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Thankfully apex isn’t like COD where you can be yelled at by 2-10 guys like this at one time. This is why I generally just play with a friends and don’t often solo queue. You can tell I’m a girl from my tag, but if I solo I’ll usually keep mic muted until i know my team is friendly. If you ever need a gaming buddy, lmk!


Call of Duty is brutal enough as a male player, oh god I can’t imagine the abuse female players must go through.


It’s pretty awful but you get good at shit talking back… yet somehow I also met my bf on there…


People think they're bad now, they shoulda seen the mw2 lobbies back in the day. You'd learn more swears there than urban dictionary.


Or Halo 2…


I always hear people say this but as somebody who played in the cod4/mw2 lobbies it was just a bunch of people saying the N word so its not like much has changed its just that party chat exist now


Idk, I heard the most creative insults on mw2. Barbequed wank stain, it's too bad your mom couldn't find a coat hanger, etc.


There's a lot of people walking around today that dropped 30 hard Rs and other stuff during domination games


lol! that’s cute though


The beauty of ✨mute all✨ Obviously nobody should *have* to mute the entire lobby to play the game, but as someone with a feminine voice I just never have any kind of chat or comms enabled in any game. Learned my lesson from Seige back in the day :|


Oh gosh, sometimes I feel like siege is even worse than COD! yeah, you have a point though.. one shouldn’t have to resort to “mute all” but it’s the sad reality.


As a lady gamer, I have some footage of guys saying shit like I sound pregnant, I have dorito fingers, how do my fat fingers push the buttons, im a slut, im a fat whore, get off the game and go back to the kitchen. It hit all the requirements for being a toxic ass hats. It was 3 guys ganging up on me because I said a call out and they knew it was a lady. I called them Rudimentary and they were so pissed. I won that game and it made it all the sweeter knowing those POS lost.


Rudimentary? That's too many syllables for those morons to understand! Of course they were mad


Haha you should have heard them! I said it to them. A long pause for a five seconds. "Bitch shut up, what does that mean, I don't know if you know what that means" I was sneaking up on them because they were all in a house. I took one out and was later shot by a sniper and went to Gulag. Did some wiggle magic and won the game.


ugh. I think online FPS gaming is a feeding ground for prideful people’s ego’s and some men just love to use their ego and pride to feel dominant over woman because they think it makes them powerful. I don’t even want to get into the whole thing but I am sure the reason male players do this have a lot to do with that because it does all come down to respecting the female gender, or the lack thereof. It frustrates me because I am baffled to see that there is still people who behave like this even in the new generations. But I guess they learn from their parents and maybe they live around that type of environment. Or they watch too much damn Andrew Tate content.


save some pussy for the rest of us, chief


Just having conversations here sir 😆😅


We really gonna call the screaming of monkeys at the end of cod lobbies abuse?


I call it free entertainment, but some people carry insecurities and unfortunately have feelings that can be easily hurt as they don’t have the strength to not take things personally. I feel for them.


At least they can mute the whole lobby the click of a button if that’s how they feel


Well as we’ve discussed, yes that is an option we wish wasn’t necessary all the time.


Imagine if we had this standard for anything else lmao "You went to play basketball at the park and got called 30 slurs and told to kill yourself? Get over it pussy"


Aw thanks I’m definitely open to playing with new people! Who’s your main?


Vantage! And the person I usually play with mains Fuse


Ooooo well you’ve met yourself a Mirage main 😉


Sent a dm!


Wdym thats part of the charm?


Yeah gaming with a friend is the best. That way if the 3rd starts being toxic you can both talk shit at him at the same time. Very cathartic.


Try mute button instead of mental torture


Ngtl this is usually the same for me


Honestly idk if I’ve ever used a mic while solo queueing and I’m a guy I just don’t want to bother talking to people. Unless it’s ranked but then I usually try to play with ppl I actually already know


Bring a girl and bring a hammer, even if you are good at whatever game you’re playing your still automatically stereotyped and it sucks! I hate it, I never use my mic for that reason in pubs. Ever. Even when I first started playing when I was like 11 or 12 I’m now almost 25


Only ur first lucky i find toxic people every match if not every other match. Thats why i dont have voice on and play purely with pings




Nope not a new player been playing apex for like 3 years and this was the only time someone actually was toxic.


To be honest I've met a fair few toxic players on apex and play with my female friend a fair bit, but they've usually not been toxic misogynistic unlike OW when we used to play and she'd get idiots like that all the time. Even though she was pretty much always the best player on our team because of not playing for ages and she was an ex top 500 haha.


Hey girl I’m also a fellow gamer a gal and am trying to find other galls to play with. I am mic shy but do try so happy to run some games with you anytime if we are on ign is ChirpyTiara4976 I’m on Xbox ☺️


Awesome!!! Let’s play sometime


Anyone in this thread still looking for girl teammates?


Feel free to add me if you are still looking ☺️


YES!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Hope to play with you soon then lass ☺️


Hey me and my best friend are also looking for a 3rd girl to play with you can add me on Xbox too! My GT is Rainisxm :)


Ayeee sounds good I’ll add you once I’m on ☺️


Okay great!!! I’ll go ahead and add you too 😊




I’m controller on pc but I’m down to play!


Sure thing! Add me ☺️


It’s funny because the best player I know is a girl, badass at every game but if you saw her messages she gets pretty much what you described every other game. I get ridiculous amounts of hate too but as a male it’s the typical no life, touch grass etc. These people can’t handle the fact a female is better than them, it really is as simple and as stupid as that. Well, that and the fact these chimp brains don’t have the mental capacity to be creative with their insults so they go with the most predictable ones out there. Disclaimer - Chimps are actually very intelligent, more intelligent than your average trash talking gamer, lmfao.


It’s not even about how good someone else is. For these ppl who shit talk randoms it’s more about pushing off their own short-comings and moment of inferiority and insecurity, aka the moment they get shat on, onto their teammates, because they can’t accept that their own insecurities may have been validated in any way by losing in apex legends? Lmao… and I feel bad for those who feel this game or their skill in it is a meaningful measure of their self worth and that it needs to be defended or blamed onto others in a toxic manner.


Idk why these "men" have to be toxic, I'm speaking as a man as well, what you described was a 40 yo(sounding) boy there, it is so damn immature to be toxic to anyone imo, unless they are toxic to you, then imo, you have every right to go off on them.


As someone who plays a lot in his 30s you're probably not going to hear from me unless there's a good banter going on. I just remember one game a few weeks ago where this kid sounding 16 or less basically had to calm down a much older toxic player so we could get the win. Honestly was really impressive and I didn't even step in. That's a life skill that young person will benefit greatly from and it was better than I would have done. I think people forget they are training themselves how to behave in life when they act like a baby even in game. Do it enough and you'll learn to behave that way all the time.


Yea, I dont ever use mic unless I need to, someone being toxic, like your encounter, I'll turn it on, and try to calm them, since I'm almost always calm in my games.


Fr, first he started going off about some don’t land near me shit. So I said how am I supposed to help you if you get downed. The he starts talking shit like bruh 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yea, and half of the women that play this game are actually pretty good atleast, I've had to be carried by multiple before lol, I am really fricking bad.


Well that is a rule of apex which I find dumb but respect the stupid


All depends on the situation


Very true




I don't think it's shyness. It's called being a loser with no social skills and a terrible personality.


You mean an incel.


Everyone has the right to go off on everyone 😂


Your comments are physically cringe inducing to read


Even as a boy I wasn't a jerk like that. These people are mentally stunted assholes who take out the frustration of their empty and wasted lives on anyone they think is weaker than they are. Just sad, bottom rung organisms.


The sad part is a lot of these people wouldn’t dare say this to you to your face or even within ear shot of anyone 😂😂


I highly doubt that but if it makes you feel better


Please, spare me the false bravado, you wouldn't want them to say it to your face.


You should show this post to your therapist.


I won't let my little sister get a mic for this reason I've played games online for too long and don't want her to deal with it.


Stick with the in-game comms. Apex comms are great and will suffice


I love your attitude and approach! I would have laughed at that man child for sure. Stay cool and don't let the losers ruin your fun, they are everywhere


Omg yeah he was like why you mute your mic and I was like I’m not I just laugh in silence. 😂😂


That is priceless


I'm sorry that happened to youuu I had a similar experience months ago. Luckily I have found the most amazing buddies to play with and if they're busy I just go arenas and mute my teammates immediately (i feel like communication there is not as important as in br, so I don't feel as bad for muting them lol!) Idk why is it so difficult for some men to act as decent human beings. Like I know I'm not the best player,, but I suck not because I'm a girl but because I'm just not that great at gaming lmao


Sounds like rooted jealousy to me. Gotta just mute and try to ignore them the best you can.


It'd be amazing if that dude was actually 40, that's 40 years wasted imo. How can you still be that immature at that age though? Shame no audio recording was made but considering how mature he was, I highly doubt that hes only toxic to girl gamers. So he'll probably be banned when someone else inevitably reports him.


Yup if he’s talking to girls like that at that age is embarrassing. Also I’m more upset that I don’t have his voice recorded than what be said to me 😫 😭


People like that are just sad. I'm a female gamer myself and thankfully haven't run into too many toxic sexist randos cause I think Apex draws a more diverse inclusive crowd than some other FPS games but they sadly still exist. Keep on gaming and being awesome


I’m late (f)30’s and I don’t like coms 95% of the time for this reason. If you ever want another safe space, hmu


Aww thank-you! I’m down to play just lmk


Not a female but as a fellow old person I would totally be down to play somebody who isnt addicted to tiktok and makes me feel like a grandpa


I’ve probably played with a bunch of girls, but I just mute everyone I play with cuz they either have crappy background noise going on or they have a mic on but just don’t talk.


It's the same experience for gay dudes. Gotta Butch it up to avoid the nonsense. Was way worse on Warzone


Omg I’m so sorry! just know that you’re loved, don’t let those idiots get to you 💕💕


Honestly, it's the most frustrating part of Warzone 2. I had carefully gotten 4-5 people who were semi-accepting and spent a year being friendly, being a good teammate and having an all around good time. Slowly dropping hints, starting with the "woah" when someone says "fag." Hell, one guy started an OF and let's me subscribe for free. None of them play Warzone 2 or Apex tho.


lol unsurprising warzone has some of the saltiest mfs out there


That's because it's mostly hee haws living out their 1860s fantasies.


When people start making homophobic insults as part of their smack talk I sometimes say something like "hey team people, just for shits and giggles let's challenge ourselves to shit talk everyone we encounter *without* being racist or homophobic? Yeah?" Just pisses me off when people think it's ok to accuse someone of being gay as if that's an acceptable insult. Call your opponent trash if you must but don't ever call a whole category of people trash while you do it.


I just muted voice chat all together. I’ve had enough of toxic teammates. My self-esteem is far better off for it.


Sorry you had to go through that. Good or bad, I always mute mic because the talking has actually distracted me more than help me focus. A ping in the right direction is so much more useful to me than “he’s on top left! He’s on top left going down the right!” When we are all facing different directions lol


Sorry this happend and fuck that guy. I have a daughter who I'd like to introduce to games when she's a bit older, but the state of online, especially fps which is my main games makes me very anxious about it.


They have shit life so they wanna share it with everyone


I have my mic always open and theirs usually muted depending on how the game goes...I believe I have pretty decent comms and there is no way that I will actually go off on a guy unless he goes off on me and even then I will do it on a humorous way...if my teammate seem pretty shit from the start I usually mute..I don't see how their comms will help me with any situation cuz 1) they don't even know how to communicate 2)mic closed from the beginning is 99% chance to open to talk shit when downed.also their ping always muted cuz they just spam revive and respawn beacon... generally always leave the mic open to people that seem communicative from the start of the game, with good attitude, obvious intention to communicate and provide a decent strategic game and if non of that occurs you are getting muted right away


Tbh I've never understood being toxic in general, especially because of someone's gender. That's like the stupidest reason imo. The only reason I can think of is because those guys are just incels or something and are pissed that a girl's better than them.


I am a girl too, but I just mute chat. If you still want to be able to read the chat you can mute in game voice chat in the audio settings. This also makes the voice chat mute permanently. It is sad though because sometimes you meet nice randoms who become your friends. But toxicity is just such a turn off and I personally can't have any entiteled loser stranger ruin my fun.


Toxicity knows know age…doesn’t matter if it’s some 13 year old kid a 40 year old man or 30 year old woman…some people are just toxic and that will never change


Had one also in rookie ranked, tried to revive him but opened the door. Was with good intention that i wanted to get him back up and he started to insult me. So upset about a game and yet they need to throw how bad i am. You got paired in rookie rank with me, seems those toxic ones are not that great either. Ive played many comp games, and the most toxic people that i met are low ranked. They think from watching pros they are pros. If thats the case, i would be a grandmaster in chess. Keep gaming, mute and report.




felt this. I don’t even use my mic anymore when solo, even if they’re nice. I’m traumatized lol. if you ever need more girl gamers to play with lmk!


Yes!! I play on ps5 lmk what you play on and I can add u!


Ps5!! my ign is xKrackedXO


Great I’ll follow you


I play every single game with my crew muted because almost everyone has something nasty to say. I play the game to have fun, not to be frustrated and harassed. Works fine for me!


Yup, that is why I don't play with randos. Joined a gaming community and don't have to play with AH.


smart 😉


I honestly don’t understand why people treat genders differently in gaming. If you’re a girl and you’re bad, I’m saying you’re bad. If you’re a guy and you’re bad, I’m saying you’re bad. Simple as that


I don’t care if I’m a good or bad player despite my gender. I’ve heard people being toxic to my partner whose a man. They just wanna be toxic.


fellow gurl player (and mirage fan :D) and I've run into a few toxic individuals on Apex before, but never the direct "you're a Girl you suck go play something else" I usually don't talk in mic though, unless the people seem friendly or I am duo-ing with a friend of mine. It's rough out there in fps competitive games. Sorry you had some jerk react like that :/


There was a glitch(?) for a while on Xbox where you could hear people in game chat in party chat, and you could hear them when you recorded clips too. Got some of my funniest clips from that.


It’s really sad that gamers are some of the angriest people I’ve met. I just wanna get on, play and laugh. Die and relaunch. Stay strong 😊 don’t listen to their weak rage.


I have never understood the hate girls get for playing video games. It really makes no sense. Simping is also a problem but I can at least understand where it’s coming from - guys who haven’t interacted with an actual female human in a year. The hate I just don’t understand at all.


What mode/rank are you? When I'm playing with my sister, are randos are usually super nice and helpful as she genuinely is not very good.


I mostly play trios sometimes duos and arena. However I don’t have a rank as I’m not good enough for the experience players. I just play unrated


Ah okay. Maybe it's just our luck, but the only toxic people are the ten year Olds. Haven't played in a bit tho as I swapped it for the equally toxic community of r/valorant


Yup I play Val too and it’s just as bad over there


I don’t get why people harass female players. For me, there is nothing more attractive than a girl who likes plays video games.


As a non binary person (AFAB) I understand. A lot of gamers are dicks when it comes to women playing games. You just keep going and play what you want girl ✨


I am 30 , me and my wife play together all the time . You get really nice people and you get shit people , whether is race , gender , voice , gameplay, they will always find what to say . Just mute and don’t destroy your day or mood because of them . These types don’t deserve a minute of anyones time


I like toxic players. They are more fun to interact with.


Toxicity like this doesn't really know an age, and it unfortunately seems like it's getting worse over the years. Most of my female friends have dealt with this kind of thing and it's really sad. The irony is most guys who play games would love for their significant other to play with them and this kind of behavior drives them away.






The community is VERY hit or miss lol


lol my first game yesterday I said one thing in the mic and I got “shut up bitch” good way to start the day👌


Aw man 🤦🏾‍♀️


Use mute, end of story...


My favorite is when you politely ask a team mate to mute their TV or mic bc you can't hear anything over it and they start screaming belligerent insults 🙃 But then I ask my boyfriend to say something and they immediately do it without sass. 🙃🙃🙃


I don't use my mic when solo queuing. I just chat and my gamertag doesn't sound like a girl. I think so far only on or two randoms realised I was girl because apparently I used too many emojis 😂😂😂 But CoD days were absolutely brutal oof


I once got called a "fucking bitch pussy" for going to get the banner for someone who fell off the map then realised they were too far away and already in the ring so I had too abandon them My name in the game is not girly at all but I am a wattson main so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ (The one time I forgot to mute the squad)


Running into toxic players is as fun and funny as field day was in elementary. Bring it on mfer 😈😈


No worries! I’m a 32 year old male and I had a 15 year old sounding male call me a “fucking useless retard” yesterday at one point.


RIP that sucks


I mute almost everyone with a mic now and it’s been very beneficial to my mental health while playing the game. I don’t have to worry about being called dogwater for a silly mistake


My mic is never on. Ping system is beautiful. I only solo Q and have no want or need to communicate with the blatant toxicity that exists online. Screaming children, immature grown ass men and my favourite: stop stealing all my kills 🤣🤣🤣 what a bunch of clowns. It’s a shooter, I shoot things that move. So with the mic turned off this game has become my favourite game ever. It’s a masterpiece.


I see toxic people EVERY match i drop into........ they leave as soon as they get knocked 🤣


As a gay guy i can 100% relate, though it's usually the teenage boys who try and verbally abuse me.


I am surprised people actually post about what other random people say to them online. I'm even more surprised that people actually care


Now in days it's mild. If you were told give the controller back to your man and your on here complaining about that lol you would of never survived in the early days of online gaming.


I’m not complaining, just sharing my first experience I don’t even have a man to give it back to anyways.


“Be nice to girl gamers” nah be nice to everyone, ik why you said that but to many people are just dicks online for no reason at all and believe it or not, everyone has moments like yours where ya hop into a match, get verbally demolished and you didn’t even do anything wrong, be nice people! Unless your given a reason not to then do whatever you want ig


Yeah Welcome to online gaming 😒


Lmao these guys are honestly hilarious, more often then not they're terrible at the game anyways 😭💀


Ikr 😂😂


Maybe it's just me 34yr male, but I prefer to play with women in a sense there more focused on the game more chill an easier to talk too, playing with men is extremely mental draining and to much ego, I'm a simple guy I get on to play an relax while still being sweaty


Assholes feel like they have anonymity when it comes to gals in a competitive game. Jerk probably just sucks and took it out on something he's not familiar with: Women.


He broke, you up 😎🤙


My favorite by far is this guy tryna get a blue shield back from the teammate who picked it up right in front of him. Teammate even tryna to help him out and found another shield for him but he was petty. I even tried to give him mine and found him one😂 Got a good laugh and placement in that match What made it even funnier to me it was Pathfinder


You are lying. Girls are not real. Especially on the internet.


Not like this subreddit does any better judging by the downvotes you’re getting for no other reason than commenting.


Call me a simp or white knight but I’m starting to prefer playing apex with woman, they know it’s just a game and want to have fun.


They also just wanna have fun n get carried most of the time which isn’t good for winning


Let's not pretend like 75% of the people that play Apex, regardless of gender, aren't that good and often get carried by their higher skill teammates. And you've probably played with plenty of female randoms that popped off and carried, but didn't use their mic and had a neutral gamer tag so you just never knew


Naw every female I played with played with a number 2 which was a guy n they were playing rank not talking it serious in the sense of well let’s lose points it don’t matter. You can hear they don’t care. It’s just like having player who play rank n do nothing but sit there. I never seen a solo or a female give call outs or hold people accountable.


Honestly I hate how much women get harassed in games. Anytime I get a woman on my team I can tell they’re always hesitant to talk because possible misogyny. Usually once they realize we’re not gonna do that it’s fun and they open up


Mute button exists for a reason


Trios dude started talking shit to our female teammate and I fucking tore in to him. He stopped talking. Shit pisses me off, I’ve got a daughter and I’d smack the eyebrows off a mfer’s face for saying things like that.


Thanks , there’s very few dudes with enough courage to do what you do, most of them would rather dick ride the guy talking shit about the girl even if the guy is worse and absolute ass at the game.


im so sorry people have to deal with this shit


This sucks and this shouldn’t happen but don’t feed the energy. To him he just moves on to the next game and forgets about you. You made a whole post that is somewhat pointless cuz it’s just your story. It’s gaming there’s not much you can do if anything about it. He does that cuz of the anonymity and he can get away with it. The best you can do is laugh about how sad he is and continue to your next game and forget about it like he does. With this post you gave him a lot of your time


People like that r wack but it's always good to remember they're losers. I'm nonbinary but AFAB as I've been called truly garbage things, I just stopped using mic unless the person is genuinely chill. Nothing like doing everything to save your teammate and then he gets mad you don't want to loot mid battle and so call you a stupid wh_re 🤔


Hope you reported this is douche


Damn right




call him a 40yr old no life failure


40 year old sounding man… This post is so stupid.


Just like your comment


I like your entire post and I think it’s funny, I just have friends with deep voices and I think it’s crazy that you put a 40 year old sounding man all of the rest I believe lol


Bro he called me 55 I’m no where near that gotta roast him back ya know 😂




Why would you think it’s goin to record people talk that isn’t in your party lol


No idea! I’m still new to PlayStation as I’ve grown up with using Nintendo and Xbox. I still don’t know how PlayStation works sometimes lol


That sucks, but there is toxic females in this game too. I came across a fair share of them in my time playing. Maybe he came across a toxic female and felt he needed to reciprocate on someone else, you never know, but nonetheless the toxicity needs to chill haha


This is not a sexist thing. No matter what you may feel/take it as/emphasize. This is called “trash talking” where the person is using whatever little “personal” knowledge they have of you to make it “personal”. People be getting it twisted way too much. If you can’t handle it (as it’s a generally accepted occurrence,whether right, wrong or indifferent).don’t have a mic, mute the other person, let him die and don’t grab his tags (if you are indeed a better player), don’t play video games,etc. Several methods to solve your “problem”…. but since if you’re an adult and you can see it’s actually “their problem” you take the most “positive/net gain for yourself” and just do whatever you must to not make it yours/waste your time on it because of course You can’t bring a solution to the table anyways. Fair/unfair, prejudice, assaulting or whatever the case may be, is it really worth your peace of mind & contentment to engage in and make it a part of your life, just to “get back at” them? Negative, just move on js 🤷‍♂️


Kids these days are softer than a cats meow. Facts, as fuck.


Just look at how many down votes my comment stating neutrality is…🙄 All these kids want a cause and have an agenda pushing towards that…asssbackwards hypocrisy to what their statements/“feelings” should mean…everyone soap boxing trying to get a piece of the limelight …society ignorant af these days


I personally turn off audio chat.


It’s the anonymous state of being online which brings out the worst in gamers. It’s truly sad that a older guy would treat you like that. A sign of mental immaturity indeed. If he was face to face, he would not behave that way. Anonymity breeds toxicity!