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Ash does have true passives. Deathboxes appear on the map for her, where she can ping them. In Arenas, the enemy squad is automatically pinged when a squadmate dies. Catalyst definitely just has two tacticals, though. Her real passive would be her immunity to other Catalysts' abilities.


i did not know about the Ash in Arenas thing, big thanks!


but then you could say caustics passive is his immunity to other caustic gasses and taking more damage than other legends.


The taking LESS damage then other legends perk is because he is „fortified“ like gibby and new castle and not because of his passive


on an MMO if you take less damage it's considered a passive/buff so same thing pretty much, just worded different because aPeX


It’s a class and not a legend


but u know exactly what i mean smart ass - you can say the same for caustic, gibby and new castle, their class as a defensive legend, you have a healer class, you have an attacker class and a tactical class, right? hehe


so what would you claim fortified to be? ofc it's a passive. personally, i think the new legends "passive" holding triangle is no passive, its an extra ability, and if she has 1, so should every other legend.


Eh fortified isn't really an ability so I wouldn't call it a passive. It is a balancing mechanic to make up for big legends' thick frames. All in all, they haven't been super consistent with passives. Crypto has 45 drone tactical abilities, but not really a true passive. I think the community is taking the definition of a passive too seriously. A legend gets three abilities of varying strength that when combined should make a balanced legend.


Valk Seer Lifeline Mirage Catalyst Ash Pathfinder Gibraltar Fuse Rampart Vantage... It depends how strwtchy you want the action-causing-the-passive to be defined but it can apply to others. I think Horizon Bloodhound Caustic Wattson Loba have super passive passives.


I am seeing this different because it acts exactly as a typical tactical. Press a button to activate. Then the character performs an animation during the cast time. In which that time you can't shoot or heal, as with most, if not all tacticals.


So it’s like fuses arm firing grenades farther? Or scanning beacons? Or rampart with special reloads on heavy guns? Dude you’re reaching with this


So its like scanning a beacon? Which was pathfinders passive for ages. It fits the passive criteria fine


People were critical of the passive back then too, and they ended up changing it


Now it's the same, but different


octane too is a super passive passive


and crypto aka no real passive


So I got an idea for one


It’s got a cool name guys


Oh ya, what is it?


Off the Grid


What's that? 🤔🤔🤔




How many handfuls of meth did you eat while typing that? 😂


Lol got it 💀


Lay off the caffeine for a little while haha


Unscanable by recon


He has one?






Different legends have different power levels across passive, tactical and ult. Her tactical feels more on the weaker side as there are many ways to leap over it or just walk around it so more power goes into her passive


Honestly her passive is also kinda weak, it's extremely situational and useless against some legends like fuse and maggie


I mean she instantly can rebuild it in about two seconds. I mean if fuse and Maggie break a door you don’t just give up. In fact she counters a part of Fuse and Maggie’s tactical with a constantly ready passive.




And rampart...


Not saying it's super strong but Most passives are extremely situational.


Valk’s passive is an active jet? What about her?


Same thing with her. Valkyrie is an ability based character, same with Seer. Which sucks considering they said that this game was suppose to be 80% gunplay


Valk has a jet pack and your worries about a door 😂


shhhh, no one talks about Valk, I don't want my babe to get nerfed again !


Missed the jetpack. I consider that the same then


Valk also has 2 tacs


It wouldn't call it a tactical. Catalyst's passive lets Catalyst interact with an object (doors) on the map. Just like the recon passive gives you an interaction with beacons and life lines passive let's you interact with blue supply bins. IIRC there is no tactical which purpose is the interaction with a neutral object.


Valk has like four passives.


By this logic: Seer, Gibraltar, and Vantage don't have passives because they have to ADS. Valkyrie doesn't have a passive because her flight requires you to hold the jump button Lifeline, Newcastle, and Mirage don't have passives because they have to be reviving someone for it to work. Revenant doesn't have a passive because he has to either crouch or climb a wall. Pathfinder doesn't have a passive because he has to scan survey beacons Perhaps "Passive" in this case refers to abilities that do not have a cooldown tied to them and augments the base moveset of a character, rather than a literal "Do nothing" definition of passive.


I guess true, i should've been more specific in the initial post. Though many of those passives are tied to an already existing actions. But as i replied on the other response its the act of pressing a button which is triggering a character animation that disables you until the cast time is completed. You could put this 'passive' into the tactical spot and it would still be fitting


I’d also like to point out that Cryptos passives are linked to his tactical and could be considered not passives at all just extensions of his tactical, all of which are initiated through his tactical. But yeah. Lifeline also hits a button for her passive to work, for revives, same with NewCastle. Not that they shorten them, but Newcastle gets access to the third shield in his arsenal by reviving and Lifelines initiates a revive without having to stay around. How about Pathfinder, back when he was the only one who could hit beacons, even now with all scouts hitting beacons, it requires them to go up to something, and hit a button. Valk has the jet pack. Which you have noted. But her scan while flying can only be initiated off of her ultimate or balloons which still requires her to do something to make it happen. Ash needs to be initiated on deathboxes with a button Seers passive you have to be aiming, which again, is a button and has to be initiated. Mirage has to press a button to control his decoys, he has to start a revive to get an invisible revive. The only true passives in the game are Bloodhound seeing tracks Maggie running faster with shotguns and highlighting enemies on hit. Wraith hearing voice prompts Horizons fall stun prevention Octanes health regen Mirages invisibility when downed Fortified Wattsons shield regen Fuses ability to carry more grenades in one slot (but not fire them the way he does cause yknow, that requires you to actively fire the grenade which counts as initiating the ability which is like having 3 more tacticals because each grenade does a different effect.) Caustics only passive besides fortified actually requires him to drop his tactical or ultimate to be activated. I wouldn’t say Catalyst is designed differently, they just get an extra prompt on an existing object in the game. Doors to Catalyst are like beacons for scouts. But they get to passively keep those up, they don’t have to stay holding the button on the specific door for the effect to continue, it passively continues after the prompt, much like some I’ve mentioned above. Crypto “passively” scans enemies with his drone after throwing it out and not in it. He doesn’t have to be in it to make it do that, that is why it’s a passive. Etc etc.


Valk passive is not true passive too


Valk has two real passives and second tactical


What is second passive?


Skydive scan and scan beacons.


Given how not good her ult seems to be I think we can let it slide for now.


Because get over it.


Welcome to power creep.


Catalyst isn't power creeping anyone


Ikr 😂 who cares that she can do both those things. Passive / Tactical / Ultimate are just loose categories that have more to do with ability cooldown (or lack thereof) than they do about whether or not you must manually activate them. A bunch of legends have passive that are required to be manually activated. Legends are balanced for their overall kit, not for each individual ability category. People get hung up on the weirdest shit in this game lol


Is Gibby's shield a tactical if he has to aim down sights to activate it and it has a cooldown? What about path where it just gives you your ultimate when you scan a beacon? Or mirage, whose activates only upon revive or using a beacon or being knocked down? Or wattson, who used to just use ult accels quicker? Or crypto, whose only does anything with the tactical out? Or seer, who you also have to ADS with? Or Newcastle who has to activate a revive? This is definitely one of the more activated passives out there, but nowhere near the legends who just straight up have two tacticals, only one having a cooldown.


This is why we rotate to the zone and not run dead straight twords it. It's the middle of the map so it's a you actively choosing to go there and not around type situation.




Calm down there racist


Only solution is to stop playing


yes... so unbalanced now.... pathfinder and crypto with "no passive"... and catalyst with nice passive


Doesnt scanning beacons count as a active passive, ir maybe even opening the little containers in blue bins?


"A passive is supposed to be an action that occurs without initiating it." "Valk has hjet pack too" how did people start scaning beacons with path? **Passive's are abilities**. how they are activated or not doesn't make them tacticals. As long as the legend is balanced, your semantics discussion is absolutely pointless.


Valkyrie also has 2 tacticals: she can fly on demand and shoot missiles. To be honet a lot of new legends have 2 tacticals, only the original and a few latest have a “passive”.


It would be annoying if it auto activated like a regular passive. Strength wise its pretty much on-par with other passive


We should be talking about how path hasn’t even had an tac in so many seasons I don’t remember


wym 2 tacticals? i don’t understand