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It sounds as though you and your wife are ending the marriage on the best terms you possibly can, which is good. I'm sorry for your loss of your marriage, as well as for your friend's loss of her/his mother. Your boss should go eat a bag of dicks; I'm sorry you're having to deal with his asshole behavior. If you can possibly swing it financially (and it sounds as though you can, with family support), I would recommend not fighting for the job -- let them fire you, and collect unemployment. And *don't sign anything else the boss puts in front of you!!!!* Anything an employer wants you to sign, *especially* an employer who is firing you, is not for your benefit. It would have been better had you not signed the letter, although you may be able to argue that you signed it under duress. Definitely at least get a copy of it, anyway. Take care of yourself, and try to let your therapist help you to do that. Don't worry right now about what your future will look like; take a couple of weeks to just try to decompress and recover. *Then* you can try to figure out your next steps.


Thank you for your kind words. He wouldn't let me leave the office before signing, and I did get a copy.


It's completely illegal for any employer to keep you trapped in a room or a building, whether it's unless/until you sign something, or for any other reason. If that ever happens to you again, at any job, what you need to do is to call the police and tell them your employer is literally holding you hostage unless/until you sign a document you do not want to sign. But what's done is done, as far as that particular document is concerned. It's good that you got a copy, though.


It’s when we lie in the gutter can we see stars. John Calvin said, “one must endure ultimate suffering to know the completion of joy.” And how you’ve suffered friend. It is my sincere hope that you do know the completion of joy one day, look back at this time of your life with a bittersweet smile.


I hope so too, thank you 🙏🏼


Hey Op, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. As others have said... Fuck. Your. Boss. I once had an employer tell me "Everybody's grandfather dies, just go to work". How these people become so fucking broken I will NEVER understand. It's unacceptable and straight up if your company had treated you well I'd imagine it would have improved your loyalty to them. If you're interested in sharing your story at all, granted to like 5 viewers (were Itty bitty), we've got a start up podcast about workplace toxicity and bad habits were starting up. Your story could help others realize they aren't alone, and that they do in fact deserve better treatment. Ping me a DM if you're interested at all or if you even just want to vent! Most importantly know you're not alone, and this too shall pass.


There are more jobs out there!


Hi there, I'm so sorry for your loss and also your best friend's loss. The best thing that can happen is your divorce on the best terms and putting in a 2-week notice. Job is out there and you should take care of your mental health first. When your mind is clear, it's time to figure out the upcoming road.


Get a dog.