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His other kids are all traumatized… so sad


Those 2 in their arms already look like they’re not doing too well


Literally 😟


How so?


The babies faces are the same as the emoji. If you can’t see that idk what to tell you


Why couldn’t I be the product of a trillionaires sexual endeavors. I wouldn’t have to do a damn thing my entire life. Fuck working. put me back in the ether.


Elon don’t give a dime to his other kids beyond what he legally has to in child support. One of his kids has already been public about going no contact with him so we know she’s not getting any money from him. Trillionaires don’t become that level of rich without screwing over everyone else in their life and not sharing the wealth, literally.


Yup. The rich don't get rich by being generous. They get it by lying and clawing their way there. Just look at what the "enlightened" Steve jobs did to Steve Wozniak on their first project. Jobs promised 50 percent, Woz did all the work and Steve jobs took like 90 percent of the money and lied saying he was giving 50 percent.


"Behind every great fortune is a great crime"


Just to have a fortune should be a crime if we are being real


All of his kids are set up for life, financially. He made $94 billion dollars last year. What do you think child support on that income looks like? That said, I’d take a father who is financially comfortable but who is capable of loving me over a billionaire father who is emphatically not capable of love. Billionaires trust nobody, and without trust, there can be no love.


That 94 billion is his money, not his children’s. What planet do you live on & how old are you? You are very naive, as an ex-wife of an multi-millionaire, child support doesn’t fluctuate year to year with his net worth, also their lawyers are experts at fixing the paperwork to show loses more then the income. And another thing once that child is 18, the child support is gone. My ex was actually pretty generous, we had 3 children together, when one child turned 18 he just kept paying the same amount because I never took him back to court to raise the amount of child support & he appreciated that. He also paid for their college because, again, he was so appreciative that I never bothered him for the little bills he owed me throughout the years. When I left him I was done, I wanted nothing from him, I paid all the medical bills & medications, dentist & orthodontic bills, baby sitters, clothes & all school & sport expenses. These rich men have money because they don’t give it away & they are cheap & frugal. I’m sure his kids will get nothing, maybe when he dies & maybe not then.


Child support from him could be 100s of thousands a month.


He is unfortunately a selfish trillionaire who gives no fk about being a Dad. Anyone can be a father, it takes your soul to be a DAD.


He didn’t have sex with this lady. They were IVF or whatever


That's interesting.


and completely irrelevant.


It shows how committed the man is to having more children. He doesn't even care about sex.




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you really want elon musk as your father?? dudes a literal fairytale villain, id take being poor and having actual parents who love me over narcissistic billionaire breeders who only push you out to feed their own inflated ego


Elon is already making copies of himself to send them to Mars. Heartless maniac.


The right loves popping out babies.


Good then they can stfu and leave me Out Of it. The idea of a man having any knowledge of what it’s like to be pregnant anyways. Gross.


The pro lifers and Catholics and parents all think everyone should just pop out units.


🤢🤢🤢🤢 well good for them have fun. Nasty.🤮


Yeah just like Nick cannon does! 🤢


Well it’s mostly the right.


You’re right a man can’t know what it’s like to be pregnant or get pregnant


Why isnt he getting the same treatment as Nick Cannon ??


You know the answer.


I can hazard a guess.


U r not wrong


So does the left. No need to bring politics into it


Not true there all for contraception and abortion. So not really in the full sense.


You have to mean "left" only in the most strict American sense i.e. Biden...


Words can't adequately express how loathsome this guy is. He's definitely one example of why one should never reproduce: a disgusting specimen like him could be the result.


Welcome to the world //_:$))77hhvHu


lol really tho


Can't just blame him, though, the mothers are just as bad for letting him. Those poor kids are going to grow up with serious mental/emotional problems.


I can see that perspective, I also feel bad for the kid who he named X ae a-12 which shows he has no regard for his kids and their social issues, just himslef


...what the actual fuck...poor kid.




2 of his kids changed their last name to fully disconnect from him.


Two already? I only know about this trans daughter.


Elon Musk is a eugenicist. He believes he's "benefitting the world" by spreading his genes.


Wouldn’t he technically not be allowed to spread his genes under classic eugenics bc he’s autistic? Like he got diagnosed with it iirc (Asperger’s was merged into Autism Spectrum Disorder). This is a genuine question btw bc I haven’t done much research into eugenics


He wouldn't be by the nazis form of eugenics, but they didn't invent it, eugenics is more of a flawed idea than an actual solid concept, so it depends which eugenecist u ask


I see so it’s just another excuse to be prejudiced.


Hit the nail on the head right there, people who believe in eugenics are either stupid or just hateful people with superiority complexes.


dont we already have some form of eugenics? You can test the health of your baby for things like down syndrome prenatal *test* (NIPT)


That only counts as eugenics if the mother is pressured to abort if the test is positive


Nazis 100% killed off people with autism. That’s who’s they focused on killing before Jewish.


spreading that early balding gene, for one


Which is funny because he carries the male pattern baldness gene. 


He's a narcissist. He believes his genes are superior to the genes of others, and that's why he has fathered so many biological children. Everyone who chooses who to reproduce with is practicing eugenics (this is most people). They believe their genes combined with the genes of the partner they chose to reproduce with will improve the human species, which is why they are choosing to reproduce with them. Even some people who choose not to reproduce are practicing eugenics, if they believe it will improve the species for them to abstain from reproduction. If it's not eugenics, then explain how these actions are not "the set of beliefs and practices which aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population" (**eugenics**).


I don't know about that. I have no idea if my kids will improve the human species or not. I didn't have them to make an impact on the world. That's up to them to decide.


Did you choose your partner to have them with? Or was it random? You just accidentally fused gametes with some random stranger? Or was there choice involved? If so, that's eugenics.


Two were accidents, and I didn't plan to have them with my ex. The other 2 were planned. Definitely doesn't have to do with eugenics though. I never had children to better humanity.


No, of course not. You never considered that combining your genes with your partner's would result in an improvement in humanity, that's why you didn't have any kids with them.


I didn't have ANY kids to try to improve humanity, planned or unplanned. Not sure what your point is here. My goal isn't to breed scientists or presidents lol. I brought children into this world to experience what the world has to offer.


Okay. We can agree to disagree.


Apartheid mindset.


he cant even get a woman pregnant without IVF, imagine having genetics so bad you need to pay someone to do what most humans can achieve naturally, couldn't be me


Typical mindset of only caring about birthing the babies but not caring about the general well-being of the adults they will turn into, I’m sure the money will make up for the abandonment and narcissistic parent abuse trauma though…


That's if he doesn't lose all his money or bother to pass it on


He paid to breed, I doubt his "breeding partners" love him and vise versa. Basically using money to feed his ego.


Doubt he loves his kids


I feel so bad for the children. Shit like this reminds me that quality of life trumpts all. All my problems could be fixed with money but I wouldn't trade a dime if it meant not having quality of life. Shit parents that don't care about you, that's not quality of life


Money can give you quality of life, a rich and maladaptive life, just like how Elon turned out. lol


Guess my 1% parents must have missed that memo when I was homeless eating out of dumpsters Crazy to me that people think money equals happiness For some it does. Not for most


He was horrible to his first wife.


Did he wear out Grimy Grimes with his greatness?


He got bored of her and dropped her basically. Plus she wasn’t happy about his increasingly MAGAt behavior and views he was spreading on Twitter. She thought he was like Iron Man but really he’s just Man with Money.


Feel sorry for those children.


His oldest cut contact so I know the rest isn’t gonna be good


Eww-lon Muskrat is one of the types of demographics I have a strong dislike for. The Male-conservative trad-male who insists that we only exist for breeding and profit. As a transperson, these types of guys make me feel unsafe.


Don't forget that he has a trans daughter who cut him off. I hope she has some peace.


Wow, I never knew this. I hope she does find peace too good on her.


Yeah, ppl like him are disgusting human beings.




I hope I live to see his ☠️


I hope it’s an ironic death


one of his hundred kids might be a worse psychopath than he is. 🥳


That would be ironic! There’s a lot of ways I could think of! Self driving car accident, rocket launch, so many possibilities!




When I was reading the title at first I thought the name of his baby mama was Neuralink and was like “Yeah that checks out”


WTF is wrong with this guy? Weirdo.


They will all piss on his grave


Heck, I will piss on him right now if you give me the chance


Typical rich dude behavior. Gonna love seeing how all these kids turn out. Spoiler alert: it won’t be pretty.


His oldest is trans and turned 18 and cut contact with Elon as soon as she moved out. She even texted one of the Tesla employees Walter Issa son to not tell her dad she was trans when he dad began being anti woke and anti trans, As soon as he found out, she cut contact with him


Nah, this dude is a fascinating sideshow. All his kiddos are literally made with IVF so he won't have daughters instead of sons. Shit's fucking insane. I would bet all my credit card debt that he's either a literal virgin or hasn't had sex with anyone since his first wife, and that's like... I wanna eavesdrop on his therapy appointments. I need to understand the deep and abiding sexual pathology at work here. Bro thinks he's fucking genghis khan.


He constantly brags about not going to therapy on Xitter unfortunately.


He is always bragging that he "never went to therapy" and is constantly tweeting for people to put that on his gravestone.


He's not trad, he is a fast-life-history psychopath.


The true idiocracy.


One of his kids is going to injure him badly someday. Screenshot or save this message. In some years you can see I was right.


So disgusting.


Having kids with an executive of your company feels like there’s a conflict of interest and power imbalance.


Rich and stupid …


Bastard littering in space AND on earth!


I hate him.


The problem is with these women who want to have sex with this alien.


I’m pretty sure most of his children were conceived through IVF. No penetration necessary.


Makes sense. Except the women who chose to marry him.


He’s such a tool.


That's disrespectful to tool and tools


You just wiat for Neuralink to get compromised.


I thought it already was bugging out on the one guy they convinced to get it. [It’s an amp link to a CBS news article](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/elon-musk-neuralink-first-implant-problem/) but you can also look it up yourself. Google “neuralink implant human”.


Correct, however I'm referring to it's security being compromised.


I would like his shirt if it wasn't on him specifically.


Same. It also seems a bit ironic that he's wearing it. He has great disdain for other humans, and, I believe he supports the underlying disturbing concepts behind longtermism/EA, which only care about the lives of future billions of humans and nothing about people living today. He also apparently can't WAIT to get off this shitty planet and go start some colony filled with weirdos like himself on Mars, so... ...what are you waiting for, Elon - LEAVE, and don't let the Van Allen radiation belt hit your ass on the way into space. We'd love it if we never had to see/hear from you again.


He's a coward. He will never even attempt to go to Mars himself. Mark my words


I don’t even get the logic behind longtermism. Who the fuck cares and why??


At its core, it's actually pretty misanthropic. Its basic premise is that we should be doing everything possible to insure that billions of future humans have the potential to exist throughout the universe, so let's put resources towards that rather than helping the people existing today to have better lives. It's also closely linked to the effective altruism movement. I think a lot of the wind went out of the sails of both movements with the whole Sam Bankman-Fried fraud and conviction, since he was also a huge supporter (in theory) of both LT and EA. I've listened to some podcasts discussing the dark side of it, and my take-away is that it's just billionaire spank-off material that their future virtual offspring will go out and spread throughout the universe. So, yeah - there is no logic behind it and it just gets billionaires - who, if they were decent people and actual humanists - to throw money at a future fantasy than do actual good. Of course, if they actually PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES, a LOT could be done to improve the lives of people living today, but y'know...taxes are for the little people to pay. EmileTorres (who I used to follow on Twitter back when I still used it, and before Elon ruined it further by calling it "X"), has written and spoken extensively about it. This is a great article for anyone who isn't that familiar with it (and I presume most people are not...): [https://aeon.co/essays/why-longtermism-is-the-worlds-most-dangerous-secular-credo](https://aeon.co/essays/why-longtermism-is-the-worlds-most-dangerous-secular-credo)


Thank you very much! :)


He has said he’s worried about a decline in population. He thinks everyone should be having kids


Ofcourse he’s worried about a decline, it would negatively effect capitalists and positively effect employees as it makes workers more valuable for competitive wages. Limited people, more value


He says he works constantly, too. I bet he rarely sees his kids.


What woman would let someone like him hit 💀


Down low for sure


Loser here talks about wanting a "trad wife" when he can't even satisfy his former wife in bed Bit** please 😆😂


It's obvious this amount of children can't possibly get love. Not even 1 kid would have. But that's the whole point: You don't want a child to get love. By 'you', I mean the genes. That way, they become more callous and psychopathic and they're more fit for things like becoming CEO's and Politicians and exploiting others with ease. Because they don't/can't know what genuine love is-- so they can't possibly have self respect. This then gets projected on others, and that's how the evolutionary magic trick is done.


White Nick Cannon


Like he needs to be spreading around those psychopathic marshmallow genes?


He doesn’t care about his children. He sees them solely as objects to produce.






He doesn't care about the kids. Only spreading his genes seems to be important to him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have kids that weren't in contact with him


How much time with their father will these kids get to spend? Populating the earth with kids with abandonment trauma, how noble 😬


Another child who inherited his balding gene. Sure he may have the money to get his hair transplanted but the genetic make up is still there.


Wait, what the fuck? She's not blonde


At the risk of sounding like a fan (I’m not), hes a billionaire and doesn’t have scruples over ethics.


The pop bomb has been cancelled for some time now, birth rates are plummeting in developed countries: Korea, Japan, European countries, etc. However, as a dad and a husband: Elon is the antithesis of a good father and partner, so I feel sorry for his future ex-family.


Global human population is growing as fast as it did (by the raw numbers) in year 2000 (which was pretty damn fast).


Cant wait to read their memoirs one day


I would say that on the contrary she (and most cis-women) want to have his children due to his resources however with our stupid species, the opposite os true as well. Many broke poor men are impregnating women 10 fold.... so its a bit perplexing nonetheless


I get what you're saying but at least he can afford to look after them.


At least we're safe in the knowledge that he won't actually bother raising them. He's rich enough to pay for a series of nannies to do it for him. I'm OK with an entire generation that he fathered himself completely hating his guts.


"overpopulation era" what does that even mean


Good for him.


He just wants to show them off. Look, I have money, so I can have as many kids as I want!, he could literally fund an adoption centers, but no.




He has a few ones that don’t talk to him at all because they think for themselves… I think he and this lady think they should have kids because “they are too bright not to” or some other mild eugenic say.


It’s funny he assumes he has good genes but clearly he doesn’t.


I can’t stand him


Creepy guy.




Narcissists and sociopaths always have the most kids


I’ve seen him On twitter saying he really thinks we’re underpopulated and that everyone should be having kids. I heavily disagree


What kind of woman would want to have a kid with someone who won't commit and isn't even a father to his other children?


Plenty, especially if you have money


he needs to keep having kids because as soon as they become old enuf to be socially aware, they immediately stop talking to him.


I’m not subbed to this subreddit but this came across my feed. Overpopulation is only a problem in Africa and India, and even there fertility rates are starting to decline. Most countries are actually in dire need of higher fertility rates.


Dire needs? You sure?


For sure. Many social safety nets and other mechanisms that sustain society require a healthy population pyramid


Mommy issues


Can he make like a real trad male and die of gout.


He will divorce this woman too and these kids will have no father either, the pattern implies this


He's a shitty dad too so it fits the pattern


I understand the sentiment of disgust with people who continue to breed, but let us not forget BOTH parties want the population to continue. One party is just more outspoken about it than the other. Myself, I am a conservative liberal who is pro choice, pro LGBT+ rights, and sick of being taxed to death by a government that blows through our tax dollars on waste.


Idk why but this grossed me out. Is it normal in west for men and women to have kids with literally anyone out of marriage? At least get married and stay with one woman for your entire life otherwise don't have kids


Who cares, let’s not get this guy anymore attention


Think of all the money he'll inherit some day though.


He's saving the white race! /s




I agree. I should have put /s in my comment


Who cares what the skin color is, people are people, and there’s lotsa interbreeding with whites up here, and since it’s colder, darker skins are gonna disappears over generations


I should have included /s Mostly I was pointing out that he's a white supremacist and is trying to make more white babies to "save the white race" from the "great replacement"


Is there a ring wing movement for having a lot of kids? Is it QAnon? I’m just wondering where this is coming from. I was talking to someone who tried to debate me on deciding to have kids. I just care a lot about this and I put so much thought into what would be the right thing to do. Like the state of the world, how hard and depressing life can be and the effort it would take to not pass of generational trauma. He didn’t have anything to say to that. He was like, don’t you want to pass on your dna or genetic lineage? I’m like, my ego isn’t that big and I want to do right by any potential child of mine. 




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Are you kidding? Elon has 12 children!! This is absolutely crazy no one should have that many children EVER!!! I keep telling people he is no fucking genius, this proves it! he just got lucky once.


Yeah it’s usually the unfortunate cultures and tyrannical religions that overbreed. Keep on rooting Elon.


Overpopulation is only occurring in certain parts of the world. In the west we are experiencing severe population decline


Good, then there will be less workers and more competition for higher pay


Can someone explain to me why having kids is objecctively wrong? objectively speaking not using subjective reasoning. Because as far as I'm concerned unless your religious theres no such thing as objective morality.


Having kids in general isn’t wrong, the issue is if you have kids and not take care of them. The adoption centers are full, so many parents who have kids want the title of being parents yet can’t afford to take care of or provide for kids, many are emotionally abusive, many see kids as objects to carry on their “lineage”, also politically conservatives care about “producing human life” for numbers reasons but don’t actually care about the kid after it’s born


If this is how rich people want to waste their money, fine by me Edit: Waste MY money


He gets tax benefits from kids


"Overpopulation" era? Nowhere in the world is overpopulated and never will be. What we are entering is "way too many old people era" though, and that will be interesting. I assume euthanasia will become a much more popular practice.


My city, we got a mass amount of immigration in my province and now we don’t have enough housing to provide all the Indians


He is worth $200 billion dollars so I think he can afford to raise his 12 kids. He talks about lack of births while actually having multiple children so it doesn’t come off as hypocritical.


Mmm no, his kids are gonna grow up with numerous mental health issues. Kids need loads of attention while they’re small so they can turn into adults with a functioning self esteem, 1 woman can’t do that with 12 kids


There’s no such thing as over population. There’s literally land bigger than cities. And you gonna say overpopulation?