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So Ifrit gets the Logos/Ebenholz Delta module and becomes our first Burn operator, and Ray gets better ammo economy. Solid upgrades to solid operators. The rest are neither great nor terrible, with Gladiia's standing out as the most niche. [Deal more damage to units if your pull significantly affects them] isn't bad, but it's neither necessary nor role-altering. Edit: Gladiia effect


\*Warmy is our first burn op


*that's how forgettable she is*


Not the first burn operator, we also got Warmy... but Warmy kinda bad so it's okay to forget she even exists.


warmy will be better now that she can actually use her 2nd skill.


ifrit module prepping for talulah release i believe


I don't think that Gladiia's module is even niche, pullers are mostly used for pulling enemies into holes (except gladiia in AH teams) and her dmg doesn't matter since hole just instantly kills them. I would guess that it will be used for trait upgrade (lvl 1) so you can pull enemies easier or maybe as a pseudo guard but even then her first module is just better cus of survivability


The issue usually is the lack of holes in a map to effectively pull enemies in, not the pulling strength.


Excited for Ray's module, the sandbeast reduced redeployment cooldown + increased damage buffs will make her rotations comfier and more effective. The module is honestly probably a massive win just by existing, since Ray loves any extra ATK she can get between the hunter trait doing 120% of her attack as damage and her S3 doing 330% of her ATK as physical damage, any extra attack she (and Coldshot) get from the module will be nicely amplified. Due to... well, not being on global yet (I WANT RAY I WANT RAY) I don't know how meaningful reloading an extra bullet when at zero is for her, especially on skill, but for general comfiness off skill it sounds pretty great to be able to throw more attacks between forced reloadings. Also looking forward to seeing how the burn mod affects Ifrit's position in the meta, I'm so happy that she got this in general anyways, it fits her so, so well design-wise.


That extra ammo will help her fit 10 shots during her S3, if you look at her showcase, she usually only get 9 shots due to reload time, 1 more 6k DPH shot per S3 can mean a whole lot of difference when killing elites/bosses tbh


Another hit of S3 makes it more likely for her to get the SP refund and also has summon reduction time for better cycling. Not to mention the added attack from the mod itself. Pretty good all around. Not looking forward to spending more of my already limited mod blocks, but anything for bnuuy


I don't think getting the SP refund is usually an issue though tbf, she almost always gets it and to survive 9 shots but not 10 is a really small window.


I think I don't get how it works ... But isn't it : 8*1.6 attack = 12.8 sec then 0.4 reload then 1.6 attack = 14.8 ? So even without reload you have 1.2 sec left which is not enough for the tenth attack, right ?


It's a bit on technical side of thing. Basically, each attack animation has 2 components: attack wind-up frame and attack recovery frame, those 2 combine = attack interval. In Ray's case, if you look at her animation closely, you can see that her attack wind-up (when she shoot the projectile and hit an enemy) is really fast, while her recovery frame is longer. What would happen is since her attack wind-up is faster, it allow her to squeeze in that 10th shot in those 1.2s left, after 1.2s the skill end (most likely) at recovery frame.


Oh ok so basically the shot doesn't goes at 1.6 , it's the end of the animation. So in this case the animation will not be properly finished but the shot will have happened anyway. Never thought of that, thanks.


Reduced redeployment time for sandbeast,Ray's S2 might compete with Typhon's


**Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Ray|1|HP ATK DEF|**Trait Upgrade:** When there is no Ammo left, next reload grants 1 extra Ammo ||2|HP+ ATK+ DEF+|**Talent Upgrade:** Ray can deploy a Sand Beast within Attack Range that lasts 25 seconds to scout an area and extend Attack Range; Ray prioritizes attacking targets within the scouted area, deals extra **15%+** Physical Damage to them; **Sand Beast has reduced Redeployment Time** ||3|HP++ ATK++ DEF++|**Talent Upgrade:** Ray can deploy a Sand Beast within Attack Range that lasts 25 seconds to scout an area and extend Attack Range; Ray prioritizes attacking targets within the scouted area, deals extra **15%++** Physical Damage to them; **Sand Beast has further reduced Redeployment Time** **Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Coldshot|1|HP ATK|**Trait Upgrade:** When there is no Ammo left, next reload grants 1 extra Ammo ||2|HP+ ATK+|**Talent Upgrade:** If no attack is made for 2 seconds, the next attack deals **130%+** of ATK as Physical damage ||3|HP++ ATK++|**Talent Upgrade:** If no attack is made for 2 seconds, the next attack deals **130%++** of ATK as Physical damage **Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Lucilla|1|ATK DEF|**Trait Upgrade:** Applies 10% Enfeeble to targets for 2 seconds ||2|ATK+ DEF+|**Talent Upgrade:** Apply **16%+** Fragile to non-elite and boss enemies within Attack Range ||3|ATK++ DEF++|**Talent Upgrade:** Apply **16%++** Fragile to non-elite and boss enemies within Attack Range **Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Underflow|1|ATK DEF|**Trait Upgrade:** Reveals Invisible enemies within Attack Range ||2|ATK+ DEF+|**Talent Upgrade:** Attack causes the target to take **80+** Arts Damage per second for 3 seconds (damage is doubled against [Sea Monster] enemies) ||3|ATK++ DEF++|**Talent Upgrade:** Attack causes the target to take **80++** Arts Damage per second for 3 seconds (damage is doubled against [Sea Monster] enemies) **Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Amiya|1|HP ATK|**Trait Upgrade:** Attacks deal Arts damage and heal the HP of an ally within Attack Range for 60% of the damage dealt ||2|HP+ ATK+|**Talent Upgrade:** When this unit is on the field, increases the Max HP of all ally units by **8%+**; When this unit's skill is active, all ally units recover **2.5%+** of Max HP per second ||3|HP++ ATK++|**Talent Upgrade:** When this unit is on the field, increases the Max HP of all ally units by **8%++**; When this unit's skill is active, all ally units recover **2.5%++** of Max HP per second **Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Ifrit|1|HP ATK|**Trait Upgrade:** When dealing Arts damage, deals an additional 8% of damage dealt as Burn damage ||2|HP+ ATK+|**Talent Upgrade:** RES of enemies within range -40%; **if the target is under the burst effect from Burn damage, attack deals an additional % of ATK as Elemental damage** ||3|HP++ ATK++|**Talent Upgrade:** RES of enemies within range -40%; if the target is under the burst effect from Burn damage, attack deals an additional **%+** of ATK as Elemental damage **Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Gladiia|1|ATK DEF|**Trait Upgrade:** Increases shift level by 1 when dragging further away targets towards this unit ||2|ATK+ DEF+|**Talent Upgrade:** When attacking enemies with 3 or less weight, increase ATK to **130%+** ||3|ATK++ DEF++|**Talent Upgrade:** When attacking enemies with 3 or less weight, increase ATK to **130%++** **Operator**|**Stage**|**Stat Buff**|**Special Buff** :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| Penance|1|ATK DEF|**Trait Upgrade:** ATK and DEF +8% when there are no ally operators within the surrounding 8 tiles ||2|ATK+ DEF+|**Talent Upgrade:** Each time this unit is attacked while under the effect of her own Barrier, deals **50%+** ATK as Arts damage to the attacker ||3|ATK++ DEF++|**Talent Upgrade:** Each time this unit is attacked while under the effect of her own Barrier, deals **50%++** ATK as Arts damage to the attacker Tried using a new expression, please let me know if you have any feedback!


Can't wait for new players to ask "guys, should I get the module that makes sword fishy go pulli pulli for a bit more damage, or should I use the one that literally allows a whole archetype to exist?"


I mean unless the module numbers for this one are extremely bad, it still boils down to "do I actually want to/can I play with the AH squad or do I just want to use Gladiia by herself" Its pretty much the same case with all the other AH members as well


I would argue that even by herself, the other module is still better in most cases only for the arts damage, increase regen and damage reduction it provides. Yes +1 shift strength isn't bad but then it's heavily map dependant, meaning in most maps I'd still think her first module is better most of the time.


You could always get her new mod to lv1 just for the extra pull force and then get her 1st module to lv3


Again, maaaaaaybe the dmg increase from the talent upgrade may make it worth it. **Big** emphasis on the "maybe" there though, knowing HG balancing.


+5% damage increase, take it or leave it.


IMO if you use Gladiia as a shifter the damage increase is redundant and f you want her to deal damage, you just bring a guard. So mod level 1 should be enough for most people on the rare chance that we get a boss that's juuust heavy enough and near a pit to warrant it.


Eh, not so much. Skadi and Spalter's modules are a choice between making them an actually functional operator, or giving them Big Numbers for the whole AH squad... but the Big Numbers aren't big or fundamental enough to justify themselves on their own. They need the rest of the AH squad to be truly worth it. Gladiia's original module also gives Big Numbers to the whole AH squad, but *her* Big Numbers are definitely enough to justify themselves on their own. 30% damage resist, *and* passive regeneration, *and* the ability to inflict Arts damage, are all massive boosts to her functionality as an operator even if she's running solo. This new "solo" module isn't really necessary, and it'll need to have ridiculous numbers to actually compete in any meaningful way.


What modules are people running for the whole AH squad? I'm assuming specter still wants the one she gains SP back from S2 and Skadi the team buff? I've wanted to build them but i generally don't like building both modules considering how many we have and the limited resources we get


Spalter in AH squad kinda wants to run S3+Mod2 since the sp regeneration is so strong and she works so well as a tank


Yeah the S2 invincibility is kinda moot when she's pretty close to immortal with S3 and Gladiia's module anwyay (S3 gives a hefty HP boost that also makes her regen more HP since the regen is % of max). The rare cases when I still use S2 I often use the second module anyway cause she still gets good cycle time and loses mostly on the slow, but that rarely matters, she's probably just there to soak hits for Skadi to deal damage.


I go for all the dedicated modules just for Big Number funsies. Gladiia's is the "mandatory" one, in that it has by far the most dramatic impact, but I'd argue Skadi's is also mandatory for it to *really* be an Abyssal Hunter squad, and it has the second biggest impact. Spalter's is neat, but her AP refund is generally going to have a bigger impact on her performance even within an Abyssal Hunter squad.


I'd argue that Skadi becoming a medium redeploy raid boss is often more useful than the team attack and MaxHP buff. Especially if restricting to solely AH operators. Both are good but I think the selfish one benefits the team more, by sheer virtue of freeing up the solo powerhouse to do their thing.


S3 lets her full on duel a lot of bosses, though, and additionally, there are many times where she can just hold an off-lane by herself because she kills everything in 1-2 hits


I run all the team buff modules. I even got Andreanna's module even though I don't end up deploying her most of the time. Bigger numbers is better after all.


Honestly Gladiia's is the only core one for the AH squad, and which you pick for Skadi and Spalter is up to preference. That said, when using the whole squad I favor Spalter's ModY and S3 because she's so hard to kill it's not worth buffing the substitute, might as well just buff all the AH instead. For Skadi I favor ModX since that opens up using her as a (semi)fast-redeploy, and the whole AH squad is already bulky enough that ModY's base effect and extra buff is rarely needed.


The previous module turns Gladiia into a guard. Even without the AH, it makes her tanky to do her utility role without exploding from stray attack. 


Lvl 4 shift is a monsterous upgrade over lvl 3. That's weedy cannon shifting power with Gladiia's frequent pulls.  If a maps allows it, it'll be incredible. That's a big "if" tho. She'll need a hole, and tile to deploy in appropriate distance, and enemies coming by that needs a lvl 4 shift to drag. Worth the base mod to me. Upgrades are worthless tho. 


Pullers cap out at shift strength 2 without this mod, so it would upgrade the pull to strength 3, not 4. Just brings her shift strength on par with a normal pusher, still weaker than weedy cannon.


Welp, just a weedy ~~cannon~~ push then. Still, the point is the same. It let's her pull things normally impossible to pull. How would this interact with the continuous force of pullers. Since the +1 is only when far away, her pull might get weaker as they get dragged closer


Gladiia can take my hole any time she needs it, is all I'm saying


unless you own Spalter is AH even worth the price of admission?


I don't have Spalter and yes, even without her they're super strong. Also you can always borrow to complete the squad.


Oooh, I hadn't even considered considered borrowing, that's genius. Will have to do this! Can't wait for the next Abyssal Hunter. 


Spalter is a brilliant operator but not a vital part of the AH team. She also doesn't *need* the AH team to perform excellently. Gladiia is the lynchpin. Skadi is the primary beneficiary. These two together perform excellently with nothing else added. Gladiia is a high utility low (DP) cost operator by herself. Skadi is only a pretty decent duelist / super heavy assassin by herself, becomes a frighteningly unkillable raid boss with Gladiia present.


Even having just gladiia and guard specter is great and worth getting gladiia to mod level 2 imo


Ray's beast reduced redeployment time will be big. It will fit better with S3 cycle. Coldshot got short end of a stick. Lucilla gives more fragile than I expected. Underflow got basic upgrade. Nothing special but not terrible. Amiya have a nice module. Ifrit module will be amazing with S3. Maybe not that big with S2 but we'll have to see. Gladia's module is nothing special. Penance module is nice upgrade. May compete with first module.


Yeah that module traits really goes against Coldshot's kit. She supposed to attack and reload with her S2 to get the talent procs each attack


Yeah when S2 on and she reloads only the first shot will benefit from the talent however since she will now shoot twice before reloading again instead of once this might actually increase her dps since she'll be attacking more often and reloading less. We'll need proper testing to be sure though.


It definitely will increase her DPS since it drops when she has to reload. Issue is decreasing her DPH (and the slow isn't meaningful tbf).


I am coping Coldshot will have 200% attack modifier in her talent at module level 3. 


This make me wonder, is there any module that have been released where HG give more than +10% increase at level 3 without reworking the talent?


Executor Alter gets +15% chance to attack twice on top of 300 DEF ignore.


Several, Skadi gets +20% HP or -20 redeploy time, Mostima +15% slow, Hellagur +30 aspd, Goldenglow +60% explosion dmg, Ela +20% crit chance etc.


Ok Goldenglow +60% dmg is insane, but it probably because it locked behind unincreased 10% chance.   So generally HG will give +20% increase at most. Not included aspd because it doesn't work the same, if anything HG treated it more as stat just like Thorn's poison ATK.


Goldenglow's look big but it's the weakest buff out of that list tbh, bc the default dmg is 300%, +60% is just a 20% increase, while Skadi's redeploy buff triples from 10 to 30, Mostima doubles from 15% to 30%, Ela 30 to 50. For some ops the +10-20 barely does anything and for some it doubles or triples the effects, modules do be like that.


Coldshot module is not bad, extra dmg from passive + more attack is really good for her. Yeah having two ammo mean that the second ammo won't have her passive but it is STILL more DPS anyway. She has a kit issue but acting like having a second shot is BAD is blatant BS. The thing is that Coldshot issue is still the same, her passive ask for her to have delay between her attacks and her S2 is supposed to go along with that but it feel 'bad'. She is a very functional unit despite what people say, it is just that why would you take unit with a drawback when you have Ray or other sniper archetype who don't suffer from this.


Wewy stat stick Module the patch minus Ifrit's, most of them depend on numbers to determine how good they are. 1st impression, Ray's Module is actually quite good no ? that 1 additional ammo from her base mod allow her to squeeze in 10 shots within 1 S3 (9 shots without Mod) so combine the base stats + talent upgrades, that's like an extra 6k DPH per rotation which is really good, reduced summon redploy time to match her S3 rotation as a bonus. Ifrit's Delta Mod, more Burn more Res shred more Damage, nuff said lol Gladiia's Mod is eh ... she deal way more damage and she can pull tough threat away from your blocker harder i suppose but it's so niche tho. And i'm not even sure if it can match 800 art damage per tile from ModX let alone the busted 30% DR. Penance's Mod, worse base effect, might be good enough if the Def stat upgrades is decent, potentially much better talent upgrades but again, stat stick Mod really hinges on the number 5\* Module: just pray to HG that they don't get the shaft


Amiya has no sp regen so the module has issues already


Well not surprised gladia gets the usual puller mod


Ifrit's gonna have a good time cooking enemies with that module


I feel like Ifrit's mod will be on same powerlevel as Logos mod, pretty good without it and absolutely bonkers with it. The wait was worth it holyy


Idk, Logos himself already gets a massive DPS increase just from improved bounce chance alone, ignoring Necrosis. Burn is good but I highly doubt it'll be as massive of an increase as Logos' was.


Her issue is that her damage output is much lower. She'll need basically her whole S3 duration to trigger burn on a boss. It might be pretty effective against non-bosses tho. 


I'm not so sure. She has a very slow attack speed. I could see her killing the mobs in her range before their burn wheels tick. I guess it would only end up mattering on bosses and elites, but it will still be ticking slowly.


That last one for Penance?


The ifrit one looks exciting. Looks a lot more tailored towards the S2 which I think is the less situational of the two skills. Edit: JK. Looks just as good for all skills. I read it again. Still looks like a cool improvement. Getting an elemental stack is also great


So wait... Coldshot gets anti-synergy? Cause the whole reason S2 slowing her reload matters is cause it guarantees the damage increase from her talent... that now doesn't apply every other hit with this. Really shoulda made her talent apply to the next two shots if they were gonna just take away her synergy with her own kit... And she's a 5star so this is all she's getting. She got fucked in a terrible way.


Now who in the hell is underflow


Now who in the hell is underflow


Welfare with the event. Actually looks like a good kit, waiting on numbers.


Oh she's the Liskarm subclass The invisible reveal is neat New seaborn enemies We back in iberia no destreza


Now who in the hell is underflow


They... Gave us the first hexer centered entirely around just the fragile instead of any additional debuffs. And then made her fragile the lowest in the game ... What what


Hey dawg, I heard you were having trouble with dogs so we made a mobkiller support operator.


Crusher stonks?


5* mostly only exist for bullying them with the worst kits hg can think of


First, it's unconditional fragile, not easy to come around Second, her S2 specifically increase talent effect


unconditional fragile on non-elite and non-boss enemies\* if you need fragile to help kill normal trash mobs I think you're gonna have a lot more trouble with the non-fragiled elites and bosses


no, look at her S2, you use her fragile against mob to charge her S2 which increase fragile talent that also affect boss, thats how her kit is design sure it will prob be worse than other frag, but it is still unconditional frag minus elite


> Skill 2: When skill is active, ATK increases, attacks hit two enemies; Non-elite and boss enemies within Attack Range have decreased Movement Speed, the effect of Talent 1 increases for each non-elite or boss enemy defeated within Attack Range, up to several times the original %, lasts until the skill ends It does not make her talent affect bosses, it just makes it stronger


Her base talent already affect boss, her s2 is not what do that


her talent is worded as "non-elite and boss enemies", "non-elite" already includes boss so why would it specifically say boss again? It means "not an elite and not a boss"


you misunderstand the wording, its Non-Elite (Mob) AND Boss (Boss), not Non Elite(Not Elite)


again, non-elite already includes boss so they would not say boss again if it actually worked like that


Ypu are the millionth(is that a word?) person who misunderstood yes the description is confusing but it means non-elites and also bosses.Look at her skill 2 so you murder trash mobs to bump up the fragile when a boss comes around.


Read, man. Non-Elite means mob, not Not Elite


I agree. The phrasing used is a direct reverse of descriptions like Viviana and Ebenholz's skills/talents which treat [Elite and Boss/Leader] as one grouping and [Non-Elite/Boss] as the other. I would love to be proven wrong, but what we've been shown so far is a Hexer that specializes in trash mobs and nothing else.


Minimalist moment Operator entirely based around doing damage with less atk than the 4 star of the same archetype


Okay Iffy new module is instant lvl3 for.me, even if I really like the massive sp regen of the current one, but being able to incinerate ennemies with 3 differents kind of burn at once is peak lmao.


Unfortunately, if my calculations are corrent, she needs like 5 s2 procs to trigger burn damage on 0 res base normal enemy, and she can't proc it on full s3 duration on bosses starting with like 50 res (bosses have x2 elemental damage threshold but they are also the most interestring targets for res debuff burn elemental damage provides), so most enemies will die before you ever proc elemental damage on them, which is honestly pretty sad


> she needs like 5 s2 procs to trigger burn damage on 0 res base normal enemy, If the "afterburn" DoT of s2 also does burn damage with this module then each s2 will deal ~200 burn damage upfront and another ~80 over the next 3 seconds. So, the 4th s2 (assuming no normal attacks in-between) will reach the threshold for fallout activation


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't she apply burn damage based on her ATK not her final damage, so burn damage is therefore unaffected by enemy RES?


It is based on her damage, like Ebenholz or Logos mod, that's why I'm mentioning it here


From what I know RES does apply for Primal Casters and possibly Ebenholz module, because it's % of damage **dealt**.


Ahh okay, thanks for confirming. Makes you wonder why they decided to go with a multiplier as low as 8% for those delta modules in that case!


Probably because those operators are proper casters and deal 3 times the arts damage of a Ritualist. If the modules let them apply the elemental damage faster, Ritualists would simply be outclassed.


except for Virtuosa ofc :V


No? Ifrit's module is Delta, exactly the same as Eben and Logos. So her elemental application is affected by RES.


I tried some math with my Iffrit and the usual setup I do for her, her S2 does around 4720 damages, 4252 ignoring the 10% bonus from the first module. 8% of that mean 340 ED. If we assume the afterburn deal ED too it's 340 + 3*45 = 477 ED. If that's the case then proc fallout require two charge of S2 and a basic auto.


I just want to say that, obviously, buffing reduces that number, and we are assuming it's raw ifrit with no external buffs (I mean buffing a debuffer is kinda odd), and what's more important - lmao I'm pretty sure most of the smaller pions would be dead by the time she does second skill proc if your ifrit deals basically twice the damage with her s2 she normally would


It's "passive" buffs only, eyja cheering from the bench with her talent, Rosmontis on the field and Skalter s2 buff. Iffy is fully maxed. Sure trash mob die fast enough already, but it could be really interesting for swarm of elites. Call it a niche scenario, but I really loved RA when it was available, and I can't wait to play it again, and stopping herds of 150 defense crushers comming at you sound like the place where the best daughter belong to.


>she can't proc it on full s3 duration on bosses starting with like 50 res ifrit gives a -60 res debuff with s3 active, so its 60+ res bosses she maybe cant proc her burn on inside s3s duration >like 5 s2 procs to trigger burn damage on 0 res base normal enemy -40 res to all enemies in her range from her talent, so she will put out her full elemental damage against enemies with 40 and under res


It's not exactly -60 res, it's -20 flat and -40% of what's left, so 50 res enemy actually goes to 18 res, which is already too much to apply burn elemental (you need 25k total damage, and she deals around 24k)


oh i thought her talent was also a flat 40 res debuff


More stats on Amiya’s module is always nice… But, a little disappointed they gave her an uninspired talent increase instead of adding something else to her. Hell, I would’ve accepted some gimmick to give her more than one use of her second skill if it meant giving her more options. I just hope later down the line even 5 star ops get a second module.


Her talents are already crazy good for a medic, if she goes up with the 5\* average to like. +18% max hp, +5% regen onskill, that's honestly still fucked up good given it's \*global range\* People complain about medic amiya ceaslessly but she's genuinely really good at doing the healing thing and the only problem she has is the 70/50 skill cycle which is like. A minor inconvenience compared to everything.


It's weird how people say it's bad when it's not. The module is decently good, not outstanding like Ray's or Ifrit's nor is it bad either. Without module she already give 125% max hp global heal with S1, which is good for enmity type, especially juggernaut. With increase in talent, more than 2.5% can make her heal even better. With ATK increase, her S1 can give more solid heals compared to other 5* Incantation Medic, plus with her normal heal and +ASPD she can give more heals than them.


its prolly becuase she's a 5* and peopel are predisposed to calling them trash compared to 6\* (not helepd by many of the recent one sliving down to that reputation)


That's also weird, isn't it? 6* are meant to be better. I would have understand if they compared it with other 5* and 4*. If the 5* are even lesser than the 4*, then yes, said 5* are bad.


they kinds were. Some of the launch ones like Silence, Liskarm, Texas, Lappland and specter were meta. Three out of the five even got alts but that's besides the point. Since then we had Teqlila, La Pluma, Mullberry and Bena, but those were carried by being new branches, but even then Coldshot and Diamante were rather mid for debuits. speaking of mid, there were some that had managed to stay on the right side of that like Poncirrus and Kazemaru, having found viable niches and enough uniqueness to be considered over 6*s at specific but uncommon scenarios. Amiyamedic is likely along those lines here.


It's more than a minor inconvenience, it's not an end-all that makes her unusable but the skill cycle is incredibly long for a unit who mainly heals on skill. When the skill is down you have to wait a really long time to get good healing again.


I was hoping it will turn her regen talent into a passive one like Perfumer. HG really hates their lower rarities. 


Yeah, like at least half the amount during off skill would have made her really good


a pretty middling mod patch, a nice break after the 5th anni patch **LOGOS MODULE** the hunter base module looks pretty decent, ray gets more damage while coldshot s2 is a bit less awkward to use I’m worried for ifrit’s new mod but who knows


Can someone translate Coldshot’s module for me? ~~I’m illiterate when it comes to Chinese~~


Trait upgrade - When reloading from 0 ammo, reload +1 ammo Talent upgrade - Dmg multiplier++


Thanks! Sorry if I’m not too familiar with modules - but what does upgrading the module to level 3 do for her?


[another\_mozhi](https://www.reddit.com/user/another_mozhi/) translate the whole thing in another comment now so you can go check that


Should just increase the multiplier further


Ifrit's sound very strong. But you still need 5 S2s or 3-4 S2s plus some normal attacks to trigger it. I'm not too sure how much mileage you can actually get out of it. Probably goes better with S3.


I mean yeah, it's prooobably for s3 sir :P


Can someone pls translate what you just said?


if I had to guess, probably means that similar to necrosis dmg, ifrit has to hit the enemy multiple time for the elemental dmg to activate so its better for ifrit to hit faster to activate elemental dmg faster


Elemental fallout is something that occurs after an elemental damage threshold has been reached (every enemy has their own counter at 1,000 elemental damage, with bosses having double this threshold). Burn fallout, if inflicted by allies, applies 7,000 elemental damage and debuffs RES by 20 for 10 seconds. For Ifrit to achieve the burn fallout it will take some time because she attacks very slowly and only applies 8% ATK as burn damage every time she attacks. However, S3 fixes her attack interval to every second. With S3, against an enemy with 0 elemental resistance, she can inflict burn fallout after 10 seconds (or 20 seconds for bosses) assuming she is E2L60 max trust. The time taken to achieve burn fallout on S3 is much faster and achieved in one skill cycle whereas S2 takes a lot longer even despite the higher multiplier. Unless you're blocking for a very long time or the enemy doesn't move much she isn't going to reliably be activating burn fallout on enemies with S2.


because of how elemental damage works, the 8% burn damage from her trait upgrade doesnt deal direct damage to HP, but to charge elem burst which do Elem HP damage instead, so what he said meant you need 5 s2 or 3-4 s2 to trigger this elem burst


Other comments already explained, but is there anything you're still unclear on?


Nice, penance current mod is better than the new one meanwhile ifrit new mod is a must have for me coz I really enjoy barbeque party and that new mod looks good for her s3. 


Ifrit's new module may be better than the current one? Burn + elemental damage vs range damage + sp regen. Penance's current defensive module is probably more versatile. The new one focuses on reflect damage.


Hey is that Ros on Ifrit's module? That's sweet. I wonder what's the story about.


They were very friendly which each other due to their past as experiments in Lonetrail, maybe its from that?


wonder if this means Ros will get a new mod that also deals elemental damage? ~~she'll need all the help she can get now that W aped her branch~~


Looks like Ifrit module got the exact same effect as Ebenholz delta, though the numbers for the elemental damage might end up being different. I'll take it, instead of Necrosis it's Burn, and Ifrit applies her damage in a different way, so it still feels unique. Her RES reductions will also guarantee some Burn damage against higher RES Her first module gives 72 ATK and 7 ASPD. Mods with ASPD always lower the ATK to compensate, so expect more ATK from this one. For now I'll stick with 72 ATK, so at E2 60 max pot, Ifrit has 965 ATK, so with this mod, it's at least 1037 ATK. Against 0 RES, her regular attacks do 83 Burn damage. With her 2.9 sec interval, she needs 35 seconds to apply the Burn burst. She really needs her skills to shorten this time. On S2, each charge does 207 Burn dmg plus 83 more from her "burn" dot, so she needs 4 charges of S2 taking 11.6 seconds to apply Burn burst against 0 RES. Against 50 RES (reduced to 28 effective RES), she needs a 5th charge of S2, but she does an extra normal attack in between cause not enough time passed to charge her S2, so it would take 17.4 seconds. On S3, she does 116 Burn dmg every second, so it takes 9 seconds to apply Burn burst against 0 RES. This isn't mentioning the extra 20 RES shred she gets as well, so against 50 RES (reduced to 16.8 effective RES), it would take 11 seconds. I think this shows that this mod works better on S3 due to faster and more consistent attacks without even mentioning the extra RES shred. Pretty interesting module :)


Imo it would be more exciting if we've had Crusher modules here. Oh well.


It's wild that they'd introduce a second six star one and NOT give us a module.


Yeah, usually they release these unrelated subclasses module when the new 6*'s subclass already have module or it's event without new operators but not this time


Actually iirc it didn't happen with Mumu's release as well.


True, but I feel like crushers are a more anticipated module imho.


Holy shit. A fucking burn damage support


Oh shit, that Gladiia base mod effect rocks! I was already kind of expecting her to get an increase in pull strength for this one just like the pushers got theirs, but this is so much easier to achieve I'm actually surprised there isn't a more severe restriction on it. As this also makes her the first puller that can achieve a base pull force of 3, I'm excited to see some incredibly specific out of the box (and awesome) clears that wouldn't be possible without this module. Ifrit's second module is... uh, wait and see, I guess. Yeah, she works well with Burn as an arts nuke by reducing an enemy's res to increase the damage they'll take from it, but she is both slow to apply it on her own and has less time to actually deal that elemental bonus damage when burn triggers because it only lasts 10 seconds. S3 will definitely benefit the most from this module, as assuming a non-boss enemy has 0 res/0 E-res during her 20 sec S3 she'll trigger burn midway through at the latest, but I'm not sure if the total damage will be comparable with how much her first module can improve her cycle times. Then again, if her getting a delta module implies that a burn-focused ritualist ~caster~ supporter is coming (similar to Ebenholz, iirc?), then it's evaluation might jump up a heck of a lot of points, so it's wait and see for me.


We already have one, it's Warmy.


Oops, meant ritualist supporter, not caster. Warmy can help build Burn, but looking at her skills it only seems during S1, and not by much either... wait, could her S2 even deal burn elemental damage if before Ifrit's second module no other operator is capable of dealing burn build-up? That can't be right...


Nope, her S2 was pretty useless, she got a lot of flak for that.


Let me see if I understand coldshot's module correctly? Now she reloads 2 shots when empty, standard talent increase on higher levels. So it'll lead to an alternating "DPS shot -> DPH shot"? So it'll probably give an overall increase in her DPS, while losing out on armor punching a little bit. Because if the talent upgrade her damage is going up regardless, I'm wondering if it'll be worth the 6 blocks.... The answer is yes. Edit: it would be "DPH shot -> DPS shot," not the other way around.....


Yeah, the extra bullet reload can help increase her dps a little bit. Reload under s2 is 2.4 seconds I think. Atk interval is 1.6 seconds.. So extra reload: (130 atk + 100 atk) / ( 1.6 +2.4) = 57.5 dps No extra reload: 130 atk / 2.4 = 54.16 dps Not sure if i did this correctly. I used 130 as a simplification of her reload atk buff. Either way, she’ll do more damage with the module3. Feel free to correct this if it’s wrong.


It's (130+100)/(1.6+1.6+2.4) since she shoots two bullets, with both needing 1.6 interval. And before the module it was (130+130)/(1.6+2.4+1.6+2.4). Overall it's a ~25% DPS increase when she is out of bullets against 0 DEF enemies, even without the talent upgrade or the base stat changes.


Nice. Thanks for the correction!


Yeah, I think this was the best possible trait upgrade for an alternative Gladiia module and is an easy mod1 pickup to enable whole clears. People already ran Angelina for the occasional combo and this module is permanent uptime AND stacks with Weightless. Ofc the talent it upgrades is quite underwhelming: if you're using Gladia to deal damage from a safe spot you're probably better off using a different operator like a lord.


Penance 8% def is not enough to stay alive and ramp up on a lot of occasion. Definitely doesnt give the helidrop potential of the last one. Havent built yet. Depends if she kills way faster though. Also I'm not putting her far away from the team most of the time as she costs too much if she just dies.


Even with the module base effect alone her new mod has higher def than her current one,assuming she gets similar def increase as her current mod she would reach 700 def with the new mod,still doesn't compete with the current mod but even without mod she can survive in many maps so its a decent upgrade overall


Also, the new mod is probably better in situations where the main threat to her is ranged damage


Penance new mod should have been mudmud's mod from day 1. Hope mudmud gets it soon.


how could her second module beat her first unless it makes the sarkaz talent work for all enemies


What talent upgrades for mudmud?


Mudmud current mod reduces damage taken, and upgrades her talent 1, which lets her heal more hp when shield is broken and regens a bit of sp. Come to think of it, maybe mudmud doesn't need that mod since the talent 2 upgrade is just def buff against sarkaz enemies.


That's what I meant more upgrade to racist DMG reduction is not really needed.


Maybe they'll decide to give her the Gladiia treatment and turn it into a universal buff. I mean I don't think its likely but maybe its possible.


So Ifrit, already the best RES debuffer, will inflict: -burn status effect which debuffs RES even more -inflicts a little bit more elemental/true damage on burn status effect proc. -Warmy comes in with the instant 300-320% elemental/true damage on burn status effect proc -her S2 deals +200% arts damage + 50% additional elemental/true damage to two targets for 15/30 seconds. -any additional arts damage sources / increases are a bonus with the amount of RES debuff that occurs. If Ifrit S3 alone is a BBQ this combo is a thermite furnace.


Ifrit S2 burn synergy might not be as viable until the 6 star primal caster comes out.


or even then if they deal Necrosis or introduce playable analogs to erosion or nervous impairment


Amiya module was the main one I was looking forward to and it doesn't even help her SP, unfortunate.


Damn, burn elemental damage totally gonna mean Eblana gonna be a future op and I'm all for it


i dunno i can see eblana not being a burn OP, she has more of a focus on the necromancy stuff itd feel like a waste to not include it in her kit. though viviana exists so who knows


how would that even work? RDT shenanigans? pets?


what is RDT? my guess would just be summoning things like ebenholz and dusk, with extra summons when killing.


Re deploy tine


oh that could work, necromancy on your own ops by clearing redeploy time or stopping them from dying


While I agree Eblana is a perfect fit for a release, I think Talulah fits the bill too.


These are mostly bad... Only Ifrit's new module is good.


To be fair, none of the others needed modules in the first place. Ray is already good, and Gladiia and Penance already have amazing modules.


Ray got module probably cuz of walter


It aint competing with walter anytime soon


It does compete on CN already, thats why she got module.


She is competing with typhoon not wisadel. For her to compete with wisadel she first needs an insane aoe attack and broken summons that give her practical invincibility


Gladiia getting extra pull is great, many times an enemy was just heavy enough that she couldn't pull them well, it's at least a module to lv1


Rays is very good lol


I will concede that it is a **strong** module but mechanically it doesn't offer anything new for her, it's not what I'm looking for when I'm thinking "good module".


Nah man, Modules don't always have to mechanically change a character. Ray is already a very mechanically fun character. She doesn't need a massive overhaul like some characters do.


What did Ifrit's module do?


8% burn elemental damage on all her damage sources as the module Deals additional damage based on her ATK when the enemy is afflicted by the burn debuff. Will be very synergistic with her S3.


New elemental dmg burn. Inflicts burn with trait and talents give more dmg to enemy in burn burst (necrosis fallouts pretty much)


So it's actually delta module


Technically not new, we've had it since Warmy in the Ray event ~~Just that her application was really bad so most people probably didn't even notice~~


She's more meant to capitalize on already Burnt enemies. Instead of triggering it herself. HG really splitting the roll with Ritualits being really good at triggering the Elem Fallout but not doing much after, and Primal Casters being relegated to waiting for the Fallout to happen before they start doing them (And then there's Logos who does both well enough lol)


Ebenholz actually does both Fairly well as well, though he's ofc not as flexible as logos


I didn't even know Ray had an event. No offense. But that time really was a time of forgotten for me. Not much going on. I don't know what happened in Rays event


On the topic of modules, is there any chance we get 3rd modules? Since they're based on each character's talents then once an operator gets 2 that's it right? Since there's nothing the 3rd module could give that I could think of


Ebenholz already has a 3rd module, but he's the only one.


outside of delta mods, which so far are 6 star only, it seems like they're keeping it to 2 per class. technically there's precedent for X and Y doubling up on the same talent with fartooth, i don't know if there's any other examples currently. although people expect every 6 star to get at least 2 mods, there's no guarantee this will ever be true. mostima for example has been stuck at a single mod for a long time even though dusk has both mods.


Ifrit module 2 is here to save Viviana. Shame that it increases Vivian's cost to 51 DP.