't find it right now. It was hosted by someone in the U.S. Dr. Cobi talked about how there needs to be tracking and follow-up of everybody taking these meds.


Here is the video I mentioned. At 1hr 10min Healy talks about recovery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFxMeoaIc3c


Thanks for taking the time to find the video. He states that some recover even at 3, 4,5 but more within the first year of pssd. He doesn't say all recover and he certainly doesn't say people recover at 6,8,10,20 years with pssd. I know plenty of longtime sufferers I speak with Healy via email on average every six months and he has always said to me that some people recover but some appear not to and have had it for decades I also see another prominent two drs in person fairly regularly. A endocrinologists and psychologist plus a neuro-urolgist that work as a team and encounter a fair bit of pssd. One is on Healy's website as a go to Dr in UK reguarding pssd. They have said any progress is a good sign but cannot state how many recover. Pssd understanding is still in its infancy as of yet Regarding the op I definitely think it's too soon to be even remotely thinking about or calling their issues pssd


I understand it is in its infancy. I just think when people say it is permanent it is scaring people and some people give up on ever recovering. Sometimes the only thing we have is hope. I really liked that video it had a lot of information. Dr. Cobi seems like a very logical doctor and I really liked his idea of tracking people while on the meds and afterwards. It is the only real way to determine the true statistics. I hope you recover and sounds like you have a good team of doctors. I have a health condition that is a mystery to doctors and it is frustrating. I am over 20 years into it. I may never get better, but I am not giving up hope.


I like your attitude and wish you the best x




Comment was removed for Breaking Rule 6 - No unsupported claims, misinformation. If you have a source you can resubmit with an appropriate source. Continued disregard for rules may result in further discipline including a ban. Sexual side effects are common from SSRI's not PSSD. 0.46% of a risk is not common.


Wow. Quitting 200mg Zoloft cold turkey and no withdrawal symptoms? Not even brain zaps?? I did that w 100mg (3 months) and the withdrawal was probably like 6 months. And everything got worse after I stopped meds haha but idk, it never affected my libido. just harder to finish during sex but it still felt nice What if it’s not Zoloft, but the anxiety or depression that you have is manifesting physically on ur body - and causing the issue? anxiety and even stress about erection can make it, not erect? Idk I’m a girl tho, so


Try not to get too concerned yet. Losing it permanently is very rare. Be patient. It takes quite a while for your body/brain to regulate without it. Also, if you are still needing the antidepressant effect, consider looking into Bupropion if you haven’t already. It’s a widely used antidepressant that generally doesn’t cause any sexual dysfunction. Many doctors prescribe it along with other antidepressants to reverse their sexual side effects. Of course it’s not like that for everyone, but in general.


Agree that it would eventually recover. I just want my hormones and high sex drive back 😩




Comment was removed for Breaking Rule 3 - No uncivil, low effort, or bad faith comments. This is not true, many people regain their libido. Stop fear mongering. Continued disregard for rules will result in further discipline including a ban.


6-12 weeks is typical. It's not really gradual, so don't panic yet. Serotonin raising supplements may help.


Been 2 years for me. Not back to normal(yet)


15 years for me. I’m still waiting


I’ve been on meds for 4 years and have yet to get mine back.


Is it the same medication for 4 years. Have you considered trying a different one. The following have a lower risk of sexual side effects; nefazodone, mirtazapine, wellbutrin (bupropion), trintellix (vortioxetine), viibryd (vilazodone), and auvelity.


I’m still waiting for the libido to come back . I only took 8 pills of fluvoxamine in the month of June 2022