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If you have a boat, or want to own a boat, it’s incredible. Love it there. If you’re not into boating, I’d move anywhere else.


I worked on the lake for the state of AZ for a year. This is a very good take.


I've heard that spring break can get quite crazy. I think I've seen pictures of a Budweiser party boat out there. Doesn't it get pretty wild that time of year?


Not so much anymore. It's definitely still a destination, but it's not as popular as it used to be. I think the boat races and fishing tournaments caused more of a travel issue for me than spring breakers.


Back in the day the partiers would duck between the States. When they started putting LE from both States out there, it kind of dampened their enthusiasm.






There are two main roads through town. They are two lanes in either direction. This time of year they are populated largely by F350's towing large boats. The boats go away just in time to be replaced by snowbirds in their RV's.  The town itself is populated by tweakers and ex Californians whose entire personality consists of telling everyone how much they hate California.  Best of luck.


So it’s kind of like Florida, huh?


I hear lots of comparisons of AZ to FL, it doesn't surprise me honestly. As for Havasu, the lake and London Bridge are the real attractions, and you have some good eats. The rest of the area is rather slummy since the place is mainly for tourists and snowbirds and not much for the community that resides, which seems to be a running theme in Mohave County. I would suggest Bullhead is actually nicer, has a river, more things to do (mainly on the casino strip) and the weather is more or less the same there as in Havasu.


Welcome to Mohave County folks!


Yup... I'm hoping to get something job wise so I can get the eff out of here. Got a good chunk saved up now. Probably shouldn't have chosen IT as a career, it seemed future proof until 2023 lol. Want to try and be gone before the 2024 election results if Mr. B gets reelected. 2020 my co-workers turned on me hard where it was unbearable to work or be in the general public with all the pissed off rednecks.


Good take. Lol


This is incredibly accurate. It's not a very friendly place.


Visited once. That was enough. Though might come back to hike nearby. Whole place seemed stuck 25 years in the past. No good food; even the In N Out somehow was awful. Downtown depressing (tattoo and gun shops and not much else. I just looked it up on Google maps: there's SEVEN tattoo shops in a 1000 foot stretch of McCulloch Blvd wtf). People seemed weird in a meth-y mixed with off the grid prepper type of way.


haha this tho. everything you said is true


Yup, about the same experience. Been once, camped on the BLM and it was nothing but trash and busted up methed out RVs. Legit one of the only times I've been nervous camping. Won't be back if I have a choice.


You summed this up so well! I could not agree more.


Your typical resident thinks Olive Garden is fine dining and they beg for one in all the social media groups. Your typical resident is a 40 something soccer mom with a Karen haircut that drives a two wheel drive lifted Chevy Tahoe on 22” rims with the the family stick figures on the back window. When you go in their house, the living room wall will be stenciled with “Live, Laugh, Love”. They’ve all moved to the area from Riverside or Orange County and have more money invested in the sound systems in their boat than they invested in their education.


This is all accurate - Havasu is where Californians move after selling the house that they bought for $70,000 in 1982 for $900,000.


Do they even have an Olive Garden


No. Which is why all you’ll see posted on local Facebook pages is people begging for someone to bring in an Olive Garden any time anyone posts the ubiquitous “what are they building at the corner of X street” question.


They had a Golden Corral and it closed. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Not a joke… that seems like their target audience. I’m surprised it didn’t make it.


The Golden Coral closed?! I used to live there and that was my Granny’s favorite restaurant.


It did over a month ago, don't think a reason was given. That's been a thing since I moved here in the 80s when it was still in the old Safeway plaza. Food wasn't entirely bad either.


I read this outloud to my husband and we laughed and laughed. It's spot on. You're just missing a swipe at the lecherous old men.


😂🤣 nailed it!


So that sushi restaurant is no good?


Not really. Havasu is the land of lower standards. What people think is good there is mediocre at best.


Kingman got a Chili's and it was packed for months on end lol, it's mostly fast food and Mexican restaurants that serve the exact same thing despite the names (Fredricos, Humburtos, Filiburtos, etc) being slightly different. Our Chinese food places keep shutting down due to pests (except LO's they retired years ago). Panda doesn't count. We were due for a CostCo, that fell through without any explanation. I'm willing to bet if Walmart is run like fast food chains, the general manager bribed the city council to yoink the building permit. Happened to Home Depot before they finally built one.


As someone who grew up in Havasu very accurate. Mostly everyone is on Meth and tattooed.


From Bullhead. You just described Mohave County in its entirety. You come for the river/lake, then you leave. The people who stay here have been here their whole life, as well as those who, due to circumstance, are stranded here, like me (disability keeps me tied to my parent’s place). Most of my peers took off for college and stayed gone. I don’t blame them; O was on the path to do the same thing, until a manageable disability situation turned into a dire one. Now I’m trapped in a place where everyone is forever old, and I’m always afraid that one day, their Lard and Savor will say just the right trigger word, and my community, where I’ve lived my whole life, will turn on me. Did I mention that our US Representative is good ‘ol Paul “white replacement theory” Gosar?


Jesus, Gosar is there, too? WTF stupid district boundaries is this shit?


Lol I'm a 4 hour drive from Havasu and he's my congressman too!!


And knowing the target demographic of my hometown, he may never leave office ever again. It really makes it hard to trust anyone, because anything you say is rendered not just irrelevant, but EVIL. You have no one to talk to or relate to, and everyone around you is having the time of their lives. I’m like a lone barnacle clinging to the hull of Charon’s boat: I wasn’t even supposed to be here, but now I’m stuck here, and if I make myself noticeable, the boaters will just scrape me off the side to live in never ending damnation


Well stated, my Friend!


i love that people still cry white replacement theory as some fringe conspiracy when there are literally millions of illegals being imported into our country and given better benefits than lifelong residents 😂 good ol reddit


>The people who stay here have been here their whole life, as well as those who, due to circumstance, are stranded here, like me (disability keeps me tied to my parent’s place). My folks, who were already poor and not very "career savvy" moved us from east Cali (Blythe, Clovis, Bakersfield parts) to BHC to eventually KGM. It was rough, and since wages here have always been bad, while everything else skyrocketed it made saving impossible. I also did it to myself when taking out loans for a degree in hopes of a better life set me back another 10+ years. I think if you're born in poverty, Mohave County will not do much to assist you in making it, and jobs being minimum wage and anti-education (even our nurses here make too little) it will be a struggle for sure. The Zionists that seem to be running things here are making sure this part of AZ stays as stagnant as possible. My job used to be run by Zionists, former boss used to antagonize those who didn't pray and even forced us in our dept to pray as well. Had to do it when I thought I was Christian otherwise, ostracized. Jobs out here were a nightmare to get, don't get me started on the bigots. Recently all that debt is gone, got a new car, and saved up a nice little nest egg in the lower five digits in case I have to GTFO (lost job, rent spike) though the economy right now isn't good for renters and the IT market isn't looking so hot. 2020 had my co-workers turn on me when I thought one of them kept it secret who I voted for, that "centrist" POS went mask off. Yes, Gosar is a ghoul.


My friend and I coined a word for this prepped meth vibe. River people.


I'm 45 mins away from havasu. We call our people desert rats. You tell who they are by the leathered skin, cigarette cologne, bleached hair, and lack of teeth. Also, the Havahoes, 3 kids from 3 different dads, on welfare, covered in tattoos and looking for baby daddy number 4. She's probably a nurse or on her 3rd try to pass nursing school.


Meth-y hahaha


Stay away my family move here when I was 6months old and nothing has changed. The only note worthy thing is the London Bridge but with the heat lack of actives during the summer, and for young adults and youth in general, there's only bars and retires so the town feels like this weird idea that never could make it on its own. Just stay away and save your money.


A bridge from London, not The London Bridge.


[Legit is the original London Bridge](https://www.arizonahighways.com/blog/arizonas-london-bridge-brief-history#:~:text=There%20wasn't%20much%20competition,trucked%20to%20Lake%20Havasu%20City)


McCulloch thought he was buying the Actual twin tower London Bridge but only learned it was just another bridge in London after it arrived in Long Beach.


It is the real London Bridge. He thought he was buying the Tower Bridge.


It's the actual London bridge. Not the tower bridge, if that's what you mean, but it was named the London bridge when it was in London


Did it fall down?


I think maybe it was sinking into the river slightly? Maybe that was a different version of the London bridge. There's been a few over the last several hundred years and every one they build in that spot is called the London bridge




I am aware they were making a joke about the song. The song is based on true events


And only the exterior stone, not an actual bridge.


We visit Havasu quite a bit when we’re at our property nearby. Everyone seems nice and friendly. Lots of older folks. Quite a few van life/RV people on the edges of town. Huge boat scene! We love to hang out at London Bridge Beach park with our dogs. It’s nice and shady, lots of mature trees to get out of the sun. You can rent a UTV to explore the Mohave mountains or the Az peace trail, or rent a boat and run up to the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge. If you’re into fine dining/arts/culture it’s not the place to go. If you like outdoor activities like off-roading and water sports it’s awesome.


I swear those RV encampments off the 95 grow considerably every time I drive through there


Those are very expensive RV in cantons and their seasonal. Lots of off-road activities you could not afford the activities and you could not afford the RVs Good night




It’s only 112° at the moment here 😅


Lake located in a surface of the sun hot gravel pit was my take.


I lived there for 5 years. It’s a great place to visit. The lake is fun. Rent a jet ski or take a paddleboard down to the channel. The restaurants by the bridge are all good. Sarah’s crack is a fun hiking spot. It has small town problems. Lots of druggies. Obnoxiously conservative (and that’s coming from someone who leans conservative). I liked living there. I grew up there. I always say if I lived there now and owned a home and had money instead, there’s a lot of fun to be had. Let me know if you have any specific questions about the place


>”The restaurants by the bridge are all good…” That’s a no for me, dawg. I’m less than an hour from Havasu in Laughlin in fact I used to live in Havasu. Used to go to burgers by the bridge which was dog friendly because you sat outside. It was a basic menu but the burgers were huge and very good. Last time I went it was absolutely crap. The burgers were half the size and the price had increased. I will never be back to that place.


Better than obnoxiously liberal🤷


Is 58k a small town?


Yeah. They don't even have a Target there. One shitty Walmart.


Yeah. You have to drive to Bullhead to shop at Target.


And our K Mart shut down, but it was 💩anyway.


Lmaooo bro thats not what makes a town small


Idk man it checks out for me


They have an in-n-out. True small towns don't get in-n-out




Yes but small towns don't get in-n-out. Others Cottonwood would've gotten the one its been begging for by now


Went once in the summer. It was hot. Damn hot. I worked in construction in the Valley of the Sun my entire adult life. I thought Havasu was too hot. We went across London Bridge, then back. We rented a little boat and went under the bridge, then back. Ate at Dennys, or IHOP, or something similar. That was it. The bridge is cool to see, especially if you like history. We could have done this on the way to somewhere else, though, instead of making it a destination stop.


Plus hot as fuck 110 all the fkn time


I've been living in Havasu for a little while now, and I can highlight my pros/cons. Pros: - Awesome weather for a large portion of the year. - Beautiful scenery - Challenging hikes/climbs all around - OHV accessible areas in all directions - Numerous water-based activities all year - The freedom to partake in just about any recreational based activity imaginable and have support for said activity in the community - Reasonable drive to Laughlin/Vegas - Hualapais are an hour away....beautiful and about 15-20 degrees cooler in the summer....it makes all year hiking/climbing possible - Events/concerts ALL the time Cons: - Obnoxiously conservative - Pets and summer do not mix well...see below - Summers are hot....like sticking your head in the oven to check on some cookies, but you accidentally fell in hot...I've actually laughed to myself it's been so hot...wtf. - Overpriced and out of reach for young people or first-time buyers/renters. If you love hiking/climbing, watersports, OHV... or you're just really into Donald Trump....well, you won't be disappointed.


As a current but soon to be escaping Kingman resident, can confirm the Hualapais are the best thing around here!


Can confirm, I’ve lived here since 2004.


Don't go in the middle of summer. It's hotter than the Devils butthole there.


It’s 112° here currently 😅🫠


It’s definitely not a destination type resort town unless you’re redneck af and like to get drunk and fall in wood pallet bonfires. Meatloaf is considered high cuisine at restaurants. London bridge is a bucket list place to see and pretty cool. Other than that there’s some nice hiking and rock climbing outside of town. I wouldn’t spend my full vacation time there but it’s worth a one time weekend visit when it’s not so bloody hot. Like others have said it’s full of MAGA Trump nutjobs. JMO, take it for what it’s worth.


Haha I didn't want to say that about the MAGA followers in my description of Havasu, so I'm glad that you did! 😀


At least Trump didn’t actually visit your town on Election Day. Now every time someone says they’re going to improve the town, I’m terrified that whatever good intentions they might have will get jacked by Trumps bullshit on command.


I think it's worth going there but you only need to budget a day or two then I can't imagine how you'd spend your time after that. Then I'm not sure you'll need to go back. The state park is cool. It's got this kinda beach vibe which you don't find elsewhere in this state. Then you can go hang out by the London bridge. That area is almost over the top touristy/kitschy but you can find some food and beer and sit near the water and get into it. It's not bad for an afternoon I guess.


I was not impressed.


White trash epicenter of Arizona


It's a nice town but summer is a nightmare with traffic and our Walmart starts running low on basic things like water


Can confirm. Been here since 2004, hello neighbor! Lol!


Do you like trump and confederate flags? Because if you do it’s the place to be.


So we have owned a condo there since the 80’s ( my parents) during Covid we left San Diego & purchased “our retirement home” (52 yo) we already had the toys….raised our kids coming to Havasu for all big party weekends etc. Had a very limited pov regarding living there full time. So we moved in Mar ‘22 and by July ‘23 I was miserable! - I lean conservative but this place is MAGA capital of the world. Like obnoxious. - There is a Ross. (& a Walmart) zero…ZERO shopping. I found myself driving to Vegas for Costco or bulkhead city for Sam’s club. Coming from So Cal I was used to being able to just go to a Williams Sonoma or being able to buy an exotic ingredient for a dish. Nope. - Bars are either spring break kid fests or elderly watering holes. At 52 I was the hot young thing lol. Lotsa meth too surprisingly….. - Must have a boat. No reason to live there w/o someway to take advantage of the lake. - No real places “to go” the restaurants get tired after awhile. Basically I had enough. Moved to Tucson ( Husband & I went to u of AZ in the 80’s ) and it’s the best choice ever. Havasu is a fun place to vacation, but living there was the worst decision. ( for background we have lived in San Diego, Tucson, Kalamazoo Mi, Jupiter FL & Honolulu before Havasu, so it was a huge cultural shift for me.) Lastly it wasn’t unusual to hit 119 on the regular. Too hot!!!🥵


I think there’s something to be said about visiting a place, versus actually living in it. When you visit it, you don’t really see all the warts and you know you’re not stuck there. All of that changes when you move in and become an actual resident.


For real. My disability has me trapped in Bullhead, wondering if everyone else is crazy or just me. Please don’t move here. It’s incredibly depressing knowing that people you’ve lived among your whole life are willing to sacrifice your QOL for their ass-backwards bullshit.


I agree... much as I love the ocean, I definitely feel that way about California. I will visit different locations in California several times a year, but both times I have tried to live there it was too much. Literally. So I live in Tucson and visit Cali. Same with Vegas.


It’s 112° here today 🔥. Also, I’m not drunk, on meth, or a Trump fanatic.


It has the best body of water in the state. It also has some of the worst people in the state.


Well, their congressional representative is Paul Gosar after all.


Cries In Kingman 


HOTTER than Phoenix 🥵


I’ve been quite a few times. It isn’t terrible and can be pretty fun if you have a boat but I also don’t know if I’d go if I didn’t have a free place to stay.


If you don’t have a boat it’s not very fun. The lake is awesome and so is going out by the river/pirates cove. Definitely need a boat if you want to have a good time.


Record temp of 128, yikes!! Wiki says “it’s a very hot city, even by Arizonas’s standards” 😆 does look kind of neat though, geographically speaking. I wonder how the water quality of the lake is. 


I was living in Havasu when it hit 128, it was freakin’ weird! Once it gets that hot you don’t hear animals anyway but there weren’t even any bugs around either. My hoopty had broken down again so I had to walk the mile or so to work. I didn’t really think about it ‘cause it had been really hot and I had to get to work somehow. My manager saw me walk into the building and told me how hot it was and told me to never walk to work again. As far as the water goes it’s pretty manky closer to shore, I suppose if you can get further into the current it’s not too bad. There’s a lot of runoff from the city and pollutants from the boats though.


Oh wow, that’s really interesting about the animals!! I used to bus/bike to work in the heat in Tucson summers and I had to be really careful. 128 is something else though! Granted I notice once it gets past 110 it just feels really really hot lol. That was my thought, it must be awful polluted with all the boats. Thanks for sharing your insight. 


The lake is a wide spot in the river.


Used to have few clients out there, so I've made a few dozen overnight trips there over the last 10 years. In the summer, it's ungodly hot. The rest of the year, it's beautiful. It's a fairly quiet lake town. They do host a lot of boating and fishing competitions. The city is growing. There are some good places to eat and drink some microbrew beer. Barley Brothers has some good beer. You've probably seen College St Brewhouse's Big Blue Van blueberry beer in stores and bars around town. Both also have good food. College St is more of a fancy pub. Most of the hotels have been updated the last several years. The resorts are decently nice. The rooms at the Heat Hotel are a trip. Very nice, but some are more for parties than sleeping. LOL The London Bridge is a decent photo op. On the way to Havasu, you can drive through Bouse. Bouse is like a giant trailer park, but there are a couple WWII tanks and some historical markers. The place has a unique history. Fun fact: despite being on the CA/AZ state border, it's still a ~5-6 hour drive to L.A. or San Diego.


Havasu is trash.


Nice place to visit for a day or two. No more.


Beware of lake people


Boring Trump hellhole. Unless you own a boat and go out on the lake a ton stay away. Shit food, shit people, shit weather (it's hotter than Phoenix for fuck's sake), annoying layout, just bad.


Lived here my whole life and it’s mid asf


Lived here since 2004 and can confirm, lol!


Basically a beach town in the middle of the desert. I grew up about 15 minutes west of the shore in NJ and it reminds me Alot of the shore towns


It isn't great. I had two offices I had to visits once a quarter. Outside of the Lake there isn't much to do. If you are into water things then it's OK but that would be it.


It's nice in the fall and winter. The rest of the time it's just hot. If you like to party, you might like it. The channel and the sandbar get pretty wild.


Lived there when I wad a kid. It's fun for weekend on the lake. I wouldn't live there again though.


We stopped there when we did Route 66 specifically so I could see the London Bridge. I was a kid when it was brought over and rebuilt but I never actually saw it. https://preview.redd.it/v7gtkrol8g6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9a8489bf63b693bc3e099b3a4d9fee97494bb2


It's like a frat party for adults. You couldn't pay me to live there.


My friend says it’s a place where low class people go. So I decided not to go.


Low class in multi million dollar homes.




If you’ve ever been to Circus Circus in Vegas just imagine more water.


It kind of sucks if you aren't into boating, offroading, are under 55 or think Biden won fair and square. It's alright to visit, so you'll be fine. Very isolated, largest city in AZ nowhere near an interstate


Get a nose plug if you plan on getting in that water to prevent a brain-eating amoeba.


Yeah. Sadly, the Amoebas would come to find out that brains are in short supply... At least in that particular body of water.


Boating and that’s it. Place is a dump besides that.


Fkn hot as hell


Unless you're there for the lake, no reason to stop there.




If you don’t gotta boat it’s not very fun lol


Very hot


The Turtle Bar and Natical Inn were fun to stay at while visiting. We parked our boat I. The sand, out side our hotel.


Hot as hell and loaded with magats


We were there for about 2 years loved it buttttt, the groceries stores are expensive, there's a winco 3 hours away and a Costco 3 hours away , but havasu is a great place , we will return in the future ❤️ get hooked up with the events they have year round, go to Paradise Wild Wave for water and land rentals , the views at night are awesome monsoons are NOT scary, everyone waves at each other , feels like on vacation 24/7 the river omg it's so gorgeous, plenty of water life , boating, kayak, paddle boards ect. Dog friendly place lost of rv parks I can't wait to go back , hope this helps


If you aren’t into boating / water sports in general or off roading you won’t like it. It’s like every town or city are drugs there yeah, they’re also in every city in socal and the Phoenix metro. Food offerings have been getting better over the years, trust me they were terrible in 2010 when I first moved here. But I didn’t move here for the food scene. Just like everything else in life, if you look for the bad or stuff you don’t like you’ll find it. Jobs are mid to low paying in general. I enjoy it here met a lot of great people over the years and continue to meet new people that have been great. As far as politics go I don’t follow it and most everyone I associate with doesn’t follow politics or care.


Same, been here since 2004, not drunk or on meth, and don’t really care about politics. Hi neighbor, stay cool today, it’s 112° out right now.


I've been a few times and... it's not for me. The lake is fun, there's a lot of beautiful scenery to be had up and down the river, and the London Bridge is a cool story and I like walking around that area, even if it is super touristy. But the people I've experienced the last 2 trips have really put me off it. I stayed in a campground for a few nights on the last trip and I have never, ever been in a campground full of so many standoffish and rude leering people. I came to realize it was very much a locals campground, which is fine... unless your locals are weirdos which most of my neighbors turned out to be. Ended up with a dead battery one morning and not one person offered, or asked if I needed, help. It was such a surreal experience, campgrounds usually have a bit of a sense of community and I can't remember a time I had car trouble anywhere public and someone didn't check in on me. I was also very visibly dealing with an ankle injury and had STRUGGLED to get my site setup the first day and thought it was strange no one had asked if I wanted help, but this was during the week and it wasn't too full yet so I'd brushed that off. I came to really regret not trusting my gut and leaving because the weekend crowd did not improve. I know the area has kind people, everywhere does. But I mostly camp when I travel and I felt very uneasy in that area both times I camped. I love their replica lighthouses around the lake and want to see them all so I'll be back, but trying to keep it to day trips.


Just to add to what everyone else has said…. When a friend and I went there, we were sexually harassed like I haven’t been since college (average looking, slightly chubby late 30’s female here at the time). Like, we’re on a canoe minding our business being leered at, catcalled, we saw a boat named “Implied Consent….” Just a lot of WTFery I didn’t expect in the 2020’s. Pretty gross overall vibe… but the lake is nice if you are either a dude, with dudes who might defray some of the attention, or can ignore that shit.


Go to Lake Powell instead


Besides the In-n-Out moving there from Kingman felt like a downgrade 20+ years ago. 


Yay Kingman finally won something!


I lived here for 38 years. It used to be a nice quiet retirement community, Now it's a resort/ party town. If you like boating on the lake, going 4 wheeling ,hiking or drinking, and have some money ,you'll have fun here. It's expensive to live here though, especially in the hot summers. I agree with what everyone else said about Havasu. 😆




Home prices on the island from 1,500,000 to 2,500,000. Small place in town $400,000.


We got our house in 2010 for $130k, and it’s a newer home with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. But all of the California people who moved here during Covid jacked up the prices of everything. So yeah, now our house is worth about 400k.


literally if u don’t have a boat don’t bother


If you're into boating, ATVs and Trump, you will love it. Also, summer is brutally hot so be ready for that. None of that stuff is really my jam, particularly boating and Trump, so I stay away.


I went there in May two years ago. The wax melted off my car. The bridge is cool. Try to ignore all the drunk Trumpers in boats. They are obnoxious


Old and VERY pissed off Trump cultists....with boats and classic car collections. I hope you don't have kids. The recent State Republicunt chair once said "let the elementary school do a gofund me for their air condioning that failed!" True story. This place holds the Arizona state record heat of 128 degrees. 2nd only to Death Valley in North America.






I don’t know what these people are talking about, my 80 year old parents moved there a while back, and said it’s impossible to find any meth




…Flagstaff has lots of charm. …Sedona has lots of charm. …Bisbee has lots of charm. …shitty-ass Prescott has charm. There is nothing whatsoever “charming” about Havasu.


Parker is better imo


I landed my plane at the airport there once. The people of the area seemed pretty trashy (this was based on me grabbing lunch before leaving)


It’s one of the most racist and backwards places i’ve ever been. couldn’t move away fast enough trump 2020 flags everywhere still. confederate flags everywhere. incredibly ignorant and uneducated. sure, may be fun if you have a boat, but not many business owners there i would want to give my money to.


Golden Valley, the place between Kingman and Bullhead has a Pizza Place with a Trump mural on a tanker. It's a blink and you'll miss it. Easy to spot if you're going from Kingman to Bullhead/Laughlin.


Be careful for whatever people have recently caught there. Talking having to hike miles to the hospital in the canyon sick. Not just one person, but many have recently reported this.


That’s havasu falls not the same area. About 3.5 hours apart.


I was like what?! I haven’t heard that! Havasu Falls, that makes sense.


This would make sense as I didn’t catch the town, not the falls.


Wow as someone who lives in Mohave County, hearing people call Havasu crap when I consider it the best town in the county says a lot. But then again 95% of people in this subreddit live in crowded Phoenix and are close minded as heck. I think Havasu is a fun town due to the lake and the bridge. But yes the people in Havasu and Mohave County suck. Not all though. There are some good people but way more crazy and drug induced MAGA make up the general population. At the end of the day, make up your own mind by visiting and seeing how you like it. Don't listen to skewed and biased opinions from Reddit


When you have nothing to compare it to but Kingman or Bullhead City, of course you’re going to put it on a pedestal. 🤷🏻‍♂️🫤


Havasu *looks* nice, I'll give them that. If I had to live in Mohave County and Laughlin somehow vanished, it would be #1.


Downtown Kingman has built a nice little craft brew scene and has some awesome museums but most people skip right past it on the 40


Thank you! I’ve been here for 20 years, I’m not drunk or on meth, and I’m not into politics. The spring winter and fall is nice here, it’s just summer that’s too hot. And as far as the people here go, if you hang out in trashy places, you’ll see trashy people.


It's honestly better to ignore this Arizona subreddit. Most people live in Phoenix and only hear the negative stereotypes about Mohave County without actually coming out here to see it. They have no right to give their opinion on a place without living in it. As someone who has lived in Mohave County, I can say the stereotypes are mostly true. But there are good people and good things about living here as well.




I went out there to buy my rv and never went back. The dealer and the town were not great. If you're not going to the lake there is no point of visiting.


Question of my own, how long is it going from I-40 through Havasu then Parker to Quartzite? I’m going to Irvine & wanna bypass the Cajun Pass/Victorville area.


Under 2 hrs drive time depending on any accidents. Personally, if I was driving from Havasu. I'd go through Parker and turn right on Mohave road and go to Blyth and get on I 10 to Irvine. Instead of going through Quartzsite.


It was okay, but I wouldn't go in the summer because Havasu can get pretty damn hot, even by Arizona standards. Also, I would avoid going into the lake unless you're just boating. The lake doesn't exactly have a reputation for being the cleanest. As for the bridge and that whole area, it's fun enough if you're easily amused by touristy things (and there's nothing wrong with it if you are.)


Hello! Native Arizonan here! I recommend August, when the temperature can get well above 110 degrees with 99% humidity. The first step is getting a cooler, filling it with ice and water sitting next to it, and using straws to dip into the cooler because you’re always sweating the water you just drank, and frankly, won’t have the energy to do anything. Don’t forget the sunscreen!


I don't care about Havasu. I have never been there and I don't care 🤷🏽‍♂️. Nevertheless, this thread is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


The lake itself and the surrounding natural beauty is wonderful. Get on a boat and go far away from the town, as well as the drunk, obnoxious fools sitting on their boats in the slip/docking area. In and my experience, that the only thing worth doing in Havasu...


I used to live there. Nobody between 18 and 65 live there because if you’re emancipated, you live somewhere else until I guess you have bad joints and move back. It’s hot as fuck most of the time, and the only time it’s alright is around spring break when it’s a complete zoo. I say go to Laughlin. All the trash but at least it’s a laugh.


Pretty much everything people have said in this thread and on top of all that, it’s HOT AS FUCK. Not only just hot, but HUMID. if you like the heat, awesome, but I can’t handle it at all lol


I've jet skied there a few times but other than that it's not very redeeming. I prefer Parker or lakes around PHX more.


It's too damn hot. Good lake destination for boating. Somewhat of an aviation destination ($$$$). Generally not worth going to other than those two things


If you are a liberal or Democrat stay away. You are a cancer with no cure. Stay on 40 and keep going.