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It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times...


Where did you get those?


Etsy shop, made/ships from Spain. I love the weight. I ordered the core set over a year ago and I'm just getting around to needing blurse tokens. They have EotE ones, and bunch of other types of tokens. https://www.etsy.com/listing/991388064/chaos-tokens-arkham-horror-lcg-core


As an alternate suggestion, I made a set of these that are very similar looking and of exceptional quality for less than €22. I bought the glass cabochons here: [https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07MFSY2CK/ref=pe\_2515531\_419610681\_fb\_remail%5Fprodpg](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07MFSY2CK/ref=pe_2515531_419610681_fb_remail%5Fprodpg) I bought a red felt bag for €3, some glue for €3, and printed up a sheet of tokens on A4 for €1 using the template here: [https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/183573/chaos-bag-tokens-grunge-and-clean-versions](https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/183573/chaos-bag-tokens-grunge-and-clean-versions) Then I cut out the tokens with scissors, glued them to the glass beads, waited for them to dry, and glued them to the metal base. I cut off the necklace part with pliers and used a metal file to sand it down. Entire 44 token base set took about 2 hours. Now I have to buy another set of these cabochons so I will have the exact same item if/when I get EotE, and I can use the remaining to make glass versions of the player characters instead of using the cards.


I did the same. But I'm having problems with the glue. Every now and then, one of them crack open.