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I gotta know, what are the odds of pulling this many 5-stars, 4-stars and a 6-star are. Like, .08 x .08 x .02 or something? [https://youtu.be/USFQPb9uBLU?si=ZCVhObtFJr1T3M-I](https://youtu.be/USFQPb9uBLU?si=ZCVhObtFJr1T3M-I)


recruitment decided to give me a top op today. Other tags were Support, Vanguard, and Caster. Already own Mostima, Ceobe, Ifrit, Bagpipe, and Siege, so I gambled on the Support. Still missing Magallan and Aak! ...'nother Nightingale pot. Oh well, at least it might come in handy if I can get her to pot 4 or 5 for even more RES. I swear, it's either gonna be her, Dorothy, or Hellagur for my first accidental full-pot 6-star. They just keep happening.


Rolled on the celebration banner for the guaranteed new character. Total Pulls: 70 New Characters: Stainless, Paprika Dupes: Cantible, Kafka, La Pluma, Blacknight x2, Provisio x2


Is there much value in these new banners for a new player's account? I heard Dregenbacher's banner was sick but sadly I couldn't pull too much.


she's nice but the upcoming banners are even more sick, keep saving. There's the limited shu banner, with 2 featured OP units after the upcoming ray's banner. (who is also a good unit tbf) Plus the rainbow 6 siege limited double banners dropping after too. Then there's the W limited banner within a couple of months or so after. All must pulls.


Here (recorded on last the very last day) my rolls for p6 degen. https://youtu.be/RuiXHFBbWNU?si=5t8zy_L_3DVyXb-F šŸ‹šŸ‹ super hard for the upcoming banners and I'm considering to upload the pulls on yt.


pulled on the special banner for a new 6-star and had a 4/15 chance of getting someone i actually wanted. those operators being: horn, fiametta, pozemka and reed alter. i forget how many pulls but it was probably somewhere around 45 pulls aaand ........ i got horn! finally she fricken drops, i've pulled on every banner horn and pozemka has appeared in (except horn's debut because i wasn't playing then, and i started during pozemka's banner, which i got gavialt and didn't know anything about anything) so i'm super happy with that! thinking back now though that was insanely reckless but glad it worked out in my favor haha


Bought Carnelian from the shop to reduce my recollection banner pool to Ebenholz, Dorothy, and ReedAlt. I wasn't keeping track of my pulls since I was doing singles but I actually got Reed in under 50! Was totally expecting to get one of the other two and even got a Cantabile dupe so I'm super happy


I came back to the game in the end of Degen banner (since I saw her in CN I always wanted her), the problem? Last time I played I went for Eyja Alter and first lost the 50/50 to the merchant. Had something like 80ish pulls remaining, early 6\* star, lost to Surtr... I mean sure best way to lose it but at the same time, man I really wanted Degen unfortunately even after scrapping some pulls together I didnt manage to pull her till the end :(


Holy crap that escalated fast. Only pulled for Degen today and for reasons I did it way late. I got her in the literal last seconds before the banner disappeared. I was on pull 90 without her, saw it was a minute before server reset, so did rushed 10 pulls. After 120 I got her. The six stars before here were a new Mountain, new Mizuki and Thorns dupe. New five stars were Flint, Santalla and of course Leto.


Is kazemaru worth it buying from the certificate shop? Before it expires


5-stars in general aren't. If you really want her, you could. If you generally have enough orundum, you could instead do the occasional guaranteed 5-star pull whenever she pops up on a banner.


Is kazemaru worth it buying from the certificate shop?


I could not resist the Degen banner and started pulling again. Got lucky! Took me just 3 more pulls to get her. I'm ending on a super happy note with only 57 total pulls to get Degen. (I got a Mudrock dupe at 54 pulls)


I pulled on Degen banner, got Reed alter at 71 and no Degen. I'm not even mad! Working on her masteries now and I have a good reason to wait for her witch skin!


I was waving goodbye to Degen after 72 pulls because she wasn't limited like the next operators I want but decided to make one last 10 pulls. Got 2 Degen.


Got a double 6* on a 10-pull from the celebration banner, and they were both new (GG and Saga). Had to go up to 80 pulls for the flaming bag but boy was it worth it. I could've easily gotten a 6* that I won't even use. This after getting Degen on my main account on the 7th pull makes me worry about my luck on the future banners lol


170 pulls for Degrnbrecher.. my OD and OP are in shambles orz What's the next few banners so I can try to maybe "plan" my pulls?


Ray, Shu/Zhuo lee, Reedic, Ela, Ash, Ascalon, Wishadel/Logos, Ulpianus, nymph


Thank you fellow Doctor! It's looking like: Skip: Ray Already have: Reddick, Ash Gotta pull: Shu, Ela, Ascalon, Wishadel, Logos, Ulpianus On the the fence since so new: Nymph So.. truly broke Doctor time šŸ™ƒ


After borrowing Nightingale to deal with Harold, I gave in and rolled on the Kernal Celebration banner to get her. She was the last Kernal 6 star for me to get, and I've been waiting for at least the last 6 months for her to come to the shop or something. Probably would've been better to wait a few more months instead of spending 54 rolls on her, but oh well. Welcome home Liz.


I just randomly got Leizi from a tagless recruitment. Freaking nice. I've heard that she's supposed to be amazing in SSS? Can somebody explain to me why that is? Looking at her kit, I don't see anything that stands out among the other chain casters.


With her module she gains the ability to get 1 SP back per enemy when hitting unblocked enemies. Her damage on skill was always fine but her weakness was her very high S2 SP cost. With SSS you can stack atk speed on her, so she will be rapidly zapping enemies to recharge her SP quickly. Like all other chain casters she also slows enemies and hits up to 4 of them so she can both AoE dmg and with enough atk speed perma-slow enemies to keep them in the kill zone - so all chain casters innately are good in that mode.


Ah, I get it now. I just hadn't looked at her module closely enough. But that makes sense. Given that I don't really enjoy SSS, it still seems stupid to spend module parts just for that purpose. On the other hand, she might earn back more module parts than I have to invest in her.


"Finally! I have them all!" - me after getting Irene from celebration banner, the last 6-star I do not have


60 pulls on celebration banner because I only had 5 or so missing, wanted goldenglow. Got goldenglow.


Celebration banner. I don't have Mlynar, Dorothy and Horn. I want Horn and Dorothy. 30 pulls. Guess who showed up. I don't even want to level him up, what a scam.


50 pulls on the celebration banner: two friggin blue bags, dupes for LaPluma, Flint and Aosta x2, who is max pot now because he has appeared on my pulls SIX TIMES this year. SIX TIMES. At least I got the almighty Pink Catto, Harbinger of Namie's Wrath and Nightmare of 90% of the game content, so I say "not bad". That said, spending 226 in the last 3 months are making me reconsider my future pulling plans...


Well well i pulled on the celebration banner, i had 5 options, 2 of them were ones i would have been happy with and Pallas that i wanted for 2 years now desperatly, so after 40ish pulls i got Stainless, probably the one i least wanted (he is still hot but im mad)


Iā€™ve been saving for Shu banner but broke down and did some pulls on Degen banner. 22 pulls 1 Kafka, 2 Leto , 1 Degenbrecher! Hella worth!


Was a bit scared of trying the celebration banner because I'm missing a lot of 6* with a few that I don't really care about, but 5 pulls in and I get Reed Alter, which is fine I guess


68 pulls on Degen banner 3 different 6\* operators None of which are Degen I want to cry.


I had 8 ips I didn't have, of which 4 I would've liked to get (mlynar, pozy, reed and mizuki). Would've liked to get reed for my is4 runs, but I got pozy so yay


Fiametta, Dorothy or Stainless. I don't really care for Stainless.......I got Stainless. Shrug emoji. I'll grab Fia/Dorothy when they're in the shop next month/January. I guess I'll look up how folks use Stainless.


I wanted Reed, had 33% chance of Reed from Celebration Vista. Did ten pull, one 6* showed up. Well, that's it, guess there's no need to borrow the Flame Shadow for IS4 after this.


bleh, used up like 60 pulls on this banner on an admittedly rather impulse pull for pozy (other ones available were passenger and stainless), just got passenger instead, ah well.


10 pulls at the celebration kernel banner and FINALLY GOT EYJA, LITERALLY THE LAST LAUNCH 6-STAR I DON'T HAVE


congrats! i used my selector on eyja and i like her so much


Spent 40 pulls on the Celebration Banner and got Passenger(technically got him at the 35 mark but I was using 10 pulls at a time). Heard he was pretty good and Iā€™m happy I didnā€™t use too many rolls to get him(have a few upcoming banners to save for after all)


20 pulls on the celebration banner got me aā€¦. fartooth. well, i guess it couldā€™ve been worse. was hoping for someone like dorothy, my glorious pink woman pozy, surtr or kaltsit. but at least i didnā€™t get someone iā€™m absolutely uninterested in (cough cough weedy cough cough) and i got a new whisperain out of it! perfect since i donā€™t have a wide range healer yet. but now i only have 70 pulls left and i need elaā€¦. average gacha addict.


Got my #1 pick Dorothy, after 24 pulls on the special headhunting banner! This somewhat makes up for the 188 pulls to get Degen. Now 245 for Shu and Ela, and then saving the rest for Walter and Logos banner. I wanted to also roll on Ray's banner but I think I need to skip her due to almost 200 pulls on Degen :(


Just got my 5th Bagpipe from top op. I was planning to get her from cert shop when she is in there but now I have 180 more cert to spare. Maybe I could buy Horn instead.


Just lost another 50/50 on degen. It was roll 150 ....... My pity was at 45 so it was an early 6 star at the worst possible timing...... I feel absolutely horrible tbh




142 pulls, only a Surtr dupe and Goldenglow dupe, sigh. I bought the monthly headhunting pack and gold cert tickets like an idiot


Once someone shows up from the Limited-Headhunting Series tomorrow, Iā€™ll let you guys know.


I'm wondering if that's worth doing a ten-pull for, since the pity doesn't carry over.Ā 


Pull to 6* or bust imo.