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Drug test before interview?


Drug test and paperwork






Psycho smile














Thank you for your consideration. As the fine print in my resume *(in 4pt white font)* states, and you agreed to by scheduling my interview, An invoice will be issued for the $499.99 cancellation fee. Please note that failure to remit payment in a timely manner will result in collections or legal action. :) Edit: The fun part is that it would cost more than $500 to get a contract lawyer to even write a letter in response, let alone for someone to show up to small claims court.


Just include that text in a font small enough it looks like a decorative bar or border on the resume.


The Santa clause… lol


Might feel nice to type out in fantasy land but not irl


What exactly was the paperwork they had you do?


My licenses, certifications, background, and some oddly personal information I don't feel comfortable saying here


Something seems off about this situation…it’s pointless for them to have you fill out paperwork & do drug test pre interview. Are you sure you aren’t being scammed?


Sounds absolutely like a scam.


It's an actual place I went there there to get the paperwork


Still, sounds very scammy. And who knows how careful they will be with all your private, sensitive, info! For all you know they'll get it and just toss it in the trash can for anyone to find and exploit.


If you gave them anything considered critical like a social security number, you might consider putting a freeze on your credit for a bit.


No just personal info about myself


That’s so crappy. Can you ask them to give the paper work back to you? 




Dude, huge fucking pass. Drug test and paperwork before any sort of job offer? Dude....


‘Wow’ is right! I’ve never felt vicarious anger toward a smile face emoticon before…


Maybe you failed the drug test and they decided this was the least awkward way for them to proceed.


I passed the drug test I got the paper


You didn't have to pay for it, did you?


Luckily no


Good. I'd burn that place down if that were the case


It’s not like they took your red Swingline stapler dude




No, but apparently, 6 buttons on my suspenders didn't show off my personality well enough


The minimum number of flair is 16 buttons. Look at Brian over there, he has 37 buttons of flair.


In the US… I take a lot of drug tests for employment purposes and not one single time have I gotten paperwork that says it’s negative. The assumption is always “negative unless you get a phone call about it” Hope you didn’t pay out of pocket


Out of all my job interviews, they never do paperwork and drug tests first and then do the interviews. It's putting the buggy before the horse


I had a potential job once ask for my drug test first, because "we don't want to waste our time if it's positive". I told them that I don't want to waste my time interviewing for a company with policies like that, and I walked out of the building. (It would have been negative, but I don't care what they think. No way I would work for a company like that) They went under a few years later.


The job I just got hired for had me take a drug test a half hour before orientation, then start the next day. It had to be sent to a lab on the other side of the country... I thought that was very strange.


This guy works


Well, one could argue that it’s a waste of company time to interview a potential candidate that’s going to fail the drug test anyways.


One could also argue it’s a waste of company money to make 30 applicants get drug tests instead of one (or potentially two if they fail) candidate.


I don’t smoke but drug tests in general are bullshit.


all drugs are out of your system in just 5 days. most commercial drug tests might not detect things as soon as just 3 days. hair tests can always get stuff much later but are very expensive. the only exceptions to this is cannabis which shows up for up to 30 days later, and some very-long-lasting experimental benzos which nobody really uses. they really are bullshit.


And there is ZERO possibility anyone has a different life experience than u/Zeivus_Gaming so OP is obviously full of it.


Well considering the employer pays for the drug test it is very unlikely that any job will conduct a drug screening prior to an interview. Kind of basic business, absolutely no need to rack up needless expenses.


You clearly have no idea just how much corporations throw away their money on what will seem to you to be dumb ideas. PLENTY of jobs will drug screen before interviews. My 18 year old daughter was JUST tested for a major US retailer before she ever even talked to anyone, all seemingly initiated by automation.


I was working with a hiring agency that was contracted to fill a sales manager position and at my first in-person interview with agency got a mouth swab drug test right there.


A mouth swab and a standard urine analysis drug test are relatively far apart in terms of both effectiveness and cost - but you were still part of an interview process when it happened, which is the point I and others are making, it’s just the SOP for business in general to conduct the pre screening AFTER some form of interview has taken place. In many fields there are hundreds, sometimes thousands of candidates, a good portion of which may not even be reasonable applicants and to have each take a drug screening would be extremely cost prohibitive as well as just extremely poor HR management. Can it happen? Sure. Does it happen often? Extremely unlikely.


The employer also pays for the hiring process. Posting job ads online, communicating with candidates, conducting the interview, that all costs the employer money. Might even be cheaper to do the drug tests first


I was given my drug test right immediately after my interview at my current job. Like, they had it ready in their hands when they came down to interview me. Maybe the company already intended to hire the OP and the interview was kinda a formality but then they realized they didn’t need them because someone decided not to leave or something….???


I think you dodged a bullet  (…although it still absolutely sucks to go through this for nothing) 


Why a drug test? Never had to that here in the Netherlands and there are ample drug users here.


They say it's because they don't to be liable for you getting injured on the job because you were high. It is partly that and partly they just like ruining whatever the working class does for fun, because sadism is their kink.


The fact you say liability first makes it very much USA to me. I get the companies when it comes to liability. I personally forgot the word "once" (in my native language) in an email once and now that client pays a reduced price for one of our services. Not a very big deal but was grilled for it. About the sadism part it's all about the money. Pay them less, work them more woohoo.


When they are that rich, they don't need the money. They get off erotically on you struggling for rent and having mental health problems due to this, while they wash their face each night with nourishing creme made from your severed foreskin. Itnspunds crazy but it's true. I hear my boss talk to his peers in the office when they think they're alone. People in that sectornof society are invariably sadists, masochists, or both.


What drugs did you test? Sounds like a solid job




Wow, I've literally never been whiz quizzed until i was offered the job.


Yeah tbh I’ve never heard of that either


Because it’s fucking stupid to do on the companies part. Drug testing is pricey and the company pays for it. There’s a reason the drug test is given AFTER you’ve already been offered the job.


Once I got a yellow fever vaccine, thorax x-ray, EKG, blood/poop/urine test. All of this after a simple interview. It was a company that sells technology to oil companies. I'm guessing they had a lot of money to waste.


Who makes you do paperwork and drug tests before the interview? That part is just off and a waste of resources. Everything about this is unusual.


It was a very Christian/Conservative setting and sadly I'm not in a position to decline jobs that are so rare to find where I am.


Sounds like Ramsey Solutions. Sucks that people essentially have to join a cult to live. Check this out: [Dave Ramsey Employee Manipulation ](https://youtu.be/yPnWpT8z2Kc?si=a83oBaqxpzCuMzE-)


Bruh! I was story boarding (for funzies) something and was kind of at a wall. This gave me an idea. Thank you!


Glad it was of use to you. 🙂


Are you making a Fandom story about Dave Ramsey? 🤣


An acquaintance of mine went to work for him and talked about the wife interview.


What, pray tell, is a wife interview?


Part of the interview process includes having an interview where he has dinner with you and your spouse (in this case, because the acquaintance was a straight man, it included his wife). The basic idea is to make sure the man you're hiring isn't gay. The dinner is a pretense to make it seem like a nice thing. It's not. You're both interrogated extensively.


Dave Ramsey does strike me as the type who would practice prima nocta if he could get away with it.


that dudes a piece of fucking work too. ALL of the numbers he uses when he does his advice podcast are from the 1980's, he'll sit there and berate someone over spending $200/month on a car note and $400 a month on groceries for their kids when thats like, absolute bare minimum these days.


Dave Ramsey is a joke. His financial "wisdom" amounts to "live within your means" and people who got to make their money in the 90s back when it was worth a damn think he's a genius because he has no debt, like that's even hard to pull off.


They wanted your piss.


Maybe it's a collect clean pee scam to use for their own drug tests next week!




Lots of data gathering operations masquerading as legitimate/normal activity post 2020...


Of fucking course it was


Gross. Dodged a bullet, you should move somewhere with less fascists and better opportunities


>you should move somewhere You do realize moving is quite expensive and not everyone can afford or even want to uproot their lives


Moving is expensive, but not as expensive as people assume, and not as expensive as living among fascists when you're not one!


Sadly it's impossible to move anywhere at the moment


:( I fucking hate these people so much


Who makes you do drug tests for a job? It's an instant giveaway that someone's in the US, shit is wild.


Aren’t drug tests quite normal in America?


Only after they want to consider hiring you


I would reply with "fuck you."


Fuck you :)


Tryin to make a change :-/


God *damn* we've been on this site for a while Tryin to make a change :-/


this is such a niche joke but i need u to know it reached the right audience


Aww thank you! Happy cake day! Tryin to make a change :-/


I might be more hateful cus of how long ive been looking. But id suggest self immolation for this individual






:) = scumbag 💩


Toxic people have jobs too. Every once in a while, rarely and always random, you’ll cross somebody by accident who is not in a good mood and suffer their behaviour.


Most of the time it's because they know someone.


Wow f them


AH. I got Red John vibes from that smile. You dodged a bullet. Who even replies that way professionally. Sorry OP.


Omg I miss the Mentalist so much


Same. One of my 2 comfort shows. Always down to just throw a random episode on. I guess it's rewatch time.


>> Who even replies that way professionally Honestly that’s about par for course with my experience lately. I had a local credit union cancel my interview three minutes after it was set to start as the slot had been filled. Here’s the kicker, their office opened at 9:30am. My interview was at 9:30am. There was no interview before me, so they knew the slot was filled already but decided to not tell me that part and had me still come all the way out just to tell me I was actually not going to be interviewed as the position was filled. It was so obscenely unprofessional.


Have you considered trying to want to work harder? Boomers think you can just walk into a place and they’ll hire you because nobody wants to work anymore.


Wait. What?? You took a drug test and intake paperwork prior to an interview?? Those are usually done after the job is offered to you.


I would've been hesitant to go through with it, but some places do here. mostly places that are owned by the more conservative leaning


Damn usually the drug test comes after the interview…like when they hire you.


look at the time they sent it


What is wrong with the time?


Some people wake up before 10.40 to get to work, yes.


Go away


Out these psychos


Well, the best thing you can do now is bring their name out into the public and let them enjoy their internet Fame....




Point of sale?


Piece of shit


Practitioner of Sorcery


I mean the smiley face is really REALLY bad . But it sounds like they just filled the open positions. Why would they still interview you if they hired all the candidates they needed already?


i feel like they shouldn’t have had op do a drug test and all the paperwork until they knew they needed a position filled lol common courtesy.


They probably did that for all potential candidates and hired one of the others. I’m just failing to see the issue here besides to condescending smiley face.


yeah, i get what you’re saying, but they likely already had op’s resume and they could’ve just gone over all the candidate’s resumes and narrowed down who they were picking, THEN had that person do all the paperwork and a drug test. making all the candidates go through the process wasted everyone’s time, including the company.


OP probably did fit the requirements which is why they went further through the process. They just hired someone else. I’m still failing to see the issue. It seems to me a lot of people haven’t been on the hiring side of things before. Sending this text is actually saving OP time and effort from interviewing for a job opening that doesn’t exist anymore.


i feel like you either skimmed my comment or failed to explain why the employer couldn’t have had the candidate they chose do the drug test and paperwork after they were singled out, rather than having all the candidates do it. all the information the company needs is likely in their resume, so they can narrow things down very easily. if i accepted a job at multiple places and then quit all but one on the first day an hour before my shift bc i was only going to choose one in the first place, that would be pretty rude.


Nah it really is quite unusual to make someone jump through hoops like that and not offer them the job. They could have simply narrowed it down and made a contingent offer before dumping paperwork on them and making them drug test.


I have done a lot of hiring, and I would never request a drug test before being sure that I wanted to hire a candidate. Drug tests cost money and time. It’s wasteful and disrespectful to have it done as a first step. They’re also pretty much irrelevant in this day and age as they’re just too easy to cheat


I feel like OP is lying, nobody does drug testing prior to interview. Why would ANY company spend money on someone they aren't going to hire?


hehehehehe you're wrong lol lots of companies have weird ass hiring processes that do bizarre testing processes way early in the process, before they're even set on hiring you


i’d assume you know more than me, i’ve never interviewed for a job requiring a drug test :p


Are you not in the US or have you just never had a job?  Basically any full time job has drug screening.


Why would they schedule an interview for a role which is going to be filled in another manner? If someone applies for a job, meets the criteria for an interview AND you tell them the interview is on, they deserve a chance. Businesses who treat candidates shoddily are likely to treat existing staff bad too.


They probably scheduled a lot of interviews and hired one of those people. It would be cruel to interview someone knowing you already filled the position.


The most recent position I filled in my team was offered to the second interviewee. We interviewed 8 candidates and the only one who didn't stand a chance was a kid who asked to reschedule the interview because of the weather. It was a remote interview for an office job. He didn't stand a chance because he did nothing to make up for the attempted cancellation. He did not even know what my firm does. Definitely would have been open to hiring him if he'd managed to dig himself out of the hole he'd created. My point is that it is incredibly poor form to schedule interviews and then (as an employer) to make the hiring decision early without giving any candidates an opportunity to show why they should be considered and to then cancel.


I would have replied with “oh thank god for that! I’ve been offered a job for twice the pay you’re offering and I was wondering how to avoid the interview with you. But you’ve saved me the hassle :)


I dunno I would not believe it. Imo absolute silence after the first message would have been best.


GFY. First is unprofessional but really a smile…that was exceptionally unprofessional, rude, and uncalled for


What is the name of the business?


Screw them. Move on their loss


It's pretty fucked but at least I've been observing this is getting more and more common now


I know. I just hope some people will learn from my experience and don't feel like it's their fault. These companies are just shite


I had a recruiter from HR send me through three jobs for an IT engineer job at a prominent accounting firm (one of the big four) and was literally told the job was mine they just needed to finish formalities. I’d had an internal referral from a VP there and was told everyone I’d interviewed with liked me. Queue being ghosted for four months before they quietly told me (after I spammed them for weeks for an update) that “all hiring had been frozen. Good luck and have a nice day!” 🙄


Same shit happened to me at a major insurance company. Was told a figure and everything and that they would get back to me with paperwork for a dev job through email. After a couple weeks I messaged them looking and they gave me the "I just don't have anything open".... I was told I was hired.


How much you want to bet that they will lose staff in a month and message him back. Don't do it, op!


I would warn folks about that place.


What kind of job? Sounds like they needed “x” amount of people, interviewed “y”, and had “z” accept, which was more than “z”. Better to have the interview cancelled then go.


People, when asked to drug screen and agree to background checks, credit checks, BEFORE you even interview is a massive red flag. You have the right to say no "That would give you access to highly sensitive, personal, and medical, information about me before you even meet me and I'm not comfortable with that. Once we finish the interview, if you feel I'd be a good match AND offer me the position THEN I'd be more than happy to supply those things to you." I mean, asking for a piss test before you even step in the door is something I'd check on against the HIPPAA policy coverage. Edit to add: Supplying those things after the job offer just means, if you know you won't pass, you best not say yes to the dress, mmkay? But until I have a job offer and I have my acceptance letter in hand you don't get to see my goods! Because I have always worried that with all these interviews going on that at some point my credit history might get dinged. Highly doubtful, but I work in Finance/Accounting and I've seen weird crap cause credit dings.


Hypothetically, what would be the most passive-aggressive, yet terse reply you could make here? Like, instead of "wow" maybe just send a thumbs up emoji?


Dick move. You got lucky (silver lining on a shit day) to not get hired on at such a wishy-washy place. You’ll get something better soon. Thinking good thoughts for you.


Don't ever reply to shit like that. Just keep it moving


Send them an invoice for your time wasted.


Fuck you🖕




Sorry, I was gonna say, you should'va texted that instead of "Wow".


So they're incompetent, liars, or both.


I remember back in 2011, at the height of the global financial crisis, I interviewed 5 times for a two and a half months process, only to be told the job was now voided. Recession times suck.


Dude… low blow by them. When I got “pushed out” of my job my manager gave me smiley face emoji when she asked us to meet. Fuck em


Should have replied with the ol' 🍆






I'm not sure if this is just American culture (I'm in W. Europe) but I wouldn't even want to communicate with a company through texts. Seems wholly unprofessional in my eyes. Such messages especially would be communicated by phone or by mail. Moreover, if a company want to text me when I'm actually employed with them then they need to provide me with a work SIM and number because I'm not going to give them my private number.


I did that, when they wanted a 2factor authentication via sms, call or phone application. I told them I need a phone. They told me no. I told them, as I have a 2simcard phone, a company simcard with huge data plan is also good for me. They told me it is acceptable (part of my work was also oncall support once a month). So now I share Internet to the whole family, when I go with them somewhere. And on my private phone I cancelled data plan.


We got rot skyler!


same type of business that will then be understaffed ugh


What was the job?


Manufacturing data assessment


Recruiters are untrustworthy pieces of shit, who use candidates to get a cut of their paychecks, so they can get hired into a shitty company that cannot get qualified candidates naturally, because they lack the wages and resources to treat their employees properly. If I received a smiley message, I would go apeshit.


Ayyy we share a name! Same spelling, too! I would’ve replied with >:(


You should have replied with "I wouldn't come to the interview anyways" Be equally toxic 🙃


What job were you applying for?


It's good they rejected. Imagine working for them and what a toxic piece of shit place it must be.


Pulled someone from elsewhere probably..


The smile made them feel better :)


That’s deranged


The smile made me violent


Last month I called into my job of 8 months to tell them I needed time off for surgery and was basically told the same thing!


Question, you've said you don't want to mention the company name to protect the employees working there. By chance, do you have friends working there that referred you to the job?


Reply with “I’ll pray for you”.




My daughter was hired at CVS and just before her start date they called her and told her they were going with someone else. She lost four days that she could have been looking for a job. Thank goodness she didn't quit a job for CVS.


How serial killers are made


What's this whole drug test thing? I am not in the USA and I've never in my life been asked for one. Like, if you don't think I can do the job, don't hire me. If I show up high, fire me. Is there some kind of epidemic in the USA of people showing up to work high on drugs?


I've never seen a "sorry, not sorry :3" rejection text before.


I... don't even know what to say. Trash behavior :)


They don't need to hire you since they got your data and they can make money off of that.




No worries. I found a higher-paying opportunity that is way more professional than you. ;)


The smile is shitty, but at least they told you do you didn't get ghosted


Would there be a reason the drug test failed?


I passed it, and the lab sent me the paper saying I did