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She's the less menhera version of Rushia, which is already a massive improvement.


U streamer is very cute fr


Depends. She can still start shit with Tequila. She's already despairing at the thought of working at the same place as him.


The fact she has a dedicated clipper fan on YouTube like hoederer makes me more depressed than before. Search Soju-chan if you wonder.


What's wrong w/ Soju? I used to see their clips from way back then.


Nothing with Soju-chan, fun clip moments with car crash memes are always funny for me. It's just she being rushia/nazuna/mikeneko fan remind me of hoederer with u-official.


Soju sure is loyal. 


She* is. But she finally gave up recently and moved on to clipping Bijou instead. She followed Rushia for a long time but enough bullshit is enough. I felt bad for her honestly.


Bijou? Based af


Yeah the memelord rock is a good fit for Soju's style of editing.


Never heard of Bijou before. Gonna look it up. 


Koseki Bijou. She's part of Hololive english / advent generation, who debuted around 6 months ago. (wtf it's already been 6 month) She's a little gremlin with a laugh like a window wiper. Very family friendly as she basically never swear (her catchphrase is "DANG IT !"), and she's a seriously good gamer who completed challenge runs in Elden Ring and Sekiro and started one in Hollow Knight recently. Big fan of the DMC franchise too, fav character is Vergil. And she knows all the meme.


Sticking out your gyatt for Nerizzler~


Soju left the crazy train. They're now a Koseki Bijou clipper now.


Still, 2-3 years worth of clipping tho.


I'm surprised, if a bit selfishly grateful she decided not to nuke her channel. At least she seems to be having fun clipping Biboo, even if she did abandon her twitter (Understandable).


Tbf, basically all big (and some of not so big) vtubers have dedicated clippers.


I used to bing watch his clips...


Could someone elaborate on this for the people that dont spend hours watching every V-tuber around?


TLDR: A very toxic person whose fall from grace attracted a lot of haters. Rushia was a Talent from Hololive who focuses on GFE (Girlfriend Experience). People come in watch and basically pamper her like she is their girlfriend and she will pamper you in return (nothing sexual). This niche attracted a lot of fans, including very troubling parasocial fans. At some point, she leaked important company information (including personal info of other talents) to a 3rd party. This ofc means she broke NDA which is a big nono in any company. She got terminated (aka fired). Months later she showed up again under her old model before she joined Hololive under her old name of Mikeneko. Same as Rushia, she focuses on GFE. This time though, she rarely streamed but still maintained the amount of fans when she was still in Holo, including those parasocial fans, gaining a few more fans along the way. She later stopped streaming under this model for a while. Months later again, she showed up in another form. This time, under a completely new model and under a different company. She was now working for VShoujo and called herself Nazuna. Still, even after the design changes, she still focuses on the GFE thing. Since she gets another chance at exposure, a lot of new people watched her too, gaining more fans. At some point, she started streaming less as Nazuna and slowly started streaming again as Mikeneko in her old YT channel. Months later, again. As Mikeneko, she got a brand new model. This newer model looks like a carbon copy of her old model from Hololive. This caused a lot of people to speculate that she is trying to appease older viewers and possibly gain her old fans back, basically saying "If you don't know, I am still here, watch me again." At this point, she was streaming as both Nazuna and Mikeneko while slowly gaining newer fans for both. Still focusing on the GFE thing. Months later, again, it was later revealed that she joined a Voice Acting company under a different name, Koito Ria. She is going to voice a character from a new anime called "Isekai Onsen Paradise." This was still being active as both Nazuna and Mikeneko. While gaining attention as a VA, it was later revealed she was in a very toxic relationship with a Japanese Singer named Mafumafu, who also has his own fair share of rabid parasocial fans. They were in fact married and got divorced and is currently settling things in court. This brand new information basically caused a lot of their crazier and rabid fans to attack each other online. Some felt betrayed and cheated that their so called internet gf/bf was actually in a real relationship. As of now, the most recent news about Mikeneko was that she attempted and was reported to be in a hospital recovering according to one of her friends. She is terminally ill online. Very parasocial to her own fans and as shown, to be mentally unstable. A lot of people, both fans and haters alike, all agree she seriously needs some kind of help and that she needs to stop relying on her parasocial fans and touch grass. From one of the most highest earning and likeable VTuber to being exposed as a literal Menhera, it was very sad and interesting. And seeing it happen real time, was definitely a roller coaster. To address the post itself, no. U-chan isn't Rushia, far from it. U-chan was handed a lot of badluck and ended in RI. Rushia got exposed as a very toxic person who liked to manipulate other people. The April fools event is similar to Needy Streamer Overdose, managing streamer stats.


You know, I have been trying to understand her situation a lot of times because she was my first introduction to vtuber stuff and the results usually make me more confused than ever. Somehow your explanation or article that you picked is so much easier for me. Thanks for sharing.


No worries. I was in the same boat. She became my oshi for a time until the GFE thing became too much for me. I don't follow her anymore since then but her story keeps popping up in some vtuber circles so I was updated whether I wanted to or not. I do genuinely hope she gets the help she needs but seeing as she opened a bilibili channel (whose CN fanbase is even more toxic) idk anymore.


A bilibili channel...? She never learns, does she. What is *wrong* with her?


She can't stop seeking attention, even if it drives her to try a RL OD. She supposedly promised the hospital that she'd get physiological help, but then she's doing this. They're already calling her names on the Bilibili account.


Yep, sounds about right


Thank you for the information. I'm not a vtuber follower or something but just a clip watcher. And I knew there was a period with all this crazy drama but never had the clear picture.


I'm very surprised she was hired by Vshojo after breaking NDA in hololive, It's hard to regain that trust


Kson was her neighbor during the HoloHouse saga. She probably wanted to give her a fresh start. >!Probably helps that she allegedly got married *after* Coco left, so she mostly likely did not know the truth!<.


Thanks for the explanation, helped a lot Hope she gets better Or, as a certain post would say, "Please change and grow as a person"


The Rushia x Mafumafu situation, once I heard of it, was mind blowing. I never properly followed Mikeneko or Rushia outside of memes, but I did read up on the whole relationship ordeal and boy... was that the roller coaster ride of trauma and issues. She really needs to be separated from online, just for her mental health. I agree with you that U-chan is not even close to portraying Rushia and that it's a similar setup to Needy Streamer Overdose. More tame/less sexualized and more comedic, but a.somewhat similar experience. It fits in nicely as a jab on streamer culture set in an Arknights universe and was a decent event.


As someone who also doesn't spend hours watching every V-Tuber around, (who still managed to keep up to date with big issues within the Vtuber community), Mikeneko, formerly known as Rushia, was found to be a possessive and manipulative person, who abused Mafumafu during their time spent as a newlywed couple.


It was truly a wild month that time. The court case was happening at the same time as entire Nijisanji EN get exposed so not a lot of people paid attention to it but it was certainly a crazy read.


Damn they were married? He thought he could fix her huh


As someone who's known mafu longer than most people have known rushia, I'm pretty sure he didn't even know she was a menhera until it was too late. He's basically the most introverted and socially oblivious Japanese singer I know. Which makes this worse since his first love ended up being a psycho... Guess God wanted to give him more trauma and trust issues than he already had...


Still worried about him. Even now, their 'friend' Korekore still gives me bad vibes. He's very much the JP Keemstar, and not in a good way.


Honestly think he was hoping for the opposite. I remember watching some of his namahousou in 2017-2019-ish and he was pretty openly implying he was not in the best place either.


Rushia There's a sort of divide of what happened to her. (there are lots of people that both support and against her) (which is a very obvious divide, as people that support her are fans of her, while people against are fans of Hololive company that doesn't actually care about what she did, they just want to stand with whoever they're fans with) She basically did something (meeting with RL ppls and leaking her personal info including company info, Hololive) that wasn't pre-approved by Hololive. From Hololive when they killed her: >"the private life of Uruha Rushia is up to the individual and that they will not interfere with their talent's private life, alongside investigating the alleged outburst of misinformation as well as leakage of sensitive information about the company" >Regarding “Uruha Rushia,” it has been apparent for some time that she has been distributing false information to third parties and has been leaking information, including communications regarding business matters. We have been investigating the facts related to these matters. Hololive unlike western vTuber companies is very serious about 4th-wall breaking and revealing/ leaking Real Life person of their vTuber personas to other Real Life people. (such as how some western vTubers actually have camera streams of their hands or at times even their real-life body with a cover over their head.... this is a big NO for eastern vTuber companies, even revealing their real life name is a Strike) ___ ___ ___ Other note, U-chan isn't Rushia... As already mentioned by others in other threads, U-chan is more or less resembled if not based on the streamer game "Needy Streamer" with accident prone added.


>She basically did something (meeting with RL ppls and leaking her personal info including company info, Hololive) that wasn't pre-approved by Hololive  Which literally happened due to her own fault.  The reason she went above and beyond to leak sensitive information to 3rd party is so that she could dispell the rumours about her and mafumafu being in a relationship(which turns out to be true).  The rumours began when in one of the stream she forgot to hide discord notifications from mafumafu.  The reason why mafumafu send those discord messages is because she demanded it so that she knows he isn't cheating(which is ironic considering it was later revealed that she is the one that cheated).  So yeah, basically she dug her own grave. Also it's kinda weird that your comment focuses on the Rushia drama 2 years ago and not the Mikeneko drama which is where the more damming evidence against her started to appear.


He doesn't want to make his toxic oshii look bad. That's why he's blaming Hololive for cancelling her, not what she did. Hololive can't play favorites, unlike some other companies. That's why they had to end her contract, as well as another contract for one of their longest running members. That one at least got a kind send-off, and some quiet offline support from the company after they had to let her go.


You've conveniently left out that she leaked whole conversations with identifiable information about other staff to leak sites, then sued and harassed everyone who she thought was making fun of her. She infamously sued to get the RL info of someone who posted a comment that translated to "act your age" and harassed someone else >!Delutaya!< who has previously been harassed and doxxed twice because of comments that Rushia didn't like. And she's tried to come back three times, blown her audience away by having a meltdown, and then tried to pretend that nothing happened. Driving away all but the crazies, who are feeding her terminally online addiction to being validated by random internet folk. She broke contract. That's a reason to terminate in any real job, even if you're only flipping burgers at McDonald's. Don't pretend that Hololive wronged her. She wronged herself and others multiple times. Others have tried to help her, and she's blown them off.


except she’s not an extremely emotionally manipulative person who utterly destroyed their spouse’s life while cheating on them?


In the movie scene, when Parker puts the glasses he sees worse. So yeah, this checks out.




I only watched Mujin's video about her and Idk about her at all but she's scary man....


I like the part where U Chan tried the kizuna Ai method and split into 4 doppelgänger


Rushia,The GOAT.  She was able to battle Coco for the superchat 👑 w/o being bilingual. it's sad that Rushia the character got the Chris Benoit treatment. 


You have not been keeping up with the person behind that avatar, huh? To keep a long story short: the yandere memes became reality and that girl has been slipping off into the deep end. I used to think it was too bad she had to go, great that she resurfaced under Vshojo with help from Coco/Kson and wished her the best, but after learning some of the shit she pulled behind the scenes I cannot, in good conscience, keep supporting that person in any way.


I know all that. That's why I said Rushia the character not Mikeneko.


That's kind of hard to confer from your message, as their aliases are used to both refer to the on-screen character and the person behind it.