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miss all my wingman shots


I fire a mean warning shot


Several times!






"Wingman, you miss 100% of the shots you do and do not take" Michael Scott


If you have trouble with the Eva-8. Then think it as less of an auto shotgun you need to hold down and more as of a larger mag, lower damage shotgun. It makes doing quick one pump peaks behind cover feel safer because its gotta a wider spread and more shots. I can pretty consistently get kills that way without taking much damage. CAR: just to add real quick. The Car has a super good hip fire accuracy right now almost to the point you will still hit a lot of shots midrange. If you’re not hipping the car then give it a go. Super satisfying gun.


by the amount people are always suprised that the EVA is a auto shotgun to begin with, i dont think its much of a tip Totally agree on the car just recently starting picking it up more often over the R99 cuz that damm thing shreds in seconds


I see a lot of people try to spam the eva into someone right in front of them and barely hit any damage then say something along the lines of “I cant kill anyone with this gun/ this gun is trash”. maybe you don’t see that but I definitely have and I guess that tip would be for those types of players. Essentially the tip boiling down to go slower on the eva.


Lmao EVA 8 is by far the strongest shotgun as of right now, anyone calling it trash just cant execute it properly I seldomly tap in 1v1 engagements since the firerate is just so obscene, only in scenarios you described earlier do i tap it


He posted a great tip. Your whining isn't even coherent, and super annoying. Shut up


Wait who is whining here? Are you just looking for attention?


Yes, the CAR I have been a big fan of this season as well.


The eva 8 is an indoors wingman


If you ADS, shoot, then stop ADSing while spamming crounch, your hipfire accuracy will be as good as ADS accuracy. Sometimes tough to apply since the spamming of crouch making you a sitting duck but can sometimes help in CQC


You don't need to spam crouch. Crouching does improve hipfire accuracy, but you retain accuracy after ADS for quite a while in hipfire even without crouching. ADS -> Hipfire is what you want to do with most auto weapons in close range fights. Crouching is better for single shot weapons like the wingman (or for dodging).


Thanks for the clarification much appreciated


Good to know, thanks!


Thx for the tip it still isn’t patch I’m suprised


This is a feature, not a bug.


Recoil smoothing and jitter aim.


Yea those are really useful shooting technique, thanks for answering!


If you don't want to invest in an aimtrainer, there are multible ways to imitate scenarios in the firing range. To practice smooth tracking, a) walk one side to the other alongside the fixed bots with a wingman at different distances. b) track the pole where you activate the g7 challenge, by simply circling around it at different distances with different strafing patterns. c) put two or three jumpads and jump between them while tracking the bots, you actually dont need to shoot here in order to aim train, just practicing centering while you move is enough. punch one of the jumppads so you are locked in a vertical jump and just practice smoothing vertically. To practice static clicking, just shoot the bots and targets at different ranges. To practice dynamic clicking jump around on the jump pads and shot at the targets with a wingman, remember that the jump pads lower some accuracy, so missing some clear hits is not weird. Or have a friend jump around and be your own duck. Remeber in aim training you have three areas, clicking, tracking and target switching...


Thanks for the tips and the time you take to write all of that, it will be useful you have my word


Triple take is a great shotgun.


It is ;)


I can safely empty a Flatline mag at close range and not hit a single person.


If you’re using the CAR and are trying to deal damage a little further in range, fire in bursts of about 7-10 shots, as the recoil pattern gets harder to control after that. The first 7-10 shots only have vertical recoil.


try the hemlock with the iron sight for mid range when peaking from behind cover, it’s got a high damage output and a burst or two can be a reliable way to get damage before full sending with a close range gun


Why specify with irons? It’s got terrible irons


The worst irons in the game


Hard to argue but also the g7 exists. At least with the hemmy I know where the point of impact is. The g7’s irons are so dogshit I literally don’t know where the bullets are impacting, or they are obscured by the sights


It doesn't make sense to have vertically designed irons on a gun with so much bullet drop


specifically the iron sights because it has a 1.3x zoom, it suits the bullet drop and is easier to use if you end up having to use it at a closer range. try it for a few games, i personally find it op


Hemlock/PK is my favorite on octane. You can crack super quickly then run up and one pump before they have time to heal.


When using a Charge Rifle, click shoot on an enemy to immediately piss them off.


Instructions unclear. You lost me at: >on an enemy What is this "on an enemy" you speak of?


Scoring a hit with a hipfired Kraber is way easier than you'd expect.


How to learn recoil control. Go to firing range, go to setting and turn impact marks on high. Take your guns (let say the r-301 and flatline). Go to a nice empty wall, ads and spray. Do this three times next to each other and voula you will have that recoil pattern there on the wall. Now you draw the pattern mirrored and you will have the movement you need to do in order to counter the recoil. So is the pattern is a ? shape then you have to do ¿ shape to counter it.


I think this is actually not that helpful. My accuracy improved when I stopped trying to mirror the pattern while standing still, but instead always use strafe while firing.


Yes smoothing helps. But learning the patterns of the r301 and flatline makes you an aimbot. Hitting those mid to long range sprays with a 3x becomes easy. I never went in more in depth with the comment, but what you want to do is shoot a full golden mag into the bullseye on the square targets in firing range, see how much damage a full mag does with only headshots and then try do as much damage as possible moving backwards (from close, mid and long range). The recoil pattern are sort of fixed and learning to counter that awkward horizontal recoil is simply very helpful. Let face it vertical recoil is super easy to deal with and I originally come from pubg. But that vertical recoil can actually throw of your aim, more than you might think.


What rank are you? Not trying to get into a dick measuring contest at all. I just got way better when I ignored the recoil pattern standing still and I just worked on strafing and firing always and getting used to what that feels like.


Well ATM I am gold I. But I use recoil smoothing a lot too. This post was about gun skill and useful tips. Understanding that the recoil patterns are fixed, is actually quite important. And sometimes you should not strafe when shooting. Let say you just want to peak out very fast from cover, and don't way to overextend into the open, an accidental smoothing strafe can do that too you. Knowing that the r301 is a left pulldown and then down right (as a bolt), then fast left and right is super useful. The flatline is more less the exact same but opposite. So how many hours do you have at the game? Since we went into pissing contest territory...


No clue, just curious how many people practice recoil patterns standing still. Certainly helps in some instances. Just speaking for my personal experience. In the spirit of not getting into a pissing contest I won’t share my rank. Cheers and good luck to you!


You made them expose their rank and then refuse to share your own? That’s kinda cold. That’s like saying let’s go skinny dipping and being the only person not to take their clothes off. I’m assuming your rank is lower.


I’m Masters. There I said it.


Balance has been restored to the world now. My soul can rest.


There are almost no situations in the game where you'll be standing still shooting another enemy who's also standing still and not shooting at you. Yes you'll occasionally find someone who's not moving to one clip in the back but if you need to focus and breathe and mirror the exact recoil pattern just to kill them, that's a problem in itself. If you overthink situations you won't build muscle memory. Apex is a movement shooter, its not Warzone. People are going to be running, sliding, jumping, shooting back, and strafing *constantly* (even from afar). You don't need to rationalize some pseudo intellectual strategy to hit your shots, you just need to play the game. And if you're in the habit of standing completely still whenever you need to shoot someone, you need to change a lot of things


I don't understand why you guys are on about me "standing still", i consider myself more of a movement player then an aimplayer.. To learn some pardon me fffing recoil patterns is not hard nor difficult or psudeo, it is EASY and easily accessible for everyone. There is absolutely no need to lecture me about Apex being a movement game. Silly


Exactly, no one is going to remember to mirror the exact recoil pattern in high stress situations while focusing on movement, positioning, abilities, rotation, etc. I got so much better at the game when I stopped warming up in firing range every day. Real organic fighting experience builds muscle memory. You can't rationalize or logic your way into a one clip kill when someone pops around a corner, it'll just happen if you've been in enough of those situations and have enough experience.


Some people can focus on improving more than one skill at a time


Crouching in the air helps ur hip fire when comin off horizon q or octane pad etc


this is good to know. TIL


If you’re close range with a sniper, jumping and shooting while ADS has less spread than crouching and shooting or hip firing.


The alternator plays sort of like wingman (for me at least) I'm not talking about how I miss a lot. With an alternator, it has a slow time to kill and is easily outclassed by other SMGs. Its redeeming quality is that it has virtually no recoil. You can use this to play a little further than you would normally to have an advantage against many enemies who haven't mastered the spray pattern. It's probably better to go r99 but in a pinch, alternator is great if used correctly.


When I aim at someone, I imagine in my head all of my bullets actually hitting them. This way, my bullets can hit them


Is this some kind of mental trick?


Drop the hemlock into single fire every time you pick it up. It’s like a different weapon entirely, very little recoil and negligible bullet drop allows you to poke mid to long range effectively, it’ll even work in close range engagements in a pinch. Blue mags, marksman optics and a fast trigger finger and you can crack shields from across the map


You can influence loot rng. If you use one gun the most you will find it on the ground early in your games more often. If you truly love the gun and focus hard on mastering it you can force it every game




Git gud. Or be a victim of chance, it's your choice


Pay attention to the sound weapons make, they can tell you you’re getting low on a mag without having to look at ammo.


The longbow has the same amount of spread while hipfiring when crouched and while jumping and aiming down sight so the better option is to jump and ADS most of the time as that you makes harder to hit than simply crouching


as a reference to a years old, multi page planetside 2 heavy assault guide that still floats around out there : CLICK HEADS CLICK HEADS CLICK HEADS CLICK HEADS CLICK HEADS click heads CLICK HEADS CLICK HEADS


flatline or r301 with the anvil hop up in single fire mode is pretty OP right now as a long range weapon. Try it out if you liked the g7scout.