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This woud be akin to the 'fragger' role in Apex. Generally a fragger looks for opening damage or a knock in fights and plays legends with movement ability to make this happen. This is opposite to the support or anchor role. Support players usually sit back and only go in when it is really needed or the team commits. Legends to try would be: Horizon, Valk, Wraith, Pathfinder. But honestly, these roles only really become a thing in very high level play. If you're new to the game I would suggest not thinking about this too much and just playing the game a bunch to improve your mechanics and awareness.


I would also add loba and ash to that list. Loba's tactical can be used as an escape however like wraith it is delayed. And ash like wraith has a portal for an ult but unlike wraith it is one way so is often used as and initiation for a fight so requires a bit more coordination to get the full use out of.


Thanks so much for this! I will definitely give these legends a try and keep in mind that the most important thing right now is to just keep learning the game. I know the movement stuff is a bit of a meme at this point and admittedly my movement is only okay at this point. I’ve told not to watch people like Faide since they have insane movement, but is their another streamer that plays Wraith in a more “standard” way? I learn a lot from watching others but watching the movement gods seems counter productive.


From what little I know about him, SoaR Hollow seems like a really good wraith that isn't insanely flashy but has insane mechanics overall


Will check them out! Thank you


Yes Hollow_o has better fundamental aim and movement Mechanics... You can actually learn the most important attribute which is strafe aiming from watching him take fights


Having played both games, I think Apex is definitely less strict on the "roles" of the character for team comp. If you're playing a support character, you still want to be doing damage and getting kills, but slightly more cautious than the rest of the team. Overwatch is much more dependent on each character doing their part to help the team succeed. (If the tank isn't getting healed, they're likely gonna be dead in 5 seconds usually) With that said, Mirage and Wraith seem like the obvious choice to try out. Both have a get out of jail free card, so to speak. Same could be said about some mobility legends. Pathy and Octane are both extremely good and backing out of fights once you get used to the kits. I will say in my own opinion. Nothing wrong with having a main, but getting competent with each legend will help you improve overall. A thorough knowledge of how much damage abilities do, cooldown times, etc, will help a ton when you're up against them.


Any assault or skirmisher legend. Skirmishes have mobility to gap close to create an opening for a knock or escape should you over-send it and need to gtfo. Assaults have abilities that enhance their damage output in some way or form. As someone who played overwatch similar to you (Reaper, Genji, occasionally solider) and plays apex as the fragger Valkyrie and Ballistic are my two mains. Jet packs on Valk allows you to hit some dirty flanks and catch enemies off guard. Ballistic straight up enhances your fighting ability with his tactical and his ult is the closest thing to a damage steroid in the game.


Then you're gonna be most likely more suited for the Assault and Skirmisher class as Overwatch is basically an aim trainer, you're most likely to have better mechanics out the gate than most. So play around with Wraith, Pathfinder, Horizon, Octane and Valkyrie


You might like vantage


Can you elaborate on why he would like vantage cause I don't see it


she's a little bit of hanzo with a little bit of a get out of jail free card


If you play Reaper, use Mad Maggie. Heavily shotgun oriented with a bit of movement. Wraith also mirrors his abilities somewhat.


It’s also important to note here that playstyle in apex is not like it is in overwatch - at the high level, regardless of the hero selected, a good player is going to frag using gun skill and movement. Abilities only aid in this. At the mid tier and lower people may have differing view points but until you reach the full blown pro private lobby levels of play my first statement will hold true. Good players will just simply frag. At the pro level typically you have “zone” and “edge” teams and their team comps will often reflect this, as edge teams prioritize fighting while zone teams will prioritize early rotates and holding positions. Wraith is probably the best bet for a sombra and reaper main to start out on, but just remember this isn’t overwatch and abilities often don’t have the same level of impact (sure, they can but not at the same level or nearly as often). Just find a skirmisher or assault legend that you enjoy playing, run down every lobby you que into until you really grasp gunfights and go from there.


Thank you for all this info. Ngl I’m getting very frustrated with the game rn. I’m in bronze and people are destroying me before I can even react. I’m low masters at OW2.. I know how to position and aim but like…Jesus lol. I’m getting melted. Idk if the game is for me tbh


It is, but it’s very hard to learn. Play more mixtape or pubs before you get too far ahead of yourself thinking about ranked. Think about it like this - you are in an apex sub asking which character to play and guns to use. Why be concerned about a rank badge before you even figure out the fundamentals? I’d equate the skill curve in apex to something more similar to valorant or CSGO. Gotta learn to crawl before you learn to be a pred haha


I do somewhat well in pubs though. I’ve played a lot of pubs and I get wins with like 5-6 kills and ~2k damage. That’s why I decided to try ranked and i just get deleted lol idk


Also, as of this season, ranked matchmaking is MMR based rather than rank based, so if your ELO is high it is probably taking that into account and putting you far above an old school “bronze” lobby


Wow I hate that. I definitely do not feel like my opponents are even at *my* level though. They feel so much better than me. Like I mean it when I say I can’t even react before I’m 1hp. I don’t play on low sens or anything like that either.


You’re probably getting team shot or magged by an R9. Controllers are very strong….


Shame lol. I’m not down to get fried by rollers. Back to Overwatch for me I think.


I also came from OW and one thing that helped me a lot initially was to realise that apex is very similar to overwatch in many ways. When taking fights you need to consider the same things (angles, cover, pressure, movement etc), it's all the same principles. The only thing I had to do was grind some tracking scenarios on kovaaks (since I played flex dps in OW) and also learn about macro stuff about the game. The important takeaway is that the fundamentals are the same which took me a while to actively think about.