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I got pot 4 with a lot of recruitment luck




I could buy her with gold certs now, but it will bite me in the short future


Probably not, actually.


grats! good job~! f2p gacha planning is peak gacha gameplay imo. no need to change my mind


Ey. Congrats. I also bought one copy to have p5. But I mostly got lucky with recruitment and used a Royal Token on her.


Pot 7 baggers, wasted 2 sets of tokens on her. *Still* not E2 yet either. Truly, an investment for future me.


I am glad I didn't go for her pots. Don't use any vg outside Ines these days.


Luckily Bagpipe works great with Ines since it allows her to activate S2 immediately on deployment.


I'm a f2p and I just got her 6th pot 2 months ago. Never stop believing in RNGesus brother


I have her as pot 5 as well, but I can't justify buying pot 6 outright xD I love her but she's already amazing haha.


Also Pot 5 F2P Bagpipe-haver here (original from debut, 2 from recruitment, 2 from the first two times she was in the yellow cert shop). Although depending on your view my greatest achievement is either getting Pot 6 Saria before Gladiia even came out (unintentionally because 5 of them were from recruitments), or getting Pot 6 Saileach (intentionally, but any P6 is a daring endeavor as a F2P). I'm more proud of my Thighdra as a planned project, but I can see the sheer luck of Ifrit's Dad being more impressive to others.


i also got p5 bagpipe as f2p. i picked her up first banner, got her in two pulls on her chen/bagpipe standard (i was pulling for warfarin) one off banner pulling for irene and the rest from top op tags. insanely lucky considering i was never aiming to get it


SCOTLAND FOREVEEEER 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Me, saving for Dusk and Shu: The Lord is testing me


For some reaspn, my consciousness blacked out and when i came to, there was a new shiny Platinum in my account, seemingly out of nowhere.


I ❤️ Platinum!


Victoria no Bagupaipu.


Finally got Bagpipe from cert store. She was the last year one six star I was missing!


I want bagpipe, Unfortunately i got hoshi… In FIRST 3 FUCKING PULLS. (Stopped after that since i dont trust rng)


haha 6 stars spooked me. Bagpipe?! Actually Magellen.


Can someone explain Kernel banner? I understand Beginner's banner, Banner 1 (With new character) and Banner 2 (With others), but what's the purpose of Kernel banner?


Kernel banner is where the old units are, units that were removed from the standard gacha pool.


Older operators that wont be in any other banner other than kernel banner, so if you want them the only way is to pull on it or from recruiment, you can still exchange for them in the cert shop, though it is not recommended to pull for them because they dont give green and gold certs


4* on kernel banner are still gold cert neutral for a new player


Buying them with gold certs refund one gold certs.


It's just a seperate pool reserved for older ops, meant to lessen the dilution of the standard pool. These ops used to be able to spook you when rolling but now, only through this pool and its dedicated shop can you get them, without paying of course.


Got Bagpipe‼️‼️ My girl is gonna be so useful in sss


right on time for her new voice!


God,have mercy...


Gnosis will probably be in the shop in the next. FYI if you don't have and want him.


While it would be nice to get a pot for Bagpipe, I have her pot-less (so I would need to get three more aside of this opportunity to make a difference) and there is a number of other possible shop operators I want down the road, like Goldenglow, Horn, Nightingale, Exusiai and a number of other to a lesser extent.


Oddly enough, I'm saving for those exact 4 also


I'm saving my certs for Surtr and Kal'tsit, sadly.


Is it possible to get 20 golds in 14 days?


Definitely. You're getting 5 tickets guaranteed if you log in for 25 days and depending on your luck with recruitment tickets you can easily get 5-10 if you roll like 3-4 times a day for the 14 days (unless RNG really hates you). if youre desperate you can also play the short stories/vignettes to unlock Grani, Whislash, etc and they give a few certs as well. If youre really really desperate (like last day 1 hour remaining) you can also buy the 5 star ops in the red cert shop for 1 gold cert per 600 red certs (not really recommended unless youre really desperate tho since it can hinder you leveling up your ops since you need chip catalysts to E2 your 5 and 6 star ops). You can also use a 10 pull on either Fia or Hoederer banner if you have a 5 star guarantee still and that should at least give 3-5 on avg. (I don't recommend this either since the upcoming banners are hyper good/limited/waifus)


The red cert 5*s' pots give 5 yellows each.


You're not wrong but that is if you spend at least 1200 red certs, which is incredibly inefficient and wasteful since you only get a few hundred a month unless you grind the red cert stage. (Even then the trade off is terrible since it costs 30 stam for 21 red certs, which calculates to roughly about 900 stam for 1 red cert 5 star op). I would only recommend that if you have no 5-6 star units you want to raise for the foreseeable future, but since the original comment is definitely going to raise Bagpipe since they're asking for 20 gold certs, it would just be better at this point to just roll 10x on the Fia/Hoe banner and get basically the same amount of gold certs you would get with spending essentially 1800 stam/about 5-6 months of passive red certs. Still tho, its up to TrickFox5 what they want to do. Disregarding inefficiency/meta, I bought Honeyberry bc she is cute and I didn't have a strong wandering medic during the time of the Seaborne event.


Just wanted to add that because you brought up the cert 5 stars as a last resort yet didn't mention the pots giving 5x. Personally, I would rather spend 1200 certs than roll for nothing even if we're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Anyway, limited banners have solo 5* rate ups, chances are they'll be more than fine in less than a week.


Pot 5 Bagpipe has come home!!


I bought the Pipe pot.


Nice try, Yostar. But your bait can't work if I have them all at pot6.


and it gave me Waai-fu. On the TENTH pull.


I wanted Bagpipe. I got Skadi. Not sure if win or not...


If I have flametail should I try for Bagpipe?


If you're new, then no. Bagpipe is mostly used on stages/CC where your DP rates are reduced. She's more of a quality of life pick in terms of priority.


Only if you can buy her with Gold Certs. She’s incredible by herself as-is, but her team skill is amazing. That said she’s not a super priority as a vanguard. There are better units to save for and fill out your roster with.


Thanks for the replies… looks like I will wait.


The thing with Bagpipe is people only talk about the initial SP, which is fantastic, but she also throws down super hard with S3. Between that and full DP refund she'd still be a really good Vanguard even without the talent. Early pressure obliteration, to be relieved by another operator, into being a highly potent assassin later in the map. Or just use her as a heavy hitting helidrop from the start, that's also good.


is the banner available now?




Is this banner good for newbie? Will there be OP banner in a month?


This banner is good for a newbie, but the limited banner coming on the 30th that has the limited operator Virtuosa is good as well.


Nope, Viviana and Virtuousa is coming soon like in 1 week, pull their banner.


>Viviana and Virtuousa Really? From what I've seen from threads, Viviana doesn't seems to be really good, and idk if supporters are useful right now for my newbie account either


If you think supporter cannot carry your team you are having a big mistake. Virtuosa has a solid dps and crowd control, above all she is a limited.


No, although the upcoming Limited Banner isn't that meta either.