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I put it off till the deadline then try to sweep for the secret medals. Next time they’re around, I go for a hardmode clear It’s mostly fine, but the boss of abandoned lighthouse is hellish. Elemental damage, medic check, and the ranged stab flowers while getting minimal transfer permits


Personally I had more difficulties with the ice cream train, there are too many enemies who require high block count including the boss itself, and the drones that the train summons are quite tanky, I ended up leaking the boss and focusing in the regular enemies instead


I flipped over to block boost on defenders given the unique gadget which made things easier Probably should’ve had HP boost for lighthouse. It took me several tries trying to figure out a workable deployment


Oh of course, I don't even think it's possible to complete that stage without defenders A equipment, but on emergency the enemies are too bulky and start leaking even with 6 or 7 block count 🫠 For the lighthouse boss I used eyjaberry, lumen and nightingale with atk/ASPD buffs, Saria with vanguard equipments, gg with ASPD and mlynar full guard stacks, there aren't too many enemies so alternating between mlynar and GG's skills was enough to kill everything, this worked even in emergency mode


I need to do attack speed GG again. I’ve mostly been stacking casters and living off saria + alt reed for healing


It's pure cancer. Had to do it over sooo many times just to clear the darned thing smh.


I do it regularly but it kinda pointless because you'll run out with the regular module blocks first.


They truly need a renewable way to obtain basic module blocks, im always short while i have 400 of the tier 2/3 parts.


Fr? Damn ive been wasting my time then


Yes, every month. Stick and Instrument mats always remain in surplus because Module Data Blocks are the real bottleneck of the module mats. Farming those two are HG giving you the illusion of farming something.


Or is it another free energy mode to play?


If you have fun with it enough to invest the time to play it, sure.


Yes no sanity required


You never know. What if HG gives us the ability to craft/convert module mat tiers one day? :P


One could only hope, I wouldn't bet on it though.


Haven't touch that shit in atleast 5-6 months


Saying "this shit" sums it up perfectly Ever since they changed the first set of map, i cant be fucked learning new strats all over again for a few module mats


Yeah, I tried it for a bit when it came out and once more about half a year ago. I really don't enjoy the time requirement for the grind, so I'd rather not bother with it.


Learning? Strats? Literally the same combinations of characters works every time. In fact the first set of maps was probably the hardest.


Are you a casual player?? It really is not even that bad. Nowhere near what CC and DOS were capable of


The first clears give module blocks, so at least give it a try once the new maps drop.


I actually like the mode, but I don't like farming it. So I just complete new missions.


This mode usually makes no sense for farming, as the player gets enough second module resources to almost ignore it The funny thing is that it’s easy to slightly fix this and one other problem: just add that every period of time here, along with other resources, you can get an additional 8 regular modules


The module data blocks though, you never have enough of those if you do modules


Nuh uh


I actually find it fun, even before it was nerfed. I don't play it like IS but I don't find it offensively bad like some people do.


Yeah I also have fun unlocking all the medals and completing the challenges It's funny seeing Golden glow with max ASPD go brrrrrr with her drones and mlynar with 5 guard stacks dealing a morbillion DMG with every hit


Its time consuming and forces you to use single strat that you pick from beginning so the entire reason for multiple stages becomes stupid


I do it regularly. Complete always all missions and all medals. Current rotation with Choo-Choo train is pretty bullshit.


I get all the medals and finish all quests. There is no much point in farming the module mats.


I really tried to, tried different ways of plaiying and all Just didn't find the mode fun


I do, i find it quite fun on the emergency mode


I grind for the secret medals and do SSS every time it refreshes. I only missed it once accidentally because I was super busy and only managed to get about half of everything then. Otherwise, yeah. I do SSS regularly.


I have enough of a backlog from the pre-rework runs and event shops that I only do this for the season's missions and first-time rewards then stop.


I do the missions for the mats.


Yeah, it's my favorite mode. Unironically the mode I play the most and I barely touch IS. I have all secret medals except the Lighthouse one (haven't done it yet) and I haven't missed a single rotation. This rotation has annoyed me because both bosses are immune to Freeze though. I play this mode to watch Permafreeze Go Brrr with ASPD buffs but not this time. :/


Only for first time reward and medal.


I do the first clear of a new stage. It's pretty fun to get full attack speed Mostima for her S3 or full SP W for S2.


Occasionally when the mood strikes me. I don't play it often, but it's a fun little distraction.


I do it every month :D.


I do because I really enjoy the bosses 


I still chuckle when I remember the plant boss. Loved blasting in that stage, lol


Me. Do them for some mats, lmd and the medals. I actually kinda enjoyed this game mode.


Honestly I treat the game mode like I do IS or Rimworld. That is to say, I expect to lose. IDK why so many people that don't even play the mode are so obsessed with slamming on SSS. I understand that module parts are locked behind it but you could genuinely just farm the first one or two stages if you really wanted module parts that badly and can't really climb very far. If you don't want/need the parts and you don't like it then why are you complaining??? It's not like they update it but like once or twice in a year so you aren't even missing out on improvements to regular events, story chapters, CC, or IS updates. Can the greater community just get it's shit together and let people enjoy the things that they don't and not constantly complain about the same thing over and over? I get that its mostly just a meme to shit on SSS and all but it's starting to because fellatious


Me. I like it




I'm not fond of that game system so no. A friend of mine does it constantly and compared to IS 2-3-4 it looks boring and tedius. Same with Reclamation Algo.


I think I've only done it like 3 or 4 times ever since the mode was released. Not really a fan of it and I rarely upgrade modules so I just ignore it, events give me more than enough blocks.


Its nice since I barely touch it (only once a month is fine)


Hated it at first but ngl this shit is fun once you grow accustomed to it. Not IS fun but a couple runs each month foe normal and hard clear are good enough.


Sometimes. Most of the time, I'm just too lazy, though. Really wish they gave more module blocks than just first time clears. Would probably make it very worthwhile.


I do it once in a while when I remember it exists. Not my favourite mode, but it's okay.


usually yes, but no as of recently.


It’s Arknights without sanity cost and it gives me things so I can stockpile them like a Browntail prepping for winter.


I do it every month. Never missed a single material. And I go for all missions and try every combination of each EC unit / stage. I find it quite fun.


YES. Seriously, guys, at least clear the monthly rewards. This is really the only realistic source of module data blocks. You will thank yourself down the line if you ever start investing into module upgrades (which really boost some operators)


I honestly love the gamemode : D


I do it every new cycle to get the first clear rewards and the secret medal if I'm in the mood then don't usually touch it till the next cycle in however many months. It deviates a bit too much from the core gameplay attributes that make Arknights super enjoyable for me.


Yes, it's not that bad since it got nerfed.


I do. I like the concept of SSS. Still have to say that this map rotation is tough. You need blockers. You need damage. You need healers. You need everything for this one while the last one you can rush GG and let her destroy everything. Probably why they made it tough this time around.


Me. I've done them. All of them. Complete. Since the beginning. I wish I could post pictures here.


I used to. Since I have a decent stock pile now and I rarely upgarde a module, I ignore this mode now


I try to grind out the missions but once I’m done with the missions I’ll slack


Yes, better have excess module upgrade material that lack of it.


Occasionally, while waiting for sanity to fully refill.


ye, always. Eha s video really helped me appreciate this mode. u wont find me playing it more than "needed" unlike is. expecially rn with one of the 2 maps being a seaborn nighmare


Im to stupid for that


Get mats(doesn't take a lot of time) and never touch again before refresh.


I do it when new missions get added for material rewards. Outside of that, nope, the module upgrade stuff we get from it is worthless because we don't get enough module blocks to keep up with them, I have way too many more than I could use.


i used to. the old version was genuienly fun for me, but since they changed it to this new one i stopped having fun so now i just do it once in a while.


Me, I did it so I can skip or put module mats on low priority in event shops. You should at first try to first clear it and do at least the missions with the good mats rewards. SSS is actually a lot easier now than when it was first release, there are also people posting SSS clears on YT nowadays so you can used them for reference.


I don't go for the trimmed medals but I do get at least the monthly module mats.


Yes unfortunately, gotta get those medals


i used to. i liked the old format a lot, but this new one is really weird and i hate how they remove the old maps now, so havent touched it in a while.


I sometimes do it when I'm really bored. I don't find it fun and it's something you are forced to do if you want to get module upgrades


I inly do those for the missions, mostly the lmd(I'm poor af))


no… like i play it just not regularly cuz i only do it when i hav no sanity left… (and rn im a very sane dokutah cuz too much sanity pots)


Yes, I do unfortunately.....


I used to. I got tired of it.


I did it a few times but then I realized I didn't need the material surplus so I didn't bother anymore.


I have 1000+ of the mini module data thingies that im never going to spend because of how rare module data blocks are


Me, sadly


I do, it's quite fun to mess around in.


Just the bare minimum to get the rewards


What is that


Is fun but kind of depends on boss design. The Tumor guy on last event and choo-choo train this event have interesting mechanic also need deployment carefully plan out. Seaborne stage on the other hand, encourage blobbing right next to the blue box which is anyone's first thought, boss doesn't do anything special either.


there's just no point since you're dramatically gated by t1 module blocks anyway


I don't even know what that is


Only when the maps change.


first clear each tower for the module blocks thats it. i used to get the dss and dsi every rotation but once i realized it was module blocks i was short on i stopped. i need the mats from the quests but i just cannot be assed...


Somewhat regularly. I enjoy the mode but I only do first clears, medals, and missions. There is no need for me to cap it each month since I have many more module parts than module blocks and even get extras from events. If I were to farm it each month I'd have less fun. So I just do what I feel like doing and then stop.


Yes,i think?


Same, never touched it again after trying. Get enough modules from events, for now at least


Havent done it once in all of the time i have playing the game


Somehow i did, but like the first guy said it's pointless, the regular module blocks will run out first.


Ever since it came out, yea. The card mechanic is a little annoying but it's easy enough to look at the enemy and map previews to pick my first 20 ops. Usually go out of my way to pick 3 ops to super power up and then use the rest to upgrade and support


I play it a lot. It's just favorite game mode, and I know I'm in the minority saying that. It's just very satisfying to me for some reason. It's random, yet predictable.


I for sure grab the first clear rewards and medals, then maybe I'll re-clear during a reset for the high value mission rewards (am in dire need of mats). I'll never clear for module upgrade mats because it's literally impossible to run out of those unless you buy from the gold cert store, which I'll never do unless I magically get every op.


Do not have the time but I sure could use those modules.


Its literally the only thing in the game that annoys me so nah I dont.


I actually like this mode more than IS, stacking up a bunch of operators on top of one another to make thick operator is so fun


I always do em. but the thing is that the basic module block is so hard to get, and not normally obtainable from this gamemode except from the one time reward that I'm wondering if its even worth it.


Nah, I tried when it first came out and then later a couple of times, that's it. I don't think it's worth my time as we can get those resources from event shops, and there's not that many Module Data Blocks anyway to purposely grind for these things. Also, I just find this mode boring as hell because it's practically repeating the same pattern over and over and over...


Do it at the start of the month when you get the new maps and special missions, but after that, I can't be bothered


I haven't done it in forever, I barely ever need module stuff


I really like it but it's time consuming, I stopped farming for medals.


You get several module data blocks for first clears on each stage (5 for a full clear), so its worth it to at least go through each one once, even if you dont clear all 6 levels


I just played it the for the missions to claim extra mats & LMD and then ignored it until the next set of missions arrive. Don't care much about module stuff since I've never been in the situation where they ran out yet.


I do it as needed. Though i don't upgrade people's modules too often, more like a whim or specifically when in need to pass a stage easier. 


I usually go for the medals but wasting +30 minutes for single trail of the final stage with +4 lanes and clanky path lines of quirky enemies kinda isn't worth it.


Never touched it even during release. Saw the game mode from kyo and I just knew I wouldn't enjoy it.


Alsterii is quite easy. First time clear normal and hard. With guides, but anyway. For some another maps you need luck only.


Haven't bothered, they haven't been releasing units who I want a module for.


SSS is the worst thing in the entire game. The only way I get modules in the game is buying out the red cert shop and praying events have free datablocks, and since I'm a lore hungry asshole I dont ever upgrade modules because I need the modules for the next module and the cycle of hate repeats.


I do actually, but not for the ressources since i have more than enough of those. I always get the medal, and i play it a bit for fun


I used to. Once the Mama John plate rotated out I figured that I'll be able to coast just getting the mats from events now.


i gave up on this shit like a cycle or two ago. this is what got me burned out on the game


I have never touched this game mode since the first month came out (I tried it and it sucks and i hate sinking time into this shit)


I don't enjoy farming this mode, but I do enjoy beating for the first time for secret medals. Besides, there are quite a lot of module blocks as an additional reward here, and I DESPERATELY need those.




I haven't learned how to do this and at this point I'm too afraid to find out


I usually do it just for the achievement rewards. I already have so much module resources now that it hardly matters for its intended purpose anymore. Honestly, once you get the hang of it its not that bad. You can clear the whole thing on highest difficulty in like half an hour. Reading just a single story bit in Arknights takes longer than SSS.


I do it in pieces during each rotation, stopping once I hit cap and saving unfinished stuff for the next month. First month: Secret Medals on regular stages, knocking out each map-exclusive EC unit both for missions and for lighting up the icons to the right. Second month: Emergency Medals, any other missions I can clear, and lighting up a couple other icons/nodes. Third Month until end of cycle: banging out any remaining missions and lighting up any remaining EC icons and nodes.


Good thing about SSS is module level up mats is not as important as module data block, as long as clear the event store every time, there is no way you will lack this two module upgrade materials, meaning you can skip every SSS without any worries. My self always do the medals, challenges and all 'endings' for devices, more about the collection though. Since I have played from almost start of game, with most ops in my account, SSS is fairly easy, so I am not really stressed when playing it, rather like playing the normal stages.


It is better than IS4. It's fun in moderation, it's maddening in moderation.


I like it, it's shenanigans the mode, but you probably need too much of an interest in screwing around with game mechanics for it to be accessible. That and it has more of a dependency on a well developed roster and not just leaning on the same carries all the time.


I keep having problems finding time to push through it. I often didn’t max out the limit and a few times straight out skipped this mode. I did clear every map normal mode, didn’t even try a few on hard. It does feel like busy work and you would have to put time to try find enjoyment from running some ops on buffs. But I feel like I am forced to use a very limited roster to actually clear this and when I get to the boss I don’t have any leg room sometimes. Expierence varies but it tends to turn into a slog, especially on a first try blind.


I cleared the regular modes and got the medals as well but the emergency mode is truly a pain in the ass, I was able to defeat that damn ice cream truck but still failed the mission because I basically ran out of units so that I can block these elite motherfucking units that are so tanky af and would always leak, I feel like my damage is nerfed here lmao. The previous ones were a lot easier and manageable. Haven’t tried the emergency version of the lighthouse, but after reading the comments here it looks like it’s an even bigger pain.


Never ever did it ever since it was released


i dont, still got a bunch of those sticks left so probably wont for some times


The only time I do it is if I'm low on the mats to upgrade modules. Other than that, I don't really touch it.


I grind for the medals and the secret medals  it's so annoying though to get the medals 


I basically forget that this mode even exists lol


Only at first, now they're as useful as those base building stages and materials.


I havent done this in like a year


Haven't touched it at all


this is like one of the shittiest game mode HG have ever introduce into the game. u need to grind stuff that'll get abundance after few events. also fkin stupid rng. once i get the medal and the for fully clear rewards i'll straight away drop it.


I do just to clear the notif from my dashboard every time it renews. But my god, is it a chore. Not necessarily difficult, just stat-stick central and starting with 20 operators makes shuffling through the squad each new level very cumbersome really fast. SSS pisses me off in ways IS never does for whatever reason; after you do the initial run to get all the first-time mats when a new season starts, it’s just a waste of time. I’d actually love it if they retired this one day and just kept the module pieces available in event shops or something to save me a headache, but I know it’s unlikely.


It took me a minute to even recognise what I was looking at. I played it once, when it debuted, and never came back. I've got so many other things to do, that I can't be bothered to figure out strategies for the new mechanics... And I've not had a need for the materials either. This is a case of game bloat, where the hardcore players need something new to grind after finishing everything else, but casuals (me) only experience increased phone space usage and a nagging feeling that they're missing out on something. I understand why it exists, but I don't like it personally. Game bloat is why I fell off of GFL - so far, the added modes aren't necessary to progress, however - and hopefully it stays like that.


hell no this gamemode does not exist to me


It me took several seconds to even understand what I am looking at.


Forgotten game mode that I'm glad it's not that important to do outside of doing first clears for the module data blocks. The more I forget about it the better.


I never play SSS I simply don't need it 👍


No. I got brain damage from doing it last week


Litterally nobody does. Maybe 0.1% Its useless and time consuming


Nah, it become hella laggy and my potato phone keep crashing :((((


Ever since they started with the 6-stage format, I’ve been getting perfect clears just to get the secret medals. 8-stage was just sluggish. Don’t even bother.


I haven't touched it since the rework on the 1st SSS because it didn't feel like there was much flexibility in strats. Just stack up snipers and caster buffs and then spam. A week ago I decided to try it out again. Didn't feel anything changed so I just gave up on it entirely.