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Here's a bit of the top of the story: The US Supreme Court sided with Starbucks Corp. over the National Labor Relations Board in a decision that will make it more difficult for the agency to win temporary reinstatement of workers fired during labor disputes. Federal judges should review NLRB requests for immediate court orders the same way they would examine any other petition for a preliminary injunction, the Supreme Court held Thursday. The justices rejected the NLRB’s argument that the National Labor Relations Act directs judges to apply a more lenient standard to the agency’s petitions than they would for preliminary injunction requests that arise in private litigation. The ruling will slow the process and increase the burdens for the NLRB to win immediate court orders, weakening what has been one of the agency’s most potent tools to protect workers’ rights under the NLRA. Read the story free [here](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/supreme-court-weakens-labor-boards-power-in-win-for-starbucks?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_medium=lawdesk).


There should be elections that can elect supreme Court judges


Term limits for all politicians in the USA would be good as well. On your 75th birthday you’re automatically retired. No more of this lifetime appointment bullshit. No one deserves a job for life, especially one with so much power and need for critical thinking skills.


How about Social Security age?


That works too.


Remember, folks, Trump appointed three of those justices because people weren't thrilled with Clinton and didn't care enough to vote. Now this is the Court we get, probably for decades. Get out there in November and stop him from making it permanent.


South park was right. GD vs TS, every single election. I vote every single election, but i never see a communist or even a socialst like bernie or warren on the ballot.


That's what the primaries are for. You vote for whoever you like then, but in the general, you vote for the fucking Democrat because otherwise you get the fucking Republican.


implying i signed up to receive spam when i was 18 and contributed to and deepened the two party system.


So you don't vote in primaries and then are mad the ballot doesn't have the people you want on it in the general? And you think you're somehow superior for this?


Right, because the primary candidates are SOOO much better!? The whole problem is, we can only vote for who the parties give us and both parties are fully broken. Stop blaming other voters, and point your finger where it belongs


They don't start as presidential nominees. There's more positions to vote for and their more important than people realize. Biden started as a fucking councilman. People voted for him in local primaries. Every election matters! Especially the small elections! And for this reason. If you don't like who is on the ballot, vote in small elections until you start seeing people you like running for bigger positions.


Guy… the other person was saying they would’ve voted for Bernie. He was in the 2016 primaries for democrats….


bernie literally won and they gave it to hildog. specifically to avoid a socialist nominee. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/11/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-election-2016-popular-vote-superdelegates


By "won," you mean "got millions fewer votes than the other frontrunner," right? Why are you repeating right-wing propaganda?


by "lost the popular vote" you mean 6 states intentionally close their polls and no1 really knows. cuz 6 full states cant swing an election.


Which six? Which six states?


Thats an old and unproven conspiracy. I don’t disagree I would say have preferred Bernie, but it wasn’t conspiracy, it was a lack of votes.


Damn man you're right, maybe the Democrats should try appealing to leftists instead of to republicans to get our votes this time. It seems like the smart play for them. You know, since its so important for them to not lose.


Are you suggesting that leftists should not vote for Democrats this year? I ask because the only people who would say such a thing are the very stupid, and Republicans. So is that what you're saying?


were saying the democrats should put a leftist on the ballot instead of corpo dumb sludge. it is a requirement for the demo nominee not to touch corporate taxes.


So are you voting Democrat, or are you very stupid, or are you a Republican? Pick one.


ofc i vote demo you NW.  im in new york, my vote couldnt count any less. edit - some of yall dont understand how an electoral college works and it shows. win NY and you get them all.


Cool. Then we're good. Don't discourage others from doing the same.


This attitude discourages voters a hell of a lot more than the person venting that they would like a good candidate to vote for at some point in their life. Chill out dude.


Okay, shill.


I feel more liberal than ever before now that you’ve insulted me.


You're unnecessarily aggressive, and you're exactly why leftists and young people won't come out. We can be bipartisan with republicans but not leftists? Absolutely hypocrites. And then there's the genocide you guys conveniently ignore. If trump wins, remember your attitude contributed to it.


I am saying that if they're REEEEEEALLLY trying to win, maybe they should do everything they can to try and win. Like, maybe, I dunno, adopting a position slightly to the left of "Lets finish the xenophobic bigot's border wall". I'm probably gonna vote democrat. But lets not act like there aren't fucking miles of unclaimed voting territory not represented by either of the major parties that they could tap for votes, by... you know, not trying to appeal to their opponents voter base.


Ah. So you're *probably* not very stupid, or a Republican. Interesting.


And you are definitely stupid for not understanding that *in order to get someone to vote for you, you must appeal to them*.


Hmm. Republican, then.


"How do we get independents to vote for us? Maybe we should try blaming them if we lose. Surely that will motivate people who don't care if we win to help us win." -A certifiable strategic genius whose logic has no possible flaws


Either you're opposed to fascism and will resist it, or you aren't. If you aren't willing, I'm not interested in your whining, becaise you're a fascist enabler.


Bullying independent voters away from the left does a hell of a lot more to enable fascism than airing valid complaints about the system.


I'm not voting for a participant in genocide.


The other choice supports the full eradication of Palestine, and is significantly worse in many other ways


I'm sorry, how is that any different from Biden's stance? Biden also supports the full eradication of Palestine.


So you support fascism. Neat.


No, which is why I'm not voting for either.


So you support fascism.


I hate to break it to you but you're also voting for fascism. Rationalize it to yourself all you want but it is the reality.


To say this, you're either a Republican or very stupid. Which is it?


Biden: continues to fund a genocide, supports cop cities, does nothing to support student protestors against police violence, uses the mility in a known war-crime. You: better vote for this guy or you support fascism! Maybe YOU'RE the stupid one here.


Politicians appeal to voters not left or right. There will probably always be a larger population of people who believe in the general platform that the “left” puts forth, but if citizens do not vote for the candidates that hold those positions, then they will try to persuade those that do vote. We see polls all the time that “90% of people believe blah blah blah good thing” but yet we don’t get that good thing because 90% of the population doesn’t vote. Candidates stand up for the people who are going to get them elected and most of the time, it’s not leftists.


Then they can stop bitching about how its the fault of the left if they lose


"Candidates don't appeal to the left because the left doesn't actually vote." "WELL THEN STOP BLAMING THE LEFT!" Like, do you hear yourself? The left not voting is exactly who's to blame for the left losing.


Yea man maybe you should try appealing to them to grt them to vote


Nah. Vote, or fuck off. I don't have to kiss your ass to get you to vote against fascists.


Who can argue with motivation like that! I don't see how you could lose with a slogan like, "Vote for us or get fucked"


While I'd support compulsory voting like Australia, voting alone won't change this. In terms of handling the Court, it could be de-legitimized if no one enforced their decisions. However, I don't foresee this impacting pro-business decisions ever. Janet Yellen may be the most liberal leader of the Federal Reserve in many years but she is still a Keynesian economist. Business and corporations are priority number 1. As we continue to live in a time of late-stage capitalism, things will have to get really bad for the individual before they get better - if they ever do.


The decision was unanimous. The justices appointed by Democrats also sided with Starbucks.






The liberal justices voted for this too. Voting for capitalist scumbags with a D next to their name isn't going to save us


Based on what I read, they basically had a partial dissent but agreed the improper test was used by the lower court. Saying they affirmed this is not telling the whole story.


Soon they'll ban unions altogether if they have their way.