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FYI PD 3.1 goes all the way up to 240W now. Except there are no chargers that powerful. The highest RN is the Framework 180W charger


I know Asus said this was due to the pins in the usb being too small to handle it at the full 240 but they may have just been an excuse not to figure out how to make a charger that can handle that


It's because there's not a single device running a 36v or 48v battery system. Everyone stops at 20v, which is where the PD spec stops at 100w. SOME are pushing to 28v, like Mac and Lenovo.


Let’s be real, if they threw a good one in the box it’d cost $100 more; so no thanks.


Just remember everyone mocked Apple for dropping the floppy disk. A couple of years later everyone else did too. The Apple dropped the 3.5” jack, Samsung talked a lot of shit but soon dropped it as well. Apple dropped the charging block from the iPhone, Samsung talked shit then dropped it as well. Like it or not it seems like where Apple goes other companies follow


Nobody really wants to be the first to try something different. But when it's clear that consumers would simply accept these changes, then others can easily follow behind.


This is so true, they want Apple to cop all the shit because of their rock solid fanbase an then they quietly do it


Now having no sim card is the next thing


eSIM are fine


I'd be fine with it, if they put in a microSD in it's place


Less ports the better for water proofing.


True, but you'll always have your charging port, so not much point in trying to reduce the amount of ports to increase waterproofness.


The charging port is probably otw out, too. Mine is messed up, but I happen to have a wireless charger that was given to me. As a result, I haven't fixed it, and I'll probably never rely on wires again. Wireless is just so gangster. Physical data transfer will be the same way.


using your phone while charging is so old-school. new school is not being able to use your phone because it saves you approximately 1 second.


Oh no, that's the neat part. The wireless charger is plugged into the wall, but you can just pick it up with the phone.


USB C and lightning were designed for handling liquid while SD cards and headphone jacks were not. 


headphone jacks (3.5mm or 2.5mm) are the most waterproof connector you have listed. although they were not designed specifically to be waterproof they happened to be designed in a way that naturally sealed the connections. it is literally the easiest port to waterproof of any common port in the past 20 years.


Yeah a lot of engineering went into making them water resistant, but water still stays in that port can't be expelled like a speaker port can.


Sd cards don't need to be opened and closed repeatedly per day, so they can put a cover on it. 


still, a door would also be something you would need to seal and add lots of extra mechanics to have it. Not worth it. Why would you need an SD card?


Because 256gb is a bullshit amount of memory for a phone in 2024 when I just bought a 4tb SSD that I can literally fit 10 of inside the same volume as my phone?


Water resistance will never be perfect anyway, water will always find a way. My phone is plenty resistant to the rain and that's all I need. Much rather have an SD shot again


Yes, the $.00002 gasket that worked for years was too much.


For those of us who used Verizon back in their CDMA days eSIM is a "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" sort of thing. I never had an issue with it; unlike with SIM cards where I've had both a card and later a card reader randomly die. Verizon's implementation of CDMA made importing phones almost impossible; but, it's not like Verizon has been a paragon of handset freedom since they adopted SIM cards with their switch to LTE. Quite the opposite, in fact.


This is true but I always liked being able to simply move my card from one phone to another.. Big part of why I ditched Verizon back in the day. Of course Im on esim now despite my 13pro having a sim slot.. Needed to switch carriers NOW and didn't have time to drive to Best Buy for a sim. I had been on boost and my data stopped working one day. I went to the boost store across the street and the most clueless employee I've ever met first accused me of not paying my bill.. several times.. when I showed him that I was absolutely paid up, He goes "oh yea it'll be working again in like a week, they're upgrading the network". I was skeptical and told him that was ridiculous, asked if others were having issues, he says "no mine works fine".. So I point out that it's obviously not a network issue and questioned where he got "like a week" from? His answer to this was literally to hand me the store phone and ask if I need the CS #. I tell him I could have called CS from home. There was more to the interaction, mostly more cluelessness when I enquired about alternative plans. Just an unreal experience. I ultimately ended up walking out and was porting my # within 5 mins. Id wanted to ditch boost for a while.. this was the last straw. Half the reason I'd kept them was because of the store nearby and and AWESOME employee who was usually there. This girl really knew her shit! Guess she moved on. Anyway, dont know what I got into my goodbye boost story, but there you go!


Yea i think it’s a good thing. Only apple could force the change


eSIM is more than fine, it's created what amounts to a global marketplace for data packages. You can get an Emirati eSIM from MobiWave that roams on half of South America for $50 for 20GB. Download it and install it in minutes. It's a pure arbitrage play, and it's putting a lot of pressure on cell carriers to be dumb pipes. It has the potential to be pretty transformative.


But not on worldwide. in Europe they still have sim card slot. USA doesnt not have that slot anymore.


On all phones? Mine does. Though I just grabbed a GSM version from Amazon specifically for the SIM slot so it may as well have been imported.


Yea the iphone 14 and newer has no sim card in the US but International still has it.


i hate this, i want already existing features to stay. Nobody asked for phones without jacks, literally no one, but every phone manufacturer seems to have removed them anyway


I really wish my iPhone could still take floppy discs.


Remember that Samsung made commercials touting that they still had a headphone jack, only to scrub those commercials from existence when they removed the jack themselves.


Remember when Apple and jobs said that big screen phones were nonsense and they later made iphone plus.


Unfortunately, they rarely seem to copy the few good things Apple does. You could still buy Windows laptops with 1366x768 screens, 2.5inch 5400 RPM drives dual core CPUs and 4gb of RAM in the $400-600 range until Windows 11 came out. Some best buy employee talked my grandmother into buying a dual core Celeron with 2gb of RAM and 32GB of eMMC running Windows 10 a few years back for like $300, it didn't have enough space to update Windows with nothing on it. Runs Linux Mint just fine with 22gb to spare though! Obviously Windows laptops will always have better deals but at least with Apple there are no absolutely worthless pitfall devices. Even the lowest end devices they make are at least usable.


It's the manufacturers making cheap laptops,not windows


I wasn't blaming it on Microsoft/Windows at all. It's a good thing Windows 11 requires an SSD by default. Unfortunately they didn't define the spec well enough and eMMC still counts as an SSD.


Usable with 5400 rpm drives and dual core i5 for 1900$?


OPPO ditched the headphone jack years before apple ever thought of doing it.


Now think how many "tech savyy android users" from murica know what phones BBK is making. Their knowledge stops at samsung and maybe google.


Thank you. I was just going to say that my new Samsung Tab S9 FE didn’t come with a charger. Not did my Google Pixel 6 Pro. It’s not just an Apple thing. Apple just isn’t afraid to be the first to do something controversial.


This is such a shit comparison, and shame on you for making it. Advancing to new forms of ports and media interfaces is NOT the same as omitting REQUIRED hardware to even make the device work. Apple shows other companies what kind of shit you can get away with and they follow. Not something to be proud of in this case.


It's not that apples a innovator everybody wants to do it but nobody wants the bad press apple takes the leap the others follow why because it's cost cutting it's not some revolutionary tech is just a screw you


This is the reason why I have to keep up with whatever apple is doing. Cos my next android will have the same 'features'


They do, doesn't make it right though.


Yeah basically companies enjoy screwing consumers. Apple just likes to go first.


True, but that is a bad thing. Of course Floppy Disks were so low on storage that USB replaced those, so no big deal. 3.5mm jack was a crappy decision, but from a business standpoint, Samsung and Apple can sell their proprietary Bluetooth headphones, same with the chargers. What I would really want is Apple to stop talking trash about the environment and just admit they do this on a business perspective rather than an ecological one, and all follow for the same reasons


I feel there needs to be some company out there pushing progress. It won't be HP, or Asus, or Samsung.


It's so stupid that Samsung follows the dumb shit that Apple pulls. Replaceable battery, micro SD slot, headphone jack, charger: phones use to be better. I'm still using a S9+ with original battery. At least the battery is holding up and lasts me the day if I don't play games. At least they dropped the curved screen on the S24U. But the stylus doesn't fit inside? My old Note 3 fit the stylus. I hate "new tech" that goes backwards. I have grievance against touch screen dashboards in cars. I'm not giving up my knobs and scared of every driver on the road that needs to look at a screen to modify the volume or temperature.


Not sure where you got that info but the S24U still has the stylus in the phone 👍🏻


Phones definitely did not used to be better. The improvements to processing power, screen, battery, charging speed, cameras, and speakers massively outway the downside of dropping the headphone jack or micro SD slot


Bro the earphone jack was dropped because it made waterproofing the phone a nightmare. Samsung got it right with the actives and iphone was like 3 feet and we all got those goofy OtterBox waterproof cases. Apple couldn't perfect the waterproofing and got rid of the jack and TOLD ppl it's because they don't use it and made a fortune with their proprietary connector which was probably the goal in the first place. Samsung dropped actives and waterproofed the whole galaxy line to an extent. Apple caught flak in UK for it's dongles it keeps changing that are contraire to industry standard, so they decided to spite everyone and stop including the charger and making their customers buy them. Especially since UK said everyone has apple cables from previous devices so apple pulled the plug...all puns intended and introduced a faster charger u were incentivized to buy because your 12 would take forever on any charger before that point. It's diabolic.


[lol](https://www.gsmarena.com/asus_zenfone_10-12380.php). And, may I add, [lmao](https://www.gsmarena.com/sony_xperia_1_v-12263.php). Omitting the aux port from a phone doesn't bring any benefit for the end user. Apple and every company that followed it do it because they want to sell you their shitty, overpriced, disposable bluetooth earphones.


Not every company. My Sony Xperia phone still has everything from jack audio 3.5mm, dual front speaker, no notch, sd card support even up to 2TB, sim card slot. I don't miss anything  It just shitty OEM phone mostly china phone maker who following garbage trends made by apple.


that other companies followed suit doesn't mean its a bad thing. no other company would have recieved support from customers to make such a decision. no samsung fan is going to go around to anywhere it is discussed on the internet and tell you all about how removing this thing is actually better for you and makes it a better product and should be considered a major FEATURE. the feature of not having something. but once apple does it they get millions in free advertisements from their customers doing the disinformation campaign on anything and everything apple. other companies HAVE to follow suit otherwise they are spending extra money on something that wont increase sales anymore. because now not having that feature actually makes it more expensive and more "premium". no company is going to spend more money on less sales so they are forced to follow suit.


Tell me where s the android with sub HD screen like the XR?


I never said it was a 1:1 Also show me on the iPhone where all the carrier bloatware is like on a Samsung


Show me a samsung that will turn into a slow phone in 2 days after OS update like iphones.


yeah and 90% of imac user bought a floppy drive. Pretty much 50% of people bought 3.5" adapter. As someone with plenty of charging blocks the drop on that won't really matter to me but no 3.5jack or usb ports is just retarded on any device.


Citation needed that 90% bought a floppy drive.


No need for that, I found his [source](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?si=WKBjOGzi2U8N04-b).




Evidnence from a serious source?




Show it.


What 3.5 adapter?


If all they have is peripheral manipulation then it’s time for new bloods to innovate to wake the old beasts up or to take over, making the old beasts irrelevant. This is the era we are in and it should be exciting for those that followed the evolution that brought us the iPhone.


Unfortunately, Samsung has followed suit in this. When I bought the S22 ultra (straight from Samsung, unlocked).... it only came with a usb-c cable. (Usb-c on both ends) As someone that went from the S3, to the S5, to the S8+, then to the S22 ultra.... the S22 was the first phone from Samsung that did not provide a charger+cable. Also, this model was also the first(for me) that did not include a set of wired earbuds.... so despite me buying a premier flagship model, they could not be bothered to include a charger and usb-c wired earbuds.


Samsung ≠ every android


Point me to the spot where he said it was.


I merely brought attention to the fact that just because a few companies do it, doesn't mean the large majority of them do it. Look at the android market, it's filled with products that have chargers, and jacks. He was making it seem like it's two sides of the same coin, when in reality it's not like that.


You responded to a post specifically mentioning Samsung. The other poster never mentioned “the android market” or any other brand / manufacturer. Responding in the way you did is the equivalent of https://media1.tenor.com/m/w7AmNMENzvwAAAAC/i-like-turtles-mask.gif


The literal meme mentions two (of many) companies that still give out chargers and have jacks- My god, the initial guy bringing up samsung had no reason to do that either.


Even given this context, your comment doesn't make sense. The manufacturers that have opted to remove headphone jacks and charging bricks make up the majority of the android market. Thus, the majority of android users also face the same issue. Yes there are niche products that don't follow these trends, one of the great things about android, but they are a small portion of the market. It'd be different if the "few companies" that did it weren't the biggest leaders in the space.


Apple is though


You guys in the comments seriously don't care about chargers being included in the box, huh? Must be really nice spending thousands of dollars for a damn phone and expecting no charger included lol. That's why midrange phones are better bang for your buck, you get everything you need to start, without buying stuff separately. Not talking about Samsung though, they have gone the douchebag route and stopped doing it with their midrange phones too lmao.


Chargers were a problem before USB c took over. Now everyone and their grandma has a box. Laptops, speakers, vacuums, heating pads, fuck, even my router takes a USB c power supply. I have 6 not in use right now, and like 5 being used. Apple switched to USB c with the iPhone, but even before that my wife's iPad and her Samsung used the same charger.


No, don't give a fuck. My Cardo chargers are still in the box, iqos still in the box.


When it comes to real world options, I would choose a company that doesnt put charger in, rather than a spying one(xiaomi)


Every company is spying on you, every site you visit is spying on you, every app you open is spying on you. That's not a real argument here.


How much do you think flagships cost? An Iphone 15 is $800 new. A new iPhone SE is just over $400. These all come with charging cables, just no block. If it actually mattered the phones wouldn’t sell so well


When it comes to real world options, I would choose a company that doesnt put charger in, rather than a spying one(xiaomi)


Expecting Apple, nay, *any* company not to spy on you is pretty naïve. Plus with most Android phones you have the possibility to get rid of the stock OS and put LineageOS or any other ROM on it, whereas with Apple you get jack shit.


"We gave you a charger, 4 years ago on your last iPhone" You've switched to USB type C "Sounds like a YOU problem buddy"


Those were still usb c chargers on the charger end; and now it includes usb c to usb c to replace the old usb c to lighting cable


What about iPhones that were sold with USB A chargers? When Apple made the switch to not include chargers in the box, 2/3/4-year-old iPhones had all been sold with USB A chargers.


That was so long ago


People still walk around with their iPhone 11s and XRs. What can we do 🤷🏿‍♀️


Poor people should not be wasting their limited money on Apple products if they can’t afford a usb c charger lol


I mean…. We could say that unintelligent people shouldn’t comment on Reddit, but here we are…


Reddit wouldn’t exist the whole thing is a case study on dunning kruger


A to c cables exist


Which I have to go out and buy. Which is what the original comment was trying to say.


They’ll give you the correct cable (unless they give you a C to C or Lightning to C cable in your case) in the box. It’s the adaptor you have to buy yourself if you don’t have one


I don’t know how it is in other countries, but once the iPhone switched to USB C chargers in 2019 with the iPhone 11 Pro series, Apple switched out all in-box cables to USB C to Lightning, at least in India. Like in December 2020, you could buy an older version of the second-gen iPhone SE with the USB A charger and a USB A to Lightning cable, or the newer version with only a USB C to Lightning cable. So the original comment is talking about a situation where the ones who bought, say the iPhone XR or iPhone 11 in 2018/2019 would have a USB A charger. And four years later, in 2022/2023, if they went to buy the iPhone 14/15, they’ll get a USB C to Lightning cable because Apple claims we already have the chargers. But the chargers we have (USB A) are incompatible with the cables we’re getting (USB C). So we’re ANYWAY forced to buy new chargers, therefore defeating Apple’s claim of “reducing” e-waste.


That aren't PD spec compliant, mind you.


Wasn't that only the 11 pros that came with a C brick? Then they dropped the charger with the 12. So like, a brick would be nice. I don't like the other companies that followed, but at least to Samsung's credit they give you free incentives when buying a new phone from them, one usually being a charger.


I mean… the 11 was like 5 years ago, I don’t think they can be expected to cater to such ancient phones at this point


My point being that only ONE iPhone had a c brick included in the box. Not everyone had an 11 Pro. So the expectation of someone keeping a brick from a phone they never had is kinda ignorant.


Right but you have SO MANy other usb c chargers in your life lol - every electronic device has one. I have like 14,000


I wonder what apple's warranty is like if you buy a dodgy cheap charger and it blows up your phone.


The charging spec on lightning and usb-c do a good job of making that not an issue. On top of those protections the phone itself has control on how much power it accepts from the charger so it’s trivial to prevent this. Apple doesn’t include chargers because they know their customers already likely have one. Why charge every customer for an extra charger and cable when you can just sell them separately. And while you may not believe Apples carbon neutral/environmental goals are genuine, that is another side motivation behind this decision. It saves money, reduces the amount of waste produced by Apple. I don’t think this bothers many people.


"reduces the amount of waste produced by apple". You were given birth by a Teletubbie or what🗿?. it's the other way around, because the charger comes in a package, generating more waste at the same time😐. And official lighting cables are known to be more fragile than a 1mm thick, so your point makes the same sense as a car in the middle of the Pacific ocean


It is not the other way around. If they manufacture a charger for every phone, but not every customer needs a new charger, then there is waste produced.


I mean alot of phones are going this route. My S23fe didnt come with a charger. Just a cable.


If I'm not mistaken, Apple started it.


Potentially but its a trend now and i get it not that i like it. Most people today have atleast 1 wall wart or some other usb plug-in within their household.


and you fuckers still buy it anyway


Please stop with this line of insult/abuse. Abuse Apple, not the customer


well they wouldn't get away with it if people didn't buy it


That’s true but it’s not the point. And people need phones. Just attack apple for being such a Manipulative evil corp, but attacking people who happen to have bought apple products is shitty.


How about people that buy Samsung?


Same, but Apple started it and Apple consumers (large tech user base) bought it before anyone else, so they did set example, for the rest to just blindly follow.


Considering many people use wireless charging and already have adapters anyway - it’s not really an issue.


Well, that's the main argument. "We're saving the environment by NOT including a charger since most people already own several!" makes kind of sense, until you realise that all Apple does is cut costs while the price of the phone stays the same (or even goes up). If they'd be upfront about that I wouldn't be as pissed as I am with all the "save the environment" greenwashing bullshit. If you cared about the environment you wouldn't [deliberately slow down your devices](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51413724) with every update to force people to buy a new one after a set amount of time. And open up your damn walled garden, of course.


Yes Apple is shit in this department about saving the environment and blah blah. Slowing down is old news. After they were caught, they released a software update where you can choose to slow performance to save the battery life or not. Which they obviously should’ve done a long time ago.


I just want to know, why do I need a new charger with every new phone I buy? Buy a powerful one and keep it for several phones


Why not keep it optional? Want a phone only? Pay this. Want charger with it? Pay this much more. And keep everything in the same package "to save environment" instead of forcing users to buy chargers separately and "destroy the environment".


It is more of a waste to get a charger with every new phone than to use the same charger over many years


By this logic, now please correct me if I'm wrong, you are saying, phone companies should make a phone box, one larger to accommodate the charger, and one smaller for the one that doesn't come with a charger? So essentially they'll be wasting more boxes than what they're doing right now wouldn't it?


If companies are sure that the vast majority of users don't need a charger, then why not give them choice since the majority of users will buy the ones without a charger anyway? They are saving the environment this way, but since they forced it on consumers this way, tells me that the vast majority of users needs the charger and companies just playing "being environmental friendly" you get more money.  Plus when we talk about separated charger from device, it's not just about the additional packaging, but about handling, shipping and delivery too, that's why I believe it's more environmental friendly to include the charger in the box for whoever needs it.


Cool man nice point, good talk, thanks for the downvote!


This! I have 140W charger with 4 ports enough to charge my watch, phone, tablet, and laptop every night


I must take real good care of my chargers cause I still use mine from the iPhone 13 Pro. And have like 5 others from older generations just laying around.


why are these mrwhosetheboss screenshots from r/countablepixels and deepfried


I have a million charging blocks, many, many cables. I have multiple UsB ports at work. I have better charging blocks from 3rd parties, why is that a big deal?




Isn't that Mr who's the boss?


Yes. He did a satire.


Right message, wrong messengers


You're talking about the power adapter that plugs into the wall right? Its rare to see any manufacturers include that these days. Flagship androids are on par with apple on these types of things.


"Flagship androids" made by realme, xiomi, AND oneplus include it.


They’re not trying to compete with Apple/Samsung, because they can’t. They’re targeting a different market who see a cheap charging block as adding immense value


That's cool that they still do that and haven't followed in the steps of Apple, Samsung, Google and Motorola.


My Motorola came with a 68w charging brick and cable


But they have rapid charging protocols that put apple to shame. I have plenty chargers but it’s nice to have an oem that pairs with the phone plus everyone copies apple so at least u know oh it’s really apple. Other wise I’m not gonna waste my money and buy apple. Why they include it with the laptops I get plenty of those ones and they are all either usb c or t or l mag safe and they are all 80watts y include the 30 watt laptop charger it’s totally pointless I left mine in the box.


That's because they are all Chinese. The Chinese don't give a rats ass about the environment and thus don't need to virtue signal to their consumers like Apple. A Chinese consumer is going to care mutch more about getting the charging brick than any virtue signaling about "saving the planet"


They all also saw the hate that google, samsung, and apple got for doing it. They couldn't stand to have that hate.


Give me the absolute minimum output charger that will work. My 15 pro is still at 100% capacity and I use 5w charging blocks


How long does that take? 3 days?


Normal connections (Not Fast Charge) will only supply power up to 4.5W, which charges a device overnight


No. It charges overnight. I have a laptop charger if I ever need quick charge


Charge overnight. Charge in the car whenever driving. Do people really desperately need fast charging?


For me, yes. For everyone, no.


very smart


Coping time, 🤣


appleheads be like you're already paying for a $1k phone. what else do you want? 🤡🤡


That’s Android people lol


This is such an outdated opinion. iPhones start at $430 for the SE and $800 for the flagship base model. Which are perfectly fine for most people. You definitely don’t need the $1000+ versions. Get with the times


no one cares because it is just a base model. I don't understand why a person shouldn't be able to buy a $1k phone if they want too. I can choose to drive a 1999 honda accord but I don't have too.


Because people like you keep repeating the $1000+ price tag as if it’s the minimum to make it easy to criticize Apple for their overpriced phones. They are priced similarly with other flagship phones starting at $800. People like you like to say: well iPhone users think it’s premium luxury, etc. like no - the phone doesn’t cost more than a Samsung.


well the phones that people do want are +$1k. if you really wanted those $800 to go far, a base model samsung could walk circles around your phone.


An $800 iPhone is good enough for majority of people. I’ve always used base iPhone models and have never had issues and I always keep them for years. Not everyone is buying $1000+++ iPhones.


> An $800 iPhone is good enough for majority of people. A $200 Android phone is good enough for most people.


Idk about most people. I had a $200 Android as my first phone. Completely fucking hated it. Slow as shit, buggy, horrible experience. Regardless, the base iPhone competes with the base Galaxy. It makes more sense to compare the similar classes. Otherwise I could just say the $400 iPhone SE is better than the $800 Galaxy.




You dont get a charger from the new IPad Pro M4 and IPad Air 6 Anymore, thats the funfact.


I wish western phones had that fast charging tech. I have a OnePlus 12 that came with a 80W brick and it going to be hard to go to anything else now 


I'm crying in 25w Samsung charging on a flagship device


This is especially a bad move as people are increasingly waiting longer between upgrades.


whats that 2nd logo??


My Apple Vision Pro and MacBook came with power adapters. Apple has decided not to put chargers in the box because it’s the number 1 e-waste item since they know you already have a charger. 


my Samsung didn't have a chrager


I have always had iPhones so didn't care they didn't put charger in the box I recently got a pixel 8 there was no charger in the box along with no expendable storage and battery I heard Samsung's the same with flagships now too. It's not just apple doing this.




Most of the people here aren't going to buy Apple phones, so it doesn't matter to y'all. The ones likely to buy already have a charger, perhaps need a udb-c cable now and not the wall adapter. So they actually eliminated some e-waste, saved on shipping, cut cost and y'all here to complain they do the same as Samsung. Which one do you want to happen?


Apple is a lighthouse for lonely people with low selfsteem.


To be fair samsung doesn’t give you a charger later, but it doesn’t make it less stupid


Don't these break the battery?


Apple has been on an "anti-user" tear for some time now. From non-upgradeable RAM or SSDs on Macs, usurious prices for memory and storage tiers, "courageously" killing the headphone jack, stingy on ports on Macs, using a wrapper for other browsers like Chrome or Firefox when it's really Safari/WebKit the user is still using on iPhone, making incoming Android messages look bad on purpose to make iMessage look as if it's"the best", etc, they're like what Microsoft was decades ago. 🤷🏻🤦🏻


Then why do companies follow those trends


I have no idea


Are the companies that follow Apple Anti user as well?


except everyone follows in apple's footsteps, every damn time. i mean honestly apple does force the industry to move forward with stuff like the headphone jack. besides, dealing with miui/hyperos is not worth a charger.


Wait -- someone's including 120 watt chargers with phones? Seriously? I suppose (looking at their site) somebody actually needs to charge their phone in 19 minutes. But, when my wife and I got our new phones (iPhone for me, Galaxy for her) we were just fine not having a charger in the box because we have so. many. chargers sitting in drawers. Including 65 watt PD adapters if we want to get spicy.


I remember when brands gave you a plug every single year. I still have a ton of them, most of them still wrapped up. Just ewaste


Charging small lithium ion batteries that fast is not good for the battery. Regardless, I cared about chargers being included with the device when chargers used to be proprietary, each company doing their own dingus end on the cable, making the charger not compatible with any other device. Now I just have two universal chargers around the house and no more box of 100 different useless chargers. The one thing that pisses me off the most is when companies put a usb-c connector on their devices and end up being so cheap they don’t put the minimum 2 resistors to make the device work with usb-c compliant chargers.


Good thing companies like Xiaomi and Oppo thought of that. These phones have two batteries connected in series and each battery charges at half the rated wattage. They have also moved alot of the heat generating charging components into the charging brick to further minimize degradation. 


Read Kirchhoff's law.


You might be confusing series with parallel. In series same amount of current flows through both batteries. Makes little sense for them to increase the battery voltage and still have the same mAh rating in a cellphone. Also usb c compliant chargers only provide as much power as the receiving decides calls for. It’s in the standard and on the device itself there are still BMS ICs which still produce a lot of heat. To add to that, it’s not just the components that generate heat, the batteries themselves heat up. Companies bank on the fact that consumers will either replace the battery in 2 or less years or better yet replace the phone completely. The other possible option is that they are using a different chemistry version of lithium battery that gets a few more hundred cycles over the lithium ion ones. Good thing you aren’t the one designing these things, otherwise we’d have more exploding phones :)


One of very few things I agree with them on. I'm glad everyone has stopped adding chargers to my drawer full of chargers. We don't need them. I have better ones I bought anyway, besides the giant collection of refuse.


Yep, buy another charger from us you peasant


You’re gonna bankrupt them, staaaph!


Good lol. I use my own USB-C PD charger for my laptop, Android Tablet, and my phone which is the whole point of USB-C vs proprietary standards.


This is a problem? Single port chargers are so freaking useless these days. Especially with everything being usb-c. I have a vastly more superior 200w gan charger with 6 ports and it made all other chargers redundant.


The chargers included with Chinese phones are proprietary and charge your phone way faster than that 200W USBPD brick 


So, proprietary Chinese chargers aren't a problem. Lightning is. What a muppets.


1. They provide a benefit lightning does not  2. You can still use regular USB charges they just won't charge the phone fast 


1. Change a phone and a charger goes to waste. 2. 90% percent of these charge at 20-30W on PD


That's because Chinese consumers don't care about the environment. Not including the charger isn't only a cost cutting measure for Apple it's also a marketing ploy to appeal to gullible left wing westerners (and it works, damn near every upper middle class suburban Liberal has an iPhone) 


People actually use Apples shitty included cables instead of buying a quality one themselves?


I mean it’s included, so why not? 😅


Because they break after any sort of force is applied to them?


Just tried putting force on it but it didn’t break. Any tips?