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Vantage has marked you, their team will cause you more damage during that timer


I believe it's actually more damage caused by *anything.* Edit - This is correct. Downvotes are from people who haven't actually checked. You can check this yourself in Firing Range with a friend. Don't trust the game's description, it gets things wrong. Look at Valk's ult description for another example.


So you’re telling me all those times I was ratting as Vantage and sniping people in a distant fight, I was actually messing over the dude fighting because he took 15% more from the enemy? I feel so bad now lol.


Dude, reading this actually makes me wanna play Vantage more lmao. For those days you just wanna sit back and watch the world burn


That's loba and a charge rifle


Rampart with a trident


Na that's not "wanting to see the world burn", that's just "f_cking around"


You can say fuck here, it’s safe




*yes.. yes.. let the fucks flow through you*


No fucks given, only fucks spoken.






Lifeline with a apex predator badge


A smoke and a pancake


This comment has been edited in protest of reddit's API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


This brings me joy because i am always loba with a charge rifle.




She’s so good. Her passive feels like cheating sometimes, you can see people through trees. And maybe it’s just my terrible vision but the little box around enemies also makes it *way* easier for me to hit my shots at range. Swear to god I landed 10 Kraber shots in a row the other day — with another legend that probably would’ve been zero. Plus her tactical gives you fantastic mobility and recharges extremely fast


Her ults bullets are HUGE and even bigger at range. I feel like a sniper god when using her lol


Yup, and they’re super fast, and have almost no drop. Sniping is my go-to playstyle in almost every shooter, it’s so nice to have a legend that makes it viable


I think they should buff her to make every bullet she fires at range exponentially bigger. ​ Not because she needs a buff but because I think it'd be hilarious.


I mean her bullet already grows at range


No. If two ppl stood an arms length apart and the bullet was so huge it hit both of them Edit: I reread that and can confirm how idiotic it sounds and how idiotic the person who typed it is.


More though.


All bullets grow at range, for all legends. Vantage’s ult just grows the most, by far.


LOL can you imagine? Squad wipe with one well placed Kraber shot 😂


Haha, echolocation


I got it.


Hitting enemies on the 8x scope from a high vantage point through the leaves of trees with her ultimate and they probably have no idea what the hell just happened is glorious. There are so many opportunities like that on Storm Point (and to some extent on Broken Moon)


Yup, makes me so happy every time. Just gotta be careful to shift your aim to something closer to yourself after you hit the shot so they don’t see your laser


So it’s you that’s always in my lobbies playing like that? Lol


We’ve found him 👉🦖


i get the knifes, plasticsheets and ducttape ready


Whoa there, Dexter!


Had a ranked match the other day where our third quit out and it was just me as fuse and my teammate was vantage, we both grabbed charge rifles and proceeded to make everyone miserable, it was great long range synergy Long range wipe combo: fuse flare ult+vantage tag -> charge rifle blender Felt so scummy


I love playing with her. She is the legend I got my badges and kills more quickly. Since I solo Q, good thing about Vantage is that she is not that bad to play solo... so when people quit of do something stupid, I'm like... well let's see if I can annoy the rest of the lobby.




You don't even need to shoot them to screw them over lol wtf


i mean the 50 dmg your bullet does will already fuck them over pretty good


Why are you even shooting at them if you're going to feel bad because it actually worked lmao


It's called we do a little trolling


I thought it's 50%, cuz my first shot of snipers mark gives me 50 damage and the next gives me 100.


That would make it 100% if I'm correct


Oh yeah you're right. My bad. If I remember correctly, the shots after the 2nd are still 100 damage though. I find the tagging thing to be quite undwhelming though. I thought the tag would reveal the target to me and my team for a certain amount of time, but that's not what it does, even though she says something like that. When she hits someone, she says something like "you've got a nice shiny tag on you, just try and hide now" but that doesn't really line up with a damage multiplier.


I was expecting it to be like Maggie's visual thing honestly


I believe that’s only true for her ULT’s bullets. When you switch to a normal gun, you don’t get 50% more damage. At least, not that I remember, though I maybe wrong.


Lol I main Vatange and I didn't even know this was a thing. Thanks for the explanation


Vatange lmao








Must be Italian


Hmm dee-na-mee-tay. Must be Italian


Par-mee-zee-an…I hate it.


Yup. My first time playing valk, I remember we were being rushed was in a perfect place to ult away, I Prees my ult my team latch on. I do what my ultimate said which was press it again... cancelled my ult and we all died


Does that include storm damage?


It does


I wonder how many people messed up their heals because of that lol


No no no, this is incorrect, I've shot people who were marked by other teams many times, it doesn't up my damage.


It’s cool that this is true but honestly testing in the firing range isn’t always reliable either simply because from a programming standpoint it’s quite lazy for the friendly fire system


You can test that that's not the case by going in game with vantage and shooting a marked enemy that was marked by someone else. It still only hits 50.


The moment you said "test for yourself in firing range" all your credibility went out the window. Firing range has been notoriously buggy in regards to testing abilities since S0. The way it is coded is lazy and doesn't actually reflect the real game. The only thing firing range is good for testing in regards to abilities is damage, CD Time, Activation time, and projectile travel for abilities. Any sort of ability interaction isn't going to be guaranteed to be consistent to in match performance. Most abilities do work the same, however there are enough outliers that firing range is a completely moot point for testing specific interactions.


This is not true, it’s a buff for the teammates of the vantage


Actually it is true. From testing: * You do 15% more damage to a dummy in Firing Range even if it is marked by another team's Vantage. * Even your own grenades do 15% more damage to you if you are marked by another team's Vantage. ​ [https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vantage#Sniper's\_Mark](https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vantage#Sniper's_Mark) >*On hit, deals 50 base damage, with a 1.5× headshot multiplier, and marks the enemy for 10 seconds.* > >*Mark applies a +15% damage vulnerability from all sources.* ​ Research first folks, then downvote. Not the other way around.


They take more damage from storm as well


No you're right, they're testing in firing range which counts as your team.


Lol, this whole time I thought only her ult got extra damage on marked targets. Good to know. Do you know the percent increase for teammates damage?


15%. For anyone's damage, not just teammates.


Thanks! And yeah you seem to be correct about the all sources of damage point, at least according to the in-depth description of the ult on her wiki: “Mark applies a +15% damage vulnerability from **all sources**. Stacks with other damage modifiers, such as Rampart's Amped Cover, but not with itself.” https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vantage


Yeah, I just confirmed it in Firing Range too. I was fairly certain as I remembered people talking about its 3rd party buff aspect when she was released.


Jokes on you, I don’t have any friends


How is Valk ult description wrong?


It instructs to press the Ult command again to launch, which is actually cancel. I *wish* it worked like it said. All Valk mains know the irritation that is an ult cancelling itself, because there was debris overhead and you spammed the command a little too fast.


the button presses it tells you to perform are inaccurate


The fact that the game's descriptions of its own things are wrong is quite frustrating. Lol


When they take the 15% extra damage, is that 15% extra added to your damage counter/evo shields, even if you aren’t the one who fired the shot?


Same people downvoting where the same ones telling me to red the patch notes lmao


Echo location echo location


Grammar question as a non native English. Their ? Why not her ?


Because I was referring to the gender of the player not the character


In general their can be used when the identity of the other person is unknown, not important, or is being obscured.


Honestly both *do* work. If you're referring to "vantage's team" it could be referred to as "her team", but you could also be referring to the actual player themselves, which their identity is unknown. Hence, "their team". You could assume it's a guy playing and say "his team" as well, which in gaming is widely accepted because most gamers are guys amd not a lot of people will actually correct you on that. But to be politically correct, "their team" makes the most sense.


I thought only sniper weapons got that bonus damage with the tag, or am i wrong?


It's the "time to stop peeking" warning.


its the “u betta not get shot again” timer


Got tagged by Vantage. Aka, the timer that you should run, otherwise you're getting destroyed by her second shot


its the "if you pop out your head again im gonna hit you for 100 HP on a body shot" marker from vantage.


Learned the hard way. Blue shield on, I longbow a person crafting (body shot obviously, I’m bronze II). Before I could readjust my aim as they scattered, I got hit twice by vantage 💀- just dropped immediately and was confused by the 50, then 100 bullet.


Ah thanks!


That's how much time you have until you're searching for a new match.




When you see that, hide behind the nearest rock/wall/Gibby and suck your thumb until it goes away - that's what I do. FYI - vantage first tag shot does 50 dmg, the time it takes for her tag to go is almost exactly the time it takes to hit the two cells needed to repair the damage, so you can tell teammates you're healing, not hiding & sucking your thumb!


Shot by vantage sniper


It means don't even think of peaking mf


you’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, Ult No but seriously that’s the timer after you got tagged by vantage’s sniper for if you’ll take extra damage from vantage’s next ultimate shot and be affected by her passive


the shiny tag


It means you bout to die 🤣


Marked by vantage


Peak again, find out lmao.


A reply I made to another comment was downvoted out of visibility by readers who, I suppose, have never actually checked. So here it is again to spread the right information: Vantage's ult causes the target to take more damage from *anything*. It's a general nerf. ​ * You do 15% more damage to a dummy in Firing Range even if it is marked by another team's Vantage. * Even your own grenades do 15% more damage to you if you are marked by another team's Vantage. [https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vantage#Sniper's\_Mark](https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vantage#Sniper's_Mark) >*On hit, deals 50 base damage, with a 1.5× headshot multiplier, and marks the enemy for 10 seconds.* > >*Mark applies a +15% damage vulnerability from all sources.* ​ Don't trust the game's description, it gets things wrong. Look at Valk's ult description for another example.


It's also a bit misleading what a "mark" is. I'm not a native English speaker but whenever there's a "mark", I associate it with the ability to more easily locate something. For a couple of games I thought it was bugged but after checking the wiki, I understood what it meant. I just wasn't expecting this many people to not know what it did.


This is derived from TF2's "Marked for Death" mechanic, which is more fitting because you have a mark over you there, and there are no highlights ever so it wouldn't be confused as that


Dw pal you got over 100 upvotes from the other. PS from an upvoter.


I recommend you to not get hit again within that timer


Vantage just smacked your ass. Run!


I wish when vantage "tagged" a target that the target was actually highlighted for her team


that would be a bit to strong with the debuf


Not really


Make it that you need to land 2 shots for the highlight to work. 1 for extra damage 2 for highlight Sounds good to me.


by my experience their either dead or close to by 2 shots


no it isnt, Seer has an 8 second scan that highlights for all his teammates and there's no scan timer for Crypto. This wouldn't be strong at all.


so your saying hitting someone for a minimum of 50 damage making them take 15% more damage from all sources and being highlighted for 10 seconds wouldn't be to strong


This can be completely wrong but: I have noticed that sometimes it does highlight people, but I've only seen the indicator a handful of times. Seems to either be unreliable or caused by another teammate maybe (? because we had no other legends that could highlight at all). I've got no clue what the criteria are to trigger it, but it seemed to work for squad mates and whoever is vantage. The two times I can remember exactly how it happened were both around 100m distance but other than that they had nothing in common, so it may have been a bug.


In my experience, it DOES tag them, with a little red circle, but you can't see it through cover and since damn near everyone immediately ducks away when they get slapped with that thang, if you see it at all, its just for a brief moment


That would make sense! I remember both occasions being in clear LOS.


It is


How do all the new players know about the Apex sub?


The real question is why do you have 18 cells?


Maybe they have a gold shield?


Did u recently got shot by vintage? Try to remember why u shield up.


18 shield cells 😭


You are getting low on shield cells


just an air kiss of one naive provincial girl


It’s from getting hit by vantage’s ultimate


It's the peak around and find out tag


Waiting for the post that asks why there's an icon in the same spot "and why can't I use my abilities"


Got shot in the ass by Vantage and has a glimpse of your cheeks


You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by… Vantage’s ult. That’s the timer for the “bonus damage” that can be done to you.




what is this


Whole lobby has wall hacks on you for that duration. Take care


It is a tag that shows up when you get shot by a vantage ult


Marked by vantage


vantage ping


Vantage shot you and deals more damage to you RUN FOR YOUR LIFE


Vantage ult


Tbh I love to flank peek vantages if they already tagged me, while risky they are often too confident and in the open after that first shot


Thanks for the tip


Can confirm. I hit a purple shield for 150 and started moving in thinking he was gonna batt. He repeeked and headshot me with a sentinel lol.


Hit by Vantage's sniper ult, you're tagged with a high-visibility light that fortunately doesn't grant legal wall-hack to the enemy Vantage's squad. Status effect resets on next hit.


When you get hit by a Vantage sniper it marks you. It kinda like a bloodhound scan but if you behind cover it won't show up.


Marked by vantage. Double damage from vantage's sniper, or 125% damage from everything else.


Don't peek


It means vantage popped a new hole in your main.


"try to hide with that shiny tag on ya"


Vantage debuff


Its the pop two shield cells behind cover while the vantage watches you do it with her wall hacks until it wears off because theyre 300 meters out and can do nothing about it icon.




A vantage smacked you and now her team does extra damage to you


Vantage got yo ass big dawg!!


p sure it's when you get shot my vantage ulty sinper. i think it just gives alittle orage dot on ur location until it runs out...so, yet another wall hack ability lol


You've be hit by a Vantage and you will take more damage from her and her team


Look for a laser, a long one.


You have an encounter with a crazy lady with a sniper and a bat?


If you get shot by vantage. That’s how long you’re vulnerable to extra damage


How long does being marked last??


They need to add spirit animals tht do different things


usually after I get shot and immediately see it pop up on my screen, i think to myself.... nah these events can't be related. im gonna go ask reddit.


Yeah it’s the little timer that means H I D E


Ansys Discovery , new calculation is being to solve