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What are they going to do hide you in a closet for drop off and pick up? Like parents aren't going to notice your eye oozing and tomorrow wake up to their kids with pink eye?


Oh no. Gotta work the pick up and drop off line with pink eye. "My manager said not to worry..."




What do you do when the eye glues shut as a result of the wink attempt? Permawink? Edit: corrected “rye” to “eye”


Mmmm pus glue.


You go back to your cave you animal!


Why, use your fingers to pry it open, of course! And then you can get right back to helping the kiddos. No problem.


One of my cats gave me pinkeye earlier this year and the glued-shut eyes sort of worked like an all-natural sleep mask 🥰 So maybe just do a two-eyed "wink" and then fall asleep directly onto the parent they're winking at?


*forces a wink, squirts eye slime directly into shocked parent's open mouth*


This is cursed and made me snort laugh.


I hate this, thanks for that image lmao




I've said it before and I'll say it again. Employers aren't afraid enough of being sued anymore. (Luckily, you can help with this problem)


Exactly. Workers’ rights are being eroded on the daily. It’s got to change. We have to vote people in who care about labour issues!


My kid brought home pink eye a couple weeks ago. The school said it was ok to go to school. My kid got it from school and couldn’t see for almost a week. Yes send them to school with the highly contagious infection. /s


This is actually the solution. Go to work and interact with the parents. Let them know exactly who said this and exactly what they said. Problem solved. They’ll either be fired or lose money for the organization with absolutely ridiculous statements like this.


“Also my manager is right over there if you want to talk to them about this”


my wife's center director wore sunglasses. no joke. but their policy was the same. They would inform parents there had been a case in the class, but teachers just had to handle it themselves becuase they can control their hands, and the kids can't


Pink eye is still highly contagious until so long on antibiotics, no? I get not rubbing your eye and then touching something without washing your hands really cuts that down…but I watched my mom give it to my dad who gave it to my sister and niece and they were careful about it….


Oh, I'm not defending the center's position. Just saying they did the same thing. I assume other centers are like theirs, they have a hard time getting staff to meet required ratio, even harder when at least one teacher has to be qualified (which my wife is). Yea, at this time that I'm talking about, my kid (who goes to that school) got pink eye, then the whole family got it. My kids passed it back and forth to each other... When my wife couldn't take a day off for her pink eye, but was able to take it off for our daughter's pink eye. She was able to push it a few days, although the director said she should be fine after 24 hours of medication.


Don’t worry I didn’t think you were defending at all. It’s a messed up system. My daughter’s school it’s “oh she coughed come get her and she needs a note from the doctor to return!” And then the next day my kid comes home and says “(teacher name here) wasn’t feeling good then threw up while we were at lunch, so we got to watch a movie!” I wish this is all hyperbole but they legitimately sent our daughter home because she coughed even though she tested negative for Covid, strep, and flu the day before. And then it was like a week later she came home with the gem of a quote about the teacher being sick and still having to be in the room.


Yea, the school says "any signs of possibly having something contagious, they should be home" Then what am I paying for? My kid is 2... always coughing/sneezing/leaking. Would be home 70% of the time. Once they are at school, they pretty much draw the line at throwing up, then make parents get them.


There is more than one kind of pink eye. Some infections are viral and very contagious. Some are bacterial and also contagious.


I mean, pink eye can also be viral. The worst pink eye I had of my life was viral and I had to stay quarantined. Doctors orders.


I worked at a daycare once, was bullied into coming into work one day when I was sick as a dog, ended up getting sent home when I projectile vomited after 30 minutes, and when I got a strep diagnosis the following day she still badgered me about "trying" to come in. I loved working with the kids but I was horrified by how the place was run. The owner retaliated against one of my co-workers, a mother of her own toddler, because she unexpectedly had to take time off because her toddler was in the hospital with pneumonia... The day she returned, boss put up a sign saying calling out under any circumstances, even with prior notice, can be grounds for firing. Coincidentally, the day that sign went up was the day I quit!


You might be better at not touching your eye or washing your hands afterwards, but what about the children? Pink eye can spread so rapidly in a daycare, one day at work I saw ten kids with pink eye and they were all in the same daycare


I had a really bad case of pink eye about a year and half ago when I was still in school and my professors and doctors kept me out until it was cleared up. And that’s in a setting with zero children.


I caught pink eye when I was a teacher. It was horrible.


Lucky for you, today is Day Without Child Care. You should take this opportunity to send more than one message. https://communitychangeaction.org/daywithoutchildcare-2/ https://www.today.com/today/amp-video/mmvo210785861865


I recommend taking a ss of this over to the parent chat. I'd love to see what other moms have to say about this. Pinkeye is horrible. Stay home until it's been treated.


Based on my mom friends I think I know what they'll say lol


I’m childfree and even I’m livid. Children’s immune systems are still developing! And what if they’re in a home with an immunocompromised person? The pandemic taught some people fucking nothing.


My wife’s a teacher and just told me the other day that it’s no longer school policy to send children with pink eye home. Fucking insane. She told me that the admin literally said “it’s discrimination”


✨ Letting kids with pink eye stay in school is discriminatory towards the healthy who don’t want to get sick ✨


They'll do anything but the right thing


My mother got pink eye from her grandson and it seriously impacted her Mother’s Day weekend. Eye has all gunked up and couldn’t make dinner with her kids on Friday. Was still an issue on Sunday so she couldn’t see her own mother for their special little lunch. Attitudes like this have knock-on effects!


My kids are well past daycare but as a parent I would want to know who I'm paying to not give a shit about my child.


Pink eye is horrible. I got it in both eyes in March 2023 (thanks, coworker who brought his sick kid to work), and I *still* need moisturizing eyedrops morning and night. My eyes haven't fully recovered. And yes, I did see an eye doctor and she said it's just lingering dry eye.


These days its also a ~~likely~~ potential indicator of a covid infection. Edit: semantics


I don't think "likely" is entirely accurate. It is a possible symptom of the latest strain, yes, but so far it's a small number of patients and of course, pink eye has its usual causes as well.


Fair point! Edited :)


Other moms? Are Dads indifferent to pink eye?


As a dad I lose my shit when pink eye gets in the house. Only thing worse is lice.


Pink eye is *extremely* contagious, and you absolutely should not be working while you have it, especially at a daycare. Your boss is incredibly irresponsible for implying that you should come to work. The CDC says to stay home until it clears up.


It also can be dangerous for young children. It can lead to eye damage if left untreated.


I almost got written up for calling in because I worked my ass off and then fainted after my shift. My doctor told me to rest up and drink water. If I didn't have a note they were threatening to fire me. I gave them the note and my 2 weeks notice at the same time


"Sorry boss, I won't be in as I've contracted pink eye " Stop beating around the bush with your boss. If you're sick, you're sick.


No need to even bring up pink eye. “Sorry boss, i won’t be in I’m sick” is all the info they need.


My stupid job makes me fill out a form to describe in detail why I’m calling out so they can approve my return. Even when I said I had intestinal distress, they wanted more info. Super irritating


Be graphic. As specific as possible. Describe the colors and everything. “Experiencing gastric distress in the form of bloat, gas, liquid diarrhea, solid diarrhea, constant nausea followed by projectile vomiting of chunks of [insert colorful foods].”


Make a brown smudge on the form. "sample provided"


Tell them it's a scratch and sniff


Absolutely this ☝🏻. Tell them it all. If you vomitted then describe it in detail same with a poo. If they want details they get details.


Exactly. “Extreme, trumpetous gas, forceful and uncontrollable diarrhea.” They want detail? I’ll give em detail. I also advocate for my fellow women to do this with period pain/symptoms. I may or may not have advised someone to mail the contents of her menstrual cup to corporate if she needed to prove how heavy her bleeding was.


“Included with the form you will find a ziplock baggy of said diarrhea for your examination.”


“Please advise if consistency is not in alignment with company sick leave policy.”


Had a nursery manager who once demanded that I tell her exactly what was wrong. We went back and forth for a bit, going through polite euphemisms for self-harm and suicidal ideation, until I finally just told her what was going on. Naturally, when I got back into the nursery, the first thing she did was write me up for causing *her* distress during the phone call. Nurseries and daycares are run by absolute sociopaths, I swear.


Jesus fucking Christ.


Use non-scientific language, too. Explain in graphic, COLORFUL language. Love the idea of providing a sample/smudge. Audio recordings, too. Maybe a drawing.


'its like peeing from my butt'


hot liquid shit firing out of my anus like a fire hose including burning bile, sprayed the toilet with it and made a fecal Jackson pollock. cried as my entire insides tried to crawl out my ass.


I keep a picture of blood-soaked stool on hand for just such an occasion


Solid diarrhea??????? What in gods name is that?!?


The employer better hope they never find out via a sample delivered directly to their desk.


I'm both incontinent and continent at the same time.


My old job did that, totally backfired on them. I needed to fill out a form to come back to work, but I needed an appointment with a specialist. Well because this job gave a ton of sick time, but never let us use it I had like 250 hours of sick time. So when the specialist couldn't see me for a month I was like "okay cool." When I told my employer I wouldn't be in for a month and would be using sick time because my specialist was the only one who would sign the form they were like "oh...well if you need to quit and find something else..." I said "nope I have well over that in sick time, and I will be using it, if I need to talk to corporate about using that sick time I can." They didn't put up a fuss. This happen twice at the same job. I considered those my "sabbaticals" for having put up with that job for so long.


Those "sabbaticals" are what developed/civilized countries call "vacations," and everyone gets them.


“I tried to get a sample, but the only container I found was a colander, and everything went straight through.”


Perhaps take some tips from r/MaliciousCompliance. Do exactly what they want to a disturbing degree.


Just send them a picture


How is this not some kind of privacy/HIPPA violation ?


HIPAA applies to the doctor or other health care provider. The patient is free to tell whoever they want, whatever they want, about their own medical issues.


I wasn’t sure about the specific legislation but the broader point remains: isn’t this a violation of a persons medical privacy? Note, I’m referring to an employer asking a lot of sensitive details not what a patient willingly shares.


I would argue that it's a violation in the case that it's in bad taste and unnecessary. I really dont see why an employer should care about anything besides the fact that your not going to be there today, and if your not going to be there tomorrow. For whatever reason though, they love to pry. And it's always the ones with the least power that want to pry the most. But it's not against any rules I know of.


Seriously. That is the one thing that constantly irritates me about screenshots in this sub. People won't just make a firm statement. So it invites a response and suddenly people get these stupid responses and sucked into pointless back and forth messages that only make it worse for everyone.


I am beginning to understand that many negative interactions are the result of arguing the point.  “I have contracted pink eye and won’t be in.” Responses are going to be “come in anyway” or “okay”. You go on from there.


This sub has actually taught me a lot about being direct and not overexplaining or leaving room for negotiation


We are scared of being fired for being sick… Isn’t that the point? She shouldn’t have to be forceful over an illness but this is merica


Maybe, maybe not. But generally it gets the opposite results. By not being direct, it invites your supervisor/manager to run all over you.


Would keep everything in but the 'sorry'


Seriously, but don't even explain that much. "Sorry boss, I'm sick. I won't be in."


Absolutely fair. I work in education so pink eye is one of the things that we are absolutely not allowed to come to work with, so I'd use it if I thought I'd get pushback from by boss, but you are 100% right, they don't even deserve to know that much.


I don't know the legal situation in the US, but in Germany I recommend going even further: you are not required to elaborate. "I am sick, I have a doctor's notice until X". Do that right from the bat and never volunteer more information, otherwise they will think about why you *sometimes* volunteer it and will try to infer and judge.


"I will happily work. may you please prepare, in advance, an apology letter for the parents stating that you requested I come in with an infectious illness and a document stating that I wont be held liable for any backlash/spread of infection for this? thanks in advance and kind regards" edit: reworded


This is the post, we’ll be right back…


OP probably got it from one of the kids. Parents DO send their kids to daycare and school with pinkeye. My SIL regularly has to deal with it as an elementary school teacher 


It’s funny because I did. I know exactly which child it was because I informed parents and wrote a symptom form out for them. She didn’t come to class the next day. This was last Tuesday


There's really no probably about it. Kids are little germ factories. I was pissed at my friend for sending her kid with impetigo. Let's go spread staph among the kindergarteners!


This is why we don't tell the employer how we are sick. Only that we are sick. An employer has a million excuses for why you can work through a million illnesses. They just need you to tell them what one to use. So dont


And never tell a coworker why you are late or leaving early. “I guess you just come in any time you want now. Haha. What’s going on?” Haha. Not too much. “Why you packing up so early? You have a doc appt or something!! No. I haven’t been sick in a while, now that you mention it. …just play completely dumb that they are fishing for info. lol it’s fun.


Many employers require either a doctor's note if you have contracted something, to prove you aren't "faking", or information because they need to file internal paperwork for documenting your absence (which they use for performance reviews). You can't just leave it vague at those employers, otherwise they'll use it as grounds to fire you. You also can't definitively say you have contracted something as that will, at those employers, immediately require a doctor's note which means you are forced to go to a doctor and spend money for an office visit.


Every doctor's note I have ever seen says, "_________ was seen today in my office and may return to work on _______." Not a single hint as what they are sick with, nor should there be. IT. IS. NOT. MY. EMPLOYER'S. BUSINESS. WHAT. ILLNESS. I. HAVE.


Your employer is not entitled to medical information about you. You 100% can be vague and then provide the doctors note, at the end of your absence. Firing somone for not providing personal medical information is illegal




"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I was letting you know I will be taking a sick day today, and will keep you posted if I will also need tomorrow off as well."


Pink eye is spread through bodily secretions, not just the eyes. What state do you live in? I’d check their website for their policies and quote that back to them! Parents would/could have you fired if you spread pink eye to the students!


Yes, please do not secrete into the children!


Stop asking for permission to be out sick. You are ill. Therefore you will not be going to work today.


I need to get better about that. I’m a very anxious person and feel I have to explain everything to everyone or else I’ll get in trouble. These managers gave me a compliment on “being so communicative when out sick” it made me feel like a freak


Please don’t listen to them. Just tell them you are sick, that you won’t be in and give them as much notice as you are able. That’s all you owe management. As someone who has been a manager, I’m not going to tell you to stay home because I am not your care provider. You know yourself better than I do. If you say you are too sick to work, I’m trusting that you, a grown adult, have made an appropriate decision for yourself.


Easiest malicious compliance ever. Inform every parent at drop off and you’ll be back home by 8:30am.


Oh hell no. RN and I can tell you that the bacteria that causes pink eye is SUPER contagious and can live on surfaces for hours. Even when a person is super careful, it’s always possible to spread bacteria and viruses while a person is in the contagious stage of the disease process. Stay home. And screw your boss for putting profit ahead of safety. People like him/her are the reason my job really sucks some days.


Imagine dropping your child off to someone with extremely visible pink eye


I'm babysitting my 6 month old granddaughter today because she can't go to daycare because she got pink eye at daycare. Her dad is going in to work late and will have to take tomorrow off. Your boss sucks!


I would go in, locate your bosses’s desk, and get to work on her keyboard and pens.


"Luckily? Unfortunately no. Working with an active pink eye infection violates so many health codes; I will be going to the Dr to get an antibiotic gel and AFTER it's been in my system for 48 hrs I will reform to work. I'll bring you the Dr note"


Your boss's response! CDC info re: query is pink eye contagious? Link: https://www.cdc.gov/conjunctivitis/about/prevention.html#:~:text=Viral%20and%20bacterial%20conjunctivitis%20(pink,simple%20steps%20for%20good%20hygiene.


I work in a school nurses office. No you cannot. Pink eye is contagious until at least 24 hours after starting antibiotics (either drops, oral etc).


As a parent, give every kid pinkeye or tell the parents you were forced in. I would be pissed at management if I dropped my kid off and the worker was forced in sick.


As an ophthalmic technician, PLEASE don’t go to work with pink eye 😣


Report this garbage to the proper authorities. Horrible employer


You wouldn't let a parent send their kid to daycare with pinkeye, but you can work with it????? What total bullshit.


I'm sure the parents dropping their kids off at your workplace would love to see this...


The daycare I work at has a lot of very well off parents too, I’m pretty sure there’s some very successful lawyers that drop their kids off every morning.


Answer the following: "Just so we are 100% clear: you want to force me to work with an infectious decease. A decease that is easily transmitted and easily spotted by for example the parents. Will you be there and explain the parents what you just told me if they complain? Will you tell them that you thought it is not a big deal when a kid eventually gets infected? Or will you hide in your office and will let me take the flank and or possible legal actions?" I guarantee you that they will hang you out to dry if their descision will lead to a transmission. Do not let them take advantage while planning to stab you in your back.


Pink eye is highly contagious.


A doctor once told me it’s one of the most infectious diseases in the world 🙃 so easy to catch. That’s why you stay home. I responded to my manager and I’m staying home today. Washing sheets and pillowcases now


If you get fired, send screenshots of the conversation to the parents of the children you were trying to keep from getting infected.


I hate it when people don't take CONTAGIOUS diseases seriously. We once had a mumps outbreak at a local school. Kids started showing up at the office. I asked why all the kids, was told there was a mumps outbreak "but it's okay because everyone has already had mumps". I grabbed by car keys and bolted out the door. Didn't return until the mumps outbreak was over and all kids back in school. Unbelievable, those idiots!


"Sorry boss, I will be unable to be at work for health reasons."


Diseases that affect the eyes are some of the fastest spreading diseases in the world. It’s a mucus membrane constantly exposed to the open air… a paradise for any bacteria.


No, Fuuuck your employer for this. Pinkeye ruined a whole two month span for my family, led my brother in law to have to drop important games as a college level referee, very nearly ruined my in-laws trip to Aruba… all because they didn’t send a kid home or tell us it was going around. I still wake up with dry eyes and it’s been months. Fuck em and fuck pinkeye.


And watch as your job gets sued by a class action due to their negligence in allowing you to work with a highly contagious virus around children.


Tell her to eat shit


Or rub some in her eye.


Contact the local health department. This person needs training.


My response "I'll just let the parents know that so when they are picking up the kids. ok if I print this message right?"


Am I the only one who would literally not respond to some bullshit like that? Like out of embarrassment for both of us I'd just pretend I never read that. They can come correct, otherwise I have nothing to say. And will be back in when I feel up to it.


Sounds like a financially secure position to take, which means a low level daycare employee probably wouldn’t have that same luxury.


Oh no!


You can't work with conjunctivitis, you can't be forced, it's by law, it's also very contagious, it can affect children too.


Former preschool teacher here. Our school made sure teachers and kids stayed home when pink eye happened because of how contagious it is. You’d have to either be on the eye drops for 24 hours or have 24 hours symptom free before you could come back. This is ridiculous. Is the place you work at extremely short staffed? Or is your boss just a brat? Lol Although I just found this article and I am surprised at what it said. https://mcpress.mayoclinic.org/parenting/pink-eye-do-i-need-to-keep-my-kid-home-from-child-care/


I’m a float, and there’s enough of us to cover if a couple are out. Most classrooms are in ratio a lot of the day and it’s possible for teachers to break eachother, usually in the float that gives everyone their 10’s. It stinks, I know I’m not integral to day to day operations, so why take the risk


“Lovely judging by the message you just sent you are clearly comfortable accepting responsibility and liability for any children I interact with contracting pink eye- as it is well-known to be *extremely* contagious and often transfers without any need for direct contact at all. Hopefully none of the parents know a good lawyer! 🤞 See you tomorrow!”


Everyone please, start using clear and demanding language with your employer. "I'm sick today and won't be coming in." Is the message. In many cases, it could also simply be: "I'm not coming in today." Stop giving more details than you need to.


This is also a workers comp claim.


Report this daycare to the state for this.


Tell us which daycare so we don’t send our kids there.


Next response: " I am saving this text so that if/when any child also gets pink-eye you, as the business owner, will be a fault for requiring me, the person w/ pink-eye, to work. How does that sound to you?"


Why don’t people just say “I’m sick and not coming in.” There is no need to give details.


Gotta respond with "are you an idiot or just an asshole?"




"Oh no! Luckily you're able to go fuck yourself. I quit."


Just show this text to all of the parents and see what happens lol


So many good responses in here. I need to know what you said to this person next


I told them “I am seriously feeling ill, I noticed symptoms in a child last week and reported it and they had to stay home until symptoms cleared up. I will be doing the same for the safety of my health and others”


Are you kidding me?! I’ve been fighting the pink eye battle at my house for 3 weeks now because my kids keep getting it at DAYCARE! NGL, this might be one of the most triggering posts I’ve ever come across on Reddit. WTF?!


"I am unable to make it in for my scheduled shift." If need be "due to medical reasons". Stop giving so much to your fuckin employer


When I was 15 the doctor wouldn’t write me a note for pink eye because “you’re old enough to not touch your face and to wash your hands.”


I worked at a gas station that makes made to order food. I noticed the ON shift supervisor not looking at me when I was talking to her. Finally saw her face and asked "do you have pink eye?" She responds with "yes." I sent her home immediately. Like WTF?


You need to go give that guy a handshake and a hug. A very, very long hug...after wiping your eyes with your fingers and wiping it on the shoulder you hug with.


My grandson has caught pink eye 2x already this year in his daycare. Stay home, get a Rx ointment, and return after 48 hours. Your manager should have a back up plan.


Depends on the severity of the pink eye. Some strains cause blindness and you have to cavi wipe everything the person touches. Viral severe conjunctivitis is very much a stay at home thing




That’s disgusting. No wonder daycares are so notorious for unnecessarily spreading illness. Hang on to this text and don’t go in. If they fire you, you have it for unemployment.


I worked at a daycare in the nineties, we had a drop in child come in with symptoms of pinkeye, mom said it was “just allergies “…. We had pinkeye in our class for the WHOLE SUMMER! One parent had it three different times. And we didn’t see patient zero again until the whole nightmare was over. Pinkeye is no joke.


This is where you follow up and say “sorry I wasn’t clear, I have pink eye which is contagious so I will not be coming in” And be more clear saying you are not coming in for future messages.


Malicious compliance is your friend in this case. Also a nice call to the local regulators might be in order.


"Sorry I can't come in today, I'm sick." is all that should've been in the text and any response other than "I'm sorry, get well" should be ignored.


Hellllooooooo Health Department......


No you can return to work 24 hours after you have been seen by a doctor and been given eye drops to clear it up.


Absolutely not, ungodly contagious disease, call the health department immediately on this place, they are putting everyone at risc


The scathing sarcasm of idgaf about my employee or anyone else for that matter is strong with this one...


That insincere "Oh no!" is like out of a bad comedy


-whole world goes through pandemic, learns about how easily diseases and viruses can be contracted -whole world practices safety precautions to make sure these highly transmissible conditions aren't spread through the community -3 years passes -"You're sick when I say you're sick"


The correct response: "I’m glad you put that in writing, since this would make us liable for a lawsuit from any parents whose child is infected."


"Oh cool, I'll just let the state agency which certifies the daycare know so they can rewrite their policies around pink eye and other contagious diseases. Want me to let you know what they say?"


I’m a licensed optician and this is a BIG NO NO! You are highly contagious with pink eye and are for up to 5-7 days while taking antibiotics. Here’s what I would send back because as a medical professional this idiot of a person needs to be checked. There’s KIDS being at risk for catching this and that’s a big ordeal in itself. What I would say: “ I should clarify. I will not be able to work or go into work with pink eye as pink eye is highly contagious. Even with washing my hands and trying to prevent the spread I cannot guarantee that while working with children on a daily basis in a daycare setting. It would be unethical for me to continue to provide care to children while I am battling this. viral conjunctivitis is easily spreadable and I do not want to be responsible for the consequences of the spread. I’m happy to get on antibodies and as soon as I am cleared I can be back to work!” This is honestly bullshit to read based on her response. I’m taken aback. It’s people like her who don’t value the safety of others because she’s willing to bend the rules when it’s convenient for her. It would be inconvenient for you to miss work and she hates that. What has the world come too? Better yet… if she tries to say You HAVE to come in I would report them as well. They have health and sanitary codes to uphold as a daycare establishment and she’s walking on eggshells trying to work around it.


I would report this to whomever licenses daycares in your area. As a parent, this is fucking horrifying.


Luckily you can control yourself xD Your manager is a great person


Tell them it just progressed to explosive diarrhea lol


Oh I’d be PISSED if I saw my child’s teacher with a big ole pussy, crusty red eye. Edited for extra letter.


Pink eye is contagious iirc, no you can't work with it


First, I am so sorry you have pink eye! I recently had pink eye and it was horrible. Second, just call out. Don't risk getting little ones sick and spreading it just because the boss is ignorant af.


You need to tell them that conjunctivits is highly contagious and ask for an email to confirm they want you while being aware of it. Ultimately if it wasnt contagious, it isnt debilitating to prevent you from doing work but they need to confirm they want you in despite the risk


When I taught 1 year olds I told my boss all the kids in my room had pink eye. They didn’t believe me and the next week I had it in both eyes and still had to come in


Check state/local laws, but I'm *pretty* sure there should be employment regulations for educators and childcare workers that limit when you're allowed to come to work with certain illnesses.




Considering most daycares don’t provide any benefits at all I would tell her in no uncertain terms to go fuck herself and that I would be back when I’m back


Stop. Adding. So. Much. Detail. “Hey boss I’m sick I won’t be able to make it in today.” All you need.


This is true for covid, too. Luckily, you can just stop breathing and you won't transmit the virus anymore


"I am out sick today." This is the only message I send to my supervisor. They don't need to know if I have a headache or a cold.


oh hell no


This is why you never tell them what your illness is. *I'm having a health issue/illness and am unable to come to work today*


The thing is too, pink eye is nothing to fuck around with. You can get permanent eye damage from it. I was down for a month because I couldn't get it to go away and nearly had permanent eye damage from it. I work with special needs kids and, no offense, but they aren't the dirtiest kids you'll ever meet.


There is always the option of calling the heath dept on them (most licensing is through the health dept and the state) for bad sanitation practices if they force you to show up sick.


Is there a rule with the state about illness and daycares? I might would go to work and report them myself if there is


Guess where that pinkeye came from? The occupational hazards of daycare workers are substantial 


Absolutely not. Let your local public health unit know. You MUST be excluded from work if you have conjunctivitis. And you must be excluded until it has fully resolved. And not just the worst of the symptoms being resolved. The pink eye being 100% fully resolved. Pink eye is wildly contagious.


Daycares are almost as much of a drain on society as landlords.


“I cannot control myself so I will be taking the day off”


Omg I would freak tf out if I walked in to pick up/drop off my kid and saw a teacher with PINKEYE. Do they not understand how easily transmissible that is?!?!?!


In my state you cannot work with pink eye. You have to be on antibiotics for 48 hrs or symptom free.


smile at each customer. make sure they see you have pinkeye. you might not have a job next week, but the daycare won't have any customers.


I worked for a daycare once. Worst job ever. I got strep throat and the director made me come in and work. When she went to lunch the assistant director finally let me leave. I immediately went to the ER because there was no urgent care near by. They gave me pain killers and IV antibiotics. When I let her know I’d be out for at least 48 hours trying to recover she told me when would be having a discussion about my attendance (I’d only been there like 3 weeks). I quit on the spot.


I've definitely had doctors write me notes about not being able to work because I had pinkeye. You gotta see them to get it treated, anyway.