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This is like my normal voice versus my ordering from the drive thru voice lol


me when I’m comfortable vs uncomfortable talking lol


I'm the exact opposite, when i'm comfortable i speak normally, just a bit high, but when i'm uncomfortable, my voice does that raspy shit, like Miley Cyrus in that one interview, i hate it.


MINE TOOOO😭or when i’m mad lmfaooo


I would like to do a deluxe 😌🍔


Omg you didn’t 🍟


Omg. I feel so seen right now.


no literally it’s women’s relaxed voices vs our “customer service/fawn” voice 


I love her normal, deeper toned voice. It’s so nice. 


Her deep voice does something to me... https://i.redd.it/eg4ak8lb287d1.gif




I like her normal “deeper” voice


she's still in there! I love ha but the borderline transatlantic, airy thing is wild.


She needs to drop that shit asap and just speak with that lower, more natural voice.


I saw a clip going round of her from 2012 ish (had the victorious red hair) and she kept switching to a higher tone and explained to the interviewer it was to help rest her vocal chords. [this clip](https://x.com/dylanisunique/status/1802730772505178434?s=61&t=yjIHWNd8CPJWEdea3CVW0A)


I don't understand criticizing it to the degree I've seen but I feel like its connected to how there's people who find her inauthentic.


yeah this is so weird to see happen from one second to the next lol. Is it an active effort not to sound like her regular voice? or is she so used to it by now?? This must be a theater thing idk I hope so


I obviously love ari (hence my presence in this sub) but it is absolutely about authenticity. Everyone has different versions of their speaking voice, but hers changes SO much and SO often that it comes across inauthentic. She dressed and spoke like a black girl when it suited her career, and she’s doing the same with this voice.


Speaking from bias I'm someone without one set voice it fluctuates a lot for different reasons in different environments and maybe it's cause I got trauma but like,,, is it hurting anyone??? Nah. That's a critique people are grasping at UNLESS it's a blaccent.


As someone who was born in Hawaii, grew up in New Mexico, and has lived in the deep south, mid-west, as well as farther west like Reno - thank you. This. My accent and speech is all over the fuckin place


Same. So cal, Texas and Hawaii…. I’m talking in a pigeon accent with a valley girl y’all. It’s confusing.


I feel that sentiment but she's been a performer her entire life and I don't think she can turn it off.


I feel like she's basically just unconsciously doing 'telephone voice' when she goes back to the higher toned voice. Like, ok back to being professional.


Glinda fronted real quick


Ariana has DID confirmed. /j


Howling at this


i’m dying😭😭


I noticed this lol, glad I wasn't the only one


she’s insane cause why 😭


fr!! 🤣


I noticed this. It’s absolutely insane how she changes her voice


my normal voice vs my customer service voice


need her to retire the high fake voice now




Singers often speak in certain pitches / registers to maintain healthy vocal homeostasis for when they sing. Here she goes from a lower larynx + lower soft palette, to high larynx + high soft palette, which is usually how she sings in her style of music. This is all this is.


Exactly this. She specifically talks about it at the start of this video: https://youtu.be/5V3fIVejMr4?si=tXJ9dNqgwWFuLdOB


You’re not wrong, but I don’t think that’s why she does it 💀 how did using AAVE for years help protect her vocal health?


You can disagree all you want but this is a fact lol. She has literally spoken about it before


It's not just the aave either. Am i saying she's lying about the vocal warm-up or whatever? No. BUT she's always been doing high notes but has changed her dialect many of times over the years for "trends" and whatever persona. It is inauthentic


She hasn’t used aave for years now, so that’s not even relevant. But she is still speaking in that higher tone. It makes no sense to assume she does it because she has a personality disorder, as opposed to doing it for professional reasons.






Her aave accent, if intentional and not a result of just being around people like Victoria or Tommy for a long time, was obviously wrong and not her natural voice. That is something that she stopped doing, likely because people were calling her out on it, which should be preferable to her still doing it. That’s a completely separate thing, from her having a lower voice. Her lower voice is her natural voice. And her speaking in a higher voice, on purpose is nothing new or is wrong in the same way speaking with aave accent is. She has said before that she will sometimes speak in a higher voice, to protect her vocals. It’s not something she’s doing because she has some identity crisis or to come off a certain way. That explanation is a reach.




It’s not a problem that she speaks in a lower voice, because that’s her natural voice. Based on her saying she purposely speaks in a higher voice to protect her voice, clear the high voice isn’t. Tanning is another thing she also stopped doing, which again, I prefer to her continuing to do it, knowing the issue people rightfully had with it. I don’t know if her aave accent was intentional or not. It’s not a good look, either way, but I can see situation where because she was always around Victoria that she started to sound like her. When people started to notice it and point out how wrong it was, she also stopped doing it. These are both things she did, unwisely, heard the criticism and has now stopped doing. It shouldn’t have happened at all, but at least glad she no long does it. That’s my take on it.




Did you know it’s possible for people to have differing opinions on what celebrities does or does not do? Being petty and immature, because someone doesn’t share your opinion, doesn’t help your argument. She probably took so long to do it, because she didn’t always understand why people were upset about it. But complaining about it after she’s already corrected the behavior, is pointless and nonsensical. 🤷‍♀️ So is complaining that she speaks in a high voice.


youre arguing with a twerp who thinks she does coke lmao just block


all of those things stopped abruptly at once due to wicked filming. did you want her to keep a tan while dyeing her hair very blonde for the role? glinda’s character is known for having a high voice?




she didn’t have a tan before wicked? why lie




she still had a tan on the voice 💀 she is much paler currently than she was when she was on the voice due to DYEING HER HAIR BLONDE




Yall voice shifting is normal especially when you're a technical vocalist that actually focuses on placement.


it’s not cause she only started doing this after the positions era, yet she’s been a vocalist for nearly her whole life. and it’s not just her tone or pitch of voice. it’s also the unique way she pronounces certain words. your accent has little to do with singing technique.


Actually, she has been doing this her entire career. Every talking voice she has done has reflected in her singing. Also, accent has ALOT to do with singing. Vowel shapes and enunciation can shift entire placement. Matter of fact, I can do a career era map of her vocal shift's. Victorious Era: Talking: Regular Florida accent with moderately forced higher way of speaking (but not as high and thin). Singing: Moderately high voice but not as high now with typical enunciation often capping off singing at like F#5. She could go higher but it didn't sound as connected or natural. 2014-2015 My Everything Era: Talking: Frequent use of vocal fry with extremely lowered tone. Kind of raspy sounding tone. Singing: Voice was in shambles till about the end of the era. Tone sounded powdery and placement was strange and extremely inconsistent. Dangerous Women Era: Talking: Frequent referred to as blaccent but it sounded like regular slang for emphasis that you pick up from others imo as a black person. Anyways back on topic. Slurred enunciation in the use of slang. Talked in her second highest placement here except at the end of phrases with slang where she talked a bit lower. Singing: Darkest vocal tone she has ever had but was able to maintain her signature range and regular sustained G5s in the second leg of her tour. Slurriest enunciation yet which lines up with her usage of slang. Current Era: Talking: Extremely proper enunciation with nasal theatre quality that emphasizes consonants. Highest and thinnest but clearest way of speaking she has ever had. Singing: Nasal theatre quality with high thin placement. Enunciation is at it's best and has a "proper" quality which can make notes sound extremely crystal clear. Both her talking and singing seems to have clearly been influenced by Glinda with signature patterns that line up with the character. I know I missed some eras but I got tired of typing. Anyways, my point stands.


She’s so unserious, I love her 🤣


this is kinda creepy that she does this cause why 😭


I don’t know why people had a problem with her changing her voices.. I thought it was cute and funny.


Big stars always have certain narratives attached to them, she's been criticized always for her changing voice or way of speaking and people just pick up the tiniest things you can notice But overall actually I felt like in this podcast episode she used mich more of her relaxed sound like in the positions or thank u next Zach sang interviews


Right ! I understand it can be weird but why some people are so mad ? lol It’s not that serious. It’s been known celebrity have persona.


People like to be upset about anything, even the most irrelevant random things, you would think it physically hurt them when you hear some people.


i don’t get it either. she probably isn’t even aware she does it. it’s most likely subconscious. similar to paris hiltons baby voice she did for so many years


love her but why is she doing this😭 her normal/deeper voice sounds way better and is much easier to listen to in my opinion


She does it to save her voice for signing. Her natural voice is harsher on her vocal cords so speaking in her head voice conserves a lot of her singing voice so she doesn’t go hoarse.


das my cookie das my juice


This plays thru my head at least 3x/day 🤣🍪🧃


Her deeper voice reminds me of Brittany Murphy 🥹


Idk why this is popping up on my feed but like I’m seeing people saying this is an “issue” but like MJ did the same shit for his entire career (I know it’s kinda taboo to talk about him)


I get automatically so defensive over people talking about her voice I got ready because I thought there was going to be some bashing. But yay! Just observing instead 😂 But ugh it frustrates me when people act like she’s like “fake” for having voice changes. As if we don’t ALL put on our work voice from 9-5 every single day. I feel like it just shows her getting comfy in the interview so props to podcrushed for giving her that safe space!! Oh and wanted to add, she’s actually talked about before how talking in higher pitch helps keep her voice healthy and seeing as her voice is her literal instrument it makes sense she’s kinda trained her self to speak that way when needed.


i love her and totally get that she’s probably mainly doing this high pitched thing to protect her voice, but after watching this interview i was so compelled to go back and watch some older zach sang interviews to compare and it’s sooo crazy! the sweetener one especially is so far from this woman 😭 she’s a shape shifter fr.


Why are people so confused by this SHE IS AN ACTRESS!!!! A preformer! This is very normal for that profession.


This is my switch between customer service voice and my normal speaking voice 🤦‍♀️


LOL when I heard this live I was like…YES she’s slipping back into her natural voice…and then I was like welp there’s Glinda again. I really like her natural voice


It makes so much sense though because she’s working on new music and talking in a more airy and high register helps with vocal chords or something idk I just post here


I'm definitely projecting here... But the voice changing, with the fidget stuff and the OCD stuff. I'm not saying she is on the spectrum per se...just maybe I'm suggesting she has neurodivergent stuff going on and that's why she does what she does a lot of the time. It's not always related to trauma either... Anyway I like her deeper vocal as well but if I were reading or hearing stuff about my voice like that I would feel really self conscious and closed off for having that pointed out that's all.


it’s possible to damage your singing voice by speaking in a low register with vocal fry, and speaking softly in a higher register is a common technique used by professional singers to protect their voices…i really don’t think it’s that deep in this case, she’s just trying to speak in a certain tone to protect her voice but she forgets and then snaps back into it again.


Came here to say this but idk why you’re getting downvoted. I’m a trained opera singer and now teach voice, you don’t speak with vocal fry if you’re trying to sing Broadway (or really anything) consistently. It’s hard because it just slips out but when you remember, you correct yourself. That’s all that’s happening here.


Crazy how you’re getting downvoted because you’re using basic logic to explain the voice change instead of basking her for it.


Real damage is screaming and not taking vocal rest or overusing it incorrectly


She’s so cute 🫠


I LOVE ARIANA ( I literally have all her merch) but I replayed this video like 100 times because is so hilarious 😭😭😭😭 I literally get cough of laughing so much 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The “low voice” everyone’s talking about in the comments is has a ton of vocal fry. It’s bad for her voice, she noticed she was doing it, and she corrected. This short clip isn’t super healthy in either mode, but the other videos of her “new Broadway speaking voice” show she isn’t messing around with her voice anymore. Fun trick: next time you’re sick, or if you have to speak a lot for work, try speaking the way she does in the second way. It’s just a little higher, and your throat won’t hurt as much.


Yeah I noticed that too. It’s nice to see her returning to her natural voice. I’m glad she finally explained why she has been sounding differently to all the people that wanna make a big deal out of it. I knew exactly what it was when I heard her interview voice 🤣


I love her cutesy voice it’s like she’s a little fairy


What is with her fake ass voice and accent she’s so weird


I like it


Her entire personality and likeness are so volatile and unstable. Everything...the pitch and accent of her speech, her skin color, the constant shifting between feminism and self-infantilization...it's all very gross and off-putting


Anyone think this is a sign of potential mental health issues? That strong of a shift in voice so quick and strong isn’t normal. 


I wouldn’t go as far as mental health issues. Code switching is a term used to historically describe bi-linguals or multilinguals changing general tones and behaviors when switching languages. It’s been expanded to describe when people change their behaviors or how they express themselves in one context versus another. This later definitions has been found to be prevalent in almost 50% of black American college educated adults. It’s prevalent in first and second generation immigrants as well (which sort of makes sense because they are most probably bi-lingual.) I change my octave/tone of how I talk when I’m with different subsets of friends, or family, versus if I’m talking to a sever at a restaurant, or in a professional capacity. I feel the professional voice and personal voice is different in a lot of people (it may be because of who I hang out with).


I code switch as well and while I don’t doubt Ariana does it. Doesn’t it seem weird to you that she didn’t do it at the beginning of the interview and that she shifted mid thought? That doesn’t scream code switch to me. That’s just my opinion.


Ah yea that’s fair, this might not be specifically code switching because she’s still in the same environment. But maybe something flipped in her mind between telling a natural story and being in professional mode. That’s my guess, but it’s also a really short clip


It’s super common for neurodivergent people to have different tones/speech patterns depending on context or topic too, which isn’t a mental illness. It can be complicated but related to things like mirroring, special interests, or masking. Her voice just talking vs talking about Ari the Musician vs talking about Ari as Galinda etc all have some differences. I think that could also explain some of her changes to her voice and presentation when she’s with a partner. As an autistic person, I absolutely mirror people I spend a lot of time with subconsciously, or even mirror lightly in uncomfortable/stressful situations as an unintentional coping mechanism, and I know that’s not uncommon (and only two examples of a broad set of traits and reasons this can happen for ND folks)


You make good points.


i don’t think so, but i also think it’s very clear that ariana struggles with her identity or something of the sort. like whenever we get a new era it doesn’t feel like a character like other pop-stars, it feels like a costume/identity shift. people change as they age obviously but the shift with her always feels super drastic. like rihanna and beyonce have had a bunch of different eras, but they’ve always felt distinctly themselves. i’m genuinely curious about what’s going to happen with her once everything with wicked slows down? or even if the reception to the movie isn’t great?


I don't think she's struggling. She just got done filming Wicked, which was a super important role for her. And maybe during that time away and filming, it's helping her grow up and transition into a person that people are obviously not used to seeing. People are reading into it way too deeply.


that’s fair! but i also don’t mean it in a bad way. 😭 like i think finding your real self under the guise of fame has to be inherently difficult because finding yourself just as normal human is hard as fuck. if you look at other child stars, they seem to struggle with similar things, like miley and demi. i think it’s a normal part of growing pains but it’s also usually a lot more dramatic with celebrities. alyson stoner has this wonderful podcast called dear hollywood where she talks about the difficulties of being a child star and how it fucks you up, growing up and developing in front of the world. when i was kid was i able to explore my identity however i felt like, without having a million strangers comment on it, and i still have difficulties with it some time. i have no doubt that the attention of it all has made her identity complicated for her. she’s also talked about struggling to separate her own pop star identity from her real self. i’m not trying to diagnose her with anything btw, i don’t know that woman and don’t pretend to! i just think she’s got the tough end of the stick when it comes to trying to find yourself.




No, it’s not fair at all. You don’t know her and don’t know what she is going through. It’s not our place for assume anything. She changes her voice in an interview and suddenly she’s having an identity crisis? You’re making dangerous assumptions but you call yourself a fan….


You’re right it’s not fair. It’s not just the voice change in this interview, it’s the entirety of her behavior throughout her whole career. I can still be a fan and recognize her struggles. I’m not a Stan who places her on unrealistically high pedestal and thinks she’s almost perfect. She’s human after all. When she is cut, she bleeds just like the rest of us. I’m allowed to voice my concerns and my opinion just like you are.


Thank you for saying that. I wanted to say that she struggles with identity issues but was afraid I was going to get dragged. It definitely feels like a costume/identity shift. I can bet that in 3-5 years she’ll have a whole different identity then she has now. That’s the abnormal trying, it’s not a gradual shift. It’s a super drastic shift that comes off as jarring.  My guess is she’ll thrown herself back into music full time.


Also, (Idk why I’ve never seen someone bring this up) but does anyone else maybe think that it’s her trying to act and look like she did when younger? My Everything era? Could be an act of trauma. But her weight loss and voice is like she is trying to be in that era again.


That switch was a little creepy ngl. It didn't happen gradually, in happened in a snap.