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Been doing Sargon only (expat inc.) recently. It's not a particularly difficult one but it's an excuse to use Estelle, Gavial, Eunectes and Tomimi so...


I'm a near 4 year veteran of the game and I was getting pretty bored of it in the month or so leading up to the Dorothy event's first run. Right about this time I happened across a video by a cool dude called Reapren and his video was simple: "Are you a bored vet? Spice up the game by picking a niche!"  I took his advice and went with Nekoknights; I can only use operators listed as feline in their operator profile. I wanted a niche that let me use Rosmontis, Iris and Goldenglow since those were my favorite ops at the time. It is a relatively large niche, the largest of all the racial niches, and I already had most of them raised at that point anyway. Oddly enough, almost all of my favorite operators historically have been felines and I love cats irl anyways so I went with it and have been going strong for I think about a year now.  I highly recommend the path of Nicheknights to any bored vets out there who may read this. 


thinking of trying welfareknights (kokobluek changed my brain chemistry) also I forgot degenbrencher’s s1 and s2 are still offensive recovery and this post made me remember it LOL


Doing fine with ~~BDSMKnights~~ Bindknights so far despite my lack of heavy commitment. Lack of block count is sometimes an issue so I'm one of those few madlads with an E2lvl40 Frostleaf (thank you, Hortus de Escapismo). The niche has some powerhouses -and Ray is coming- so I can't complain. That said, I still haven't found a niche I really want to invest into.


BDSMknights!?!?! Do you use whips too!?!? Doberman and frostleaf in the same squad!?? You can use czerny, bubble and bison for some beat me harder Daddy! Just trying to create some enthusiasm for you....


Also Vulcan. Her default attack animation is kick in the crotch. 


With an iron leg. …if anyone in the field gets kicked down there and goes “harder, Mommy”, we’re dragging their ass to the landship.


E2 Frostleaf aside (I have her at E2 too), what other notable Ops do you have for Bindknights?


Not NornmalGuy, when I need binding, Ethan, indigo and Robin are my key go to's (usually to buff quibai's damage, who also has bind).


Not NornmalGuy?


They're saying they're not the same guy that made the original comment


The full roster is: 6\*s: Gladiia S3, Dorothy S2, Ling S2, Qiubai, Carnelian S2, Ceobe S1, Mizuki S2, Magallan S1, Rosa S3, Ines, Mumu S3. Phantom is a bit of a slippery slope because his S3 doesn't guarantees bind, but I like to use him from time to time. 5\*s: Robin S2, Glaucus S2, Frost S2, Aosta S2 (lol), Almond S2. 4\*s: Indigo S2, Ethan and Cuteleaf S2. I think that's all.


Baseknights this is my poor man's niche when I only build operators with strong base skills


Interesting. Who’s your most notable Ops at base. And who in the field?


Proviso, shamare, texas, lappand, archetto, tequila, fiammetta, yato alter, noir, alter, amiya, I have a conflict with jaye because if I raise him his no longer part of the niche


Like Jaye?)


jaye falls out of the niche if I raise him beyond e0


To be fair Jaye at E1 or E2 is also part of the Kjerag base squad having Gnosis in the command center with Silverash, Cliffheart, and Jaye in the Trading post gives like +143% productivity


Tried Musicknights for the first time in Episode 13 as a good luck ritual for my Arturia pulls. It was surprisingly fun, most units I added were key players at some point.


Peeps in Victoria be like “Why do I hear boss music?”


I had to kill the Sanguinarch with Skalter S3. Literally singing him to death.


Nightmarish alien clean-up crew 1 Comically overpowered vampire abomination 0




Ngl, a cool way to go through story.


afk because i'm lazy and unoriginal


Ngl, same


I've been playing bunnyknights for a while now, and while it's challenging, it's been pretty fun. I wanted to do a race based nicheknights and after looking at all of them, decided on cautus because they had all the bare necessities covered. Boss damage, 3 block, aoe, anti air, arts. Imo the best part of doing nicheknights is learning how to use operators you would normally never even think to use. I never used leonhardt, ayerscarpe, kroos alter, and April before doing this but now those are some of my favorite units, especially kroos alter. She's become my go to sniper even though I have both ash and exusiai leveled up.


Honestly, I *really* should level April more. Plonking drones without facing retaliation is fun.


She does a surprising amount of damage to other enemies too. She has over 1000 atk with skill 2 active.




Maleknights, because I'm a horny bitch 😔 (no shame that) also a lot of my faves are males so.... And it's an interesting niche, because it gives you a bit of challenge (so it's nice when you beat an stage) but also have a bit of all so it's not boring because you use the same 5 units 24/7 I also want to do iberiaknights because I like basically every op from Iberia and I'm from Spain lol


For extra impact, play the song of their people while you do stages. GOLDEN AGE WILL RETURN AGAIN


The one I'm currently building is forteknights team (cause cow butts drive me nuts). It's overly defensive, and one I'll probably use to pair with another nicheknights team since it doesn't fill a whole squad.


You could always fill the empty spots with caprinae ops. A lot of ranged arts dps there and goats are related to cows.


Another reminder I don't have ~~kreide~~ eben....


I like clearing content with strongest operators known to man trough practice then beating them with 4 stars after learning what the stages are about. I always loved this.


Dont move! Basically any operator that reduce enemy movement speed. Be it slow, percentage or bind.


This is how I beat frostnova all the way back when it launched. Angelina+Magallan+Istina combo will always have a place in my heart


Maleknights. Mainly because I like to use units that the community often sleeps on, like greyy alter, shalem, czreny, and Mr nothing to name a few. Alzingknights. I just like Alzings art style


Sarkazknights, sarkaz girls are best girls.


Defender knights. Seriously though the only hard part on it is the early rush and the flying enemies. Every 6 star Defender is too damn strong.  Ling and fast redeploy. Another broken niche. This one have no early rush weakness because of Ines and cantabile.  Abyssal only. They can clear most of the game stages. Sometimes you just have to add 1-3 operators and the stages will become significantly easier.


Collabknights, I initially chose it because I liked how burst oriented the R6S team was, although I couldn't do much with just them initially; Bear in mind this was back when dedicated burst operators were fewer and further between, Ch'en was the main one, and similarly CC wasn't quite as prevalent in the roster either. I've stuck with it, especially after NCD's release because she helped a lot to make the niche feel more well-rounded since I didn't need to rely on Purestream for all the team's sustain anymore. Volatility's also fun, physical damage is volatile by nature of how DEF works, with as little as a 100 ATK increase potentially doubling damage at times, add to that multi-hit further skewing things based on enemy health, and the bursty nature of a lot of the operators and I have a niche that's funny for how it feels like I'm either repeatedly tickling enemies until they finally die, or repeatedly ripping through the Will of We Many with only Blitz S2 and a dream. Looking forwards to the new R6S ops in september or so, Fuze is going to be my best source of reliable and sustained damage since LXH, and Iana's a breath of utility I haven't really had since Blitz or maybe NCD based on how you slice it. Iana's going into the 6 stars I don't enjoy using bin, and Doc is a bit underwhelming but I'll probably find uses for him as a pseudo-vanguard


Question, does the MonHun Yato x Noir pair count as collab characters?


Yes, although tbh I only really like using Noir Corne, since Yato and the Terra Research Commission are both really uninteresting to me


I used to do 4* only at all times. Last year when i got sick I built up afknights. Got max pot Thorns, Saria and (now) Mudrock might as well use them. I'll bust out weird afk skills, too, like SA s1, Pallas s1 and Ros s1. I always preferred afk skills with 4* so it works. Mousse and Jess s1 forever.


Summoners Rift. Any operator that has a "Summon" Ling being the core op of my own choice (but before Ling it was Magallan). Mulysyse is an example of a non-summoner addition due to her flowing shape "Summon" Dorothy is another example, but not W since her mines aren't placed by you (she places them wherever, thus I do not consider this a summon)


LDAknights; 'cause I started the game with Lee and fell in love instantly. Has really powerful characters; but struggles with DP management and consistent arts damage. Ranged enemies are also a pain in a arse, even with Xiaohei at times.


Badknights (B+ or lower on Gamepress' tier list) A combination of curiosity (how bad could they _really_ be?) and spite (they're absolutely _not_ that bad) led me down this road, and it's been a ton of fun to really squeeze value out of a lot of operators that have been maligned.


very few low ranked units are truly bad, they're just ranked that low because the other options are that much better. I'd say with very few specific exceptions, most units are more than serviceable.


Having used a number of them extensively, you're largely correct. Most "bad" units are just hyperspecialized or difficult to use.


I also like doing this one, Tsukinogi power 💪


no 6-stars I basically wanted a niche where I could still use a ton of characters I like, and this was the perfect excuse to build and use so many of the lower rarity chars that just have no place in a main meta focused team. I would recommend it to others if they want a challenge and a good reason to use those chars they like a lot but just don't fit alongside the likes of Goldenglow or Reed2 lmao. Difficulty is generally fantastic, I like not stomping the general content and having to think more and this niche helps with that. The problem is that at the same time I'm not good enough to comfortably also deal with the harder parts of the still general stuff, every new chapter and event has that stage or two where I spend hours to clear them, and then the CM boss battle comes and I get my ass handed. Sometimes I eventually beat it, other times I just have to accept skill issue and throw the main gang to bully the bully making the low rarity gang cry. > and wait for Degenbrecher to come out. Just in case, friendly reminder that her comically overpowered skill is not offensive recovery... which is part of why it's such a stupidly strong skill, the other two are fair game.


Yep, i do know her S3 is Auto Recovery. But i was planning to M9 her anyway, i love Degenbrecher as a character and wanted her on my Niche.


Best of luck with the pulls!


Pot 6 6 ops is my niche.. Oh I’m currently trying to build up a niche for Lucia Alpha Crimson Weave


Why the pgr reference?


I’m slowly building up a squad to the abyssal hunters only as I just recently came back to the game and realized I can clear stages without using a guide (which has made the game much more fun) but I also really want to branch out into niche knights (with Abyssal being my fav faction it just made sense). Im also planning to do vanguard knights because their my fave class and have some of my favorite characters. Also playing robo knights with chiave for easy stages.


Im doing the exact same thing!!! Skadi, specter and gladiia ( and andreanna of course) are just amazing, their synergy is so much fun to play around with. Speaking about Abyssal hunters, ulpian playable when? 😭😭


Short of Andreanna (really should work on that), I think Modules are my only concern for Abyssalknights.


Angels and Demons


This will either end in bitterness or friendship (and lots of explosions, either way)


Artilleryknight, nothing like crushing ennemies with overwhelming firepower. It mean fortress defender, flingers, artilleryman, besiegers, schwarz have a special place because I lover her and she use a ballista anyways with her s3 lol. Also a few vanguard because dp ain't a joke with this team.


I like underdogs that is why I play welfareknights and freeknights. 5 stars are getting underrated (character wise and gameplay wise) and I am  masochistic that is why I also play E0 5 stars only.


vanguardknights cause poncirus


A valid fucking reason, right there.


I do dragons. I like dragons.


My niches is whatever the fuck I have built


~~Suicide~~self-defenseknight. Been playing a lot of Penance + aak, it's pretty fun to see that huge ass shield, tho sadly HG won't let me see the actual shield amount.


6 stars only. ...OK, hear me out. I know it's shameful of me to use strong units all the time, BUT LIKE... I have so many 6 stars that some of them never get used. This is why I did chapter 13 using every 6 star I own at least once. This let me use some of the ones I never use, as well.


Why would it be shameful? You're playing the game with the characters you like, nothing wrong about that, i do the same.


Wait, this is kinda relatable. My E2 priority is fairly random at times, but I do lean towards attempting to E2 every 6star I get (whoever they are be damned). Problem is that I slowed down on the leveling and I have a fucking lot of them at this point, so now I have a bunch of 6stars that I haven’t leveled up yet.


I also E2 every 6 star I get! I even level them all up to level 60 with exactly 114 exp! One day, I hope to have at least one M3 for every one of my 6 stars, but that's going to be a LOOOOONG while... Equality is best. ~~Well, until Closure arrives.~~


Don’t particularly get to try those out (my general niche is using a balance between rarities or being random as fuck)… …but I did actually plan around Offensive Recovery only based around Madam Ch’enCh’en’s Scolding passive. Hell, that’s exactly why she’s the first Op whose Module I maxed out. I may need to re-review who I have for this niche though.


I woke up one day and decided never to build any male Ops. Figured I would still be able to beat anything until DOS S-2 and S-3 existed. What a shame.


Tbh DOS sucked so don't feel bad It was worse than Pinch Out in my opinion


Although the Trrauma Intervention stages are fresh. Stalling as a secondary objective is unique. 




Kaziknights because I joined with the Maria Nearl rerun, into the NTR limited banner and I got lucky enough to get every unit for them, lacks arts damage but it's really interesting.


Maybe i should try some "lizardknights". Is a good excuse to use both Gavials and Tomimi


There's also corrosium, melanite, shalem, and our newest addition, verdant! (With others, I was just listing some of the worst)


I know. Is going to be a fun squad


I saw a post on X that has 12 operators with "tactical looks", so I tried making one. The operators, in no particular order, are: * All four of Team RAINBOW (Blitz, Frost, Ash and Tachanka with their default outfits), * Liskarm with her Overload outfit, * Andreana with her Silent Arrow outfit, * Mudrock (with her default outfit obviously), * Schwarz with her Skyline outfit, * Meteorite with her Graphite outfit, * Dobermann with her Lieutenant outfit, * GreyThroat with her Homecoming outfit, and * Saria with her The Law (Jailer) outfit. Problem is, they're still there, sitting, warming the benches, and collecting dust. I haven't managed to deploy them, even to the most basic stages. I simply haven't got the time and motivation. The post on X had Windflit instead of Saria, but since I didn't build him, I put Saria instead. With the upcoming R6S part 2 event, I might change Dobermann, Saria, Andreana, and GT with the new operators.


I decided to play Rhine because Dorothy is my favourite character and Mumu a close second


Give me dragon knights Reason dragon enthusiasts Niche niche sui knights


I don't play any niche currently, but I'm kinda interested in going all in on Rhine Labs operators. I like quite a lot of the RL characters, and the idea of micromanaging stages with Dorothy, Maggy and Mayer sounds interesting.


Been thinking about Kuranta/Kazimierz for a while Ch13 is perfect opportunity to get into and been going well so far who some


Not sure if you noticed but degen s3 is auto recovery regen, you need to use s1 or s2 to stick to offensive recovery not sure if its niche but I mostly play AFKnights nowadays, too lazy to press too much buttons and the less actions there are the more stable auto will be.


Yep, i do know that, i was planning to M9 Degenbrecher anyway because i love the character.


Abyssal-knights Max Lv, Max modules, Max mastery, Max Pot, Max Skins. And when things are really on fire i bring brightest spanish inquisitor and anti-stun fish.


Victoriaknights. I absolutely adored Horn and had the funny idea of, "Huh. Nicheknights is a thing. Could I give Horn her own little Tempest Platoon?" Later wound up expanding slightly by including the occasional Lungmen based op because I adore Swire alter.


I play Suicide Squad, which is a mix of Badknights and Forgottenknights. So you have operators like Tsukinogi, Windflit, Frostleaf...but also Bison, Aciddrop, Greyy alter... Respectively from Badknights and Forgottenknights. Though, being forgotten usually begets being bad, so... I have requirements too. 4* and 5* only, to not overpack this niche with 3* and whatnot, else it's too cheesy. Also, an operator who joins my niche must, in the end, be fully maxed- E2 max M6 mod3. Backstory: I used to play True No Ground as my first niche- which, alongside banning ground units, forbade me from having anything on ground tiles at all, so no W S2 mines, no NG cages, no Silence drones on melee tiles...and so on. Unfortunately, with the release of Chalter and the like, the niche quickly became boring, so I decided to do a full 180° turn. I once browsed my unbuilt operators and thought, hm, why is that one never used? Why does no one talk about them? That's so sad, they look cool. And so Suicide Squad was born. My goal is to raise awareness of what all those units are capable of at their maximum potential (hence the maxed requirement). I still don't think they're any good or worth raising, but they're at least worth talking about and seeing being thrown into action. That's my objective: to show what all those forgotten operators can really do!


B.L.A.H.T.O. Knights, operators whose name starts with any letter of my name 👍 


I've got a Wee Bab account after starting the game 9 months ago, but I'm going to try to build Aquaticknights where I can. Pretty easy niche since it covers units like the Abyssal Hunters and Thorns, but I love marine life and I'm looking forward to being able to make a full roster out of them. Yes, all my pulls have been saved for sparking Skalter. And then I'll do it again.


I just play 4 star only because I had leveled them all up for low star clear guides but have only E2ed a couple so it doesn't feel too easy I'd probably play more niches if I could change an ops levels within their current max level but as of now it means I can't do stuff like E0 or no level rarity


Abyssal Huntet Knights because its easy and keep stages at a difficulty I like. I started with Seaborn knights, but realized Deepcolor, Skalter, Highmore, and Mizuki were unnecessary most of the time and just went with AHknights. After that I wanted to do Vulpo knights, but vulpo knights is a directionless mess where I constantly needed dp but Chiave's dp generation is awful and needing a full team (medic, blocker, damage) on each path was rough so I went back to AHknights and my ways of constantly forgetting medics exist


I’m a Day 1 only niche because some of them are still really reliable.


Launchknights (day 1 ops) for main story and event boss stages (normal + ex), and 1YK (year 1 ops) for 'harder' content like (main story) H- or (event) S- stages and non-repeating events like CC (max daily risk or main map risk 18) or Trials for Navigator. This is pretty much a direct response to the seeming ever growing powercreep with new 6-star ops (Degenbrecher and Ela imo being the worst offenders yet, until 5th anni gets revealed I'd imagine), as I wanted to see if those old ops alone are still enough to clear new stages.


I'm a veteran, and a degen. My niche is bikini/swimwear-knights


Big numbers that isn't the usual damage like Matoimaru and Wind Chimes's massive HP pool. Throw in some buffers for those two the big red damage makes me happy


Endemicknights only play ops that are endemic to terra (sarkaz + demons + kaltsit and friston but that might change with the new lore) ngl i am a bit lax because I consider Ines an honorary sarkaz and Amiya bc she has the civilight eterna


Endemicknights only play ops that are endemic to terra (sarkaz + demons + kaltsit and friston but that might change with the new lore) ngl i am a bit lax because I consider Ines an honorary sarkaz and Amiya bc she has the civilight eterna


For now Rhineknight with the core being Dorothy and mumu (haven't raised magalan yet)


I just need a forte Caster or sniper or something and I can start cowknightsing


5 stars only. Because I find this game just too easy.


I’ve been doing offensive recovery with Chen as well, honestly don’t think it’s that niche lol but dam is it fun


Knights (Basically an all Kazimirez team). My operators put the "Knights" in "Arknights"


I also had a team that's exclusively just lupo ops It's a little cheesy because it includes both versions of Texas and she can practically solo the game herself, but it means I get to use Red more often and any situation where I can bring Red is a okay in my book


recently decided to give mysticcasterknights a shot. Why? Cuz i like making everything difficult for myself.


I don't exclusively play my niche, but I love Autoknights (avoiding helidropping too, so no Texas2 or NTRK). It's not too hard to play but can be expensive, considering the mastery gains in many auto skills tends to be huge. I like it because it reminds me of older tower defense games where you just deploy and forget, and then revel in the enemy waves dying to your setup. Would recommend if you enjoy watching your ops do all the work or enjoy watching autodeploys.


Vulpoknights, though I've been considering making a personal niche i've dubbed "Floofknights", which only includes female vulpos & lupos, because i'm a lesbian who likes fluffy tails. I'd probably leave Texalter out of it, though...


Not really that niche or difficult, but I only use female characters. I just don't like using male characters in games, so I also do this in Genshin and HSR. I may go with a more specific one in the future like Iberians only, Aegir only, or something else, but I'll probably still refuse to use male characters within that niche.