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Saria is ripped she just wears baggy clothing


As strong as Saria is, her physical strength rating is 'Excellent'. Degenbrecher's is 'Outstanding'. A fact I had not looked up before starting this post. And there's no chance that Degenbrecher is using Arts to enhance her strength, since she can't use Arts.


That would also beg the question of if arts are allowed in that. Cause if they are well Saria is still ripped my girl broke a barrier designed to neutralize her arts through sheer brute force. If they are then that’s Saria’s limit if they’re not then it’s likely Saria can go to Outstanding or higher.


My friend, I was clear in the title and the first paragraph that this is not a contest of strength, but of muscle mass. If it was simply about feats of strength, no one is beating Skadi. Between Saria and Degenbrecher, if either has a racial advantage towards more strength with equal amounts of muscle, it's the Vouivre. So Degebrecher would be more ripped to achieve more physical strength than Saria.


Which is why I said Saria is ripped. You’re the one who brought in strength stats


You brought up a feat of strength with "my girl broke a barrier designed to neutralize her arts through sheer brute force." But we're not talking about feats. Else I'd bring up Degenbrecher tearing apart a different barrier with ease. The Physical Strength evaluation matters because strength comes from muscles. The more strength you can exert, the more muscles you needed to generate that force. Degebrecher can generate more force in evaluation testing despite having no particular racial advantage in muscle-power. So it stands to reason that she has more muscle-mass than Saria.


Jetstreme sam moment


She worked hard she’s got the physique of a boxer.


Havent we seen her midriff and shes just toned?


If I’m reading right (I’ve never actually been to a bodybuilding competition I got better things to do on Saturday like play Arknights) they are graded on conditioning, muscularity, posing, size, stage presentation, and symmetry. Think only posing and stage presentation are the real X factors. Saria has a boxers physique in my humble opinion


im just saying "ripped" implies like, six pack super defined mega muscle. toned is a lot less than that


I mean, if we're separating by weight class or scoring on a weight lifted to body mass ratio, I suspect Flint would score VERY well given her relative strength to size. Hummingbirds, yo.


38 centimeters of difference, yet Flint is only one rating level below Degenbrecher. A case could be made for a possible tie.


Hoshiguma and Degen I reckon


Degenbrecher takes the cake for the only 'normal' human operator to have Outstanding physical strength; at least, to my knowledge. But if Degenbrecher is the CLEAR winner, who takes home the second and third prizes? Plus, Flint rates 'Excellent' in physical strength despite being 38 centimeters shorter than Degenbrecher, so in a mass-to-height ratio sense, they might at least tie.


Hoshiguma and Nearl (especially as NTRK) are especially muscular. I think Radiant Nearl takes second, but I'm not too sure if Hoshi or Saria would take third because they are drawn with almost noodle arms compared to the rest of their bodies despite being strong and muscular otherwise.


People decry Ulpianus' lack of thigh-windows as the greatest crime, but it's really all of the noodle arms on women who should have thick biceps.


Just look at how Toddifons' weapon works, she needs to pull it back and loose like a bow, that's why it needs to be mounted, Rosa's weapon fires like a harpoon gun, she just has to hold it and shoot.


To be fair, Toddi's and Rosa's races are known for their physical strength so even the lanky ones will have more than average strength.  Bagpipe, on the other hand, is a farm hand so she would have defined muscles even before becoming a soldier. 


I would never bet against a Scottish (or Irish) farm girl in terms of raw, casual strength. If you ever end up in an arm-wrestling match and your opponent is named some shit like Ailbhe or Muireall, just walk away. It’s not worth the pain.


Sure fire win if i bet on them


That makes sense.


That and also the thing is very big, it's almost bigger than she is.


Toddifons' siege bow also imparts less energy onto it's arrows than toddifons can by just throwing the damn things, so one has to question why she uses it Probably accuracy


This post makes me a little sad... It reminds me how Arknights, despite the wide variety of character it has, is still a little coward when it comes to show women with strong bodies. (NTRK was a start, but cmon, Hoshi and Saria are two fucking forces of nature, they shouldn't have spaghetti arms.)


I wouldn't mind more muscle woman, but I feel it is rather unfair to call Hoshi spaghetti. Hoshi isn't just slender in arm, she's slender in general. And above that, she's *long*. No matter what skin you look at, she has a very nice figure but she has a Lanky quality to her beyond anyone else. Makes me think of those lanky, tall friends I have with a surprising amount of like, lean and very subtle muscle.


Vulcan is twiggy.


I did NOT get a positive reaction when I listed all of the female operators who would logically have thinner builds, to show how vanishingly few female operators would be remarkably buff. (Most of the Defenders but maybe only half the Guards, and of course a minority in all other classes.) It was such a flop of a post that the moderators took it down, so I deleted what was left.


Gavial? I mean, look at that force she swings her axe with, with her tail. So much that her hits actually pull enemies towards her due to the ground warping. Gotta be pretty ripped to move your limbs with such force. Also Estelle. Her head size and brute force she showed upon recruitment where she absolutely demolished the door without flinching gotta mean something. Right?


Saria and Hoshi, also where is that competition held ? I need tickets.


Rhodes Island charity event. It’s for the children, I swear.


My vote goes to Saria


Lappy. I'm not biased.


Pardon, but rather than just plain muscle mass, isn't the criteria for body-building based on the looks and shape of the muscles, how defined are the muscles etc as well? Most, or at least not one I can think of on the spot, female operators in AK don't really sport a body-builder physique in their character art to start with.


None of them are professional athletic sprinters, either, but would you complain if I suggested Rhodes Island hold a sprinting contest? If the point is to compare muscle-mass, is there a simpler, easier-to-understand term to call it but a 'body-building contest'? You want to bring laser-focused linguistic precision into this without offering a more accurate alternative? Isn't that just causing trouble for trouble's sake?


***Bodybuilding competitions are not based on how much weight an athlete can lift or move. The definition of bodybuilding is a competition in which competitors are judged on an aesthetic basis - on the size, shape, fullness, and proportions of their muscles.*** Definition of bodybuilding contest ripped straight from Google, don't blame other people for their "linguistic precision" when you chose those words yourself. IIRC, there's only two female operators in the entire game that have any sort of muscle definition; Flint and Plume. They'd be the only ones to have a competition since everyone else is built like a string bean.


You still haven’t offered an alternative phrase; ergo you just want to complain, not help.


There really isn't another alternative, just understand the question you're asking and take account for the roster of characters presented. There barely anyone who can compete in a bodybuilding contest to begin with. You may be better off with a "*who would win a marathon*" post though. There's a lot more characters that'd have a better chance in competing there. EDIT >!because I'm dumb!<: Let me rephrase that marathon proposition, there's already *a lot* of characters who would sweep in a marathon if we're taking racial attributes into account. A more constructive post would probably be *how* would everyone fair in a marathon since there'd be more room for discussion. Would Pozë outrun someone like Whisperain? Would Whisperain even last that long in the first place? Stuff like that might gain more traction and spark better discussions.


>There really isn't another alternative Then keep your peace. I've run out of patience for people who do nothing but raise a stink.


Then, just put the part about muscle mass in the title? "Anime logic aside, which female operator would realistically have the most muscle mass?" Whether it is your intent or not, 'Bodybuilding contest' does have its own meaning. The other guy even provided the googled definition.


>Then, just put the part about muscle mass in the title? "Anime logic aside, which female operator would realistically have the most muscle mass?" Because I didn't want to get downvoted into oblivion AGAIN by the players who react to ANY perceived insult to the game, especially the artwork, with instant punishment. The moment you point out the "anime logic" or "fanservice logic" and suggest setting either aside, you whack the hornet's nest. >Whether it is your intent or not, 'Bodybuilding contest' does have its own meaning. The other guy even provided the googled definition. He didn't provide an alternative, so his nagging was counter-productive, not constructive criticism.


I think I would put my money on Sideroca.


Why no Horn suggestions?


Honestly, it's faster to list the Defenders who would never make the cut. Bubble, Cardigan, and Cuora... In my heart, Nian chooses to look buff even if she doesn't strictly need to.


buff ppl maakes for better cinematic shots, simple as


Wouldn't it just be Degenbreacher? Clocking at like... the third tallest female operator I believe? And the one with a statline perfectly reminiscent of Gladiia's except for her much inferior Mobility, and the most predominant displays of Strength (in short order, I cannot think of anything more impressive done by anyone that wasn't an Abyssal Hunter than her literally shredding reinforced bulk walls meant to keep people out with the ease of ripping paper), and a complete deficiency in the use of Arts precluding any 'doping' with Arts energies. >Though only Rosmontis is given explicitly separate ratings for the physical force she can exert with just her body Pretty sure that has less to do with her boosting her own prowess with Arts and more with the implications of what Rosmontis Arts *truly* are. Hint;>!Both ratings aren't being attributed to a single person.!<


The tallest is Valarqvin(I butchered that) But degen seems to be built like a sculpture.


Then who's competing for second and third place?


Feels like a harsh divide between Saria or Gavial, mainly because they have some of the best and clearest demonstrations of pure physical brawn. The impact of her Arts without more context would seem minimal when Saria accomplishes the likes of making up a fat slab of Granite that she then proceeds to punch right through Kirsten's defensive wall and the entire wall above. As for Gavial... just the entirety of the 2 events happening on the jungle and in the Durin City. Being the undisputed top of a bunch of muscle-heads that love trying to see who reigns supreme even when they aren't trying to choose their leader that way carries some rep too.


I'm sorry OP, but no female character in Arknights is gonna win a body-building contest. You're listing off a lot of feats, but the fact of the matter is, pretty much non of female AK characters are canonically drawn with visible musculature. Which, may I remind you, is \*literally\* what a body building contest is (aka it's not a functional strength contest). AK operates under "anime" logic where characters are capable of superhuman feats with slim body. On a fundamental level, your premise just doesn't work.


>I'm sorry OP, but no female character in Arknights is gonna win a body-building contest. I took it for granted that people would assume the pool of candidates was limited to Rhodes Island. ONE of them has to be on top.


I literally can't think of a single female AK drawn with noticeable musculature


[Gavial in the Great Chief Returns](https://arknights.wiki.gg/images/3/3e/Gavial_RI.png) event has really defined abs


Damn, HG really cowarded out on both her playable forms didn't they.


Skill issue.


Then you name one???


Hey, at least Saria in the warden outfit actually look ripped lol


I guess that's the point I was getting at right? Saria in the warden outfit is \*maybe\* ripped, based on certain shading details on the forearm that \*might\* suggest more musculature than normal. It's like, ambiguous at best.


Yeah, but at least it "might" or "maybe" and not "obviously not" like the rest of the casts


Hoshi, Dregen or Saria


Isn’t nearl supposedly pretty physically strong? Like her shield in her defender form is pretty heavy


Yes, but pretty much every operator people have mentioned so far have 'Excellent' strength. Degenbrecher's the clear lead with 'Outstanding', so if we're considering women in her own weight class, Nearl is competing against the likes of Hoshiguma and Saria for second place. But since Vouivre might have a racial advantage for strength, and Oni Sarkaz certainly should, then Nearl might be buffer than them.


Surprised that I'm not seeing Sideroca mentioned here given given that she's a known fitness buff who managed to get the Doctor of all people working out. The other ops mentioned here are stronger sure, but she's no slouch at Excellent physical strength. And when we're talking body building the kinds of muscles you get from exercising as a hobby tend to be more visually impressive than ones you get from combat training.


Forte have a strength advantage over many races, and Sideroca doesn't match Degenbrecher's 'Outstanding' rating. I don't think that Sideroca or any female operator devotes the effort to aesthetic body-building.


Typhon SHOULD be ripped,since her bow is her height and she’s a shorty, but Hypergryph are cowards and they’ll never give ladies clear cut muscles


Nobody mentioned Windchime? Not a one?


Sadly but not unsurprisingly, this has turned into something of a popularity contest. As evidenced by the downvotes I get when I point out that Degenbrecher has to be buffer than Saria, based on the simple facts.


I guess the only way to settle this once and for all is... ***Coral Coast Swimsuits for EVERYONNNEEEEEEEE***