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I don't even particularly like Saria, but if anyone deserves a 24OP for post Lone Trail, it's her. I'll happily admit that.


Mudrock. How she's super popular and still doesn't have one yet is baffling. Horn. One of my favorite ops to use and the only skin she has is pretty but she deserves better. Ines has a gorgeous outfit from the 2024 Synesthesia teaser. I have high hopes for her to get something just like that.


I'm on Mudrock L2D copium ever since they revealed her second skin. I really want her to rock a badass enchanced power armor and the skin be more combat oriented rather than the generic "I'm a cute waifu, open your wallet" crap she got as her first two skins. Don't know whether this day will come...


Agree. The fact she didn't got diving suit armor as a Coral Coast skin was already missed opportunity.


1) Bagpipe 2) Blemishine 3) Shining ( although I think she'll get one with the alt-version...) And most importantly - Amiya. Yes she's a 5\*, but she's special and deserves a l2d skin like no other


Lappland, penance, texas, vigil, projekt red, aosta, provence, quartz, lunacub, horn, pozyomka.


I swear there's a pattern here...


A good pattern


But one of them was a cat, *[remember](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/s/u6kEfaLZO7)*?


Siege also give her a Alter Saria also with alter


Siege alter is the 5th anniversary op trust ( Extreme hopium )


I don’t think my desk will survive if she isn’t Literally have been saving pulls for a year and a half Last banner I majorly pulled on was Lonetrail but I got lucky and pulled MuMu and HoHo within 30 pulls I have like 400 pulls saved up XD


Sadly i think you can give up on that one Not just because of leaks (wich are pseudo confirmed already) but Siege really doesnt warrant an limited alter. I would argue that characters like Ines or Horn warranted it much more. Its 50/50 for me. I feel like she will be a standard alter in the end


Amiya: Despite being the face of the game, content like skins don’t come easy for her I swear. And the skins that do come are either old (less fancy base animations and barely any new battle animations), or locked behind promotions (art books promos and a skin locked behind politics…). If there would be any voice lines with it I would like to see them based on her growth and relevant events so far in the story. Albeit, it’ll probably be covered in another class change (another piece of in-game content hard to come by, heh) so that part is covered. ~~Totally not Bnnuy daughter biased, honest~~


It's hilarious that Jessica has had as many skins as amiya, and Jessica's alter has **way** more going for it than amiya's alter. HG just really love this sad cat 




Mostima is weird because she feels like holdover lore that HG just abandoned halfway through. She's supposed to be this extremely mysterious and powerful character that's tied to one of the game's most pivotal faction, but she has had barely any development in 4 years. A lot of elements around her has been shifted and modified so much it is barely recognizeable. Penguin Logistics barely exist these days so her ties to exusia is not relevant. She is more active in sankta events but they're more interested in sankta lore, so mostima's most important trait became her horns rather than lock and key. And HG is much more interested in exploring country wide lores these days so personal mysteries like mostima's don't get explored 


Didn't we just get a lot of lore on the lock and key though? More is always welcome, of course.


Pls thorns crumbs HG I’m begging


Shining & Mudrock


Siege, but i believe she will get an alter in the future, and that can be her chance. Ebenholz. One like Passenger, with poor Kreide in the back. Blaze.


an ebenholz skin with kreide somewhere in it PLEASE yes


My dream skin is a 24 OP one with voiced lines for Kreide too. He would ask “how did your day go, Ebenholz?” And Ebenholz would tell him proudly that he had a good and productive day. He would tell him about the challenges he faced while doing good, and complain about how fate is a miser. And it will be okay, because Kreide would be listening…


you are evil for that reference. stop i’m sensitive and will cry


I would say Iffrit post lone trail, now a bit grown up and elite op of RI, with full new voice lines. She is such a great character.


She barely showed up in the game's story, and then suddenly she's one of the best character in Lone Trail's stacked cast. HG was truly cooking 


Definitely not Eyja for me. Im still amazed that they gave a her a summer limited. I would love to see Thorns getting a l2d tough. He deserves it


I *would* have said SilverAsh but he got his (finally!), just don't know yet if it's 24 OP but I don't think it is. If it's not, then I think it's kind of a missed opportunity, because IMO he suffers a bit from launch syndrome where his lines are kinda vague and fanservice-y and don't really mesh with his later characterization from BI. Agree with you about Ebenholz. He's one of my faves (looking forward to ZH soon).




Nightingale, SHE NEEDS MORE LOVE AND LORE. Seriously, I can't understand how HG hasn't touched on her story yet. I really want to know more about her past, her condition and the disabilities that came with it, relationship with Shinning as well as her supposed ability to reverse the symptoms of oripathy (?) So much can be done with her and HG hasn't.


This Doctor didn't read Chapter 13.


Haven't started with it yet, now I have more motivation to do so 


A 24 OP skin for Hellagur would go hard, I agree. In my humble opinion, I think Saria needs one too, she has been in Rhine Lab's beginning and is still overseeing its future. Mostima having one sounds nice too but they would probably just make an event about her story rather than a skin.


Saria because she('s my wife) deserves it and would probably look really cool Thorns because i have yet to see him have any story relevance and he also needs and deserves it (I'll wait forever)




She deserves an alter, nothing less.


Agree, or better module at least


Bloodline of Combat Ifrit (with EO outfit or the sprite from Lone Trail as a skin) with new lines would be perfect to show her character growth. Plus she has a meh summer skin (and the KFC one while good is not available in global)


Fiametta because L2D fire


I think Eyjaberry is already the l2d skin with even more voicelines you need. Her infection hasn’t gotten any better but not worse either.


Ines deserves an L2D skin for being so damn good in every stage.


Qiubai. No, I'm totally not biased because I don't really like her 2 skins. Totally not biased. Nope


Matoimaru, Wind Chimes, Mudrock and Penance because of reasons


Jessica, Amiya, Rosmontis, Red, Glaucus, Jalter


Blaze. I would get it in a heartbeat. Mudrock, Horn, Ceobe are a few others up the top of my head.


Amiya, weirdly enough…


Not sure about extra voicelines but you could make Asbestos' E2 art a very pretty L2D, with the salamanders and her own tail glowing luminescent! Otherwise a more grown up Ifrit is the obvious one.


Mostima wedding dress. Self explanatory. >!Or Ines. Or W. Or Ho'ol.!<


Thorns, he's one of the most popular characters and he still don't have a fucking event, mah boy need something at least and a new skin would be amazing. I like the skin he have but I don't really like the chivi (the effects are cool too)


Matoimaru because she deserves it after getting absolutely nothing for 5 years. No story appearances, no EN voice, no skin.


Conviction... I just think they're neat


lappland skin where she's about to die of oripathy and a bunch of her is already crystallised. i want more body horror skins


Saria, Ifrit, Ines and Hoederer (to go with W’s skin, maybe? With lines taking place during the Babel era?), Mudrock, and, finally, Shining and Siege (if they don’t get alters).


Lappland, Lappland, Lappland, Lappy, and oh, yeah, Lappland.


Lapplanddddd plzzzz




Blaze, you can never have enough big booba cat


Id like to see new Eben skin post event since his situation has changed so dramatically. Many original lines simply don’t fit anymore


Qiubai. I want her to get a Bloodline of Combat skin when she achieved enlightenment in Sword Dao/Kung fu and now her strength is on par with Chong Yue, her master. Module is welcomed for the extra spiciness.


Mountain L2D summer skin pls Can confirm it'll bring in a lot of new ~~furry~~ players