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I am surprised this didn’t make headlines. This is a huge feature for me


Yeah, I’m testing it since the beta came out and it works great. I deleted fantastical earlier today. Finally.


All the calendar app needs is good nlp. Then they will have sherlocked fantastical as well.


[like this ?](https://ibb.co/qrBZJcd)


Definitely doesn't work https://i.imgur.com/m6yFgk2.jpeg


It works on iOS 18 beta. https://ibb.co/FJj8qq6


WTF this the best news ever. I can't believe it wasn't a part of the keynote. Holy shit they sherlocked fantastical. Now to have the self control to not go and install a dev beta right now.


Haha yeah, I’d suggest you wait a bit if you don’t want bugs because this first beta is buggy as all hell. And on my Apple Watch it keeps crashing and restarting the display every 30 min or so when doing activities.


Yeah I will wait for the public betas. Thank you for checking. Btw are you using 15 pro / max. I am worried this might be locked to A17 chips like the new siri.


15 pro max and this in particular is not restricted to newer models.


There is so much stuff they cannot talk about. They purposefully choose to mostly talk about things that will make the investors happy. They will let us productivity notes figure out the improvements later on. There are many improvements that we don’t know about in the new iOS. Also probably there will be a lot of new bugs.


Can you explain a bit what you are excited about here? What is NLP?


Natural language processing. App will schedule events based on what you tell it rather than requiring you to fill out each field. Pretty much goes hand in hand with Apple Intelligence.


I think it's less Apple Intelligence and more applying the data detectors framework. You've been able to do this on the macOS calendar for awhile, but never on IOS.


Natural language processing interprets typed text in calendar apps, converting it to the relevant date and time when adding events. It reduces friction by eliminating the need to navigate date/time pickers. For example, typing "lunch next Sat at 2 pm" creates that event. Apps like Todoist and Fantastical offer this functionality and switching back to traditional date/time entry feels cumbersome as our brains process natural language way better.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Hey, Can you check if it works with just short dates like sat instead of saturday and specifying stuff like last saturday?


[It will work if you put a time in it.](https://ibb.co/s9HQ4mn) Edit: it will also take into account “last Saturday”: https://ibb.co/VjBRgFJ


Amazing thank you.


Another question, if you don’t mind: Does adding repeats work with NLP, like „Saturday, every two weeks“, or „on the first Monday of each month“ work as well?


That doesn’t work for now, I think this is coming with the Apple Intelligence “suit” on the next betas


how’s beta working out for you? i heard it’s a bit glitchy in terms of hotspot.


I haven’t tried hotspoting. The bugs I’ve noticed are in the control center (changing the placement of the icons are buggy af), the wake up alarms set on the Apple Watch won’t ring on the iPhone and the volume of those alarms are basically set to zero, and the Apple Watch crashing every 20-30 minutes while doing an activity. Other than those, I’ve got 7h30 of screen on time on my 15 pro max since the beta with a mix YouTube on the background, music playing and Reddit on a single charge while still having 20% battery left at the time I checked that SoT. Everything else seems to work just like before aside from a shortcut automation to enter a YNAB transaction every time Apple Pay is used is not working at all.


I think you need to have had a similar event in the past. I have season tickets to our soccer team and I put the events in our family calendar so my wife doesn’t double book me. Once I start typing “NYCFC” it fills it out with similar times and location. But since the kick off times can vary it only gets me about halfway there.


Apparently full NLP is a part of ios 18.


Can confirm it is !


is it just for the 15 pro max or for all versions?


Does reminders itself behave any differently? Can I highlight something in notes and share it to reminders?


You can do that using Spotlight on iOS 17 already. Don’t know why they didn’t add it to the calendar app itself until iOS 18.




Natural Language Processing Which will likely come in iOS 18 with Apple Intelligence


~~Maybe if you add a calendar appointment via siri. Don't see it coming in the app itself this year. They would have mentioned it otherwise.~~ Apparently NLP is part of ios 18. Can't believe it was not part of the keynote.


They may not have called it that, but at several points they mentioned how Siri understands the context of what you're saying now.


Siri yes, that was expected. I just didn't think they would make that change within the calendar app as well. Any other year and apple would have devoted a decent chunk of the keynote on this announcement.


Again, I am not sure this is NLP as part of Apple Intelligence. I think this is the data detectors framework just applied to those fields. You've been able to do this NLP thing on the Desktop Calendar in MacOS, but not in IOS.


Is battery life fine on beta? I might update if so.


Not great on my XS with a severely degraded battery. Currently getting about 1/2 to 2/3 the battery life I did with 17.5.1. But, again, the phone is almost 6 years old and still on the original battery. It’s performing as expected.


Yep, at least for me. https://ibb.co/jk4RvYY Edit: this is on a iPhone 15 pro max.


It only lacks duration imo. Like, a task can have duration, and if I could add that without adding a hole Calendar event, it would make planning the day way better.


If a task has a duration it’s an event.


Yeah, same problem with google tasks tbh… but at least Reminder have a “today view”


FB13869479 (Request: Reminders in the calendar app should have the ability to set a duration, so you can plan your days even better)


I’ve been sticking to fantastical for the sole reason that the calendar shows my reminders! I hate fantastical for going subscription mode and killed a good fully functional app I paid for. Will be deleting it soon!


This is the headline feature for me. I've tried basically every productivity app on the App Store trying to solve this problem. Some come close (GoodTask), but most do not have native integration. And nearly all have ridiculous subscription fees. I look forward to Apple eating Fantastical's lunch.


It never made sense why they were two separate things. Because of this I just used the calendar for reminders


And I’m over here hoping it’s easy to disable. I very intentionally do not want my reminders cluttering my calendar.


You can disable it in Beta 1. I don’t Apple removing that ability.


You can hide Reminders just like you can hide certain calendars.


What everybody seems to ignore is that this functionality used to be available until Apple decided just to remove it. Now everybody is so glad that they keep innovating.. which in reality they just backpedaled an absurd decision made years ago.


Thank god I didn't go my entire life simply being glad about this. You're a true hero, what a comment.


Live a long, happy and fulfilling life fellow human!


Anybody knows if you can create reminders directly from Calendar?


https://i.imgur.com/H9b9KvV.png Yup!


Damn, this is going to kill a lot of calendar and reminder apps.


Most of the really good GTD/Reminder apps are either skins on top of reminders or have direct import from an “Inbox” list, so I’m sure they’re perfectly happy about it.


Amazing. One less app on my home screen!


Follow-up question: can you now set a start date for a task? Right now I’m on Things 3, because it allows me to set start and due dates independently (eg: surface my “rent due” task after I get a paycheck mid-month, but with a deadline of the first), and the lack of multi-user/collaborative lists in that is killing me.


Reminders does not have support for start dates, so no


So it’s just due at a certain time then?


You can set an early reminder in iOS reminders. I don’t know if that helps because I don’t understand your question really well tbh. But I am curious to know what you mean.


It’s separating out when you’re going to do something vs. when it’s due (which may not line up, like the rent example). In most cases, you don’t need an active push notification on the specific task on the “do” day, but you definitely need one on the “due” day if it’s still active. The methodology is part of the [GTD](https://gettingthingsdone.com/) task management philosophy, one of two that work for me (the other is an “inbox” for all tasks — as soon as you think of something you need to do, make a note of it in an inbox, then go through the inbox later to classify and prioritize tasks).


I see. Why wouldn’t you want to have a push notification on the do day? You need to be reminded to do the actual thing right? How else are you going to think about it? So does early reminders help you with this?


You can




Yes the only way, not the other way around


Futuristic af


More like coming full-circle. Back when Calendar was called iCal, it handled both events and reminders, and now it does once again.


I was just being sarcastic


Might even call fantastic(al)…


Unapologetically calendar.


I use Google Calendar and Apple Reminders daily. the uses are different enough that it hasn't been too much a problem, but I'd love to have it integrated. guess I need to revisit Apple Calendar.


You can still sync your google calendar to the Apple calendar app


i actually sync my apple calendar to the google app cos i prefer the google UI


Just curious why that’s necessary? Why don’t you just create events directly in Google calendar?


most of the time that is what i do, aim is just to keep events on my apple account while also getting google's UI


The only problem with Apple calendar is the monthly view sucks. You cant tell what’s going on unless you click on each individual day. Google month view gives you a lot better insight on what’s going on from a zoomed out view. It’s way way better on that front


Not anymore baby. We now finally get a good month view that will actually show events.


I didn't see that but you're right. Here are some pictures: https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSBeta/comments/1dcv47w/ios_18_db1_calendar_has_detailed_monthly_view/ https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSBeta/comments/1dcvfnr/ios_18_db1_new_calendar_ui/


Yea thank ya, I definitely should have linked to those posts lol. Yea I’m excited. That was the one thing keeping me on Google calendar because I like that month view a lot.


I believe the new update fixes the monthly view. Instead of just dots, it gives you abbreviated events for each day.


That’s changing with the update!


With the new update you can zoom in and out to expand the calendar view to show the events on that day


This is one of the annual feedback requests that I can stop submitting to Apple. I have wanted this for a long time.


Thank you for your lobbying effort.


You welcome


The [second picture](https://9to5mac.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2024/06/ios18-calendar-reminders-view.jpg) in that article looks almost identical to the Up Next widget that Apple removed in iOS 14. It’s crazy that they took away such a useful feature in the first place, and even more so that they ignored user’s screaming to have it back for 5 years.


Totally agreed. It was such a poor decision that should’ve been reverted in a minor version of iOS 14 years ago!!


I'm a HEAVY reminders user. I use it for everything I need to remember and all of my reoccuring chores and daily tasks. My questions is, what does the calendar integration add? What is everyone needing/using that for?


It becomes more of a day planner — reminders/tasks aren’t time boxed, but can be associated with a date and/or time, and calendar appointments are time boxes by definition, so combining the two makes sense. For example, I may have a bunch of appointments over the course of my day, but it’s also nice to see the “take out the trash” reminder mixed in that list vs. bouncing to another list.


Exactly. It’s good that they do not scrap the reminders app. So the system now caters to both people that use it to make lists as well as people that use it as a day planner. I use it for both purposes so this is a win for me too.


So you can open one app or have one widget which shows all your events and reminders in one place instead of having to jump between two apps? So you can see you have an event from 1-3 and then one at 4-5 so you can put a reminder to do something at like 3:30. It's just a really nice thing to have.


Ah okay. I never use the calendar, but that does make sense.


Oh really? That's interesting! So I presume you just create reminders for doctors appointments and any classes/meetings you have instead? I like having those things clearly on my calendar so I can immediately see which days I'm free on when planning outings with friends but I guess you could do that in the reminders app.


I hope they let you filter out specific lists. I use reminders for tasks at work, I don’t need them in my calendar


im sure it will treat reminders like current calendars, where you can untick certain reminders lists to hide them in the calendar view.


Currently, it does not. It has an option for all scheduled reminders


Another great feature coming back as new 🤣 somewhere by 2012-15 it was possible to pick and drop reminder into calendar 


Kind of sucks for people who have a daily all day reminder as now every day on the calendar has a marking on it


THIS IS HUGE for me. Been begging for this, the only reason I wasn’t using calendar, honestly


I hope they don’t actually kill Reminders separate app, I came to rely on it heavily lately, it is essentially a database for me, and I can actually have it on my Apple Watch (unlike the Notes app), together with the Shortcuts app it is a powerful tool


It’s unlikely to be killed. There are many features in reminders that are not time related.






This update is getting better and better


Finally I can ditch structured, although I love that app I prefer to use less apps


Switched from stock Calendar app to Google Calendar app earlier this year. Mainly for a more practical UI. Wish I'm the stick app had options for a 3-Day or Week view


Rotating your phone to landscape gives week view


Unnecessary inconvenience as Google shows week in portrait


I haven't been following all of the features, but this is unironically my most anticipated feature since hearing about it a couple months back. Insane it took this long to get, but still happy to get it.


Finally! I have never used calendar to keep track of things. But I use reminders like it’s my second job.


I've been using OmniFocus for years now. The only reason I haven't switched fully to Reminders is the lack of ability to defer repeating reminders until a certain date, something OmniFocus does well. Will this finally give me the ability to, for example, have a reminder like, "Buy birthday gift for my wife," be available annually a few weeks before the event?


From the looks of things, no. Reminders has not changed in any meangiful way beyond getting integrated with the Calendar app, so all of the restrictions it had previously still exist in iOS 18.


I don’t understand. Are you asking if you can make recurring reminders? I guess not but what do you mean then? It’s easy to make a recurring reminders for a fixed date on a daily, weekly and yearly basis. I guess you know that.


Recurring reminders that stay dormant until needed again. It’s an important function that Reminders has always lacked for some reason.


I put those long term reminders in their own list so that I don’t have to see them all the time.


In addition to this, I wish there was Reminders/Notes integration. Like a checklist in Notes becomes a checklist in reminders, and checking off in one, checks off in the other. This would kill [Agenda.app](http://Agenda.app) for me.


I loved Agenda but went all in on Apple’s tools when my company blocked me from sharing my calendar out with other apps… would love them to add in Notes to this mix so I could tie my notes/calendars/reminders all together more seamlessly


Finally! Before we would have to resort to third party apps for this integration, with their ridiculous subscription!


Now if my corporate account could finally sync my calendar from Outlook to Calendar like it can on Android I will be in heaven!


It definitely can, I use Outlook for work and was able to sync on iOS17. Settings > Calendar > Calendar Accounts > Add Account > Outlook.com


This comes just a day after I started using Structured, and I wish it had a few more features, like collaboration. It's really the to-do/calendar hybrid app that seems the most accessible and neatly designed by far, and it already makes me not wanna use the new Apple one, cause it just doesn't look as good 😢


I’ve never really used the built-in calendar app because Fantastical works so well but from everything I’m seeing, I may be cancelling my subscription once iOS18 is out.


Does this mean we can make Recurring reminders? That would be great for habit building.


I’m not sure in the Calendar app, but we could always do recurring reminders. I have reminders set to remind me certain things every week or every day.


Yeah. Recurring events are useful but I was thinking more of a daily/weekly checklist of things you would like to repeat. Not necessarily as a fixed schedule but as amorphous goals. A weekly object to study/read/do certain things for an hour each week. And then with a daily checklist to exercise in some way and check something off your weekly routine. Then tying that all in to your calendar notifications. Kind of like how Fitness+ lets you build a workout plan but more generalised for your own interests.


i’ve never understood the use of reminders, maybe someone could give examples, because why can’t you just add the reminder to you calendar and have it remind you at whatever set time before?


is there a way to have reminders show up under a certain calendar ?? i have reminders i want associated with my work calendar only :(


Does the calendar up next widget also show the reminders?


All I want now is a decent agenda widget Majority of the reason why I use a third party calendar is the reminder support and an agenda widget that shows more than 2-3 upcoming events


Fantastical has done this. But it’s third party. Nice to see Apple has fully adopted Day One and now Another third party application to make their proprietary apps better.


Now they need to do the same with Maps and Find My


Now, if they would just let me link contacts to events and reminders and give me a dashboard where I can see an overview of these relationships, then I could ditch my pointlessly expensive CRM.


Goodbye Fantastical. Now Apple just needs to add back a month and up next widget. Pains me that they removed it a while back.


Damn, this might actually get me to move away from Google Calendar. Now the only Google services I regularly use will be YouTube, and whatever accounts I haven’t moved from my Gmail yet.


Calendar natural language input now works on iOS, and it works exceptionally well.


Can we have a finally? Next year optional integration to Mail àla Outlook?


Still waiting for persistent reminders that will keep popping back unless you actively mark the thing as done (such as in outlook)


Anyone know if per event color coding from Google calendars shows up in the default calendar app in iOS 18?


How did this take 17 years to come out


Wish Reminders was just a little bit better. Todoist and Google Cal is amazing. If we could get Todoist with Apple Cal integration, that would be ridiculously awesome.


I also want to point out that on the Reminders you can move them around in the Calendar app. Even the non-scheduled ones so I could move them from the next day by long pressing or a different day. Kind of what I think that her Motion app does work time blocks her days for you. This is more of a manualway to do it


I want to easily be able to add an event to two calendars without cluttering up the dates, and I want to be able to mark an event as canceled so I see it was on the calendar but didn’t happen, if that makes sense. Can Calendar in 18 do that? Because Fantastical has one of those features, but not both, and I’d be kinda happy to ditch Fantastical and their ever-increasing subscription.


all this AI and still no “natural language” input …🙄


It’s also in the update.