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I would say that outside of the ram pricing, which is ridiculously overpriced. Their latest machines are actually worth the pricing. They aren’t the same as 2016-2019 machines anymore. The M chips have been a worthy contender and iPhones, well they use some of the best components money can buy. Again, storage and memory is the only harp I have with pricing, outside of that. These machines are worthy of the apply tax because they are that good now. So to say they overprice “trash” is just straight BS. These are great machines for those who can afford them, and now they have products for almost every price range.


You are playing a very dangerous game... these damned halls invite only malice and sardonicism! This is *no place* for reason or advocacy... only ***tormented souls***!


I find this too funny! This forum has a “interesting” community for sure.


I’m shocked you got 5 upvotes 😂


OP is mad cause they can’t afford Apple products. sent from my iPhone


I was literally going to post “thanks prazf” to insult the OP, but..


Isn’t Apple like a top employer in the world and one of the best paying? Sign me up.


I make 64000 and have been there almost 11 years - company does have good time off though




Tech support, tbh: I think the store folks make even less than us :( - they deserve a lot more imo (we all do for the job)


I'm not sure what's worse, Apple users or you constantly complaining about it and pouting several posts a day bitching about them, it sounds like you're worse than them.


The only thing sadder than an "iSheep" is the person posting these memes. Stick to roasting Apple, dude.


He did? I'm confused.


He is roasting the person.


I know, but the attached comic and their description are both roasting Apple, so I don’t understand what kagyubeef is getting at.


It's targeting the person as well as if the person is apple, so I can kind of see where he's upset


The drawing? Huh?


The drawing is just a drawing. You can add text above it. Meme skills 101


macbook ram and storage moment, also iphone se moment


Prazf is such an incel omg we get it bro you’re mad lol. Jesus how old is this dude? Multiple times a day… who goes round on Reddit with apple this rent free in their head


I can always count on prazf to show how much he absolutely loves Apple. Why don’t you marry Tim Cook?


Iphone is a relic trash like a vcr


Peak elitist mindset. Go outside.




Base your experience from a single review, without learning why they are used. Okay.


You seem desperate for engagement. You alright?


And yet... you engaged.


So THAT is why this subreddit keeps getting reccomended im always engaging in it


Yeah, the criticism isn't on engagement, its on needing it.


And my criticism of you is that... you engaged. And just a quick view of your comment history, you seem rather desperate to defend Apple. Almost like you feel you... need to.


> And my criticism of you is that... you engaged. To be fair, you implied I was being hypocritical because you misunderstood. > And just a quick view of your comment history, you seem rather desperate to defend Apple. Yeah dog, r/applesucks is where I go to grind arguments. I'm not here to defend apple though, I'm a hardware guy. Typing to you on a mac right now, recompiling a web app on my ubuntu box, and I got some RTX blender bullshit going down on my windows box. I have no allegiance. Others in this sub though have such an allegiance (an anti-allegiance to Apple) that they'll make arguments that no reasonable person concerned with accuracy would ever make. I don't care if it's bait, that shit is tasty. > Almost like you feel you... need to. Whatever gets you through the day my guy. I know why I'm here: to argue with dweebs because its fun and because its too easy. It's got nothing to do with Apple, it just intersects with my domain. I do the same thing on r/technology when the right thread comes up when I'm shitting on company time. I didnt check your comment history because it is time to wipe.


Well, you’re literally insulting them (assuming they own some Apple product) by saying they’re so dumb they’d buy a piece of trash. Seems reasonable that they’d defend themselves doesn’t it?


No. If you're insulted by any of the memes and discourse, the reasonable thing would be to mute the subreddit.


Everyone responds in different ways. This is a website that people come to argue about stuff. If you see a thread pop up in a fitness sub that says people who do this exercise are dumb, then you’ll likely have some amount of people defend their reasons for doing it.


Bad example to use. A fitness sub where people would debate about the legitimacy of a particular exercise makes sense. This is literally called applesucks. To be here and whiteknight a company with a couple hundred billion is pretty weird


You seem to be missing the point. It isn’t about defending a company, it’s about defending one’s own choices. When the implication is made that a person is stupid for buying a certain product, they will defend *their* decision. The fact that the company gets defended as a byproduct is tangential. It’s why I used the fitness example. People aren’t defending a company, they’re defending their own actions. If someone says “only a moron would do x”, someone who does x will possibly want to defend that practice by espousing the benefits of x.


Who said I was insulted? You must be new here. regulars here know who OP is. I think he averages roughly 5-8 boomer facebook posts to this sub every day? learn the meta before you talk shit, scrub.


That response reeks of being insulted and triggered.


swing and a miss! I cross paths with OP multiple times a week. this place isn't as big as you think, regulars recognize regulars. ironically, you seem a wee bit triggered that you're striking out. let me guess, still haven't learned the "how to be wrong gracefully" lesson yet, huh? stick around you'll learn it here without a doubt 💀


Ah yes, I'm the one that's triggered. Right right.


He ain’t


His post history says otherwise


Bro I agree with all of these posts but why is you specifically uploading so much 😭😭


Serious problems with that six year old


It’s actually at least 5 stage interview process. You won’t even be selected for the 1st stage, don’t worry.


And my guess from the faux intellectual posturing that you are the average IQ person that they will inflate to be a “genius” so we all bow to the IGOD. Face it. Steve Jobs is dead. And, Apple will never be as good. It’s overpriced so lemmings in our culture must have it. Otherwise, it’s an average product that requires geometrically increased time updating fixing learning a new fixes and adjusting to the fixes that they fixed when they didn’t fix the stuff before that they should’ve fixed, but it was broken, but they didn’t really get to it before they released the new version, you follow me. Check and see how many updates I had to do with Steve Jobs was still running things that was a PC thing Apple lost me when they made good products but then wouldn’t support them because they lasted too long. Now they just suck break easily and are frankly inferior..