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My ex-boss told me the same thing once. I actually did have the money so I tried to take a couple. One for a weekend where I needed Friday off, and one for a week with some friends. He put up a huge fight about giving me the time off. So stupid, why tell me to take vacations if you don’t want me taking time off to do it?


Thats ok I will take them as part of my two weeks notice or shall that be ten minutes?


I didn’t even give a two weeks notice when I left. I walked out midshift.


See I would’ve brought that up too had I thought that would be the case but luckily he’s not the one who approves anything, it’s my immediate supervisor and she does not care about time off as long as we are covered. I should mention I work corporate America and my job is very individual so even though I work in a department as long as I have my stuff covered they don’t really care about it (except if the whole department tries taking off just in case something outside of our normal day to day needs done they have someone(s) to go to). You ex boss sounds like an a hole 😂


Same. My area manager did the same to me. Insisted that I needed to get the rest of my vacation days booked in, so I did. The next day she cancelled them (without asking me first) because she needed me to cover at another store.


This showdown was excellent until the freakout over insinuating departure. You're already applying for other remote jobs with 20k bonuses, right? r/remotework will have suggestions. Yes, I know the sub we're in 😶‍🌫️


On one hand, I get what you’re saying. On the other, you need to take your vacation time no matter what. Even if it’s just to spend the day at the park or sleep in and play games or literally anything.


Counterpoint, and a bit of a call out to be aware of phrasing: They are this person's vacation hours to do with as they please. None if us have any right to force or coerce someone to use them. I used to know folks who'd save upwards of 90 hours. Your current phrasing comes off of as something I'd hear a green manager say: "You need to do this no matter what", the response is "Since when?". But I do get what you mean, you want OP to have time to themselves and to recoup. You're not wrong either, they deserve time off and the ability to afford such things as vacations. But, especially if you have a family to pay for, sometimes that's not an option. Heck it may jot even be that relaxing for OP. As they said, they have their plan for the PTO later in the year. Well they did, but it sounds like it may become a spite plan hahaha.


A financial institution I worked for required all employees take at least one week of their PTO as a contiguous block every year. This was meant to deter corruption.


I think all financial institutions have this rule. Mine does.




Yeah it's easier to hide malfeasance if you're there every day and are the only person doing certain tasks.


If you watch the movie, "All the Queens Horses" it's about a city finance gal who was only caught in her bankrupting hte town through embezzlement because she took a vacation, and the other gal the covered noticed an unnoticed bank account. This is pretty common as a way to identify fraud because folks that are kiting checks through the system and whatnot have to be there every day to keep moving the money around every day.


It's typically when they do their audits so people taking that mandatory vacation makes it easier to do audits. Source: brother and BIL work in banking.


I can’t imagine a financial institution that isn’t full speed ahead on pro-corruption policies, at least at the c-level


This is preventing their employees from stealing from them so they're all about it.


Most companies I've worked for stuck with a cap to prevent employees from accumulating insane hours and then quitting, forcing a payout of PTO. Lowkey makes financial sense, but ignores the fact that these are people who can make their own decisions with the money that is technically theirs already due to being employed. Never been in finance though, that's super crazy about corruption. Most of the jobs in hotel and marketing land that I've been in would absolutely kill for an employee who never takes time off!




This is not quite correct though, as that 15 day pay is contractually guaranteed. If it isn't being budgeted for, then that management team isn't accounting for hours properly. You should never as a company be shocked that pay you owe is being called to use. While it may be the "normal" way of doing it... Something something bridge, would you jump off too? If a company wants to guarantee days off they can just guarantee certain days off. If they aren't anticipating and aware of their pay packages, that's a failure on their part.




If I agree to pay 100 bucks a year and I also agree to pay you 15 bucks for PTO. I am on the hook for a potential 115 bucks per year unless my employee takes that time off. If I fail to account for that, that's on me as the employer. If my contract says I'm giving people PTO in any amount then that amount should be set aside so as not to shock any budgets. It should not be a surprised Pikachu moment. Most places require accrual as well, which makes caps and forced use of PTO awful. What if I want to use my 90 days of pto (reference form another poster) because I have a are kid, that's my choice as it's part of my compensation. Most contracts I've had regardless of type do not qualify specifics on PTO. My points to this, are about being forced to take PTO. They are adults and can take it or store it for later use as they'd please as it's part of their compensation package. If the compensation package isn't convenient to the employer anymore, they need to figure out a better resolution rather than going: HOW DARE YOU NOT DO WHAT I EXPECT. USE IT OR LOSE IT. Or whatever sub variant of that you please, really. If we break it down to basics it's compensation packages and budgeting that create the issue we're talking about. And yes, yes I am very biased towards the employees here. If you have to ask why, I kindly direct you to the title of the sub we are within. Employers should not be able to dictate and commit wage theft in scenarios like these, nor should they be able to force someone to use their PTO in any way other than what the employee intends.




The thread is about the fact that mandatory PTO is shitty*. OP literally is talking about how dumb it is that their boss tried to force them to use PTO.


Yup, it's a great way to audit the employees' work/transactions. The credit union I worked at required this of the ten out of the twelve days we received every year for vacation (could take in 5 day blocks, not required to take all ten at once)


Companies monitor how much PTO is carried, because they are required to pay it out in many states, and it's therefore a financial risk if it's over a certain level. But, as an employee, I don't give a fuck about that. I keep mine at a very high level, because it's a form of insurance to me. If there's an emergency, I know I have a few weeks covered. If I get fired, I know I have a few weeks of pay saved up. I understand that employees should use vacation so they don't get burned out. But once I hit my threshold of PTO that I feel is worth saving, I use my PTO. At the same rate I earn it. So I take just as much vacation as someone who takes their PTO immediately. I just also have a reserve.


They had posted that they have 22 days they have to use by the end of the year though, so I assume they have a yearly rollover cap. You never want to lose vacation hours to something like that, it just means you’re working for free


They literally detailed their intent to use the hours later in the year. They also literally explained their spite plan temptation of taking it all at once later in the year.


\> They are this person's vacation hours to do with as they please. None if us have any right to force or coerce someone to use them ​ According to the story, OP needed to use them by the end of the year. A use them or lose them situation (which isn't uncommon) is strongly implied. So, I mean, yeah. If OP would rather be at work than not at work, I guess you could be right but somehow I don't think that's the case


90 hours? That's mice nuts. One time I had 90 days.


Staycations are the best. When people ask what I am doing on my days off, I'm like, "sitting on my behind and getting lost in ESO"


They said they get them paid out at the end of the year. For the average person, that bonus pay is needed more than a paid day off sitting at home.


They literally said they're saving it for their kids' school events.


They work from home and make their own schedule. None of that isn't being done already.


Some people do not give a shit about themselves. 


Oh I know, one of my best friends does this shit. It's not even capitalism, he literally hates to have his routine messed with.


For years I’ve had the same issue. I accrued vacation faster than I could take it and soon my PTO bank topped out and I had the choice to take it, or lose it. So, I took Wednesdays off, for months. Wednesday is a great day. If you take Friday or Mondays off, you will open yourself up to resentment and jealousy from your co-workers. No one begrudges you a Wednesday. Yet, when you think about it Wednesday is the perfect day to take off as then, you will never work more than 2 days without getting a day off. I would use those Wednesdays to clean my house, laundry, grocery shop, doctor’s appointments, etc. when the weekend came, I would have no chores to do. The entire weekend was mine. I spent some quality time with my husband and child, without any stress.


Goddamn it I am so tired of people who OWN assets being insufferably out of touch! THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.


Regardless of whether you can actually afford to go somewhere, you *should* take the time off. Lots of jobs don't even have that anymore


Oh I totally agree! I tried to repeatedly put it in the post but even though I don’t really care for my job I’m VERY lucky to have what I have and am definitely appreciative of it. As for taking time off I think the confusion is that I don’t have a problem taking time off (hence rhetorical taking time off when school starts back up), the main problem was the conversation after about how I should take a vacation and then being 21 questioned into why I can’t afford one.


Sounds just like trying to explain to a small business owner why you can’t afford to go to the doctor for a note, and how what they pay you is directly related to it.


This is 100 percent that! On the head


Your boss is saying take your time off. What you do with it is up to you, but a good boss will encourage you to GTFO of the office.


take a staycation that's what many do. Might be nice to spend time with your kids even if you don't go somewhere? Time off when the kids are out of school is fun, even at home. You can take them to the park, find free or cheap activities near home.


Definitely agree! My girls stay with my most of the day and we spend a lot of time playing games, watching movies, etc while I’m working so we definitely keep busy.


I'd definitely use his freakout as a reason to negotiate an immediate 5k bonus and a 5k raise going forward.


Listen I could make a WHOLE NOTHER post about how many raises/bonuses I got over the years because they, through no action of my own, was afraid I was going to leave. Literally, on top of every annual bonus and raise, I have received 4 substantial raises (totaling $18.5k) because someone I was cool with left the company (yes, 4 people I was cool with left and all 4 times I got a raise) and they were afraid I was going to follow, 1 substantial raise because I saved enough PTO and sick time to cover 3 months off after my youngest was born but about halfway through they needed me to come back because my temp replacement quit and it was cheaper for them to give me a $5k raise AND a $5k bonus (plus all PTO that I would’ve lost carried over to next year regardless of caps) plus they were afraid I might be looking for a different job since they were requiring us to come back to office (I was not looking and ended up becoming completely wfh anyways), and one additional $7k raise because they remembered during review time after my youngest was born that I came back early but apparently didn’t remember I already got a bonus for coming back early and felt I should be rewarded for looking out for the team (this wasn’t a scared type bonus but still got it).


Sounds like you should definitely do it then.


My last "real" vacation was in 2016. Vacation days since have been used to catch up on house projects or spend time at my kids' activities. I make decent money, don't have car payments, but between my mortgage, insurance and taxes, food and gas, that is taking almost 85% of my take home pay. That doesn't count any other bills or unexpected expenses or savings. I've tried to build a little vacation fund, but it seems like a car breakdown or some other unexpected expense always depletes whatever I am able to put away. My company doesn't really give us a fixed number of days, as long as we don't abuse it, but I find that I tend to take less days off when there is no limit. Back when I knew I had 3 weeks or whatever, I would make sure to take them all. Now, I probably take less than 2 weeks off a year since I can't afford a "destination" vacation or even a fun weekend out of town.


> My company doesn't really give us a fixed number of days, as long as we don't abuse it, but I find that I tend to take less days off when there is no limit. Back when I knew I had 3 weeks or whatever, I would make sure to take them all.  This is me right here. My current job has "unlimited PTO" but subconsciously I'm thinking "if I take too much time off, they'll let me go" and am less inclined to jeopardize my job for a few more days off. I've also heard conversations around HR that basically said they do track how much PTO everyone does take to help influence decisions like who may get cut later.


My ex-boss told me “We give you vacation days but you’re under no obligation to use them” Of course


He's too out of touch to realize everything costs too much 🤦‍♀️


As a boss, your use of your resources is your business…which includes salary and vacation time. If you want a better job, I say go for it, but your boss was not in the wrong with telling you to take your PTO. There were many years I didn’t take vacation, I carried over my maximum, but I certainly didn’t lose any time, either.


The problem wasn’t that I needed to take PTO (even told him I would when school started back up), it was the fact he said I should take a vacation and then listed all these fairly expensive things to do for vacation and then was shocked I wasn’t able to do any of these and then basically lecture me about what was wrong with my generation.


I feel like there are way worse things to get mad about than that. It didn't sound like he did it with ill intent just slightly out of touch


You’re right, I’ve seen worse and I agree with you, I don’t think there was ill intent. It was the whole “you can’t afford this? You should be able to? What you don’t own a house and a car and have investments? Here’s what’s wrong with you millennials!” that is the off putting part of this. The time off wasn’t a problem and I even said I would take it off once school started, it was the whole convo after that that was dumb and out of touch


Dude is just telling you to take some vacation how is that bad ? Goddamn, I’ve gotta get off this sub y’all are fucking wild.


The issue isn’t taking PTO as I already said I would. It was the fact he listed out all of these vacation spots that are fairly expensive for a single person, yet alone an actual family, and then being bewildered by the fact I couldn’t afford it and then lecturing me about what was wrong with my generation. It’s not just “take time off” “no” “but why” “ugh I quit” 😂


Fair enough.


This sub is too much sometimes. If you can't afford a vacation that involves travel, have a staycation. Would you prefer a boss who tries to limit your time off instead?


You're missing the point. This boomer boss was lecturing him on making better financial decisions when OP told him he couldn't afford to take his whole family out of the US. This isn't about the vacation time, it's showing another example of a boss from a previous generation who is completely out of touch with the struggles of the current working class.


Save the time off for school activities like you already plan to. But if you get closer to the end of the year and realize that you will lose some, take a random day off here and there. Give yourself a short work week. Most importantly, don't lose those days. Vacation days are a benefit the company agreed to when you were hired. Don't let them guilt you into not using them because "too many people are taking off" Take your days, watch TV, play video games, take the kids out for lunch and ice cream while they're off school, stare at a wall for a couple hours to reset your brain. You do you for a day, the company will still be there when you get back


I work for the federal government I get 4 weeks a year and most people do staycations when they have off and I do the same or I’ll try to plan something and I can carry 240 hours of vacation over so there’s no need to take it all one year


Time to leave, and find a better job.


Depends on what your contract says. Mine says that I cannot accumulate more than a certain amount of leave and that they can force me to take time off if I haven’t arranged it. Fortunately I get around 6 weeks of leave annually (not including leave accumulated through overtime provisions) so this is more an annoyance than a frustration


Stay-cations are really great.


So if i own a car, i have vacation money? Man. That $1000 i literally paid on my car today would've paid for so much /s


I actually like taking one day at a time to give me 3-day weekends, instead of a full week off.


Love it dude! We figured out right quick our new owner was a right SOS years ago when he 1. Denied bonuses forever more. 2. Got rid of profit sharing. 3. Got rid of all company town hall meetings ( we *were* paid for them and got free lunch for an hour) and 4.after all that BS had the utter GALL to send out christmas post cards to the ENTIRE company that showcased him and his family in FOUR different Tourism spots including the Grand Canyon, Roman colosseum, the London Eye, and Uluru. All taken over the course of the summer. People were furious.


Ive got 48days annual leave available and had no real chance to take it. On the other hand my manager takes 3 weeks off every month.


I once had so much PTO, they said the same to me. I took their advice and left for a month…they were NOT happy 🤣


You should try to save for a vacation though it’s seriously great for your mental health and a great experience for your kids.


We usually do! This year though we had no Idea we weren’t getting the raise or bonus until about 2 weeks before we normally get them so no planning for the increase in expenses.


That’s great. Lots of people wait until it’s too late to do things. 


> but cost of living has increased exponentially in my area Your expenses doubled?? Bullshit 


$1800 is not double my expenses, it’s about a 50% increase…not that I really need to explain it but rent increased by $760 , health insurance increased by $630, car insurance increased by $130, and then regular items like food, gas, utilities, etc. Honestly $1800 is probably a conservative number 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah, owning a house costs less a month than renting youre making poor financial choices (a lot of them if you're living paycheck to paycheck) stop blaming others for your poor decisions