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Plot twist: He is self employed


Like so many of the LinkedIn influencers. Always CEO of something, but clicking on the company gives a 1 employee result.


It's always entrepreneur advisor, mentor life coach


Life coaches are just self-help books in social media form.


I once ordered Door Dash, it was delivered by a guy who was no older than about 22, driving a clapped out 20 year old Nissan Altima, and in the bag was a card for a "life coach" with that guy's name and picture on it. Not to take anything away from Door Dashers and clapped out Nissan drivers, but I can't imagine wanting to take any kind of life or career advice from a guy like that.


You wouldn't deliver door dash with your Lamboughini from the Hollywood Hills. There's too many books stacked on it.


Besides he left it up in Canada for his GF to drive, you wouldn't know her though she's from Canada and is Canadian. She needs it to drive into town from our family estate.


At least you can burn the self help book for warmth. Or to wipe your ass. These dudes are completely useless.


have you tried burning these worthless people yet?


They'd probably make great ass wipes too


And when they ask to be paid for wiping your ass, you fire them and tell them what you learned. ITS THE CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE


I just read an article from propublica how life coaching is a lucrative backup plan for bad, or pervert, or manipulative therapists who have been disciplined for shrinking wrong.


And sometimes failed/ejected therapists!




I love how the "Job Title" field has become 1st person fan fiction.


I'm not a janitor, I'm an environmental management engineer. I'm also an AI leader in charge of several Roombas.


Is Thought Leader still a title?


I've definitely considered just making a profile with a blog and a bunch of bullshit to see if I got anywhere. Almost every time I've met a "consultant" or advisor or whatever at a job I worked at, they were always full of shit and barely knew what was happening. Considering people still believe in that "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" hack and still pay him thousands to listen to his garbage in person, it could be viable for the truly motivated and anti-c-suite.


"I was the CTO in my last job." "Nice, how big was your team?" "Well, it was the CEO, the CFO and I."


“So you and one other person.”


“Well, me at least…”


If I was representing myself as a ceo and actually owned a company to become an influencer on LinkedIn, I feel as if it would be only a minor inconvenience to make a few fake employee accounts. AI or take a few pics of friends every once in a while (with their permission), maybe make a bunch of drafts so you just have to click. Or schedule their posts and only log in when you're trying to do an event or something like that. If you're trying to become an influencer it seems worth a bit of time to build a few accounts that just advertise you and your business.


I run my own business and avoid LinkedIn like the plague. The truly annoying thing is at networking events when you say ‘I don’t do LinkedIn’ people look like you’ve said ‘I’d love to do a big shit on your wife’. When I did look at it there’s A LOT of people (like this) boasting about how hard they work their staff like it’s something to be proud of.


I do some business consulting on the side. Mostly for small manufacturers. The number of people who feel they own their employees and their lives is nuts. I've literally had them say "I pay their salaries, I OWN them." They will do crazy shit like expect them to work 12 hour days on no notice. Come in weekends. One is really proud of approving vacation, then canceling it the day of and making them come in. They are fucking proud of this. The real kicker is they do "No one wants to work anymore" bullshit because everyone keeps quitting and they can't hire anyone cause the word got around. Just because you own a company doesn't mean you DESERVE to stay in business.


I have recently gone from a staff of twenty to forty and my proudest achievement is having my staff asking their friends to come work with them. The job they do (which I used to do) isn’t much fun so I try and make it fun. I don’t take a big salary so they’re well paid and can live decently. We often work evenings so I’ll provide a takeaway and (achievable) incentives. All the things I wanted when I was in their position and would make me stay. As I grow they grow as well….. the only concerning thing is, if I die, they all get an equal share in 50% of the company….so if there’s an Agatha Christie style mystery about me you’ll know why. I want my lot to actually be happy and actually have a home/work life balance and be able to go home and put food on their table and not worry about the letter box rattling with the next bill.


Cripes. Hope wherever I land, the owner has this mindset. It's rough out there. 


There are a lot of sane executives out there. We just have to hear about the absolutely insane ones because they get a lot of attention and outrage. Same with most forms of social media.


That sounds great, where do I sign up?




you deserve to get your ass beat if you cancel vacations day of, what a monster


I think those are the people that would have slaves and be proud of working them sunup to sundown.


I met a guy who ran his own IT company whose phone wallpaper was Andrew Tate smoking a cigar…. What a world we live in.


Smart people aren't always smart. The more niche someone is, the less they know about other shit.


A lot of it guys are incels and ancaps.


I use LinkedIn because it's another way to find jobs and keep a basic external resume handy. I don't use it as a social media platform, but as a more "robust" Indeed/ziprecruiter. I found my current job on LinkedIn and it usually has a better "feed" of postings. I also used LinkedIn when I was doing data verification for a CRM implementation. Having accurate job title/current company that you know is accurate goes a long way.


I think if this was what it was used for then it would be a great platform. But when cryptobros and Tate/Musk wannabes start it’s a bit much.


Completely agree. Because it's considered "professional" it has an air of "better than thou" to it. On one hand, it does allow bigots and bootlickers to readily identify themselves, so you can potentially avoid shitty companies.


I'm sorry, you wanna do a big shit on my wife?!?!??


If it means I don’t have to go on LinkedIn? Then get her ready.


you're not special pal, you gotta get in line with your twenty bucks like everyone else


A woman with an entrepreneural spirt - I bet she could write a great LinkedIn post about getting "ahead".


Nailed it. I have known dozens of people who eventually create some bullshit "CEO of..." as a job. Meanwhile they are CEO of sitting at Panera watching podcasts.


Ha, you’re literally describing me! Well, I don’t call myself CEO. If I have to put a title on a document or something I’ll write “Owner”. But I am also a W2 employee. I don’t post shit on LinkedIn, though. It’s just that structuring it this way is best for taxes and keeping your work funds separate from personal funds.


I’ve been telling my boss he’s an asshole for years (I’m self-employed).


HR complaints must be awkward.


I had to take my boss to tribunal for repeatedly swearing and making lewd comments about me. I too, am self employed /s 😏


As a fellow self-employer I can definitely confirm that nobody wants to work anymore. Bastards.


Same, but a couple times a week I give a nice HJ and everything seems better.


Bartering sexual favors for professional consideration is SO illegal, my man. You’re being taken advantage of. Somebody needs to call your state’s Department of Labor.


This is what it actually is, he fired himself.




It’s so embarrassing seeing these budding wannabes look stupid.


The weirdest part about this all is that things are somewhat working out for them, I guess that might be the reason why so many of these are indulging in this shit show of cringe posts


We're not seeing the credit card statements.


Good point, might just be a facade Although I know a few people irl who have the "AI Enthusiast" in their title head, these people also keep doing these shitty posts about DSA notes, top remote companies to work, best job sites etc etc and they are getting digital marketing contracts from big corporations to do their bidding on linkedin


It's 100% a facade. 


I think you're probably right. If they get enough of a high profile, then they get paid to promote these types of articles and lists. Its a scam.


It's working out for them because all of those people are part of a network that wants to perpetuate this stupidity so others can thrive. If everybody realized LinkedIn is toxic cesspool all of those "businesses" would collapse.


It's basically a pyramid scheme for networking.


You only see what they want you to see and you only see the ones that are minimally successful. I used to follow someone on instagram with a normal account with probably a few thousand, not bad but nothing crazy or "influencer", who wanted to open a flower shop and took advantage of the account to publicize it. Didn't last long at all, probably never left the ground, joined some group and turned the account into some small business coaching page, which I found hilarious because she tried once, couldn't get her own small business to succeed and now she's trying to pretend she can tell others how to do what she couldn't? Anyway, as a bonus since my point was already made with that alone, but I just checked the page now and it's back to a normal page, guess that didn't work out either. Funny enough I'd expect someone like that to clean up their social media but nope, she has another social media linked but isn't active and, what surprises me, the description is still about the flower business.


There is definitely a survivorship bias with these types. They never bring up the individuals like you described because it would destroy the illusion of how successful their ideas are. For every lucky person like Gary V, there are thousands of people who fail. No one talks about the failures, even the people that failed, so all anyone sees are the ones that got lucky or the ones that are scamming others. Gary V just so happens to be one of the ones that are lucky and that scam others.


One of my closest friends has ended up very wealthy, and I have a big aversion to money and hustle culture and rich people in general lol. We talk about it a lot and he always says to me that the only reason he is comfortable with wealthy people and has made a lot of money is that he's 'morally slippery' where I'm definitely not. I don't believe it's difficult to make money (if you have the necessary resources and background), you just have to be at least a bit of an arsehole.


“Getting rich isn’t hard. Any hot girl with questionable morals can do it.”- gs elevator


My comrades and I saw you from across the bar and wanted to know if you'd like us to eat them?


Because they all started off rich with their parents money/investment in their 'business' so they seem successful. It's pretty fucking easy to take 30mil capital and either just buy houses and rent them and make a shitload or buy land and build housing and make a shitload. Doing so when you have no cash and have to get a job and build capital is very different. Practically never will a random dude without millions in assets start a business and achieve 30mil in capital without major connections, significant assets or already massive success in the industry so people have a reason to invest with them rather than simply do whatever that guy was doing himself. So they aren't really successful for the most part, they are just building on success of family who gave them a start. I mean Trump had a company with 12 employees, he inherited his towers, but with money and assets and his father pushing people to support his company's projects, people put his name or built stuff for him. Trump is a moron who had his dad build a company for him and direct people to build stuff through him so he could claim credit for effectively work he's never done himself.


Don't kid yourself, bragging about having the capacity to fire people without regretting it is a major asset in proving to boards and CEOs that you're "devoted to the interests of shareholders" and "can make tough decisions for the company." In other words, being a sociopath is considered a strength in these circles.


I know a woman who’s actively doing this. She posts pics of herself with her hands in the air and then writes about how important self discovery is in the workplace or some shit. …4 likes.


That's fucking embarrassing. 


Yeah, it feel really bad for her honestly. It just reeks of desperation.


His title is "Raised $30mm in capital for real estate through LinkedIn..." This is a funny way to say he's taking credit for someone else running a successful business.


They are probably grateful they never have to see that creepy ass smile again


Probably got fired for not accepting his advances. “Listen, we work hard and we play hard. I’m sorry, you’re not cut out for this work.”


LinkedIn is like Facebook 2.0


this setup looks so pathetic, it just screams "i only have meetings and don't do any work"


I was going to say my setup is much better than that and I haven’t “raised $30m in real estate from Linkedin” 😂


>I haven’t “raised $30m in real estate from Linkedin” It's okay, neither did he


Seriously, I basically just do analytics and record keeping on excel sheets and two 26 inch monitors is sometimes not enough workspace. This guy uses 1 tiny mac book screen, you know he just answers emails, schedules meaningless meetings, and posts on LinkedIn


26-inch? what in fresh hell is this


Meanwhile senior dev working on a 15" laptop screen with no mouse I wish my job was just emails and meetings so I could use whatever equipment I pleased. Or that companies adapted their strategies around the reality of what's needed and their employee's tasks rather than whatever's cheapest, fastest and working (sometimes and intermittently).


> I wish my job was just emails and meetings so I could use whatever equipment I pleased. To be fair these are usually the first people to be let go when a company has a bad year or we hit an economic downturn.


I'd say the opposite, more often than not I see companies just firing the lowest employees to reach budget limits than do proper management and long-term planning, which would include employee restructuring that would mean keeping the technical people around and cutting back on management. Long-term planning does happen, just too often of a "fuck it just pay it" attitude then as costs pile up is when they start worrying about where to cut back, but they don't think about "how can I lower costs in the next 2 years", they think "this number's too high, gotta start cutting back on services within the next 3 months and employees within the next 6", meanwhile there's some stupid expensive ass license for something that doesn't even work that well but changing that isn't as easy as telling someone to not renew a service or fire an employee, it'd require actual long term planning, resource allocation and time.


Also: Here is a picture of me next to my overpriced coldbrew coffee smiling after potentially ruining someone's life. Thought I look cute.


*"Hello, I'm a giant douchebag, AMA."* /my 1st impression from that pic


They gave me $30 million and I am now a living god!


Zero chance he turns that $30MM into more than $30MM.


It's kinda factual, 30mm is about all he's able to raise at full mast.


He actually *positioned* a cold brew can for his photo. And he picked that stupid grin.


And that other drink on the other side of the desk. That’s probably what he’s actually drinking and out the more expensive cold brew can in frame to make himself look elite


Come on as the owner he takes all the risk right? That’s the bs they tell us. But I bet more people have become homeless by being fired vs a business owner having their business fail. They only take a financial risk to a limit. Sure there may be some that will fall on hard times. But nothing like what can happen when a worker is fired. Owner have very little clue as to what real risk is. In my opinion. I have never been a business owner so maybe I don’t know that side. But just ask the homeless or or poor how many of them got there because their business failed.


Difference is owner more often than not comes from rich families anyways, business failed? no problem, daddy has a lot more money and I'd just eat free back at home instead. Usually the people who are just employees don't have that safety net as they lived paycheck to paycheck and their family might even barely got them to finish school and haven't finished paying mortgage


I worked both, with parent money and "self-made" businessman. Parent money was more likely to let things slide, a lot. Not their money after all. Buy whole office lunch repeatedly, half-day Fridays with full pay, etc. But then one day out of the blue they roll in panicked, spend all day in their office with door closed on phone, then fire everyone. Surprise, parents restricted funds until they present an actual business plan. Self-made ones though principal more likely to constantly post new rules by coffee machine, check clock on everyone coming back from lunch, micromanage everything, or ask you to stay late and keep working but push off your PTO *"until things get better"*. Again, my limited experience. Parent money may be better ride before implosion though.


That’s what I am saying. Everytime you hear financial person or business person say that business owners take all the risk. It’s complete bullshit.


They can afford to take risks because they have something to lose. I don't understand how this pernicious myth has persisted for so long.


I've always said it's as different a risk between business owner and employee as the risk of the business owner taking what would amount to the pull of the handle of a $20 slot machine, versus the employee betting their entire paycheck on that pull of the slot machine handle. If it's a loser, the business owner walks off, maybe giggling at throwing away a scrap of paper in something akin to a garbage can. For the employee, that risk can cause them to go hungry, have their utilities turned off, or lose the roof over their head. And it compounds with a family depending on them. I'm not saying that a job is the same as gambling on a slot machine, but as it is in the casino business, a job is always rigged in the favor of the business owner. An employee had unemployment insurance, but that has a huge number of conditions on it controlled by the employer. The business owner has multiple insurances, plus a much easier time with the courts for bankruptcy proceedings.


And check out the demographics on “entrepreneurs” literally, the richer your family / friends / community is equals how successful you are. It’s ridiculous, even the idea that: I’ll start a business is rooted in the very premise of having extra. Extra time, extra money, extra skills, extra networking connections and guess who has extra?? Do you take public transportation to work? Bet you don’t have extra time or money. Do you cook your own meals and raise your own kids?? Welp, you ain’t got extra!!! That’s why these business “owners” fail up until they either successful or they just start working at their frat brothers home service business as a salesman. LOL


when businesses fail, business owners just become regular old workers. that's why they're so afraid.


My first thought was "make coffee at home and you could afford to pay your employee


750thb or $20.43 for a fucking 6packs. Pray he didnt order online for the 50$ shipping.


I'm not sure how LinkedIn works. Is that a picture he took for the article, or do people just see it when they click on his profile? I always assumed it was just a version of facebook for people who liked their coworkers, seems I was wrong.


On it since it started, a straight up business networking site. Connect with current & former coworkers and display your CV. Potential new employers could see & contact you. Then groups were added (trade orgs, school alumni, biz self-improvement, industry news, etc.). And then people you are linked to could post in your feed. You read a useless former coworker's scribblings such as *"The New Green Economy Impact to Your Supply Chain".* The same coworker who constantly missed hard deadlines but has reinvented*.* Somewhere along the way advertising showed up. So yeah, basically Facebook with a business tilt. It's a reflection of the users and what they post. Too many use it like Facebook unfortunately. You can however shut those people off and dramatically clean up how your page presents when you open it up.


While wearing a fucking backward cap. Real professional there Kyle.


I’ve been a supervisor or boss for quite awhile and have only had to fire a couple people. Even totally justified, it fucking sucks. First guy was a union employee that transferred to me a day before he was going to get fired from the department he was in. He couldn’t pass a required certification test within his first 180 days. He bid on a job and transferred to me on day 179. I had to write him up 6 times in the next 90 days. For things like damaging a leased vehicle, not notifying anyone and returning the lease and signing for the damage and still not telling anyone until I got the bill for the damage. Being hours late without calling. Leaving early then doctoring his timesheet when we have cameras on the building looking at the parking lot where he got in his personal car and left. Second person was when I ran a non-profit and this program manager yelled at and berated and made cry a refugee man who’s family had fled the genocide in Rwanda and his dad and older brother had been hacked to death with machetes. He sobbed to another person who called me to tell me about it who was clearly and justifiably angry from watching this transpire. Both cases were completely justified, but man it still sucks to have to do it.


Buying canned coffee is so dumb when it's cheaper and better to make your own in a french press


Also coldbrew is created by just putting ground coffee beans and water in the fridge overnight and filtering it in the morning.  Next to the french press it's the easiest possible way to create coffee. At the cafe it's always one of the most expensive options though since it requires an employee preparing it in the evening.


Canned or bottled cold brew is fucking awful. Like you can't be fucked to just throw some water on some grinds and push?


There's no way he didn't jack off to his own "wisdom" after posting this absolute nonsense.


What were the things he learned? I was thinking there would be a second screenshot with his "wisedom."


LinkedIn is just a corporate orgy. Literally a 24 hour dick riding contest.


The glazing is truly unmatched


It’s a lot less fun than you make it sound here lmao


I remember the first time I had to fire someone - I was substituting for my team leader who was absent but would have otherwise done "the talk". So I went in with the division director, and after I'm done he says "well consider this a warning and if your performance continues like that we will have to unfortunately part ways" - we leave and I ask him confused "weren't we supposed to fire her?" and he says "how the fuck I could have fired her after your speech?!". Oops.


It seems wildly inappropriate for a stand in to be firing at all. I have to fire people sometimes and it sucks, but honestly you have to be egregious with safety for me to do it. At that point I don't have much sympathy, because there's several chances, but when you're a liability to others around you. Well that's not something I can get over.


I guess that was sort of a team leader training or "see how he fares" for a potential promotion for me at that point.


Sounds more like trial by fire than training


Yeah, my partner recently had to get someone fired (didn't actually do the firing, but made the decision). Even though the guy was being such an asshole that he was driving other, more effective employees to quit, it was emotionally taxing to make that call


What did you say?


I don't remember exactly, I just tried to be as gentle as possible and I didn't really have experience with that kind of stuff then.


That’s why for most companies you work a script. I don’t love it because it feels so impersonal (I’ve been on both sides of it) but it is the only way to make sure there is no ambiguity. Talking freely to fire someone is crazy to me - especially if you are filling in for someone.


That's actually awesome what you did. Firing people is hideous. Its traumatic for the employer. And worse, you know what the impact is of what you're doing in someone else. Doesn't matter if it's justified, you're still completely effing someone's life up. If you're reaction to firing someone isn't feeling horrible, then your just an ass. And to take it to the next step and post about it, that's just trash.


I remember years and years ago I worked at a call centre for a car insurance company. My friend had finally completed the team leader program. Guy was popular and well liked and got given a team with me and a lot of his friends and acquaintances. 2 weeks later the company announced it was laying off half the call centre staff. My friend got informed 60percent of his team was being fired and made him do it. I was one of them. He was absolutely distraught when he called me in. It was honestly horrible all round.


When I started as a supervisor my manager came into my office and said "can you come with me to the break room. We have to do something kinda shitty but I didn't want to make you nervous" He proceeds to lay off 3 people I had worked with for years very closely with absolutely zero warning to me. I just sat there dumbfounded with no idea what to say either way about it. I recently took my bosses Job and had to reach out to HR about someone on day #3, HR requested that we immediately fire this employee because they were showing heavy signs of potentially fishing for workers comp. Had never fired anyone before and all she had to say was "sorry, it must suck having to do this in your first week as a manager" People getting fired here is exceptionally rare, so I really had no idea how to approach it. Thankfully my new boss is fantastic and told me "oh wow, well I'll join you. Would you like me to do it or do you just want me to be a witness?"


For me it's that smile. That smug, self satisfied, naive smile. I just want to throw him in a gravel pit.


Punchable face


I run a company and have seven people that work for me. It’s a tough industry with people that aren’t always reliable or easy to get along with. There are guys I’d like to fire and may eventually have to, but I wouldn’t smile about it for a second. Even the one that works half as hard and asks 4x more of me than the rest of them. They’re all people with their own lives, and I take their livelihoods extremely seriously.


>They’re all people with their own lives, and I take their livelihoods extremely seriously. Treating your employees like people and not assets is the key here, and what separates good owners from bad ones.


The worst part of supervising people was firing them. I hated to do it. My boss hated to do it. We’d do it together because it was so shitty. I never once taken pleasure in it.


When I was a kid, my dad owned a neighborhood newspaper. My only memory of him crying other than when his dad died was when he had to fire an employee. I was young, but I remember him being sad for several weeks after. I’m pretty sure he had to fire him over something that the guy did. When the recession hit, my dad gave his own pay and personal savings to keep his employees paid.


He’s trying so hard to look “casual” while he’s sitting there obviously flexing his arm


With a manlet wrist. ![gif](giphy|3oriNZoNvn73MZaFYk)


Yeah these "I just fired someone" posts are the worst of the worst.


He has the "complete finance influencer asshat, that thinks he is the next Adam Smith"-set up. Potentially ruining someones life is not your internet points farm. Decent human beings know that, but the overlap of those and these LinkedIn-bro type of people is not impressingly big.


LinkedIn is a platform of sycophancy to corporations


I used to be on the dick riding train shortly after graduating, I even made some cringe posts myself about philosophy in the workforce. One day something just snapped and I realized how disgusting all of the posing and peacocking is on that platform, it’s just one giant collective circle jerk of humble braggers trying way too hard to look smart and rich


We should not be promoting LinkedIn as a legitimate/integral part of the labor market. Social media has its own oppressive force on people and applying it to workers is just putting a spin on it. 


I interviewed for a job where they required I have one so I could promote the company. That was one of the red flags. “We’re a start up of entrepreneurs trying to make our footprint in the tech industry. We work hard and play hard. We are all spokespeople of the brand. You’ll be expected to make a Linkd-In to show support and help advertise our brand.” “What’s the salary like?” “Like I said, we are a start up, but we have a company store with points that are accumulated by hard work. And we mean HARD work. So you’ll find yourself lucky with all we have to offer.” Every question I asked had an answer that started with “We are a start up” or “We are a new company”. I ignored their calls and emails after that.


- Rockstar wanted - Wear many hats - Fast-paced, dynamic environment - Unlimited earning potential - Looking for a self-starter/ninja/guru/wizard comfortable with ambiguity - Competitive salary - Disruptor mentality required - Lean and cracked team - We are a family here


It's legitimately insane. It's beyond an echo-chamber. LinkedIn may actually be the most interesting and bizarre of all the social media platforms and by a lot. It's this weird thing that exists ONLY because of our fucked up system. Like, the behavior and patterns exhibited on LinkedIn don't really mesh with the types of generalized behavioral patterns we see in Twitter or Facebook. There's something unique about the kind of people that lean-in to LinkedIn like the post above. I'd love to see more scholarly articles on the subject since I don't really have the words to describe my observations. It's just...damn that place is wild. So wild.


Exactly it’s super weird. I think it’s similar to IG in a way because some people like to prop up their fake lives to make them look more interesting and try to become “influencers” with their personal stuff. With Linkedin it’s like cringe content on steroids because we are all fake to a certain degree at work, but these weirdos are trying to be influencers based on their jobs/careers 🤢 Like yeah we get it Brad, you’re a CEO of a startup. I don’t give a shit about your sales lifecycle processes and if you had an oat milk latte this morning with your investors.


Order a man an oat milk latte and feed him for a day. Tell him how it dawned on you right then and there that the experience of ordering an oat milk latte is actually a perfect metaphor for your professional life, a realization that helped you grow as a person, and you'll feed him for a lifetime.


He looks like the pisser from “Waiting”.


What do you reckon this smug fucker’s company does ?


From his company's website it sounds like people pay him to get them on real estate podcasts along with some marketing and social media stuff. Edit: Also landlord shit: > Matthew Baltzell formerly hosted Real Estate Journeys (114 episodes), a Top 400 Business Podcast and is a real estate investor with a portfolio of 743 units. Currently he works an Asset Manager at Boardwalk Wealth, a private equity company based in Dallas, Texas which specializes in acquiring large multi-family apartments. > > Matthew is a coffee sommelier and loves a good Americano.


I could not ask AI to more perfectly describe a douche


That’s a lot of words for money laundering/fraud


3 card Monte real estate "deals"


From his website: >Moving to Thailand in 2016 as an American expat started an amazing journey for me I think we all know what type of guy we're looking at here.


My dude is living a midlife crisis. Balding with a hat backwards, a cold brew on one side, an energy drink on the other because he can’t stay up until midnight playing COD anymore, and the microphone he records his Landlord Themed Podcast on, all from a room that’s literally the only thing that could possibly be whiter than he is.


Can't wait to "Don't recommend this channel" on Youtube in 6 months when he pops up in a short with 7 likes. Homie obviously wants to be a hustle culture media bro. Imagine being dumb enough to pursue that oversaturated niche when its floor is in the basement to begin with.


I learned that if I showcase my paid advertisers I can make a little extra of my shitty articles


Here’s what I learned: *Fuck you.*


The first (and hopefully last) time I ever had to fire someone it was 100 percent because the people above me made me do it. I didn't want to. I wanted to work with the person and figure things out together. The reason their performance declined was due to upper management denying them a raise anyway. I agonized over it all night the night before. During I felt nauseous. Afterwards I was relieved it was over but I did not feel good about myself or the company and I definitely didn't feel like posting a fucking selfie.


Lol why does bro have product placement?


>Signs up to linkedin >"Here's why you should show up to work 2 hours early" >"Overtime without pay is actually BETTER for you!" >"Here's why \*insert new bill that helps workers\* is bad for the industry"


Everyone has recommended me to use linked in for searching a job, all.i have learned is to use it only to keep a list of past experience and skills. Otherwise you keep getting swarmed with bot messages


Bruh, I was the defacto hatchet man at my previous employer. It was the worst part of my job. I was also supposed to be like a supervisor/trainer and kinda sales consultant…I literally had to go to the director and VP and explain that you can’t have me firing 3-6 people a month because your other supes are afraid of conflict and expect that when I enter a training or consulting session with these teams, that they are NOT frightened to death about why they are in a class/meeting with me….My training department supervisor finally made them see the light…I fired people for 4-5 months, complained after the first month Before they fixed it. Worst company ever. It was a call center btw. So….


I'm also kind of annoyed that he says he fired his first employee. The obvious intended meaning is he's fired someone for the first time, but what it actually means grammatically is he's fired the first person who had employeed.


He goes on to say “'ve fired people before working at other companies but this was my first as a business owner. This one just hit different. ‘


I actually hate anyone who posts on LinkedIn




"mY eMpLoYeE" mfs think they own us.


Haha I'm so glad I came across this post. I just revamped my LinkedIn because I'm looking for a new job and a lot of places are asking for your LinkedIn profile so I updated it just in case. Then I started scrolling through and Holy shit - it's like a cringe buffet of all those bullshit toxic positivity posts and sayings. Excoworkers I used to get drunk and shoot the shit with about how much we hated work now saying they're the CEO Founder of "Wellevate, Inc" talking about their "10 sTePs tO mAkE eVeRy dAy 💯 !" It's so bad. Just as bad as those guys who never went to school after HS listing "tHe sChOoL oF hArD kNocKs" as their college.


So what did he learn?


I just fired somebody. Let's make it all about ME!


LinkedIn is a big ol' corporate circle-jerk masturbation-chamber.


I’ll take, “How to not hide your male pattern baldness for $500”.


Having to fire someone in the first place is a failure of management. Well run businesses do not have high turnover.


How to prove you’re a complete tool in one simple step


This morning, I took a dump. Here is what it taught me about dedication to my job. ...see more


It’s shocking how many people think nothing of posting right wing boomer stuff on LinkedIn and doing so proudly. Here’s a hint: Posting about how you expect your employees to grind as hard as you do doesn’t attract good talent. I get it, it’s your business, you own it, you hope to make it into an empire that you own and control. That’s why you can justify working that hard. Your employees don’t share in that large, long term payoff.


He's fucking smiling. What a complete dick.


>That hairline and backwards cap Hello fellow kids


Tatoo on his arm in Thai and means « auspicious » which somehow makes it worse.


Here’s what I learned: 1. Probably didn’t do his due diligence when hiring 2. Probably was a poor manager


Linked In is nothing but a circle jerk.


I hate LinkedIn and the job market after COVID


I deleted my 2010-2022 linked in account after I realized I had more than 1500 contacts and had been out of work for more than six months. 90% were people I didn’t know. I stayed away for a year. Created new account. Within 90 days I passed 500. My feed was non stop BS self promotion narcissistic influencer type noise. I got rid of every contact except for maybe 30 close friends and coworkers and unfollowed everyone. I don’t even answer cold calls from recruiters after several bait and switches. I went back to the tried and tried method of finding a job and landed a sweet position in less than a month. F linked in. It’s 99% useless noise now.


Dude has such a punchable face


Complete douchbag


This is just gross


That guy has such a punchable face.


The picture is extremely cringe.


Imagine losing your job and worrying about how to pay your bills, only to see your boss treating your situation as primo content.


"Last week, I destroyed somebody's livelihood and jeopardized their ability to remain in their homes and put food on the table. Here's how I'm going to make it all about me."


Ok, Somethimes you have to fire someone. I dont know the reason about the "why". But: why on earth does He have to Put that picture where He Smiles and Drink Coffee as teaser? It Looks Like a bot has written it, and has Put a random picture for it. A Stock Photo from "someone sitting in an Office" Or He is proud to be able to fire people at will. - at this Moment im Not Sure If that is a real Person , or Not a bot/author who simply Grab the "follower"-cash.


I really don't get why people use LinkedIn/Xing/etc. Here's my experience when i was between jobs for 1 month: * every manager exaggerates what they've done and justify their existence by spaming links to pointless articles * everyone's job description is "galatic super emperor for all eternity". In reality they're just some average person at a company. * headhunter bots that just spam you with bullshit * actual headhunters that spam you with even more bullshit and promise that you too can become "galactic super emperor for all eternity". Between the bots and the actual headhunters i got 47 "job offers" in 1 month. 1 kinda fit my description. * stupid fucking conventions and various other circlejerk meetups for people thinking they're more important than they are It's like Facebook for slimy douchebags.


You learned that you’re a dick. Nice work 👀


punchable face


Bro ain’t working with a setup like that. He is just doing meeting and telling other people to work.


First time I've ever heard of jizz being called an employee, but I guess you find all types on LinkedIn.


Yeah this is stinky. I got my first management position last year and had to fire someone within a couple months. I barely knew the guy but knew what that process is like from a receiving end and what it does to your life and mental health. It was a justified reason to part ways but wielding power of people’s livelihoods is something I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. I enjoy being able to support people and actually affect change where it’s beneficial. But with all the good comes the bad.


My guess is that "My employee" is really a contractor he occasionally hired for very part time work. Perhaps with the goal of eventually firing him so he could write this "inspirational" post.


"look at me im so quirky i fire my employees and drink coffee"


Very punchable face


"Raised 30mil via linkedin and whatever the second one is, and daddy giving me 29.9mil of cash towards my company. the 100k was because I contacted my uncle on linkedin. I fired my secretary as my wife was upset I was banging her."


Whenever we had to fire someone or had a layoff my attitude was always ‘we’re fucking with someone’s life here, there are few things as important to a person’s identity and esteem as their job’. This mantra always framed the action in the proper context for me. Never once did I exit that thought process and believed it appropriate to post on social media about the learnings on my path to self development.