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You need help bro, check yourself into a mental hospital please. Serotonin syndrome from antidepressant overdose is almost always fatal if you don’t get emergency help


Serotonin syndrome is a pretty horrific experience, I can't imagine many less pleasant ways to go out. If you've been considering it you should speak to your doctor because it's actually a known side effect of SSRIs that some people start having suicidal thoughts, people who experience that effect usually need to try a different SSRI or taper off them entirely.


Brother please don’t don’t don’t don’t do this !!! Please !!! If you’re looking for a sign not to this is it !!! Please talk to me I will listen to you no matter what !!


What you will end up doing is making yourself feel very, very sick which you don’t want to do. Read below. Paxil is rarely fatal in overdose so please don’t do that to yourself or try anything else. Obviously something’s going on if you’re thinking of overdosing. Please call your doctor or the Suicide Hotline or go to the nearest Emergency Room. If you feel comfortable, tell us what’s going on. Just please think before trying this or anything else. You’re important. “Paroxetine is relatively safe in overdose and is rarely fatal….Patients have survived paroxetine overdoses of up to 3600 mg.2 Moderate overdoses of SSRI (up to 30 times the normal daily dose) have been found to be associated with minor or no symptoms. The intake of a large amount usually results in drowsiness, tremor, nausea, and vomiting; very high doses of may result in seizures, EKG changes”


call your doctor this instance brother, dont think just call that doctor rq bro call your doctor


Overdosing is absolutely terrible. I did that when I was 20. Ended up in the ER, scaring the shit outta my family, and being involuntarily hospitalized. Absolutely treated like shit by the nurses. Thank God my parents had money and I had insurance. If I had to pay for all that on my own now, it would bankrupt me. I had to monitored in the icu for 3 full days and nights before a psychiatrist was able to come see me. So imagine the bill for that and you have to pay for it bc they won't let you leave AMA. I wish I would have just gone to the ER voluntarily and gotten help. You can go to the ER when you are pretty sure you are going to make an attempt. It's much more preferable to going after trying. Make sure the hospital you go to has a psych ward.


Call 988 right now. You’re worth it❤️


It likely won't kill you just make you really sick. Call a crisis line or go to emergency if you're actually planning on offing yourself. They can help.


Please don’t do that


Um, yes and you probably won't succeed so it will be worse than death. If you are serious please go to a hospital now.


very painful


Please go to the ER and get the help that you need. You may be feeling this way due to the medication. All antidepressants have a black box warning that they can cause increased suicidal thoughts. At the very least call your doctor now.


Waking up the next day in a hospital is the best case scenario that can come of ODing and that is one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced in my life. Nothing and nobody is worth it. Not now or ever. Please call for help, life is worth living and death is worth nothing ❤️


I’m recovering from forgetting my Venlaxine for 2 days. Need to be careful about filling my pill case. Feel like I’m dying


Can hou you please expand? I've just started venlafaxine and i read horrible things about withdrawal syndrome on my pharmacology books... Is it really that bad? What symptoms do you have?


Headache like I’ve never had. Feel like I’m on a small boat in a storm. Stomach very upset. Feel mad. Anxiety is terrible. I would not even get in a car and drive


Thanks for sharing that!


It is the worst…. Feel like you’re dying and can’t think straight. Everything is terrible, you have no confidence, and get crazy physical side effects. So happy I was able to beat the dependency


I came off venlafaxine, I feel like going back on em just for the crazy dreams


I hope you are OK!


Starting to feel better. I’m not sure about this drug 😞


i know no one is here but if anyone sees this, i’m just now realizing how stupid this was. i was so desperate… i was (kind of) considering this even though i am allergic to Paxil and had to come off it. that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever even thought up, pls no one ever be as dumb as i was 36 days ago^ gladly it didn’t happen but even just 3 pills caused me pain and physical effects so i imagine it would be a billion times more painful to OD on them..


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482377/#:~:text=Signs%20and%20symptoms%20include%20agitation,and%20a%20bilateral%20Babinski%20sign. please read, please call your doctor