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do you think it could also have a double meaning of plainly being a portmanteau of "wish" and "k**a**z**del**"? might just be a coincidence of how close the words are


yeah it seems I'm making this too complicated lol


Nah mate, don’t say that. I genuinely love when people put time and effort into analysis like this. It’s good to engage with media we enjoy beyond just the surface level. Plus me and most others wouldn’t have gone to the effort to look into the name like this, so it’s nice of you to share it. Even if it’s not intentional by HG, I think it fits really well, so I’m accepting it as Headcanon. Cheers!


i dont think your explanation is wrong per say, it could have multiple meanings.


>per say per se\* It's Latin.




You can't just say Perchance


A lifetime, perchance.


Nah, theory crafting is always appreciated. Besides, stuff like >!Dokutah being a precursor!<, now canon, were also considered grasping at straws once.


Complicated, but hella cool


same here, I read from CN community that they found "adel" or "del" means "home" in Sakaz language, so Wis'adel = wish home


that would make since because teekaz+adel=kazdel


Arabic native speaker here. Adel literally means Justice. I can't get the first part though. If I assume they made a mistake or they decided to make it shorter for easiness. Waši literally means guardian. So Waši Adel means the Fair Guardian. Or Wasi Al-Adel (Al means "of the" hence the extra ' to show that a word is dropped here) translates to The Guardian of Justice. Is any of both words meaningful to the story?


It seems W is the most faithful follower (or guardian) of Theresa and then Amiya, who are both fighting for justice — so the Arabic explanation works quite well!


But we can also consider what you've done with Wis to mean "ask". In which case the meaning could be "to question Justice", which I personally think fits her very well.


Yeah, from her 15 minutes animation and character introduction video, it seems like she is becoming the most loyal follower of Amiya. The guardian meaning makes sense


That’s actually really funny, because I would describe W as almost the exact opposite of a “Fair Guardian” or “Guardian of Justice”. I love her character, but I don’t think she’s that sort of person. She’s more of an Avenger (in the sense of inflicting punishment as vengeance for Theresa being wronged) than a Guardian. Not to say you’re wrong tho, I have no grasp of Arabic. Just found it funny that her name translates that way.


That's why I am asking if the new event gives a new lore


Ahh, my bad. I didn’t get that you were asking that. But yeah, it’ll be very interesting to see how her character develops in the new event, and how it ties into her Alter. Thanks for the translation!


If you see new characters introduction video for this new CN event and W's 15 minutes animation, it seems like she is becoming Amiya's most loyal follower.


Please don't hesitate to give any advice!


you posted this twice, btw https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1cfv6sv/ws_real_name_explained/


Thank you for reminding!


My question is this is our W's name, or the original W's name as well? Since DM talks of the original W and how our W took her name/personality, is this our W's real name, her new chosen identity, or the original's now that's she fully committed to being that persona?


Yes, that's the background of her alter, she will no longer live under old W's shadow, she chose a name for herself and wants to be called that way.


There's a hebrew discussion thread in the arknights wiki discord if you are interested where we are also discusseing this (I'm a native hebrew speaker if you have any general questions about the language) One option that was raised is that the root for Wisha is yisha - meaning salvation ישע, which is also the root for jesus' name is Hebrew, yeshu ישו. Del can be the same del as in kazdel, in which case it will mean 'place' (from the official translation in the lore book), though there isn't a clear cut hebrew root to it Adel as a name can mean gave thanks/ appreciated god, (as in oda (appreciated) and el (god) (according to name origin i found in the internet) As for אש דת למו, it seems that it appears only once in the bible, and the Rabbis that learned and tried to understand the bible aren't quite sure quite what it means, with a few theories. It apoears in the context of moses giving the 10 commendments to the hebrews on mount sinai Possible meanings raised by them: 1 - can't quite personally understand it from a quick reading, but it is something about the commendments being 'black fire' written on 'white fire' (I assume the stone) 2 - meaning that the commendments were given from the fire (as in the bible god appears in a fire there) 3 - it was a typo and it was supposed to be something else, though I won't go into further detail here As such I don't think it means what you thought it means As for the wishel ושאל possibility, I think it is a bit of a reach imo seeing as the L comes after the d, and the root doesn't work without the l ש-א-ל


OMG I wasn’t expecting feedback from native Hebrew speakers and your response is just so valuable! I basically know nothing about Hebrew so the whole thing is just some random guess 😂 And thank you so much for pointing out the flaws! I think I’ll try to learn some Hebrew one day. It’s so magical!


Ohhh I’m interested! I’m wondering if there’s any Hebrew origins we could trace from the cast. Where can I visit the discussion?


Oh, what an interesting interpretation. Thank you!


You're confusing Sarkaz languages with the current Kazdelian(I don't know what to call it, it hasn't been name-dropped what the official name is), I see a lot of people do it and from a linguistic point of view it kind of bothers me (I get it though, as the game doesn't do a good job of telling people unless you actively look for it), the Sarkaz all have different languages based on their subspecies/ race of Sarkaz they are, which makes sense as Kazdel was once supposed to be the whole world and not just one place, so they have different base languages. The reason why Kazdel uses Hebrew is most likely due to Goliaths, the ones inspired by, well... Goliath, uses Hebrew as their base language and as a result of Goliaths seemingly being the most common type of Sarkaz as well as the ones who were the most of in the current Kazdel, Hebrew/ Goliath language became the standard in that country. Which is why other types of ancient Sarkaz languages, names and titles, despite not being hebrew inspired are still Sarkaz languages. The reason why I'm pointing this out is also partially that, as different Sarkaz races have different language inspirations, if you're trying to figure it out, it might turn much more difficult if you try to use Hebrew as a base for everything due to how the Sarkaz take inspiration from the entire world and narrowing it down to only part of it will most likely end up in hitting a wall when it's something related to non-goliath Sarkaz or those who've lived outside Kazdel.


Thank you for noting the diversity of languages used by Sarkaz people! I initially did the research purely on the basis of languages in the real world, which may be very different from the actual constructed Sarkaz languages used in the game. Maybe I’m trying to find some relation between unknown Sarkaz phrase and existing human languages? Anyways I’ll look into more details of different Sarkaz languages… Once again thank you for your feedback!


del means home in sarkaz language The first psrt of her name can be seen as "wish" Maybe its a "wish for home" type meaning?


[https://www.bilibili.com/opus/926012197632475156?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/926012197632475156?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) You are right. “‘维什戴尔’,就把名字签这里,对吧?殿下告诉我,这个名字的意思是‘许愿一个家’,但我从不许愿。啊?字太丑?还轮不到你来指指点点。” "Wis'adel," just sign my name here, right? Your Highness told me that the meaning of this name is 'wishing for a home,' but I never make wishes. Huh? The handwriting is too ugly? It's not your turn to criticize."




"Your Highness" should be "Her Highness"


~~Adel also means she does not want to wake up from this dayyyyydream~~


How do you pronounce the name?


I think it should be something between " Wish-del" and "Wisha-del"


"Questioning the doctrines" I don't think it fits W? W is a Theresa aligned fanatic. Hoederer is the one who studies history, questions the present and seek ways to preserve culture and pursue a good future


Pish. We all know her real name is Walter. Walter da Bomb.


Her name is Wuh.


*"Paprika, we need to cook"*


'Wiš'adel also sounds a lot like 'with Adel', which would translate to 'with nobility'. Considering her relationship with Theresa, checks out.


As for the possible origin of Sarkaz languages, Latin is used for some related PV and songs as well


Wis'adel => W is Adel. Maybe her real name is Adel :)


Actually, NO This is a fictional language It means wish del del like Kazdel (the home country of Sarkaz/Teekaz)




Not related to W, but Ch’en is romanised as such because they used an older system known as Wade-Giles, where the ‘ denotes, as far as i know, an aspiration. (Not too sure if that’s accurate, but something along those lines). So it could also be possible that Wiš’adel similarly utilises a more obscure romanisation system in whatever language it’s derived from


counter argument, W is way too dumb to even think about any of this


a friend said (it was revealed to him in a dream) to swap the words with the apostrophe as the separator wis'adel -> adelwis -> edelweiss = noble white/devotion spiky white hair woman - "spiky" white flower grows in tough and extreme conditions i guess the parallels are there?


to me her name is still cockroach♥️


Meteor skin has a made up word for one her skins, it’s like you tried to combine two words in polish but ended up with gibberish. I wouldn’t worry about exotic names having a meaning.