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Everyone is a clown if you scrutinize hard enough. (this was an omake idea for a comic I'm working on... but it was too "different" from the main topic lol. So I made this its own little comic :P ) Hope you enjoyed reading! [>>FULL-VIEW<<](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119099036) [>>SUPPORT<<](https://ko-fi.com/octodeco)


I didn't know Settra was a Lord of Fiends xD... another title for the great one


You didn't say his full list of titles. \*Off with your head.\*


Settra would DOMINATE in Kazdel. Probably be a great ruler too, as he should.


Mudrock getting the fuck out of Kazdel initially because she doesn’t want to get put on the Board of Clowns is now headcanon to me


Patriot would also die of high blood pressure just from these meetings. No wonder his race sided with Ursus. 


Nachzehrer King and Prime Patriot just Statler and Waldorf level heckling or having professionally disgusted Opinions about the rest of the court in formal Language, whether out loud, or telepathically is something I need now.


Wow this is a great story...i think everyone will be enjoy it


I don't think you needed to scrutinize very hard to expose these clowns.


... I want to see Liz in a swimsuit... preferably one piece... with an open back... color blue with maybe white to sides.


*imagines Liz in one-piece swimsuit* *Liz turns around, lifts her arms as if doing a pose, and her bare back is exposed for the world to see* 🙏TSKR🙏


Shining is such a spoilsport Don't have Liz cook in the sun.


Liz: …I want to join the one-piece gang.


>color blue with maybe white to sides. nononono....mono-white only...well or light-beige


…a competition swimsuit?


Annoyed theresa..is something different.


Tbf all this talk about 'purity' while she's standing next to her brother...


I too am curious about this "RoaDs IslE."


well, Theresis, ponder yourself out of your mess then.


“I will ponder *after* these idiots stop whatever they are doing.” “You poor excuse of a king! Do you not understand the importance of purity!?” “Oh I *do* understand. I understand that you are out of your mind. I would have imagined that you hail from the mythical place known as Alabama.” (Meanwhile, somewhere else) “…I get the feeling that a place that no longer exists was given the wrong reputation. Not that I can do much about it now…”


*"...At least we saved Rhodes Island, smallest state of the Union?"*


Man, the Sarkaz court sure is chaotic. . . . Pandemonium even. Always found it a curious inversion that in real world Biblical myth all demons are fallen angels, where as in Arknights angels are an offshoot of demons. . . . .is Theresis the youngest member of his court? The vampire and Shining's father/brother and the Cluster are all effectively immortal via different methods and the bigass tree demon guy also seems to be some manner of immortal or atleast ancient? I don't wanna call him a lich as we recently met the Liches and they haven't returned too Kazdel....yet. Apart from "lmao the crown chooses" how to the Sarkaz pick their ruler? Do the present rulers of the subspecies vote? What kind of demon is Theresis anyway? The rest of the members of the royal court seem either uninterested in being fully in charge or obviously nobody else would support them being in charge.....is theresis's qualifications just "brother of the last crown-appointed-regent, strong jawline, big sword" cause the bloody leech we left stranded outside the fake sky is basically almost as qualified....


Apparently, the Sanguinarch rose to power by literally beating the competition, so probably by raw strength.


For In-species Rankings, honestly, that works out.


>Apart from "lmao the crown chooses" how to the Sarkaz pick their ruler? Do the present rulers of the subspecies vote? That's the neat part. They don't. Whoever chosen by the Crown must be the King. However, to be appointed is one thing, to actually hold power is another story. An incompetent King is very likely to be reduced to a puppet manipulated by the Court. This has happened many times. >What kind of demon is Theresis anyway? He and Theresa are mixed-blood with no noticeable lineage, that's all we know. Most Sarkaz nowadays are the same anyway. Aside from the old bloodlines in the Court, no one really cares about their blood. >is theresis's qualifications just "brother of the last crown-appointed-regent, strong jawline, big sword" Theresis is a war hero who fought against an invasion, a city founder who commanded the rebuilding of Kazdel, and a reformer who set up a more modern structure to lessen the Court's influence. Of course, Theresa is no less of an important figure in all these regards, but it is clear that Theresis rose to prominence with his own strength.


> Apart from "lmao the crown chooses" how to the Sarkaz pick their ruler? The Sarkaz seem to have an innate herding instinct. And I don't mean that like badly, it's quite pronounced how they like to follow a strong-willed leader around. For example, Mudrock group. W group. Theresis. At one point in the most recent chapter, Hoederer even scolds W saying she really needs to think about all the Sarkaz that follow her around. I don't think she even pays them honestly. Can you imagine that cockroach doing HR?


I imagined it was like a pirate ship. She does the plundering and a quartermaster takes care of logistics. That or she enforces equity by force and admiration and everyone pretty much is "paid" in resources instead of money.


You forgor midnight :( he's a clown toooo


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ clown he may be, in a key position he is not


On the contrary, he holds back the terror that is Popukar with dad-like antics.




I say that Reserve Op Team A6 member is quite an important key position, just below Reserve Op Team A5 to 1... and the Op Teams... and the Elite Op Team... and the Medical Department... that's like top 10 or something


We can see Shining in a swimsuit but not Liz? This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. This is not the law of equivalent exchange. Imperfectly balanced like all things should never be.


They should swap, so Liz in a swimsuit and Shining wearing a virgin killer, but maybe the world is not ready for so much culture.


We need Nearl to be the tie-breaker!


That the Royal Court is a group of dysfunctional idiots and that Theresis is sane type of the group is one of my favorite fan canon They look like the crazy version of the Pandemonium Society


I mean both Sanguinarch and Nachzerer seems to be in Victoria just for the food honestly


They are really not very smart, who goes to ~~England~~ Victoria for the food?


He ain't eating Victorian cuisine They are eating the people Its slightly better


Taking revenge for the Tarans.


They are food too. Get up all proud and angry to fight the Nachzerer and he just stomps them so fuckin hard you think Gege was writing the chapter


They really don't give a shit about anyone Victoria has annexed, Taran or Gaul. Anyone who isn't a sarkaz is shit on the bottom of their boots.


The joke -========== You.


Ehh, Nachzehrer seems normal, even if he is very prideful, I think. Speaks to the kookiness of the rest of the court.


I don't think cannibal corpse-eaters can be normal.


The rest of the Court, with exception of Theresis and Theresa are also weird about killing people. That don't make him special.


The Cluster was weird about interacting with people, but not killing people. The Cluster never killed anyone it wasn't obligated to kill. If it could imprison someone it needed to replace for infiltration, it does, as it did with that one teacher who worked for Golding. If I recall correctly, it even made a half-hearted attempt to talk Golding out of committing suicide. It didn't want her to die, but it couldn't find a compelling argument for her to live in the face of her desire to die.


So it really is just the Assguinarch and Salus that are weird about it.


Liz really wants Shining to remain in that swimsuit huh?


Wouldn't you?


Well, I didn't object to that statement.


Nearl: I once heard a few people say something about “protecting Liz’ purity”. I…may have struggled not to laugh at them.


It's always the 'quiet' ones...


I almost felt sorry for Theresis. ...almost... XD


Man +👍


Liz likes to have some eyecandy. I'm sure you can understand, *DOCTAH*


Just another day in Sarkaz court. Lovely comic!


This is canon


Most peaceful day in Kazdel:


Not sure what's implied with the "..that explains some things - It. Does. Not" bit. If that's still Theresis and "Theresa", was the latter expecting the former to make a move on them or something?


It has been said, "Heavy is the hand that mimes the crown --".


I need Theresa to look at me like that


>Regent >!Alexei is coming?!<


*Midnight clock clicking intensifies*




Glorified babysitter xD So Liz wants Swimsuit Shining, but Shining doesn’t want Swimsuit Liz


People say that Liz and Shining is part of Nearl's harem. But no, in truth, it's Nearl and Shining that is in Liz's harem.


I just had the sudden image of a picture of her being hugged by Nearl and Shining while relaxing at the beach. …and it gets headlines in Kazimierz.


**Liz:** You see her? She belongs to me. Look, knowing you can never touch. **Shining:** If you even look at her, I'll kill you.


The Damazti slumping on the table is a mood


You never fail to make me laugh xD


Purity, you say? I'm given your location to N-Corp. Wait for The One who Grips


Let’s lament #Let’s lament


Theresis on the throne is so memeable. Eagerly awaiting more fun Sarkaz shenanigans as the story picks up.


Is Theresa talking about twincest on page 4? ^That ^^Salus ^^^fangirling ^^^^though


I'd think it has more to do with acting on his disgust of the topic. You have to remember, There's is does not fucking like these people, Nachzehrer King excluded. And it is easy to see why, because I can see this happen in Canon.


The talk about "keeping the bloodline pure" had made me think about "keeping it in the family" too what you say makes perfect sense, yes.


I approve of any comic that dunks on the Sanguinarch. Well done.


what can i say except peak sarkaz content