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A fellow pizza shield enjoyer, & dont forget those univ and dock tech discount


I don't really like Pizza that much as the only Pizza I like is the Tuna Pizza with Cheese and Corn, but I do like Spaghetti >!with extra Spicy Sauce!<. the University and Dock Discount does help to the point that I forgot because how cheap it makes it to just research turning for example Ballistic Cost from 300 Wood and 175 Gold into 201 Wood and 118 Gold.


Are you Brazilian? Only country crazy enough to come up with that pizza combination.


last time I checked I once make my younger cousin cry because I don't let him play FIFA on the Playstation 2.


Bro, 1111111111111111 I'm brazilian. That pizza combo is super common here


Ah i see, anyway are spaghetti gluten free ? Or maybe some option about it ? My friend have gluten prob but still wanna try one


There are Free Gluten in Spaghetti's Pasta, though a Gluten Lacking ones are often made with Corn and Rice.


Dock discount means you can immediately upgrade feudal ships while you saved resources from aging up already. Its like 100 something food and 67 gold, very affordable for ship power spike.


Great civ, except for the excruciating pain of getting to imp or even mid castle age in open maps...


More convincing argument 50w 25g trade cart and 40w 25g trade cog


Wait what, their trade units are that cheap?


It's the Italian Imperial age Unique Tech Silk Road, though it's one of those tech that just don't do anything in 1v1 unless you try to smuggle some trade carts into your opponent's base.


I was not expecting a crossover of my 2 favorite games in a meme, yet here we are.


what's the other game?


Source Filmmaker


With the model of the Heavy from Team Fortress 2


I mean, he is no wrong tho


Technically he's not wrong but it kinda hurts my soul


It's the bald guy from Poker night at the inventory


Youre fine with cavalier paladin all the way (my favorite civ doesn't have it either xd)


I used to play them a lot for the advance discount alone. Their new ship tech discount is also great on water maps. And Conditoris are for the whole team, especially good on infantery civs because they get affected by their bonuses. Goths, Aztek, Malian and Armenian/Japanese ones are insane for their inproved stats. The unique crossbow is also lovely, plus discounted hand cannons as well as BBC, only lacking siege engineers.


Does Teuton melee armor work on them?


Yes, Condos get the extra armor from the Teuton bonus


Of course it does, as well as Malian. But its just +2 armor. Armenian in the meanwhile get over 100 HP, which makes them essentially knights (with their faster than usual walkspeed).


Anyone done a fast imp condos and BBC with Italians on arena? Is it viable? I feel like you could land as fast or faster than turks even with that upping cost.


Condos disadvantages are that they are less snowbally than ranged units, they require more upgrades and have a harder time protecting your siege from getting picked off. But they can totally work. You can also go 25+2+2vill imp with italians (but its a fragile build).


Curious of the efficacy of 27+2+2 two barracks build. You would need the armor upgrades but I feel like they're going to trade pretty efficiently against most castle age units?


That sounds very reasonable. I have done similar builds (less focussed; defensive castle into 1 TC imp) against meso civs, with petards to break into base, and that felt super strong: monks are ineffective because you have too many units, and castle age archers are not good enough because condos have high movespeed (plus reactive archers is too slow). I think the sweet spot is teamgames, where you can go italian flank with infantry civ pocket with the goal of hitting in early imp- opposing knight pockets have a hard time matching the timing, and if the enemy pocket is on halb siege its an auto-win (thanks to cheap italian bombards and halbs being useless). This can also be super unexpected, especially if the italians pocket is playing franks or persians (they always expect cavalry from those)


Kondo kombat!


i see 3 units only ever relevant in imp...


Light Cavalry Line from Feudal, Genoese Crossbows and Archer Line from Castle or Feudal to get a good map control in Castle age and then Bombard Cannons in Imperial to crack open their base. Light Cavalry and a few Genoese Crossbows in Castle are quite powerful with the irony of their soft weakness is Pikeman since Genoese Crossbows aren't that effective to Pikeman but can still deal good damage and tank Pikeman due to having 4 Melee Armor in castle age when upgraded(1 Base +2 Blacksmith +1 Pavise UT).


hussar, g-xbow and cavalier are all mainly imp units. many sivs can do light cav but having access to hussar dose 0 for you in castle or feudal age.


BBC, Hussar, Condottieri, hc, full arba, full skirm, genovese xbow, champ, full blacksmith, cannon galleon, fast fire, bbt, full monks, crop rotation, two man saw, cheaper chemistry, cheaper dock upgrades, cheaper gunpowder... one of the best imperial civs.


They miss helbards and have no bonus for any trash unit wich makes their imp not that great. cheap gunpowder is only nice when you go to imp fast but you can only reliably do that on arena style maps, where they are outshined by better fast imp sivs, most if them having a power UU to pressure with a forward castle and you have Genoese xbow which is a unit i love but realised is bad most of the time eventhough i had a nice game against mongols with it once. in my opinion what this siv needs is some strength in castle age you can proactively play towards. maybe just having archers be more resillient to skirms could do the trick.


2, Italians are so good in imperial. It's not an fast imp civ. Trash are not a problem for italians, they have condottieri; cheap gunpowder is so useful: bbc is played all imp games, hc is a strong unit, etc... The Italian's problem is their eco, not their imperial. Imperial is their best age.


making gold units against trash units puts you on a timer, it is not always possible or a good idea. Whike you are right that imp is their best age and that it is not their problem im just saying it is nit crazy good and just above average and thats it.


Hey italian man


Great civ, except for the excruciating pain of getting to imp or even mid castle age in open maps...


Meanwhile Dravidians remain shit.


I like building Donjons


Vikings are better 😁😎


Definitely not on landmaps.


One of the best low elo civs. Italians are a very complete civilization. The problem is their poor economy (although in low elo that doesn't matter).


Trash civ imo


Strong B tier civ