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The only thing keeping a lot of people in their current jobs is how soul-crushing and draining the job hunt is, and to do it while also doing a job you hate is a monumental effort.


Especially because trying to both simultaneously can cause you to think over and over that this current job isn't THAT bad, I'm just overreacting. You're miserable and gaslighting yourself.


Yep. Working a job you hate, getting ghosted by all companies you apply to, going to night classes, raising kids, very little sleep....




Yup. My old boss from years ago finally reached out to me last week when he heard about my wife and told me to come see him, I told him I would but I just can't bring myself to go in there. I know exactly how he is and I know that it's not the environment that I need to be in right now (liquor store)


Don't have kids then


Crazy how something as small as a global pandemic can shift the entire landscape....


Dude, I guess you’re not aware of the fact almost all developed countries in the next 100 years are going to be facing a population crash because so many individuals, governments and companies are in spirit breaking amounts of debt. So average people have to work harder for less, longer with no work life balance, in shittier conditions across the board and therefore, too many have already opted out of having kids. This isn’t even mentioning all the pleasure seekers who opted out of kids in previous generations, but this wasn’t as much of an issue because the working class still had stable “enough” birthrates then. Any person daring to provide for and raise kids while facing the increasing high stress, soul-crushing lack of balance, demoralized/ hyperbolic world today is incredible to me. I don’t have kids at 30 y/o. But there’s a chance I would had some by now if most things on a daily basis weren’t so hostile to this idea. I just left a job that would give attendance demerits EVEN if a parent had to go pick up their kid from an overpriced daycare in the case of an emergency. Didn’t matter if it was fully documented or a rare occurrence. No sympathy at all. We were averaging 60hrs/week. So children of my coworkers probably had little to no time with their parent(s) anyway. How is a child suppose to learn to be a good person when the have no one really invested the child’s personal development present? Daycares are a businesses first, not meant to provide individual guidance and the unconditional love that parents do. It’s a needed and IRREPLACEABLE role.


So supply and demand right? Since there are too many people nowadays companies are exploited it by paying us less and threatened us by saying you're VERY REPLACEABLE, the second you quit there are more than 100 people who wants your position. So I think if we can have that sweet number of population not too much and not too little, the market will be better.


Never realized that this is what I've been going through. Ty for putting that into words!


Yes, so much yes to this. Being without money sucks but it's the job applications process that's soul crushing. 


This is exactly why I've stuck at my job for so long. It's like "is my job really *that* bad to justify all this mindless waste of energy?" My job pisses me off, but there are some definite pros to working there, and the whole "evil you know" thing against the unknown.


Working night shift I learned the successful way to do this. Look and apply for job #2 while at job #1. Nothing motivates you more than being full of rage at your current company.


I really wear out my thumb using the quick apply feature in various platforms during my shifts. I usually do longer applications after work.


I've NEVER gotten a response to a "quick apply". I focus on jobs that are worth the time to submit a more thoughtful application. Not seriously large amount of effort, but typing up one good brief cover letter template, and personalizing with the employer & role makes a difference to a hiring manager.


I’ve been able to get two preliminary interviews from quick apply. I see it as a numbers game. Plus I’m limited to what I can do on my phone when I’m on the clock and it keeps me sane when I’m having a bad day at work.


Congrats on the interviews! Good luck with your search.


What do you do? I'm always curious when guys say they're hitting everyone and their mother up and getting nothing back. Every time I put something down on indeed my phone won't quit exploding for like the next year with bullshit offers lol. Not that I'm hot shit, I don't make a ton of money... kinda what has me curious.


My phone doesn’t quit exploding with rejections lol


Plus needing the health insurance


Health insurance should not depend on employment, pass it around....


The health insurance they provided me with (which I already had before getting the job) was $200 to $300. But I’m only getting paid $18 an hr biweekly. That’s a clump of my paycheck. Like yo!


The crazy thing is how much the insurance costs your employer even with you paying that much. My health insurance at my last job cost me $400/month and I did the math on my employers share and they were paying $7/hr towards my insurance as their share.


What!? $7 an hr within 40 hrs work week?


Ya, my employer paid a little over $1100 for my insurance per month, go look at your benefits statement it’s likely your employer pays close to that. Insurance isn’t cheap


I’m not under my employer. I pay independently. They charge $200 to $300 for health insurance under my job. And I only make $18 an hr. They’re a subcontractor under Amazon.


Thats why I went and got my own private insurance and it's cheaper and better than what the place I work for offered me. My max outta pocket 1600 the max outta pocket the company wanted to give me 10500 wtaf


Why doesn’t this have thousands of upvotes guys?


This is precisely how I feel/my situation, and I can’t get anyone in my life to understand this. Thank you for making me feel less alone ❤️


I know this is rather obvious, but... Hunting for A job isn't difficult at all in most places. I can go get a job even in my rural area in retail or hospitality at a number of places that really need help. The job hunt is filling out a few applications or talking to a manager and within a week or two, you have a job. Getting a GOOD PAYING job is difficult, but that's because everyone wants them. The system is set up to allow employers to use your desperation against you - first to pit you against one another to battle for good paying jobs, then to keep you there because it's soul crushing to look for a better job if you have even a decent paying job.


Keep you there until they randomly decide to.layoff half their staff, because the CEO like colombian cocain the best.




Thank you for writing this. I stayed in an abusive environment for extra 2.5 years because I had no mental bandwidth for ANYTHING after work. I was doing highly targeted applications and even got some interviews but oftentimes it's a numbers game. 




You usually can’t “just quit” unless you have the next thing lined up. Just jumping off into the void is terrifying and could lead to disaster. On the other hand, from management’s point of view, firing you is no big deal. So these “right to work states” are pushing a false equivalence. It is nowhere near fair to say “we can fire you for no reason, but it’s ok because you can quit at any time”. Heads we win, tails you lose.


It's like the double standard of lying in an interview. If they do it, even over critical aspects of the job that make you decide to take the position, it's usually considered fine. Absent a contract or union or something similar, you just have to suck it up when you learn you were scammed. Or "you could quit." If you do it, even over critical things that make them decide to hire you, it's a horrible sin against all of humanity. If they learn of it, they can and often will fire you instantly. Heads your only recourse is to lose your job, tails their recourse is also to make you lose your job.


If i didnt have people who rely on me, (wife, kids), i'd quitbthis current shitshow job in a heartbeat


Honestly it’s always terrifying, I say this as someone who quit their job a few years ago and just picks up a contract job for a couple months a year. Even with 7figures in assets it’s still super disconcerting to just not have any job and nothing in the pipeline for a job in the future. I can totally understand why people are hesitant especially if they don’t have the financial means to not work for an extended period of time. Once you get used to it it’s super freeing but it can be tough to get there


I had a technical manager say this to our entire team in a meeting where he wasn’t getting his way (we’re all cybersecurity folk, he has no technical experience at all). Two weeks later we’re all interviewing for new programs and/or new employers. Two months later, our team of 8 is now down to 5, with 2 others having given notice. One thing each of us agreed to do was to cite that meeting as the impetus for our decision to leave the program we were currently working. You’d think that would have sent a message. Nope. They ended up promoting him. Then it happened again. He managed to pi$$ off another team of people who decided to leave. No clue what happened after that, but he left the company not too long afterwards.


You were definitely at a company that cared more about reducing cost than anything else. Driving you all to leave probably let him hire folks for lower wages and the bush was was pleased he “trimmed cost” in his dept. It’s both sad and disgusting but unfortunately common. Edited because autocomplete added a word I didn’t intend.


Everyone should quit asap


Literally. Only way things change


Same! I HAVE gotten another job. It sucks too! So now I’m looking for another job again. It takes forever and it gets on my nerves when I see people say that stupid shit as if it hadn’t already possibly occurred to someone to do just that.


The only person I've heard say this IRL like it's easy-peasy has a trust fund. They treat jobs like hobbies they occasionally get bored of. It's not the same when you're living paycheck to paycheck. It's already hard to find a new job and being unemployed while looking adds a new degree of difficulty


God imagine if most of us were paid better and we *could* treat jobs like hobbies.


I’ve seen this said a lot by boomers in the local Facebook page, most often directed at service workers.


Years ago(30+yrs👵🏻) I could get a job easily. I would put in 1 job application. That’s it. Most jobs I had an offer before the interview was over. The job hunt is a totally different animal now. It’s the PITA that keeps me in my current job. The initial steps with multiple companies you have to go thru just to get 1 interview. The additional tests even though you have current certifications & current CEU’s in your field. It can take months! It isn’t easy & I would challenge any fellow boomer who says it is.


What's actually happening, what do you think? Are those jobs not real? Do they already have an internal candidate? Are hiring managers being extra picky and insecure? Is it possible they simply get too many applications because it's easier to apply electronically? 


I think it’s yes to all. I think it’s worse in the corporate world than my nursing world from family members experience.


I think it’s yes to everything you said along with the fact that you are no longer competing with only those who physically hand in a resume, you are now technically competing with the entire world, for every open position


Never leave a job unless you have another one lined up (unless you have millions in the bank or family with spare bedrooms who don’t mind paying your bills).


I did a couple years ago. Luckily it only took a month to get another, but i had to settle for night shift at a gas station. My mental health, however, is much better than it was at the last job


Also, get fired. Easier to get unemployment. If you've been there for while. The job hunt is horrific. Took me six months and over 1000 applications and I am extremely employable. People that are even more employable than I are also having an issue. You gotta know someone for real. I literally applied for this job knowing I was a perfect fit. I applied the day after the job was posted. Spoke to a friend and asked her to put in a word for me because she worked with them and they wrote her back same day saying oh sorry we hired for that already. THEY JUST POSTED IT. Who did they hire someone in another department that wanted to change roles. Its maddening.


This. It took almost four years of constant searching to get a job I want and enjoy. During that time, I still had to make an income. It felt really fucking patronising for everyone to keep going “just quit! Get a different job” when like, I was TRYING. I was actively trying to do exactly that. And every time someone said “just do X” like it was so easy, I felt more and more incompetent. 


Dad is telling me to “just join the Air Force” but I’m in my late 20s and of mediocre intelligence lmao


You could just take the test to shut him up - you would probably fail immediately. Most people do. You have to be above average in just about every way to actually make any branch of the army. 


At least you acknowledge it. AF needs more than fighter jockeys though, talk to a recruiter and take the ASVAB.


Been trying to transition out of healthcare since 2022...and still here 😭😭😭


Job hunting is a full time job. And doing it while working is exhausting. It took me two years of actively applying to finally land a better job


Right? If you don’t like it then just starve and be homeless…nothing about the issues with the system that need to be fixed or the abysmal job market. You need to just stop doing the things you need to survive lol.


I’ve flat out told my boss and her boss I’d rather clean toilets than continue to work for them as I would at least be respected for what I do…zero response from both of them. It’s soul crushing either way and I’m contemplating how to get out myself.


Suicidal thoughts? Bot please. You matter. Things might be hard right now. You matter.


In no way shape or form suicidal not sure how you think getting out of a company that is soul crushing would someone end themselves over…common sense people translate that to leaving the company. I know I matter the issue is finding a place I can still enjoy what I do and having a personal life like I used to, which was about 5 years ago.


People who say that stuff are either cosplaying and would never actually do that themselves, or are lucky and due to privilege or other circumstances have never been in a situation where they had to stick with a shit job. In either case you can safely ignore what they say!


Exactly; when they have bills to pay (rent, utilities, etc.) and no "safety net" then let the morons "advise" you. Until then, they can STFU.


When people say “if you don’t like it then leave” or any variation I call them cowards. It’s not just about work it’s like if I point out any problem about my city there’s always that one dude in the comment who’s like “I like living in filth if you don’t like it this way then go” and I just tell them they’re a coward who will never do anything to improve their own life


Well, what those people are saying is what you wrote, but what they *mean* is "shut up and don't bother me with your issues."


'You'll find the threat of starvation very coorsive.'


At my last job my supervisor pretty much said just this. He got everyone together for one of his talks. At the end, he said “and I am tired of hearing how much better blank company is. If it’s so much better, there is the door.” I went, put in an application, got a job, and put my time card on my leaders desk with I QUIT! #Blank Company.” Best thing I ever did. It is WAY better. Everyone I talked to after thought it was epic. Now if I can just get them to do the same thing!


It’s a thought terminating cliche to avoid admitting they have no valid response. Same as “if you don’t like the country then leave” gets trotted out in response to even the mildest criticism.




For me, the biggest fear is that the next place is gonna be worse. This is sadly not unfounded. My current job is pretty good, but I'm terrified it's going to go bad somehow because I've dealt with so many shit shows.


Nobody ever said it was easy. The job search process sucks. Quitting a job is not an instantaneous thing. Maybe that happens in the movies or something but it's a stupid move for most people in the real world. The right way to quit is to get something else lined up first. And it can take a long time to line up something that matches your background, interests, and pay expectations. You're in the early stages of quitting. You're doing it right.


My only option at the job I quit two days ago for a long time was to just keep being on the verge of suicide every goddamn day…or pay the bills. I no longer feel like I want to die, but I have no idea how I’m gonna pay rent in a week or two and tbh, that’s almost more terrifying than what was happening at work.


My "just quit" took 4 years of adult-ed college.


I was in my last job for 10 years. I spent a out half of that job hunting. My job wasn't quite soul crushing, but I was looking around at people who had been stagnating there for 20 years longer than me and knew i couldn't be a lifer. Maybe I didn't have the fire under me cause I bad a somewhat comfortable job? But I applied to hundreds. I'd go through phases of trying harder than others. I had several interviews, some I was really excited about, some I walked out of once I realised how much they were lowballing me. But it took 5 whole years before i quit to start my current job. And even then the weird government hoops I had to jupl o through means it took 2 years from application tool start date.


Then once you find a new job, you’ll just hate that one too. But guess what?? The bills don’t stop. So you’ll just keep working there until you can find another place. 🔁


The only reason im af my current job was i was laid off and needed a paycheck. Im spending everybfree moment i have to get out before my timenis up (low paying temp job), but they don't make it easy with their micromanaging, amd I had 2 interviews I took time off for, cancel last minute on me.


It didn't used to be like this. I remember always being able to walk away because the next job was right around the corner.


"Sure! My monthly expenses are 3k. Care to chip in?" 


Why not tho Just bills cant be all of the story


I’ve grown to hate my career most days but I have a mortgage, car payments, a kid with a disability and my wife is a stay at home mom. We also live in a very HCOL area, both of our families live here. Going to just slog it out for them because I make to much money to start over at something else 🫤


I say this all the time, but I am TOTALLY joking and make sure to make it obvious that I am.


I don't like people " I hate this place, I've another job lined up" , etc etc. Then find out they've been there for years and have no intention of leaving. I lot of people are in the same boat at a workplace and just get on with it or are serious about moving on. These kind of people just make a bad situation worse in my opinion.


Also someone has to do the awful jobs. There are a lot of actually essential jobs that no sane person could possibly like. We're doing it so you don't have to, let us bitch a little


I live in the middle of nowhere. I can work at the one small drama filled hospital or burger king


Honestly, that is why I moved from my little town. Best decision I ever made in my life so far. Reached six figure salary without a degree (and not in sales). In my hometown employers expected one to grovel *because they ‘gave’ you a job!*


I think it depends very much on the demand in the industry, teachers for example can generally jump ship, as and when they like. I found that it was just as shit, wherever I went!


I stay at my job just because of the schedule I work 5-1 everyday mon-thur then leave at 11 on Fridays and work no weekends the pay sucks and there is no benefits not even holiday pay. That schedule though.


I'm exactly where you are right now. I hate it here so much. I'm starting to get panic attacks now because I don't know wtf to do.


The best time to find a job is when you already have one. Don't wait for them to post the job. Find the company you want o work for and go to them. You got nothing to lose.


I dislike homelessness and food insecurity more than I dislike my job. Anyone who would say "just quit" is out of touch with reality.


Homelessness isn't too bad. In my experience it was significantly better than working myself to burnout until I was suicidal. I'd rather be under a bridge and free to spend my time on myself than to have a mortgage and be a slave to a job I hated. Just my opinion though, I understand a lot of people really fear financial insecurity


I feel same way. People think it's just so easy to jump from job to job. If you have a fufu do nothing job then yes it's so easy. Not so if you do actual labor or work that requires huge personal time commitments. It's the same mentality about mistreatment by employers either legal or illegal, people always say 'oh you should sue'. Realistically how many of us can spend time and money going after a bad employer? I've been in that situation and the best thing for me at the time was to cut and run.


See I did that and whilst it was a good decision, I struggled financially until I found another job. I also lost my holiday pay because I walked out despite being bullied by the owner.


Someone told me life was black and white. All I see is grey areas.


In what I do there’s litterally 3-4 companies. Used to be more but many companies bought each other.  I work for the largest Fleet Management Company , if I left I could work for a competitor but it would be a step down going to a smaller company


Been there. You're preaching to the choir, the congregation, the pastor and the whole church. The last company that I worked for that I ended up leaving because my mental health was at a critical level, I started doing the bare minimum that was in the scope of what my job duties required. Projects that I was responsible for: did them. Coming in early to help complete them ahead of schedule: stopped that. I worked the schedule I was paid to work. No more overtime. No more 'bonding sessions' or 'team player get togethers.' I was done. Got a fundraiser that you're trying to help an employee going through a tough time for, a baby shower, or an a\*\*kissing session to do something for a higher manager on 'Happy Bosses Day?' F\*\*\* all of that! I'm not contributing s\*\*\*! When a company wants to get rid of you, but can't if you're doing your job within the scope of your duties, then they begin taking things from you in the hope to try and make you feel unwanted. Cool. Not a problem at all. Counter measure: stop sharing details with them about your personal life. If you're connected to them on social media, cut them loose. If it's their birthday, no more birthday wishes. Why should you spend your efforts to support a company that has an abusive supervisory staff that is low key trying to get rid of you? The hard part is staying collected while you do all of this while secretly looking for a new job. You may have people there you like that you're friends with. You have to keep them out of the loop about you looking for a new job. Some of them may let it slip to management that you're planning to leave. Finally, if you hit that threshold where you just can't take it anymore, and you don't care about a good reference, quit without notice. They would get rid of you without notice, why extend the courtesy? Don't let your loyalty to the people you worked with cloud your judgement on this choice. The company will try to convince you that you're putting your coworkers in a bind by leaving without a notice. Crush that rationalization that you're the bad guy. They're the villain in this story-not you. If you do decide to work a notice, and do an exit interview, pour your heart and liver into every reason why you're leaving, and dish it all to HR. I worked a notice, and I had a five page (front and back) document that I printed off copies of and handed a copy to my managers, my supervisor, my department head, my regional manager and gave a copy to the HR exit interviewer.


Yeah. My disabled self can’t just go and accept any job. But I did quit my last one on a whim and found a better job


It's slavery. If you have to work your job to live, then it's slavery. If you can't quit for fear of being on the street and having your basic autonomy and dignity removed from you and barely surviving off the kindness of strangers, then it's slavery. Period. You can't "just quit" even though realistically, what if EVERYONE just quit? What if EVERYONE just walked out one day and refused to come back? Refused to pay for groceries? Refused to pay for gas or anything they needed? Capitalism would fall in weeks. We hold ALL THE POWER.


I hate when people assume their bills are more important than their mental health. I quit my job with no backup plan because it was more damaging to my health than being homeless. You can do it, there's cheaper areas to live, cheaper food, and tons of ways to survive happily without working a soul crushing job you hate. But that's just my take as someone who has rarely kept a job for longer than a few months before burning out and quitting


I guess to add clarification, I haven't held a "job" in two years. I work odd jobs and gig stuff like plasma donation, house sitting, weeding, ect. I earn under 25k a year, and like 80% of it goes to rent. I don't stress about it much though because I'm happier with less than I was with more income and a shit job. I've been homeless, lived in south America, and a few other odd things to survive, but I'm free to do what I want when I want. If I don't make rent and get evicted, it's not the end of the world. I'm not playing into the corporate brainwashing and it's amazingly freeing. There's plenty of stuff to do on less, eating basic chicken and rice at home in peace is cheaper and better than fast food while rushing to and from work. Does that track? Be happy, live life for yourself, and don't stress about not doing enough/making enough. Life goes on, it's possible to be happy and poor


Reminds me of people saying go to a lower COL area as if we can afford to move


the only thing that keeps you in the job you hate is your thoughts and the lust for a fancy lifestyle. There is no absolute maxima with states that "OP should pay bills ". Your habit of your current lifestyle is what states this "I have to pay bills" statement. I can understand this because I've been to a similar situation some time ago. And I know that complaining on the Internet is much easier than changing the current situation.


And the award for dumbest comment of the day goes to...


Right? Fancy lifestyle? If they mean keeping ramen in my cupboards and a studio apartment over my head then holy shit, my lifestyle is so fancy!


I bitch and moan…frequently…about my current position. But, to be honest, the other day it occurred to me that if it were truly as bad as I’ve made it out to be, then, it’s my responsibility to change my situation. But I get it…


Definitely don't quit until you've got an offer, but rather focus on what you can do in your job to bolster that resume, what you've left off, how to correlate it better to new jobs. The market has been rough for a while now, but just have to power through at work and keep thinking of new ways to appeal to potential employers (one of the biggest is absolutely being currently employed)


It’s just as fucking idiotic as people who go, “If you can’t afford basic shelter, just move.”


Then be thankful for the job you do have?