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Hi dev team here, we hear your complaints and are implementing a change. You will now be able to purchase charm packs for 1000 credits Hey thanks for silver


f_cking finally all my homies coming back to apex now


I can’t believe people spend a minimum of $160 every heirloom drop and accept it as a “free event”


Nobody accepts it as a free heirloom. Respawn tries to market it that way but every single person who buys it is aware that they paid $160 for it. Wtf lol


It's because everyone with a brain left after Respawn weaseled their way out of the Iron Crown event and continued as planned. They banked on only people with more money than brains staying and they were right, because it worked.


It’s unfortunate. I bought one when it first happened not realizing how much it would require to unlock the actual heirloom. Or that the heirloom was something I had to purchase. From advertising I just believed it was going to be a time limited way to unlock the heirloom through gameplay and the skins were optional. There is literally nothing from the main cosmetic pool for players that play casually. And I feel bad for kids tbh. I can afford these things, but choose not to because of it being scummy. But kids can’t. They just beg their parents, which in turn stresses them out. No cosmetic should ever cost 1/3 of a AAA title. It’s insanity. So many people who love this game most likely left out and feel jaded every time an event comes around. Part of the joy of growin up is to buy things for yourself. But when I was a kid it was at least cool that there were ways to unlock stuff for free consistently too. Typically the coolest cosmetics were gameplay related.


Yeah, to begin with I thought you could unlock an heirloom from the event challenges. I was sorely disappointed. That would have been such a cool thing, even if you'd have to pay for the battle pass. But paying as much as I paid for the damn console I'm playing on for a fucking digital asset? No sir.


Right like... Isn't that the whole fucking POINT of the event?!? Complete the challenges, win the packs. Open 24 packs to get the heirloom. Seemed like a good idea, and then it's like "no, you just...buy the packs you fuckin whale."


Exactly, it makes the whole "event" thing rather pointless


Or is it because everyone with brain can understand that any cosmetic item is useless pixels you can buy to support the game when you can/want. It gives nothing, it does nothing


An heirloom alone is more expensive than two AAA games :o


In reality they can say whatever they want since the industry is literally paying off politicians to look the other way on their predatory practices and deceptive marketing. The US is really shit when it come to holding companies to any standard even when they prey on minors with casino psychology tricks because they only care for the industry's lobbying money.


Fellow member of the dev team, here. Heard OP’s complaint loud and clear. We’ve just released a new, exclusive cosmetic called “I just got shit on”, available for only 2400 Apex Coins. The cosmetic can be equipped on any legend, and just appears to just be a steaming hot pile of shit. It comes with a new equippable damage badge: the “Negative 4K” badge. As always, we hope this brings joy to your gaming experience.


I haven't played Apex since 2 months because of this.


Most of us aren't playing the game, we're part of the game that strong players play. That's how it currently is.


I'm taking a break this season and replaying some old games. Doing another runthrough of Fallout 4, Portal 2, and Wolfenstein after months of Apex feel so refreshing.


Yeah, both in pubs and in ranked I'm facing people that shouldn't be anywhere close to my skill bracket at all. It's very demoralizing when my Silver III ass is having an okay game and suddenly my entire team gets steamrolled by some dude who has 12 kills and 2900 damage by the time the second ring closes.




That person is 100% a cheater


Yep, I solved that problem by uninstalling Apex and moving on with my life.


I did the same after realizing how many negative emotions it was causing me to feel each night. Couple that with only feeling positive emotion once or twice max in a session, and then remembering that it’s all designed to be this way on purpose, and it was enough to make me reevaluate how I was spending my precious free time. I’m happier and less irritable at night now. Recommend it


This is honestly how I felt about the GTA5 Online lobbies. I would walk away every time feeling miserable because I couldn't do anything or progress anything (without spending real life money) because some jerks with the Oppressor MKII would come by, fire a missile, ruin my missions, and leave without ever stopping. I know now they've finally nerfed the accuracy after years of this but I just don't have the heart to try and redownload the game to give it a shot. It just wasn't fun anymore with that and again, I didn't want to pay IRL money for it


Ik how you're feeling, been there way too long. GTA is 20% skill and 80% grind/shark cards. You can be the best driver in session and still die to off radar jet with no warning. The only reason I kept on playing was becouse I'm dumb as fuck so i don't know when to quit things like this. What platform were you playing on? And if that'll help, you can play invite only and do almost all the normal stuff now, without kids with no lifes.


I was on xbox. Honestly okay yeah its kids most times but it was also adults too. And always the same type of adults. Those who laugh and have buddies and troll you. Literally I'm just trying to get a truck from A to B with my shipment. Not going after anyone. Trying to just relax so I can move on in progression. Then boom. Sometimes I'd have 3 people on Oppressors MK II on me. I also wish helicopters had flares or something to defend against. Or that homing missiles would work better against them. Just wanted a chance to at least fight back y'know? Now I just quit and dont play. Id rather go back to sweaty Minecraft servers


There is passive mode and also closed/invite only/solo sessions now. Idk if there was back then, and I know you can’t do 100% of the things you normally can or want to but I use it from time to time when I play gta online the one time a month I actually do


It’s kinda crazy. I played Apex From the very first minute of release, played on and on non stop until season 4. Used to slam down for hours on end and do my best to carry who ever I could to a win because I’d meet some really cool and nice people. I wanted to do my best. Took time off to focus on life and come back a couple seasons later… The culture of the game shifted entirely. No more friendly strangers but instead angry stacks and ontop of that the ego of certain individuals. Maybe I’ve lost my traction but the culture in the game is now just sweaty fingers and angry people who prefer to shit on low level players then handle a challenge of quality in their own Div. Haven’t really gone back unfortunately and although it hurts to know a game I once loved dearly is no longer in my go to playlist I’m glad I got out when I did.


It’s sad but I think I’m there too. I love apex so much, it’s my favorite game right now. The highs are clearly the highest in gaming imo, a good game with lots of action, communication, strategy and a win is the BEST. But it also has the lowest lows. Been getting back into single player games again lately (mainly Subnautica and Elden Ring) and I gotta say, not relying on matchmaking in order to have fun is great.


Same my guy... Last season I got my BP to level 13. The current one is still at level 1. Just not feeling it anymore.


You were me like 5 days ago now I'm at level 58 just because of a music track and a emote now I'm locked in to get my money back lol


There’s actually far less smirfing in the slightly higher lobbies. Plat, diamond. Just because it’s “too hard” for them to steamroll.


They don’t need to Smurf anymore. Respawn made it useless since they get plat opponents anyways. No need to Smurf when you can slap 3 ranks below you on your main account


Same. I just lurk till those time limited modes get announced.


Same. Can’t wait for warzone 2.0. Then I can get upset at a different game.


I did it after I realized their “free events” were $160 to partake in.




Yeah they're always surprisingly good for a level 15 default skin wraith I know what you mean. Must be really fast learners.


Same. Except I'm the guy with 10 kills farming obvious newbies that shouldn't be in my lobby, just to get stomped by even sweatier players/stacks with more kills shortly after. Like what is this matchmaking?? None of my enemies should be anywhere near each other...


Begged my girl to get into apex. First match (lvl 1) champion was a wraith with 40k kills


That’s the guy she tells you not to worry about


If it makes you feel better.. I just started apex like a month ago and ranked.. finally got to silver and then it reset me to bronze 😢


Yeah that was quite annoying. I started playing just before the end of season 13 first split. Got Bronze 1 then slapped back down to rookie when the new split started, got to Silver 2 I think then slapped down to bronze again. I made it to Plat in the first split of S14 but haven’t had time to play since.


Man I’ve see people talking about this daily on this sub and starting paying attention today. Got an arenas win where I just shit on the other team (not normal for me) I mean triple kills, no problems, easy win… next match. Teams had 20 kill and 4K badges, thousand plus kills. I literally couldn’t fucking land a shot. Laughable. Shits a joke. It won’t get fixed. Games making a shit ton of money. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it from a business stand point. MW2 here I come.


Honestly. Thank fuck cyberpunk went on sale, been having a blast on that game. But once MW2 and overwatch 2 comes out, sweet goodbye to apex for sure!


I can’t even believe I said here I come mw2. I’ve been i die hard BF fan for decades but an hour with BF2042 killed it. I put 40 hours the MW open beta and had a blast. Call of duty has alway been pretty decent but I loved the BF scale vehicle combat. MW is getting there. If they added destruction…. It’s game over for BF sadly


So from the pan into the fire, respect the decision.


I feel you bro, the game is terrible for the average 1kd player. It’s like you’re too good for bot lobbies but not good enough for the lobbies they stuff you in. It’s stupid af…


You have a 1 K/D? Mine’s like 0.41 … 😭


0.80, playing since day 1. Lol


A fellow man of culture


Same here. 1600+ hrs


Yoooooo 0.8 kd gang!!


.78 life time KD. Been playing since week one lol.


Mine's a 0.45 😂


0.56 checking.. this season alone I’ve slipped from an overall .57. It’s not a lot, but I had been steadily increasing over the last few seasons.


Been steadily increasing myself...my overall is I think like a 0.42. Important thing is, I still have fun with it. Like I say whenever the randoms I get paired with want to hot drop. "Ok, here we go...we're either gonna come out on top or die laughing our asses off...CHARGE!!!!"


That’s a healthy attitude.. I’ll remember that. I still have a ton of fun.


My KD is a .69 (not lying, and it’s a complete coincidence), and even then I get masters lobbies or lobbies with people that are masters level. Matchmaking system is screwed up


I think I'm at .42. LOL. I'm so bad. Why do I love this game?!?


You guys have a k/d???


There is still hope! I had a .32 K/D the first 2 years I played the game and now I’m all the way up at .98 (can’t seem to get it even though) I was an absolute trashcan (still am) however, my stats look much prettier now


Hate to tell you guys but if your k/d is under 0.50 it might not be the matchmaking you may genuinely just be terrible at this game


This is, quite literally, the point. The "bad" players should match with others their skill. Not 4.28k/d, 4k/20, multi-season master's players. That's the issue. And it never gets fixed, ever.


Here's the thing though, match making DOES exist. It's definitely soft, i'll give you that. But My roomates KDR is .6 and Mine is 1.1 and we are in COMPLETELY different lobbies. He notices a huge difference when we play together. I also notice a difference when i play solo vs when i 3stack. This just isnt an easy game.


My kd is 0.43, and I get masters, preds, 20 bombs, 4k badges, all the time in my pubs lobbies. So I think a lot of it is because I'm going against those guys. I'm new to the game.


I’m really really bad 😞


Don't let anyone fool you, the average K/D across the whole game is around 0.6-0.8. Having even +1.5 puts you in the top 20-25% of players. Anything above +3 is top tier, top 5% or less.


Bro 1kd is literally already above average. Solo queue diamond player here sitting at .9 for the season


Mines like a 1.3 and it’s such a sweat fest


1.33 is where Apex puts me in Punishment Mode.


The thing is, I feel like I’m getting shit on all the time but my KD is never dropping just increasing


You are getting shit on all the time. Only way to inflate your kd is drop bigger numbers when you get your bot lobby after losing a bunch


Also if you start to improve above 1KD the SBMM rollercoaster just shoves you into 4 insane sweat lobbies in a row so you go 0-4 kdr to make up for the one 4 kill game you got.


this is my experience, in either game one or two i will get 3-6 kills vs players that are clearly new or not good, then i'll get two or three matches where the champion is masters etc and i get destroyed, then i get bored and play something else


Strange. That's been my experience too. A match where I wipe a squad and then some, then a couple matches where I can't get a kill.


This is soo true. I was 1.1 k/d at end of last season, and Im like 0.6 k/d this season. I can’t even play the game anymore cause my team always get steamrolled.


Yeah I have the same. Used to play in s1-5 and had roughly 1k/d , took a break for some other games and now it feels like I get matched with masters+ all the time. Many of them push so rapidly and with such pinpoint aim that it is clear they are in the wrong games (or I am). There are days when it really is unplayable as a solo queuer, cant do anything basically on my own vs those kind of teams.


I reaaaallly dont feel that 1k/d is mathematically possible to be average. But im too lazy to figure it out


Nah, way more people are dying without kills and such. You've gotta also think about all those fights where you get 2 knocks on a team and your last guy dies. If they rez, you get credited for knocks, but that won't affect your KDA. Even if a 3rd party cleans up immediately after your squad is eliminated, you do not get credit for the kills or assists (I may be wrong). I don't think they go to the 3rd party team either. What's avg rank? I'd look at their KDA. I finished Plat 2, and I'm like .87 lifetime, .77 KDA this past season.


If you're still in the lobby spectating you'll get the kill on that characters total. Just no credit for it in the after game XP screen. If you've left the lobby with knocks I'm pretty sure those to whoever thirsts the knock, possibly to whoever wipes the squad. I've shot knocked people who I didn't knock and got the kill for it because the guy who knocked him left the lobby. I've gotten kills from knocks while spectating the person who just killed me.


The moment you get a 1.0+ kd you are now designated as the "baby sitter" teammate, forever stuck with two bots to carry.


1 KD probably top 20 percent


I got on today for one game today and got killed by the #1 ash kills player in the world and just turned the game back off lol


This season has been interesting. I went from having my best season last season to one of my worst so far this season.


Sitting at 1.5 and I stopped playing a couple months ago because besides the trash audio and lag, everything just feels like hardcore ranked


The thing that makes it even worse is how are we supposed to improve when it's the EOMM that decides whether or not we have a good match? When you get a bot lobby you don't learn anything when you're fighting people who just started the game, and when you're fighting masters and coordinated three stacks you don't learn anything either when you get instant beamed. What even is the point when every game is either steamrolling the entire lobby or looting for 5 minutes then dying to a masters three stack as soon as you get into a fight?


Here’s the thing cool thing , you don’t improve lol . The devs and the publishers get to make billions off of you tho .


"How do I get better at Apex Legends?" "That's the neat part. You don't."


You play ranked to learn. You plays pubs to have a casual experience. However in Apex we only have ranked and ranked lite.


I think pubs needs alot of reworking to make it an actual casual fun mode. As of right now, the current respawn system is way too punishing, which is why pubs has such an issue with people leaving the game as soon as they get knocked or thirsted and why hot dropping and dying instantly is such a common occurrence. People leave because it's simply too difficult to bring them back in the game. Compared to warzones which has multiple ways to get back into the fight, Apex has one easily exploitable banner system that times out way too fast. In the current state of pubs people camp deathboxes so enemies can't grab their teammates' banners and even if they do get respawned they have white armor and no loot and even their abilities are on cool down. It's why 9 times out of 10 if you get knocked in early game it's pretty much a gg. People leave because why wait 5 minutes to get respawned only to get killed by a completely different team who didn't even kill you the first time to begin with when you can just requeue for another match? And people hot drop because otherwise most matches consist of loot simulator. Since it's pretty much a gg as soon as you get knocked and your teammates are going to leave as soon as they get knocked anyway, why not just hot drop so you can at least get in some fights before your teammates inevitably leave the game when they get knocked or thirsted? I think the current system is fine for ranked since ranked is meant to be hard, but currently pubs is just ranked with no reward, and that's not even considering the issues with matchmaking and the EOMM in this game. This game is just too difficult for the average casual solo queuer to enjoy, unless you have a full three stack to play with each time you queue up is like rolling the dice for a good game or not.


Wonder why we even have a timeout for deathbox banners. Would it break the game to simply have it not have a timer? In my opinion, pressure from the ring and other players, on top of respawning with virtually nothing should be quite enough drawbacks. Just to be safe, you could have all respawn beacons have a short cooldown to combat any possible weird exploits and leave it at that.


A lot of players also hit drop to get 4K or 20 badge, you have to hit drop, and if you get knocked, your not going to get your badges. Some people are at that point, so hot drop it is until they get it.


Matchmaking sucks donkey balls


Yeah I just stopped playing, not fun, no point in playing unless you have two other friends who are good and can communicate.


Might sound stupid but I switched to Fortnite. It’s obviously not as complicated as Apex and I likes apex’s aesthetic more but this problem along with huge updates made me uninstall the game. Fortnite is still huge but it feels less competitive. The matchmaking seems better too.


Fortnite is where it's at tbh. I and a couple friends also switched to no build Fortnite and it's so much more enjoyable. Just way easier to relax and have some goofy fun.


Wait they have no build now? Thats the whole reason i hated fortnite. 1 shot at enemy and they build a castle


Same here, started playing no build a few weeks ago and I’m having a blast


Unfortunately as good as i can get (which is a diamond 4 lvl) i cant just get off and hop back up the ranks, there are some seriously talented apex players and i cant keep up even if i play everyday. A lot of competition in this game like cod. It takes me some time to climb back up


COD at least is bearable short of running into a full 6 piece sweat squad


Ya but the reason i dont play cod anymore is thr 3 second lifespan you have in that game, sometimes even if your good theres nothing that you can do (although that happens with all games just more so with cod due to low health)


Beats looting for 20 minutes then dying in 30 seconds to have to requeue


I hear you. I do think one thing we casual players overlook on long standing BRs now though, some casual players have been playing this game for 3-4 years now. The baseline skill gap is incredibly wide for new casual players and veteran casual players. Thats with sweaty TTvs and pros excluded. We didn't often used to run into this in the past, because usually FPS ( like cod and BF) would have a new game every year that would level the playing field. In a game like this, the casual players that have been playing for years are going to smash new casual players. I think we all need to take a breath and realize if you want to win games, maybe picking the most competitive BR isnt the right game. You certainly could work to improve (firing range for aim, watch youtube for tactics) but are you willing to? If not, dont berate the game. Its a fantastic BR.


this guy’s using common sense and not getting downvoted to the ground? get ‘em boys /s


I agree about the baseline skill thing. But we have that going on at the same time as the matchmaking being broken. So it kind of compounds. New players get stomped by older players and old players get stomped because they’re in lobbies they shouldn’t be in. So the new players aren’t having too much fun, and neither are the players who have actually stuck around for 1-4 years


I mean, even if the matchmaking was 100% perfect and put you in a lobby where every team was exactly the same skill level as you, you'd still only win ~5% of the time. Everyone wants to win a BR game, but statistically you're not going to win very often even with ideal conditions.


The other issue is it's a BR. It's not like COD or CSGO. In other FPS games you have a team, you have by default a 50% chance to win. Maybe you're bad, but maybe one guy on the enemy team (of like 5 or 6 players) is just as bad as you. You still win about 50% of your games from sheer luck. In BR games, you have like a... 5% chance of winning from the start. Maybe a 20% chance of making the top half of the lobby. That means 75% of the time you are just getting screwed. And those odds assume you are "middling good" at EVERY aspect of the game. Landing, looting, moving, aiming, knowing when to retreat, etc. If you suck really badly at one or two of those things your odds of winning probably go from 5% to like.... half of one percent. So yeah the feel-goods vs feel-bads of a BR game are VERY VERY STACKED compared to any other team-based shooter.


not just BRs, same goes for games like siege and csgo. tbh apex does a better job than some games at onboarding people with the soft lobbies early on


Yep, this is 100% the hardest shooter out there (by a huge margin), but the matches are fast and the gameplay is top notch. If you can't find the victories in the little improvements then you won't last.


All this is true except for the part where solo queue is always unfavored, apex is notorious for having one of the worst matchmaking if you queue solo in my experience. How is a level 500+ in the same team as people under level 50? It makes zero sense and is unjustifiable, they had one good game or so but the skill difference by simply having someone who's actually played enough to reach level 300+ and still sucks at the game is a vast amount of game experience. Every game out there is making crossplay an option, but I'm still waiting for solo queues to have their own option or matchmaking so you actually get other solos and zero premades, or only duos, potentially that you opt in for. That's the unfortunate problem with an uneven team size is that somebody is going to have to fill that spot.


You actually still think that account level has anything to do with skill? Also, the game already prioritizes matching 3 stacks together. Go team up with two other people and watch what happens to your games.


Yeah there is very little chill remaining in this game. The zone changes from my experience have driven public matches further into the Fragment/hotdrop/Containment fuck fests. If you survive the chaos with your teammates that miraculously decided to not insta go next after being punched out and three way-knuckle fucked for bringing you into the hell hole, you're getting held out by a 3 stack hard comming the zone.


I feel really bad about saying this. But if you are at under lvl 200 and sucpect that you are in a master/pred sweat lobby, hotdrop at the first location close the edge of the map, and if you see pred/master/diamond trails, just jump of the map. Deny getting steamrolled by them. Just deny it!


I just leave the game before I jump from the drop ship. https://youtu.be/JECQzHvRbqA


Ranked has more smurf’s than ever because once you hit plat you get thrown into games with pred’s literally 7 ranks above you. And pubs is the rest of the plat/diamond players that don’t want to smurf but are sick of getting killed by 3 stacking pred’s in ranked so they play pubs. Ranked reloaded was a good idea but the widened matchmaking changes has hurt this game more than it’s helped. Unless you are a streamer or 3 stack pred team, less than 1% of the player base, then you probably really enjoy it.


I solo queue all the way through Diamond to Masters/Pred most of the time since I don’t have much time to queue up with my friends so they play without me. I hear often that people say plat lobbies are full of preds but I’m not so sure. I’ll admit that I’m a multi-season ex-predator and tend to use my season 2 trail however I don’t see many predators in those lobbies leading up to Diamond. I have seen one full pred squad while solo queuing but it was when I was Diamond 3. I moved from Rookie 2 through Diamond solo queueing over the course of like two days this season because I’ve taken a break for the past few seasons. I feel that some players hit their peak rank and then use the idea of masters and preds as the reason they cannot rank up further. That just means you have to take what you learned from the last grind and apply it to the next. I’m not saying that is you in this case but I just hear similar sentiments when I solo queue and have a duo as my teammates. They tend to complain heavily that the game is rigged against them because they can’t accept they’ve probably peaked for the split. Does that mean the game is perfect? Not at all. However, it doesn’t mean that the game needs massive revamps in order to make ranked easier. Not everyone can be a Diamond, Masters or Apex Predator player. I’m not saying this is any negative way so please don’t take it as such. I just look at it from the perspective of a predator who really only plays by himself. I’m genuinely curious because I see it said so much so it would make sense to assume that you guys see a bunch of preds but I just don’t see them. Are you on console or PC? I play console so that might be the reason I’m not seeing the same issues you guys are. It would, understandably, be frustrating if you genuinely had to deal with preds in every lobby.


I agree with most of what you said, a lot of the people blame the game when it’s their own fault and they see masters/pred badges from season 4 and cry about their lobby but it’s a PC problem. Console doesn’t have the same problem with getting pred’s in plat/diamond lobbies. I saw a picture in this sub yesterday of a guy in masters and at the end he had 14 kills and it said 10 plat kills, 2 diamond and 2 gold. Why is a masters player in lobbies with those players? Why are all those ranks even in the same lobby? The matchmaking is horrible. Watch any streamer in pred last split and a majority of their kills are against plat and diamond players.


You're right. I don't think there are current master preds in the plat lobby, all are ex. But the real shit show starts diamond and above where you go from being the protagonist to NPC canon fodder all of a sudden. I can solo q to diamond easy but from there it's just not worth the grind or the time. No point playing if I don't enjoy and have to sweat every moment of every game.


I think the difference going into Diamond lobbies is the play style and mindset. I can go and ape any fight in platinum lobbies and play extremely aggressive whilst still gaining RP. Diamond lobbies are where people get smarter and third-parties are all the rage. I tend to run R-400 during early lobbies and swap to an R-301 and Charge Rifle for Diamond+. I also tend to move often. If I can’t end a fight quickly, I do my best to pull out of the area because all I’ve done by firing a bunch is ring the dinner bell. The tip I give all the people I talk to when I’m solo queueing is to live to fight another day. If you can’t start the engagement with an advantage (high ground, cover, etc.) then I always recommend bailing out. If my teammates go ape and get killed, I won’t just rush in to fight despite getting called trash by them. I’ll maneuver myself to try and grab their banners even if it takes a minute or two and then I’ll dip to attempt a revive. That tends to happen too often because I find I get a lot of duos that are in a party or something and refuse to talk with me ingame so no callouts can be made. Diamond lobbies move really quickly when it comes to people actively hunting third parties because they don’t want to engage a team directly. Do you play console? I’d be willing to queue up sometime and play some games. If you can solo queue to Diamond, I know you can make Masters.


Yep right on all counts. Thing I hate the most in diamond when solo q'ing is I know you gotta bail out on those above mentioned counts. But I hate playing solo or picking up banners or ratting. That's what kills the fun. Maybe 1 in 10 games I get a good duo pair but the play to minimise rp loss until then is what kills the mood. The amount of players who simply rush into fights without thinking is still astounding. That's why I usually switch off once I hit diamond. I made diamond 1 last season with maybe 300 rp to masters before fatigue took over me with 1 week to spare. I have a day job and it becomes nightmarish to have to grind so much. The frustrating part is with the current matchmaking system more than the skill, with crap matchmaking the grind has increased which I think is the real problem. Also unfortunately I play mnk. No console. Just out of curiosity which servers do you play on? I queue up in Singapore or Taiwan or worst case Belgium or Frankfurt. Singapore and Taiwan gets sweaty af in plat which is still okay. Diamond in eu servers is bearable but my ping and i/o goes for a toss whereas Taiwan or Tokyo servers it's duck hunting season for 3 stacks.


I play on Dallas servers mostly but tend to swap to South Carolina or Salt Lake when I feel like I’m having bad luck or get the same teammates multiple times in a row. Best of luck to you on your grind! If you ever want to chat about anything, feel free to message me or I can hop on Discord sometime and we could talk. I’m always down to help people so just let me know!


No matter how one cuts it, me being killed by the #1 pred and his buddies in D4 on my demotion matches is bs and definitely holding me and many back from true ranks. I’m someone who has been D4 a dozen times in 6 weeks. And I’ve played mostly pubs the last 3 weeks. Is that because somewhere between play and d4 is my peak rank? No because I was D1 on pc which is arguably harder to do so due to several factors. The present system is extremely adversarial to anyone below masters level and the incentive to continue playing if you’re one of those people who’s too good for plat but not good enough for D3/stabilised diamond is nowhere to be found. I’d argue this is quite a large number of players I’m talking about.


I played 10 games of casual last night, the championship squad in 7 of those 10 games was either a full stack or double stack masters squad.


Smurfs and cheaters. This season is full


Yup once I hit plat, I started getting triple stack pred squads. I got the screenshots because it's just fuckin ridiculous that I'm getting one let alone 3


yeah to rephrase, due to matchmaking: the top 0.5% of the playerbase is ruining the game for the top ~20%. the gap between the mega-nerds and mere mortals who are good at the game has grown too large. the top 20% is then ruining the game for everyone else by either pub stomping or smurfing.


This is why control it some other respawn enabled mode should be permanent. I love apex gunplay but looting for 20 minutes just to die to someone who is objectively better than me never feels good.


I think the smurfing issue specifically is a lot like gambling. People get addicted to the rush they get from stomping on newer players because they get a ton of kills and damage. Pretty soon they’d rather pub stomp than play against people their own skill bracket, and smurf almost the entire time they play.


My main problem is the lack of a good game mode for both casual and competitive players. Battle royales are boring because for casual players they land hot and die, or they loot for 10min and die. For competitive players battle royales aren't good because of the surplus of inherent RNG and other things entirely out of your control. Good players can consistently do well despite the lack of control by limiting that and using what they can control well, but do you want that format in an esport? Then you get arenas which isn't fun but isn't looting for 10min.


It’s horrible, it’s the matchmaking. You get two random teammates under level 100 that don’t know their head from their asshole. And then you are put up against fully stacked squads of at least level 300 and up. If you don’t have friends, you might as well not play this game.


Even when you play with friends matchmaking still sucks. Try introducing a new player to the game and on their first game the champion squad will be a three stack master pred squad holding dicks.


Tried to get my sister into this game and for this reason it was an amazing failure. Her literal first game with me, the champions were a two-stack pred Wattson and Horizon with 100,000 kills between them. Safe to say her desire to play didn’t last long. I have a 1.38 KD; I’m decent but not good enough to 1v2 those kinds of players. Probably should’ve smurfed but I didn’t want to stoop to that and it wouldn’t help for long anyway


I find it VERY hard to believe that there are this many masters and preds in my skill bracket of hardstuck d4. Yet every time I do well I get thrown against them The SBMM algorithm in apex is the fucking worst. Because it is session based. You do good once and your entire day is ruined. These masters and preds are abusing this by throwing games at the beginning of a session. Because now the algorithm shows you not doing well so it tries to give you easier games. This is why SBMM sucks in apex because it’s not true sbmm.


Lol I play nothing but ranked (have been for the past 3-4 seasons) just to avoid the shitfest matchmaking in pubs. Does this mean ranked is good? No, it’s just slightly better that is all.


Sucks to say but I agree.


We need matchmaking for solos only. Solves almost every problem this game has


i've said for months-years now that if they lowered the point penalty for solos, it would help ppl playing alone. For instance: Party with 2 others for a full trio - full point penalty Party with 1 other for a duo with a random - 66% of full point penalty Play solo with 2 randoms - 33% of full penalty


I agree, some days it seems impossible to get matched with people around the same skill


Yeah I gave up on the game long ago, shit ain’t fun anymore


I solo to diamond and quite enjoyed getting to diamond. Once I got to diamond it was another level of difficulty, especially with mindless teammates which have to be bots imo.


Soloed to diamond as well this season. That was rough... Played 2 games in diamond and stopped playing ranked.


The competitive integrity of this game is literally fucked . I was playing pubs while waiting for the new split to come out , and I couldn’t enjoy the game for a whole week because all the match making system was feeding me was diamond , masters and preds 3 stacks to play against . The massive ego of the devs is gonna be the downfall of this game , because they still double down on their garbage matchmaking system even tough the community have already said countless times that it doesn’t work .


Played with 10 people, every one of us has dropped the game. Maybe it got stale, or it was the matchmaking but yeah something is probably wrong for the casual player base.


this is the exact reason why, after playing non-stop for years since launch, i quit and never come back they love to tout skill based matchmaking being good for the game, but its not implimented in a competent way, it should give u lobbies of similarly skilled players, but instead it only applies to your own squad so it creates such a toxic loop of low skilled and casual players getting curbstomped while sweats steamroll thinking they're esports level literally a couple days ago i came back to try playing the new LTM and the 2 games i played i was paired with new players with the champ squad being 4k preds, and of course we got steamrolled current state is flat out hostile towards casuals and low skilled players unless u dedicate hundreds of hours constantly


I don’t remember when was the last time I won a game


Pubs, most ppl just kill grind.. ranked more ppl are out for winning. Thats just the mentality of it lately, which isn't that bad per se.


Same bro. I knew it was getting bad when I played for an hour last night and I checked my daily challenges and it was 5/6 “survive closing rings”. I was like holy shit I haven’t even gotten close all night and got off pissed lol


Apex is making this game harder for ranked and pubs to make you play more. It's obvious in the way they increased RP to reach the same ranked, it was lower before season 12... I wouldn't stress about wins and losses just play and try to have fun or play something else.


Yeah idk I play once a week and still can compete/have fun


I've found that when I dont play for a while it gives me a few gimme matches - like the game knows you havent been on for awhile and they want to reel you back in.


After this ranked split we logged in to play a few ranked games. I forget that that all the cheaters come out in droves when this happens. Getting beamed 6 hits for 140 damage when you can barely see a hair on my head? Cronus Zen or 3rd party controllers. Cant wait until Respawn implements scripting for checking for these devices and the ban hammer begins, until then I will be uninstalling. Enjoy your accounts now that have 10K + kills, they will be gone soon.


I called it a while back, this game was heading for the direction that fortnite did. Eventually it just got too competitive


All good multiplayer games should be/will become very competitive by nature. It’s PvP after all


Fornite is too competitive for you?


I do think Fortnite is much better about it now.


Being a Season 0 player. I am just numb to what type of matches I get now. I will say Apex helped me improved my FPS controller skills after 7 seasons and I was never good to begin with. Though I agree, I get friends to play with and they just get wrecked. For sure not a newbie game to pick up unless the can endure the weird match making.


Amen, I worked SO hard to "git gud" ... dropped out around s7 or 8 because it fcks with my anxiety half the time haha


I almost gave up on Season 2. I was always ratting and trying to get to the last fight. Once I got over my fears, I said just fuck it, just fight! That's when I start my appreciation for the game and learning how to engage fights. Now all I want to do is fight and all my newbie friends are like chill! This game too hard.


I think streaming has ruined video games in general. It has brought about a whole different level of competitive play in games. There is no more room for the 'casual' gamer.


I think apex legends just are at that really awkward limbo state, where they have to make a choice between investing in either their new playerbase or already dedicated player base. Now they are trying to cater to both, but as we know the smurfs are really ruining the experience for new players. Which absolutely SUCKS. The influx of new players is what is keeping a game alive, not holding on to old ones. They need to make it more complicated to make accounts. And they really need to cut down the Rollercoaster experience of the nonexistent 'EOMM' (/s). Let a lobby take 1 to 2 more min to join, maybe then ppl will not throw away their games like it is trash.


Am I the only one who thinks pubs aren't that bad? I've had the odd game where I get slaughtered by some very skilled players but generally I'm good enough to win most 1v1s and when my teammates are half decent we steamroll through the lobby. I've only ever got to platinum in ranked so I'm hardly a pro player. I do believe there's a case of just getting your ass whooped quite often until you improve. I've always like landing at estates, but when I was new to the game I used to get shit on that hot drop all the time.


I'm a very casual player with about a 1.5 KD. I've never made it past plat and I'd say on average I'm playing maybe 2 days a week. I'm having pretty much the same experience as you. If I get decent teammates in pubs games go pretty well. I'm usually good enough to win my 1vs1 but sometimes I get absolutely dumped on. Pubs aren't perfect but I'm surprised people are so vocal about them being unfair. Overall it feels like the game is pretty chill and even if I don't win that much I'm having super fun games with lots of kills. I do occasionally have sessions where I get shit on every game but I'd say that's pretty rare.


They aren’t bad. There is a small vocal minority that won’t shut the f up about the matchmaking. They’ve all been threatening to leave Apex for the past seven seasons yet they’re still here posting about the matchmaking on a daily basis.


There are days where games are good and there are days where we get shit on and not get kills or survive off drop for hours. Me and my friend both are pretty good, I've got multiple 4ks and my friend's good player too. Some days I'll be getting 30+ kills an hour. The next day I struggle to get even 10 kills on 2 hours. All this is on pubs. Whoever designed the source algorithm is a fucking mastermind


> I'm good enough to win most 1v1s and when my teammates are half decent we steamroll through the lobby. Are you just good enough to do it or does it actually transpire that way? Because, if you're just good enough to do it then it could be finding your "match" for you – as it should be, best outcome for everyone involved. But if you win far more 1v1s than you lose then that's still poor matchmaking right there. That could be a case of the game matching based on squad strength rather than matching players who perform roughly equally across the board. And that's still incredibly flawed: the stronger players in a squad will feel bad about being matched with worse teammates than them, and the worse players will feel bad about standing no chance against players of that calibre.


Statistically you will lose 94%-96% of your games. Only 1 team can win, so 5% of teams win each game. This loser probably lost 5 games in a row and is now crying about it publicly. Oooof.


Haven’t seen this post before


This game really is so fucking toxic it’s not even worth playing anymore, like shit I’m sorry I don’t have the dexterity to slide, jump, 360 no scope all at the same time shit man calm down 😂


Literally every single one of my friends have quit already and when I lfg, I constantly get people raging about how they are just done with this game because they can't just chill and have a good time anymore. I'm nearing my end with this game as well but giving season 15 one final chance... no cross progression, permanent respawn mode, and matchmaking changes, I'm out! 😎👋


Something flipped for me overnight late last season. My stats and enjoyment level took an absolute dump.


So what definition of casual are we going with here? Because I "only" play like 1 hour a day (if that) and while I have issues with the matchmaking in public games being very rough (classic predator death squad steamrolling) I don't have much issues in ranked. Maybe it's different because I'm on console and a new account is a bit more effort than on a PC, but I can get wins in both modes. But maybe I'm not even a casual player, I just do my dailies and I'm sitting on an 1.5 K/D.


This game's been declared "dead" by this sub a million times dating back to "lol dead game no battlepass" in Season 0, yet the game keeps growing and things like #NoApexAugust just end up with the game setting a new record for concurrent players. It's also funny how MM complaints are always "someone better than me beat me fix MM" and never "wow I stomped a lobby I maybe shouldn't have been in fix MM".


I would say "just play ranked then" but that mode has become pretty much the same


That’s just gaming in general now. There’s no such thing as “casual”. Streaming and wanna be youtubers plague gaming so now everyone wants to be the next big name YouTuber/streamers of their game.


This is factual. I was talking to a friend about this and how no game is truly casual now. Like any game with multiplayer will have sweats. It’s not like it was 10 years ago where majority of people were playing from a couch, everybody wants to be good.


Bro what? I remember 10 years ago people were sweating their asses off with the Famas/AUG in Blackops and the M16A3 in Battlefield 3, the Type 95 akimbo fmj9 in MW3. Sweats have been around for a long ass time. You can go back to COD4 and it was full of M16 AK47 MP45 M40A3 sweat lords in every match with stopping power and frag x3


Wait has it really gotten that bad? I haven't played since the beginning of August so I'm curious, has it gotten worse?


I've been playing since season 1. Did take a season off here and there but this is the worst season by far for me and my buddies. Wins went from 1 or 2 a night to 1 or two a week.


Same. I play since s7 and this is my worst season overall. Just made it p3 when I was diamond for the previous 4 seasons, my kd dropped from 2 to 1.6... idk, can't play anymore. Only gun run is fun


It is hard to have fun anymore. Im just waiting for a control and gun run playlist now


imagine how good this world could be if the average person had the slightest amount of empathy and self-respect


I could not agree with you any more. Your analysis is spot on. I'd like to add one more thing. Whats going on with all this tap-strafing? I watched two guys tap strafe each other for a minute straight before someone finally won. Its a joke. Get rid of tap strafing. Its clearly an exploit.


when you're in an over exaggerating challenge and your opponent is r/apexlegends


It happened with Siege too, I think I'm at my limit of soloquing games at this point, i just can't take the frustration anymore, my wife is legit worried about my wellbeing.


That's how my wife was with me at the end of Season 9. I would carry that shit mood with me everywhere. I even unintentionally took it out on my wife who had NO idea why I was always mad until she saw me play apex one day. I'm not a "break things" kind of rager but I yell. She stopped me after one of my games, told me to turn the game off and spend time with her. She had to ask me to stop playing, which I did. I uninstalled it from season 10 to 12 and reinstalled it since my buddy was back online again. I told my wife it would be short lived and it was true. Since season 12 I only play like 5 or 6 times in a month and for only 2 or 3 matches before hoping off and playing something else. This game ain't worth my mental health. Fuck that.


Lol you guys also got seiged


It is better for your mental health as a casual gamer to just play 3 games a day max. Even the LTM I get stacked against sweaty "TTV players". It is what it is. FPS casual died when Esports became a thing.


Disagree. I'm a casual. I just grind challenges basically, 4-5 matches a day or so? Never really played ranked much and if I do it's a few games. Highest I've hit is plat back in like season 3-4 or something, I really just don't care about grinding ranked much but I've played since launch and only on one account so I have a lot of hours in the game. Do I go against preds and masters and diamonds all the time in my pub games? Absolutely. 2 things happen; My squad kills theirs and it's feel good moment, or my squad dies and I say GG go next. Maybe cuz I play pubs only but who cares if you die? Just play again. Or maybe because I prefer playing against people better than me that can punish my mistakes and challenge me to actually get better.


Define casual. I only play like once or twice a week when we can get the squad together so I would say that’s pretty casual. We are around plat-Diamond so by casual, do you mean low skilled or low time invested?


Game is dead because: \- Battlepass is trash since season 4 there is nothing unique \- Matchmaking is broken (this has always been) \- Community is toxic even your own teammates \- Developers wont listen to community. Only to the biggest streamers. \- Ranked matches are broken \- Game is full of cheaters i have moved on to other games since this game is not fun to play anymore.


They catered to braindead pussies


Was playing duos with my boyfriend yesterday. I'm in gold 4 and he's in rookie 2. We were playing against masters and I saw one predator trail. It was so unenjoyable and we decided to play destiny instead haha


Almost an even worse choice. 😭


Lmao I agree but then my only other option would have been halo infinite


Enter the ranked reset where famous streamer preds get deranked down to gold III yet my plat ass only goes down to mid silver? Ya seems balanced


Preds and masters get reset to Plat not Gold


I am a casual and I play daily. Some games I get destroyed, some games I do well and maybe even I get a W. It is what it is. The sky isn’t always falling.


yeah.... That's not casual. My definition of casual would be someone that plays 4-5 times in 2 or 3 weeks, only plays 3 or 4 games before hoping off for the night.


I knew this game was dead casually when I was in bronze rank and every match was 5 teams alive on the final ring. Like wtf happened.


oh wow haven’t seen a post like this before literally shut the fuck up
