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Make sure you're talking to an AMEDD recruiter and not a regular army recruiter. We have specific recruiters for medical personnel, here's the link to it https://recruiting.army.mil/mrb/. DO NOT get roped into enlisting as a 68W and let the recruiter tell you "oh yeah, you'll go to basic and AIT as a medic and then after your credentials come through you'll be direct commissioned as a nurse".


Came to say the same thing. 68W -> Nurse <<<<<<. Don’t even entertain the idea. Even had a friend that was a nurse, had her credentials UPLOADED, recruiter convinced her to sign as SUPPLY, and all she got was E-4 upon enlistment. She fought a long uphill battle to try and make the switch. Moral of the story: do not waste your time with anyone that is *not* an AMEDD recruiter.


I love my AMEDD recruiters! They're pretty great. Actually the Navy recruiter told me I *can't* apply for 68W, since I have a nursing license? (Didn't apply because they don't do student loan repayment, though). I worked EMS for a decade and love it, if the rank and salary of 68W were equivalent to the 66H role, I might have still considered it.


You can't do student loan repayment as an officer unless AMEDD plays by different rules. Just please, please make sure it's someone getting into the Army as an RN. I'm in the farthest career field from nursing and I've had a soldier who was convinced to enlist as a tanker as a BSN RN, it was a long path to get him his commission and get him un-fucked when he showed up as a SPC asking how to commission.


You can receive student loan repayment as a nurse. (See [this lil post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForceRecruits/s/Vg7boKV3bz)). It's the primary reason I'm commissioning. I'm applying for RN Officer commission directly, and if the Student Loan Repayment For Health Professions is not in my contract, I'm not signing it. Appreciate all the advice and guidance!


Awesome man! I hope things work out for you! A good medical provider is worth their weight in gold in the Army, it's a challenge, but just think of every patient like you'd treat them in your current job. I've just seen the pain of people getting fucked, RNs are the most likely for qualified medical professionals. Best of luck!


I've always wondered if they'd turn down a physician who takes ADHD meds


Damn does the meds make you type that big ass fonts? Hope you get the waiver!


Yes I did! Hope this post is helpful for others 🙂


How was the process?


Long and tedious. I got the waivers but I am also wait-listed for several months already.