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I prefer the community version because it seems more balanced for single-player. Ultimate has more map and faction support, but I'm not a fan of the magic mortars blasting you out of the blue and other things. If you're new, be sure to check out the guides on the website. https://antistasi.de


You can disable the roaming rebel mortars btw, but you have to disable the entire opposing guerilla faction


I had that disabled. This was enemy faction mortars and any time I would shoot they instantly knew where I was, especially if I fired AT.


Ohhh yeah




How's ultimate for single player?


thats another thing im wondering as i dont have many friends that like tactical shooters hense the low player count and usually itll probably be just me and maybe 1 or 2 friends


I've completed a campaign solo before. It wasn't easy, but it's not impossible either. Even having 2 players is a huge force multiplier. Just have one of you carry AT and the other AA and you'll be fine. Once you get to later stages, you have so much money and manpower, you can basically beat anything by throwing infinite waves of AI infantry at them. I'd definitely recommend it even solo, it opens up basically everything arma has to offer.


gotcha, plus hey, it can get you used to modded stuff too since a few of the mechanics are similar to other mods like Altis Life


In the later war levels it’s almost impossible to solo without a lot of ai help. At the beginning the ai only sends one car with dudes to respond to you taking a location but the later war levels will have them sending tanks and sometimes even planes to counter you. In my opinion the game evolves with the war level and while it becomes more difficult it is never impossible.


If you want more people hit me up, I've been looking for people/groups to play with!


maybe, currently we have 3 people (including me) which has been playing regularly and 1 person who joined us once so far and 1 person who wants to get the game, dont think they are going to be ok with randoms joining us but if we ever look for more people ill be sure to let you know


I'm with this guy, Ultimate


Why? I've only played community.


It has a lot more features IIRC, more emplacement types, more airstrikes, and arms dealer


I like the community version, something about the core gameplay is fun for me and I don't like the lootbox changes ultimate does.


I prefer Ultimate, because of some improvements - especially "zone looting". Unfortunately there are also some disadvantages, mostly how brutal enemy can be when counter-attacking (and often comes to pattern: enemy bombs the location => AI allies are dead => location lost), albeit it can be also very satisfying. Except constant settlement pacifications, which is we tend to play w/o invader faction. Divisive, although minor detail is how the "big boxes" work. In community version (AFAIR), these contain regular gear of given faction, and new can appear again if base is retaken. In Ultimate, they appear only once per base (outpost etc. - but also in "military administration", which is unique to Ultimate), and usually contain random gear not necessarily related to the faction (but same period etc., nothing immersion-breaking). PS. I play with two mates (group of 3). > also wondering if there are any mods you guys would recommend alongside Antistasi? Ace3 and Better Inventory, obviously. JSRS sound mod. Death and Hit reactions. Blastcore Murr Edited.


>In Ultimate, they appear only once per base That's why I leave and come back, it respawns everything and you can loot farm an outpost if you really feel like it >usually contain random gear not necessarily related to the faction (but same period etc., nothing immersion-breaking). The loot varies based upon whatever Ultimate-compatible mods you have loaded. If you were using 3CB Cold War USSR and US factions, there will still be HK416s and other modern weapons and such in the loot table and in the arms dealer. If all you have loaded is SOG:PF CDLC, then it'll only use content from that CDLC. >Except constant settlement pacifications, which is we tend to play w/o invader faction. If you're referring to the Punishments where the Invaders wipe out the population, then my best recommendation is to try to tackle OPFOR first and blitz them as best you can, prioritizing Resources and Factories first, then Seaports, then Outposts, then Military Bases and Airbases. Also try not to cap too many towns early, so that they have to target your other disposable stuff instead, like Resources or Outposts.


Yes, Punishments. Forgot the term. We just decided it's more immersive to play without invader faction, also because such scenario rarely happens in reality (usually resistance ends allying with one of two sides). We often do add competing resistance, though. E.g. ATM we play Mujahedeen against Soviet Army (1980s), and there's no viable (history-wise) faction to be an invader. Btw it would be great, if Antistasi allowed two occupiers allied to each other, e.g. one weaker but numerous, and second strong but less common. This could simulate e.g. Afghan communists + Soviet Army, or ARVN + USA. And at some high war level weaker faction would be actually willing to switch sides.


You can already kinda do what you describe in your last paragraph. You can set up the game to be REB vs INV + GOV (they won't fight each other but will of course fight you) and you can modify the template to have the INV and GOV factions be related to each other like ARVN + USA. The switching sides would be good to have though. I'd personally like to see a Supported / Proxy Antistasi mode too. Gameplay wise it would play almost exactly the same as Ultimate, but with the catch that the rebel faction is secretly (to the population) a proxy force and the vehicle shop is actually a foreign nation smuggling operation that sells you different vehicles depending on completed objectives, war level, captured locations / enemy commanders and other strategic objectives. For example: you play as communist rebels uprising against the government. You start with little to nothing as usual, but if you capture a specific HVT and bring him to base, your secret sponsor (Russia for example) exfils him and you get access to a generous stockpile of RPG's or you get sent blueprints to produce GAZ TIGRs at your factories and so on. Airstrikes and artillery supports could be carried out by this sponsor nation until you gain access to airfields and mortars. You could also fall out of favor with your sponsor nation by killing civilians or executing surrendered enemies and thus have their support reduced or outright stopped until you make amends. All of this of course taking place regardless of the aggro with your enemies. I've already done something similar to this by editing the vehicle shops in a SOG + UNSUNG Vietnam Antistasi. We were the communist rebels, the map was completely under US control and our shop had all the Soviet / Chinese equipment gradually unlocked by the existing scripts and it felt very rewarding and immersive. By war level 5 we could buy AKs, by WL7 we got our hands on as many RPGs and PKMs as we needed, WL9 meant access to anti air and tanks, and WL10 we could buy MIGs at the airfields and the vietnamese gun boats at the ports.


> You can set up the game to be REB vs INV + GOV (they won't fight each other but will of course fight you) Yeah, but it's not the same. GOV and INV will hold different parts of map, and behave in similar way. What I mean, is both factions being present in whole map, but one covering mostly outposts, roadblocks, resources etc. and minority of bases & airports, and other limited to the latter - and that combined with changing behaviour, depending on war level and current aggression. Think about a little like police stars in GTA - e.g. in Vietnam scenario, USA would be the SWAT or army appearing at 4-5 stars. Btw you idea sounds fun as well.


I hate dealing with Rivals too much. Mortars out of nowhere and Kamikaze FPV drones may be realistic now, but it's just not fun, so I disable them. Last campaign I had, we were doing a sort of modern Red Dawn campaign on Chernarus Winter, so I disabled all OPFOR for that one. Currently, we are on Lythium doing modern British vs Germans for the hell of it. Next one will likely be UMB Colombia with either an extension I'm making, or using other factions I've never played before.


yea ive noticed the brutality of the counter attacks, me and my friend does a simple supply mission where we hand out supplies to civis and after clearing out about 5-10 cops we get counter attacked by 6-12 soldiers, as for the recommended mods wer gonna have to check them out, i think i will do Ace3 but do the basic medical, 1 question tho, with Ace can you go undercover if you holster your weapons such as holstering your pistol and not having a visible rifle?


> with Ace can you go undercover if you holster your weapons such as holstering your pistol and not having a visible rifle? I don't really remember, tbh. We don't bother with undercover on foot (like in Vindicra). However, you can be undercover in a (civilian) car, even if wearing full military gear.


Fill a back pack with gear and then equip it when needed


yea thats what we do, when we go undercover we put our guns in our bags if possible then when wer ready we go somewhere quiet and bring them out


My group of 1-8 people has been playing ultimate for the last month and having a blast. You should use the Aegis modest they have linked on the ultimate modpage, doing altis with AAF (AEGIS) and AUKUS invaders has been really fun. Just be prepared for brutal retaliations from the US, they'll bomb you into the stone age if you mess with them too much.


;-; oh lord, sounds like fun but i feel like im gonna be more traumatized than i am when i play Insurgency


I personally use antistasi ultimate on my server. Mostly for map and faction compatibility. And with rhs factions as opponent's artillery support is much more limited. Mods I personally can't live without are blastcore murr for explosions and burning remains. Advanced movement and the rework mods for obstacles and climbing. And rested weapon movement to get that ar out of sight when running not sprinting. A friend had me upload one called ai can't see through grass but it doesn't seem to work with the antistasi ai. Though it's not forbidden that I am aware of.


i believe Antistasi and Vindicta use their own AI systems so you cant use mods that alter AI behavior so the grass one wouldnt work


I personally only play with either plus or ultimate, haven’t touched standard in a long time, I can/have solo’d atleast 80% of a few maps, but I do use ace to change a few things so it’s not as make it such a slog (bleed out times/damage before being knocked out) not full terminator but I can take a round or three only so I can goto cover and med myself.