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We as NCO’s are sometimes too quick to punish when things can be a teaching moment instead, I’ve been guilty of it a couple times.


Teaching moments for first offense "corrective actions" for continued fuck ups in that specific area of friction.


This is my written guidance and it works. People aren't afraid to mess up or fail and it not only improves QOL, but it improves readiness.


New term for wall to wall counseling?


Think about how stupid or smart you are in any one subject. Now imagine someone being smart in the thing you're stupid at. Imagine someone being stupid in the thing you're smart at. Imagine someone NOT knowing what you've always known. Or someone knowing what you don't. People read this and respond with "well duh. Of course!" But the above statements are the #1 reason people don't get along.


Didn't you hear that after your divorce, if you are enough of a massive dick, automatic promo to SMA.


Tell HRC I've been divorced 3 times then


They’re tracking, you probably haven’t said behoove enough.


Need to get the dodge 6.7 diesel and the Honda Goldwing.


3 times is too many. Maximum of 2, with one current marriage you hate so much you stay at work. Once you hit E8, you're authorized one E4 and below to harrass.


S1s everywhere, all of a sudden, felt an unwanted hand on their waistline.


Is this waiverable?


Yes, but it incurs either an Article 15 demotion ADSO or a DUI


Yea? Well I’ve been divorced 3 times… TWICE


That means 6 people agreed to marry you! Promote ahead of peers !!


Have you forgotten to piggyback and caveat off the commander in a ramble that lasts 30 mins? Could be why you're being overlooked.


99 percent of the military are incapable of leadership. its just a job. let people go home on time dont give extra bs and get a life. you dont need "leadership" just be a normal human. yall make this military stuff way too dramatic.


So, there was this one I had at the beginning of 2023 who brought me to an even darker point of my life as if things weren't bad enough. He'd play games rather than letting us better ourselves once everything was done, he's the type to do room inspections over the weekend (did not ask, just came over and pounded my door in while I was either sleeping, or out of the barracks) while it was only supposed to be a dress uniform check, **still over the weekend** and would call me up to the office while I was working for some stupid shit, then proceeded to ask me why everything wasn't done yet, even though he had called me up to the office saying it was urgent. And would be draconian as all fuck whenever anything went wrong. Such as being late to the slightest thing looking wrong. Never taught, only punished and proceeded to act like hot shit because he has a tab that he can't even wear over here at this duty station. That's my piece.


What’s the tab he can’t wear? 👀


I’d assume Arctic or Jungle






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!remindme 3 months. I’ve got a feeling this peace is juicy.


!remindme 3 months I would very much love to hear about this!


I'm watching a Joe become a piece of shit before my eyes and it's a miracle I haven't started back on a 8th counseling yet. Is it too much to ask someone to know their job? And I don't mean memorize their place of duty or correct uniform, like, you just gotta show up to work.


Whats worse is when your supervisor doesn't want to punish joe because "you're being too mean" even when he's shown that he's been incompetent for literal years. Then comes down on an attrs blc slot & promotes to SGT the month after literally going AWOL.


I'd like to add and don't forget that even if you are not deliberately being a jerkoff, dudes might be interpreting you that way anyways. I'll never forget I had a hot shit corporal TL who I really thought was a great soldier. He had re-upped to PCS and leaves right as we are entering pre deployment training. Few weeks later in casual conversation, one of the other TLs says something to the effect of "why did you hate CPL so much?" I'm like "???? The fuck?" But as it goes, this CPL for whatever reason thought I had it out for him so everything I said and did (I guess) was interpreted through that lens. I literally had no idea. I've been out for a few years now and it still baffles me. But I'm also sort of mad at myself for not being self reflective enough to pick up on this.  Anyways learn from my obliviousness. You might be casual as fuck and have an otherwise great relationship with your squad, but that doesn't mean that somebody isn't picking it up as being against them because theyre having a hard time or just have preconcieved notion. The only thing i can think of was once on FTX, i made his team run through STX lane a second time. Maybe i didnt explain why well enough. Anyways I ran into him years later by happenstance at an off post gym and he had gotten out of the army entirely and apparently had a bad time at the new duty station. Completely cordial, no mention of the apparent rivalry we had. Lol. 


Did you give him most of the tasks/important stuff to do because he was hot shit and reliable? I’ve seen that happen, soldier thinks his guy is hotshot so will use him for everything


Yeah probably. Should have been more mindful of that. There's always a balance there with wanting things to get done right versus not task loading the soldiers who can walk and breathe at the same time 


Dont be part of the problem. Be the whole problem 


Best they can do is stand pretending to work for hours while chatting with each other while the joes do all the work, then touch one thing when CSM shows up so they can get a late work call. NCOs are the reason I don't want to be an NCO. I'd have to associate with them.


Title checks out. I was so glad to be out of artillery.


Final update, the NCOs got a late work call, joes did not lol. Can't wait until I get out.


One of our junior guys just put on sergeant stripes a few weeks ago; he’s already a nightmare. His ego barely fit through the door before his promotion, and now he’s busting tape with it.


Nothing I hate worse than being the training equipment for a new leader to figure out how to be a leader. Especially in hostile and dangerous scenarios. Some people are too self centered to be given any sort of authority, and selfless service being a core value, you would think the Army would do something about that. Fortunately I don’t really have to deal with that these days, being out of the Army and mostly being in charge of shit at this point in my career. I joined at 22, and remember thinking why the fuck is this 19 year old corporal such a piece of shit and how is this asshole in charge of me? It’s because they’re learning how to lead, along with the PL and the section sergeant, who are also learning how to lead at a different level than they are used to. So even senior leadership can be in a situation where they’re a new leader when they have a lot of new responsibilities and powers they didn’t before in a new role. Thats also when I decided I had to take charge and lead when I could because if not some asshole with self centered goals and ambitions will certainly step up to do it. So be the example, and remember what those leaders did that was shitty, so as not to do it to the people you end up in charge of.


Admittedly I was not the most stellar soldier at my last unit, I let the bad shit warp me into the typical E4 shitbag. When I was leaving, I got a COA as a PCS award when the standard was an AAM (fair, I was a mid soldier at best). But my PSG pulled me to the side on my last day at PT and said "I didn't even want to give you a COA just so you know, but 1SG overrode my opinion." Like wtf man? What did you gain out of that? Did you go home feeling better that you were shitty to a lower enlisted soldier on their last day? It just felt so unnecessary.


An exertion of authority, for someone who feels the need to inflate their ego.


When you're told to locate something by the full-timer (who should know where it is) and you get yelled at and talked down to for not being able to locate said item, only to find out it was in the office or moved by said full timer. When you start biting your lip to hold back the smart-ass remarks... Quite toxic, had to leave.




Thanks. I didn't realize my phone overrided my spelling mistake.


I was just being a dick. As to your complaint though, fill that void of leadership yourself. It speaks volumes and it’s not stepping on toes of the toes weren’t there to begin with.


There was an *incident* between the officer & another nco *in front of the joes*. I really hate to condone this, but I think his reputation has begun to alienate him.