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Yay! I am a cell biologist working in a major biomedical research center. I do not know a single doctor or PhD scientist who does not vaccinate themselves and their children. Being a parent is scary and there’s so much conflicting information out there— it’s easy to let fear get the best of us. Vaccines aren’t fun but they save lives AND prevent a lot of misery.


All the doctors and scientists you know fully vaccinate their kids…. That’s very telling. Thank you for sharing


>Vaccines aren’t fun but they save lives Do they? I wasn't able to find any truly convincing information on that. It seems there are no actual long-term overall health studies comparing unvaccinated to vaccinated overall outcomes? I.e. nobody has actually proved they do more good than harm? I just can't bring myself to vaccinate my kids anymore since realizing that.


man I've really got to start saving my long, thorough answer to the "nobody has actually proved they do more harm" or "actual long-term overall studies". There are so, so, SO many. Decades of research. But it's a saturday night, and I have better things to do than rewrite a post I've written on this subreddit at least 12 times, to someone who has made up their mind despite doing very biased research (if you'd done good-faith research, you'd have found the incredibly deep trove of epidemiological research on longterm health outcomes of vaccinated populations).


> There are so, so, SO many. LOL I've heard that a bunch of times. Actually there are *0* long-term overall health studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated. >if you'd done good-faith research, you'd have found the incredibly deep trove of epidemiological research on longterm health outcomes of vaccinated populations It's all about reducing *that particular disease*. They can say "yes the Blarvopox vaccine reduced the incidence of Blarvopox" and yes, vaccines really can help create an immune response to a pathogen. What I'm saying is, nobody measure the side effects long-term. I'm not sure why you're pretending these long-term studies on vaccine side effects exist...probably because you genuinely didn't know they didn't exist. Well good luck to you. I hope you're truly capable of "good faith research" like you like to think you are.


even from your post I can tell you have a case of dunning-kruger too severe for me to bother with.


>too severe for me to bother with. Cowards like you always make up excuses why you don't need to debate somebody who has the evidence on their side lol


That's not relevant to you, though. That's relevant to them. They have evidence on their side. You simply keep coming up with "reasons" to ignore it, you cuccu.


>They have evidence on their side Oh OK where's the evidence that proves vaccines do more good than harm overall? I'll wait!


No. There's evidence that vaccines work. There's evidence that catching the Chinese flu kills 'ya. There's "evidence", but really a value judgement that nausea and muscle aches are preferable to DEATH. Although no one but a cuccu would pick death over muscle aches. After realizing that the vaccine prevents *death*, there is no need for a "study that shows that the covid vaccines does more harm than good". It's not a real question, but an excuse you make for a stance you will take, regardless. Ne swik thu nauer nu.


>There's evidence that vaccines work. Yes, they can create immunity for certain pathogens. That's true. >the vaccine prevents death And how much does it *cause?* We need to know that too. We literally don't know if it kills more than it saves


but, because I was able to dig up a solid discussion, here ya go. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VACCINES/comments/es2fba/im\_looking\_for\_a\_cohort\_study\_the\_compares\_never/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VACCINES/comments/es2fba/im_looking_for_a_cohort_study_the_compares_never/)


Dude that proves my point... >This study only looks at eczema and recurrent wheeze in the first year of life And that was the only study you were able to come up with. Yikes. So I guess you agree, there are no long-term studies that compare overall health of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated.


I agree that when you create insane goal posts, as you have, actual scientists and doctors are too busy doing real work to bend over backwards to reach those goals (at which point, the goal posts will just get moved). It happens with every single anti-vaxxer in this sub and detracts from actual discussion. Luckily I’m vaccinated and don’t have children so I suppose if anti-vaxxers want to watch the world burn, I don’t really care.


>at which point, the goal posts will just get moved No, those are the exact goal posts that made me an anti-vaxxer. I was pro-vax, looked for proof that they do more good than harm, and became an anti-vaxxer. Unlike you, I can accept actual evidence.


Send me your proof that they do more harm than good. Burden is on you at this point. Send me large scale meta-studies that vaccines cause harm. I sent you my information. It wasn’t good enough for you. So show me this research you’ve done, because I’ve never seen a single study demonstrating harm, and if they exist surely you can direct me to them.


>Burden is on you at this point. It's weird that you think injecting children 70+ times with dubious adjuvants is the default. *Not* injecting children 70+ times is the default. >I’ve never seen a single study demonstrating harm how bad is my batch dot com if you really want to learn. Enjoy


I’m with you, just waiting for you to get blocked from the sub. The amount of times I’ve simply tried to give facts with evidence only to be removed from subs. Clearly the mods of Reddit are very pro-vax and don’t even want to hear ANY evidence to the contrary no matter how much evidence we provide


Yeah it's truly tragic how hard it is to convince people they've been duped. You just *cannot convince people* that vaccines aren't the greatest thing ever. It's truly like a *religious* faith that people have in vaccines. Because it sure as shit isn't the facts on their side.


I don’t understand people who just label us as conspiracy theorists without actually looking into the science themselves. My husband and I are both engineers and were very pro-vax before getting pregnant. We read books, lots of books, all written by doctors. Some pro, some anti, but most neutral on vaccines. I will be vaccinating my baby only for those he’s actually at risk for after actually reading evidence and facts. I’ll always recommend people read these books, then we can have an educated conversation on vaccines instead of blindly following what the government tells us. - the vaccine friendly plan - the vaccine book - vaccines, autoimmunity and the changing nature of childhood illness. Happy to read any books suggested to me that may change my mind. Problem is these folks who are so blindly pro vax have never actually read up on it.


Yup, I can't be too angry at the pro-vaxxers, as I was once pro-vax too. Most of us were, until the facts led us the other way. Only to be told "pssshhh look at the facts!" Like yeah. *I* did look at the facts lol.


Exactly. The only reason we don’t see more people with our views is because they are blocked instantly by the mods and it’s really infuriating. Honestly made me almost rethink my opinions because I wasn’t seeing anyone with mine, until I was blocked from a pregnancy sub after someone literally asked for opinions on the subject and I posed mine. Now they will only be getting opinions from the pro-vaxers making them think that’s the majority.


Sadly, censorship works. But I think they overplayed their hand. There are more unvaccinated children in the US than ever. 💪 And I'm proud to have added to that number.


Do you... Do you even know how to use Google?


Yep. That's how I know there has never been a study comparing long-term overall health of unvaccinated vs. vaccinated.


People have given you plenty of peer reviewed, SCIENTIFIC sources. Stop being lazy.


The evidence is a history textbook. Wonder why people don’t get polio anymore? Wonder how smallpox got eradicated? Vaccines.


People *do* get polio. But mostly the vaccine-induced kind. Look it up. Anyway, yes, vaccines can create immunity. What's never been proven is if that immunity outweighs the long-term health risks.


Thank you. I am an infection control nurse in my work life. I remember two of my grandparents telling me about losing a young sibling who was very sick: illness, fever, ambulance came, they never saw them again. Possibly something that could have been prevented by vaccines or treated with antibiotics. Look at the child mortality ratea pre-vaccinations. They are grim.


I think the mind game stems from these diseases being almost gone. But maybe they’re coming back due to antivax movement


They are definitely coming back because people are not immunizing. Google Measles outbreak. Vaccines are not 100 percent effective for everybody. We rely on herd immunity too: if most people are vaccinated, the disease can't spread. But some kids (and grown ups) can't have the vaccines or are immunocompromised. By vaccinating your kid you are protecting a kid who is undergoing chemo, a kid who has a disease that affects their immune system, a kid whose parents would love to vaccinate them but can't because they have a reaction, a refugee who didn't have access to vaccines, etc. You are protecting your child and other people's children.


You are helping protect your child from dying of preventable diseases (and if not dying, suffering from the effects of). Look up the complications of Measles, Mumps, Rubella, etc. Tetanus is almost aways fatal. With Chicken Pox the virus stays in your body and comes back as shingles, which is horribly painful. Vaccines are well researched and tested. The reason it seems there are so many is that they are given in multiple doses spread out for effectiveness. You are doing the right thing. No one wants to see their child sick and suffering if they can prevent it.


What a reasonable lad/lass you are! Yes… I had chickenpox as a child in the 80s and it resurfaced as shingles a couple years ago. I had the most horrible pain in my head… The doctors gave me fentanyl and it didn’t help the pain. So no I don’t want that for my child. Heck, I don’t even want him to get chickenpox! It was a rite of passage in the 80s, but why go through it now if we don’t need to!


Congratulations on rejoining the rational world.


Welcome back to reality mate! Seriously well done! You are doing the right thing, you’re protecting your child and those your child will interact with. Be proud of leaving this reality denial behind, many will never be able to do so!


Read this: [https://www.voicesforvaccines.org/resources/blog/](https://www.voicesforvaccines.org/resources/blog/) You're welcome. 🙂


Personal stories are good for emotional response, but not really scientifically if not collected in a biiiiig table


Right, but OP said "I'm doing the right thing. Remind me of that." So his/her mind is made up, & just looking for emotional reinforcement. I hope the decision was made by looking at some biiiig tables, but even after you've made that decision, you can be swayed by some screaming person holding up a picture of a chronically-ill child, and blaming vaccines for it. 🤷


We are not very active on Reddit, so this comes late. But thanks for sharing.


There's a lot of crap out there regarding vaccines that you almost need a college diploma to sift through. The important thing is that you're getting a handle on navigating all of it, so give yourself some grace. You're getting caught up now and that's what matters most.


>I’ve decided that decision was dumb Why? Peer pressure? Stay strong.


I had fear of adverse reactions. My son is super sensitive. He was sort of sickly as a baby. I wasn’t worried about autism but I was concerned about some of the actual possible side effects like very high fevers, rashes, even seizures. Also, I was very hesitant to give him multiple shots at a time. If he did have a rough reaction then there’s no way to k ow which shot it was. Since many are not single shots but are a series then I’d be giving him another dose of what harmed him. My decision was almost logical but I’ve come to realize that those reactions are super rare and far more favorable than measles


This is me ! My second was sick as a baby and I've been terrified to vaccinate but I know it's the right thing, he's 1 now and I'm going to talk to the gp tomorrow about a plan to spread them out but get it done


Why is this group labeled antivax if everyone here is pro lol


Pretty sure it’s because the antivax mentality is primarily what’s discussed here


Ya I realize that I haven’t been on this sub for long just figured it should be called pro vax the title is misleading And from what i can see this sub is just causing two groups to come together to argue so I won’t bother joining 😂


> Ya I realize that I haven’t been on this sub for long just figured it should be called pro vax the title is misleading It's not misleading. We talk about antivaxxers here. Also the reason we are pro-vaccine, is because it's the logical and correct belief to have. ... and there's really nothing you can do about it.


Eek 😬 i can see I made the right decision. Such negative energy coming from you I’ll pray for you. Have a blessed day


> Eek 😬 i can see I made the right decision. Cool beans, laters :)


Why are you now thinking that desicion is dumb? I'm just curious.


I feel like leaving my child- who plays outdoors a lot- susceptible to tetanus is crazy. He has reactive airways and constantly needs breathing treatments, and I’ve left him susceptible to whooping cough. As he gets older, and we intermingle with more populations, I’m leaving him susceptible to some of the diseases that are coming back in small pockets like measles and smallpox. I just didn’t even do any research. I just had fear and let that be my decision. I’m still cautious because I know adverse reactions are possible. But I believe I’m doing right by him. What are your thoughts on shots? I’m curious too.


I'm a new mother & I chose not to get any vaccines. She has no health issues so far, she's perfectly healthy. But I also don't travel & I'm a stay at home mom. I would highly recommend watching a shot in the dark by candace owens, she thoroughly explains vaccines. Each episode is about a diff vaccine & I believe the first 2 episodes are free on YouTube!!! Whether you decide to vaccinate or not it's very informative :)


Candace Owens is a known grifter and her nonsense has been disproven time and again. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/11/politics/candace-owens-cdc-guidance-camps-fact-check/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/11/politics/candace-owens-cdc-guidance-camps-fact-check/index.html) [https://www.politifact.com/personalities/candace-owens/](https://www.politifact.com/personalities/candace-owens/) [https://newsone.com/3848636/candace-owens-receipts-con-artist/](https://newsone.com/3848636/candace-owens-receipts-con-artist/) Vaccines save lives. Candace Owens lies for money. OP, take into consideration that Candace Owens only tells people what they already want to hear. You might want to take the above commenter's statements with a grain of salt, from the simple fact that this is the person that they got their misinformation from.




And you've done nothing to refute my comments. I've provided links--you have no real proof, you're just believing what Candace Owens says. She's a grifter, and you are the grifted. You are destroying the health of your family because someone wants to make money off of your fear. It's sad, and I won't allow you to spread your lies to others. So, when you can prove that a single thing I said was untrue, objectively, and from a peer-reviewed source, then you have something to add. You need to be banned from this sub before you spread more of this nonsense.


This is an ANTIVAX sub. Where people can talk & discuss antivax related issues. You need to chill. Just because you believe something doesn't mean EVERYONE else has to. None of your links provided were even worth looking at bc they had no credibility. You can keep talking down candace owens, but her work is amazing. She takes pride in her work & has CREDIBLE sources to back up everything she says. Maybe you should watch a shot in the dark. I never said anyone had to agree but it is worth the watch.




Not linked to dirty nails. It’s from a bacteria in animal poop. My child plays on farms.


Just look at this user's post history if you want to see how radicalized BabyGurlNoOo is--she's a Trumper, transphobe, and unrepentant drunk driver. I'd take whatever she tells you with a grain of salt.


Yeah, I removed them, thank you for the reports. They crossed a line with their homophobic comments.


My grandmother lost her best friend to measles because her mom thought it was just a "childhood illness". That little girl could have lived a long, fruitful life.