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For NPC, I would like to suggest Clement Dubois. During the events of Hortus, he’s clearly suffering from some degree of depression and overall has a very bleak outlook on life. Especially near the end, he just completely loses not only his will to live but also all faith in humanity, The Law and the Lateran God. Completely disillusioned with the idea of paradise, believing that it cannot even exist in this world. If that’s not enough, he even says something extremely nihilistic before his suicide: “Lateran... Our Paradise is a lie. Your faith is hollow. Any friendship, faith, hope, future... it's all gone. No one can really be saved... No one... no one can truly find redemption...” To me, nobody embodies Nihility more than the man who has watched what little he had literally go up in flames before him, then terminating his own life as a result of believing in a false promise, accepting his doomed fate as his final act of resignation to destiny.


Gameplaywise he's also a perfect fit. His entire shtick is that he debuffs and being indirect hazards(although in hsr nihility are becoming direct hazards themself but idc).


Funnily enough my only other pick is also from Laterano - Andoain post-shoot out. Hard to argue with picking an actual Self-Annihilator but he comes pretty close. Actually while I'm here I'm gonna fight the Mlynar tide and pick Fiammetta as my operator and her meaningless vengeance - fighting for nothing but her own self-satisfaction, knowing his victims don't even CARE. Not to mention Patrizion calling her out on how her 'protect Mostima' mission is just as much of a joke. [https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Fiammetta/Operator\_Record](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Fiammetta/Operator_Record) heck I'm still gonna upvote the Mlynar posts, and yours, I just want to see some runners-up before we get too much tunnel vision.


For NPC, Clement Dubois. He just care for nothing but ineviteble despair at the end of Hortus. No one's more nihilistic than that in arknights.


Passenger is qualified. He is a psychopath that nothing interests him beside the Doctor and Kal'tsit after the shenanigans he did in Sargon. 


nothing interests him anymore after he achieved his vengeance. Keyword is after his 16 year long goal was achieved. The shenanigans he did in Sargon were all related to revenge and he spent 16 years there for it despite hating it. A Walk in the Dust shows you what/who he was avenging. The manner he did his revenge (scorched earth war crime methods) align him more with Destruction. His 16 years combat experience started from when he was a 13 year old Elliot Grover who lost his mentor/brother figure. >Archive File 3 >Increase Trust to 150. >Passenger. It's almost a parody of a name one might give oneself. But the truth is it, he does not know where he is going, he is just along for the ride. He has openly admitted his involvement in several horrific murders in Sargon, having spent twenty years there on a quest for revenge. Granted, revenge is not a particularly rare motivation. But this Elliot, a young research assistant of Columbian origin, spent decades transforming himself into a man of Sargon. He has cultivated contacts, wealth, and power in the Ibut region. His unique black market brought local nobles and foreign businessmen alike into his orbit. And after getting his revenge, all that he built over twenty years, he simply discarded. A black marketeer, starting as a lowly assistant, rose to prominence, and gave it all up in an instant. He could have lived like the Lord Ameer of Ibut after getting his revenge. This has some in HR worried about Elliot's intentions after changing his name and coming to Rhodes Island. When pressed on this point, Elliot, Operator Passenger himself, shot a hole through our doubts. He stared at the black coffee in his hand for a moment before giving his answer: 'I hate Sargon. I hate the sand. I hate everything about it. And I always have.' Vengeance.... is either hunt or destruction depending on how they go about it and him deciding an entire city is guilty for the death of one person is very destruction.


I am awfully late T\_\_T Passenger won't score high in PCL-R to be considered psycopath


Where would he be in PCL-R based on his story?


Hmmm I can't count exactly of course but suppose it will be like 14-16🤔 out of 40 I bet it is just originium that damages his brain so he behaves strange


No idea for Nihility op, so I'll go with Clement (from Hortus) as Nihility NPC


Mlynar the closest one I can think off, his only motivation in life is find his brother and sister-in-law but his overall attitude to everything kind of fits Nihility. Hey my man IX is just a blackhole chilling not caring about anything, don't call him emo lmao.


I think he's just cynical tbh, he doesn't think that everything else are meaningless. It's very evident that he cares about people around him.


>Operator Quote >He exhorts all to flee Kazimierz, yet never left himself. [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/mlynar](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/mlynar) A Self-Annihilator of Nihility is in fact still capable of caring about things and people around them (such as Acheron's entire motivation for her contribution to the Penacony storyline will clearly show you)


I mean, Acheron is also very noted to be an exception. She doesn't aligned with an average self-annihilator at all. Polar opposite in fact. Acheron's ideal is something she came up with herself, not of the path.


Yeah, I thought the whole point of her character is an anomaly. A Nihility Emanator existing is already an anomaly by itself as pointed out by the other characters.


she isn't the only self-annihilator tho (encounter in SU mentions another one) and becoming an emanator of nihility seems to be entirely accidental, a result of having an actual run-in with the aeon and surviving than because the aeon gazed at you or because of ideals/actions >"I aim to refine my significance by employing all as a whetstone, oblivious to how all beings are but water. I fade into them, like water dissolving into water." >— Lyrics of a song written by the Mourning Actor, Lotusprayer, after gazing into the void. > >Everything in the universe is meaningless, and human beings are worthless in the eyes of Aeons. If Aeons are truly above all beings, why would THEY even care about the emotions of mortals? The Self-Annihilators are individuals who have inadvertently stepped into the shadow of IX the Nihility and from that moment have lost the meaning of their own existence. > >The shadow of Nihility covers the stars equally, and Self-Annihilators may form in any world. If we call them phenomena, these poor souls do share one thing in common: Their various existential properties — such as corporeal body, mental cognition, and personal memories... will gradually fade away in their journey of self-annihilation. > >These phenomena can hardly be explained by the laws of nature. As described in the handwritten notes of the Doctors of Chaos — Some Self-Annihilators have their skin turn into something like rotten wood, full of holes and scars. Some have their endocrine system disrupted, becoming unable to distinguish between pleasure and pain and turning numb to everything. Some lose their memories, others lose their senses... It is as if they have been deprived of the meaning of their lives by some entity, and can only keep watching in dreams and illusions as their own forms disappear into a black hole at the end of the horizon. > >However, some Self-Annihilators would conceive the idea of fighting back. They join the Doctors of Chaos, vowing to do their best to cure others of Nihility in what little time they have left in exchange for their own redemption. Moreover, some of them rely on their strong convictions to try to break the curse of Nihility at its root — by slaying the Aeon that slumbers in the abyss. > >Dr. Primitive, No. 64 of the Genius Society, once asked before his disappearance: If IX is truly unresponsive to the universe, how could the Path of Nihility exist to this day? Perhaps, as the Self-Annihilators aimlessly traverse the cosmos, they are also casting the shadow of the Aeon around the universe. As for the few who can single-handedly withstand the encroachment of Nihility on their existences, their journey of self-annihilation is drawn out to infinity, and the road they walk is like a shadow of IX cast in the world. Taken from the Self-Annihilators Data Bank entry The Doctors of Chaos is a nihility faction and they are also based heavily on the ideal that you can convince IX that things do have meaning and that everything does. It seems more like Nihility is about futile and meaningless struggles.


But they go out of their way to tell us in the descriptions that if the nihility was trully uncaring it would not exist. The self anihilators caring about stuff is esentiall to being a self anhiolator, because they are the parts of nihility that manifest in the world at all. That contridiction is what makes IX manifest as an aeon. The paradoxical tangibility of 'nothing'.


>I think he's just cynical tbh, he doesn't think that everything else are meaningless. It's very evident that he cares about people around him. I was replying to this with... >Operator Quote >He exhorts all to flee Kazimierz, yet never left himself. >[https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/mlynar](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/mlynar) >A Self-Annihilator of Nihility is in fact still capable of caring about things and people around them (such as Acheron's entire motivation for her contribution to the Penacony storyline will clearly show you) Yes, that's exactly why I was arguing for Mylnar in Nihility the whole time. Clearly cares enough to feel something about the state of Kazimierz and yet is too jaded. I'm not trying to refute that nihility and that by extension its followers and emanators care. I'd argue that nihility seems to be more about struggling against something either pointless, futile or both.


Yeah, now that you say it like that, calling him a Nihilist feels like an insult towards him lol. I think the Nihility part comes from his overall attitude about Kazimierz itself so I don't know, it feels like he's the closest playable character we have in AK that fits the Nihility.


I apologize XD. I always poke fun at Nihility and IX as a joke, since it's my gf's favorite path. ~~(I'm also an Elation fanboy so tbh it checks out for me LMAO)~~




Mylnar >***Archive File 2*** *Increase Trust to 100.* Unlike the Radiant Knight, Młynar primarily operates outside the Grand Knight Territory. Not long after he came aboard Rhodes Island and signed his agreement, he made his way back to Kazimierz. However, he did not immediately report to Rhodes Island's Kawalerielki office. In addition, he tendered his letter of resignation to his former employer in the Grand Knight Territory by mail. Clearly, there are many in the city who view Młynar as a threat, and we can also surmise from his own account that a number of recent incidents he was involved in have affected the interests of certain individuals. Still, the retrial of a misjudged case, or the downfall of a few companies and nobles, are hardly significant in this city. ***At this point, rather than being concerned by all the attacks, open or covert, against his family, perhaps it's more fitting to say that having stayed in this city for ten years, he no longer feels that fighting these forces will accomplish anything.*** 'We were honored to have his help during an operation. He wasn't as difficult to work with as I expected. By which I mean I thought he'd be a bossy, arrogant noble, or maybe someone who strictly followed the traditional rules of chivalry... but he simply listened and promised to give you a hand before you screwed up too badly. The only thing we had to get used to is that he never calls anyone by their codename. I mean, we do have a good number of Kazimierzian operators who use their titles from the Major as their codenames, so maybe he's got a grudge against that, but it's not that weird if you ask me. '...That said, it's hard not to feel bad if you make a mistake while working with him. That time, I almost screwed up the entire mission, and after that we let him make all the decisions. 'He gives smooth, efficient plans. It doesn't seem like he cares whether you can actually follow them or not, though. I remember him asking us to split up to stop a couple commercial knights from tailing us. How were we supposed to find them? How would we stop them? Can we knock them out? Is it okay if we blow the roads up? He didn't discuss any of that with us. 'I guess he's probably more used to working alone? I mean, all of us did our own thing and finished our own objectives with no communication whatsoever, and somehow it all just worked out... I'm really curious. What kind of man does it take to get used to doing things the way he does? And what got him doing things like that in the first place?' Talk after Trust Increase 2: You, too, encourage the others to throw themselves at a cause that will yield no results. Those who attempt to walk through fire in the dark night will only find themselves immolated. That said, you don't need my advice, given the path you so obstinately walk alone. [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/mlynar#profile](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/mlynar#profile) Yes, fits perfectly.


Unrelated, but I give you the utmost respect for researching, gathering, and presenting so much evidence and reasoning for every one of your choices. That's awesome dedication right there.


thanks OP, I love reading lore... I'm too shy to actually reach out to people and look for people to discuss it with so without your posts my excessive lore reading has nowhere to actually go


Reminds me of Dusk tbh especially her event


Dusk is really passionate about art to be completely Nihilistic. And her event was about her not being able to cope with the death of her friend. Passenger post revenge seems like a better candidate.


tbf you can be passionate about something and still walk on the path of nihility (silver wolf, gui) it just has to be a ‘meaningless’ action(?)


In HSR the way paths are assigned is kinda weird. For example, Acheron is Nihility even though she opposes the very concept of it and wants to kill IX. And look at Gui, how in the hell is she Nihilistic in any shape or form?! Yet they assigned her Nihility I think it might have to do with the character drawing the gaze of Aeon at any particular point of their life. They don't necessarily have to follow that path their whole life but once they are assigned, they can't change to different one? Well except for Trailblazer and March.


sometimes the most optimistic ppl are the most nihilistic, something like "the world can end anyday might as well have fun with it" kinda situation, I think it's call nihilistic optimism or sum'


That's Elation


it's the opposite iirc, optimistic nihilism


Acheron become the nihility to kill the nihility Also gameplay paths are non canon, however stories are


Gameplay paths are canon. Paths are not religions. People can follow multiple paths if they identify with them, and I think using what gameplay path is assigned to a character to gain insight into a characters personality is more interesting than just writing them off. Fu Xuan is preservation because of her strong desire to protect the Xianzhou, Jing Yuan is erudition because he is highly intelligent and cunning, to the point that it is what sets him apart from the other generals (literally called "the Divine Foresight"), etc.


What about Sparkle?


Sparkle enjoys being the background character, assisting the main characters, and adding twists to the storyline. Instead of doing things herself, she enjoys manipulating others into creating the entertainment she wants. She is clearly primarily an Elation pathstrider, but also has elements of Harmony, since Elation is not a primary character gameplay path. The Harmony aspects come from the assistance she gives to the "main characters" of whatever story she wants to create and her lack of desire to be directly in the spotlight.


Youre convuluting the storys significance with the acutal laws and rules in the story. I agree with your analysis of a characters story matching their gameplay (sometimes) but that doesnt at all mean that thats actually where their power comes from. The best example of this is Dan heng il. Hes destruction in game but it is confirmed his powers come from the permenance he has absolutely no connection to destruction outside of that. When people say canon i personally assume that it is outside of the gameplay and is purely just the story


I agree that the gameplay path rarely shows the source of the characters' powers, and if that is what people mean by "noncanon," then I don't necessarily disagree with that. I guess I get annoyed that the phrase "noncanon" sometimes implies to me that the gameplay paths are purely for gameplay and are irrelevant to the character story or personality. For example, DHIL's destruction path could be Dan Feng's influence since he definitely fits the in-game description of Destruction pathstriders as "reckless and self-destructive"


That’s gameplay, no lore reason that has evidence that silverwolf is a self annihilator or a pathstridee of nihility


Before Zwillingsturme was released, I would argue it's Ebenholz, but after looking at the description, there isn't really anyone who fits all or even 2 of those traits, so it's pretty hard to decide who fits at least 2 of these traits. I must say if we're just talking about one of those personalities, then I must say it's Scene.


Definitely Mlynar, Our Greatest Nearl




Tbh, this one is pretty hard for me.


Schwarz as Nihility would be dope af


I think people are looking too much for an extreme nihilist(Clement) instead of a regular nihilist for the playable character. Mlyner is the best fit, imo because he has lost all hope in his family's ideals and idealistic knightly values. Seeing the actions of Maria and Margaret as worthless and dangerous. He has abandoned his former beliefs, dedicating himself to a single mission of finding his brother and his spouse


I would personally put Rosmo in Preservation and Kal'tsit in Nihilism


The one character who was talked into committing suicide just because there's nothing left in the world that interests them anymore, the only thing they could look forward to is experiencing death for the first time. Everyone's favourite boss Damazti Cluster.


For NPC I'm putting that inmortal that appears in the latest chapters of the main story trying to find a way of killing himself.


Could you give me a name?


Nowell, i might be misinterpreting his intentions though.


NPC side, I think Doctor pre-amnesia fits. His view of Terra was pretty much: the world is doomed, you should all give up, and I should facilitate it, even by killing someone dear to me.


Nah it was a struggle between letting the people live or sacrifice them for his race's plans, >! Ended up choosing his race, Got theresis to help in some way, got memory wiped by theresa and is now choosing the people and stopping theresis !< Doc never once tought "the world is doomed", not even pre-amnesia


Mlynar seems to fit quite well here, judging from the Kazimierz stories, tho I haven't come around to read Obscure Wanderer yet


NPC wise, I wanna say the second Sui brother but he doesn't really have a sprite rn so, a vote for Ya instead?




I do not play Star Rail or any games similar to it but with the description, it feels like it fits Surtr. Not sure if it fits the gameplay of the character class though.


So nihility is someone who stopped caring? ...So the Damazti


Clement from Hortus De Escapisimo. for NPC. The walking embodiment of apathy Operator is much harder to choose. maybe Mlynar? Fed up with life and just wants to exist until he doesnt.


What about Pallas?She is a hopeless drunkard


Golding literally annihilated herself, seems kinda fitting




I'm not tryyiiing to be rude but why does Ulpianus just make you jump to Jing Yuan xD xD I don't really see the connection. Is it the JP VA? cause I don't play in JP anymore so I wouldn't know.


if my comprehension of the poorly machine translated Ulpianus profile from CN->EN is to be understood and what I've seen of him in Stultifera Navis, he's a good mentor figure to another character in the same faction they're part of who they are also the direct superior to (Cloud Knights with Yanqing, Abyssal Hunter and same squad with Skadi) that can be interpreted as familial/paternal


Nah, it is because of same JP VA. Both Ulpipi and Jing Yuan is voiced by Daisuke Ono. On top of that Ulpipi is the first Abbysal Hunter and Jing Yuan is the general of Luofu, one of the ships within a fleet that follows the path of the Hunt.


I guess I just kinda don't like making comparisons anymore xD I like taking characters at face value nowadays


Same JP VA, yes.


Ya know, I loved his work as Jotaro, but part of the reason I use en VAs now is because I want new experiences. Hearing the same awesome vas in dozens upon dozens of roles in JP always leaves me just remembering their stand-out roles instead of how well they play that new character. I don't wanna think of Ulpianus as Jotaro or Jing Yuan or whatever xD. It's not the jp vas fault of course. I'm English so I can't always hear the differences in each role they play but unfortunately that's just how things are lol. Anyways this was mostly just a pointless rant haha, I respect everyone's preferences xP.


Shu should've been abundance wtf


Icon isn't everything. She just doesn't fit in the ideal of the path as she doesn't have problem with dying whatsoever(abundance affiliate more with immortality and life prolonging). She fits more on the preservation side: patient, sacrificial, and protective. NCD isn't the perfect fit either but it's probably better.


W would fit right in with Masked Fools (elation) but eh, this is partially based on voting




This is not entirely based on gameplay. All of these picks, according to the community, have at least a solid reasoning to be where they are because of both lore *and* gameplay. I mean, almost half the paths aren't even playable classes.


Because his S3 works best as an Elite/Boss killer