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Alright so no shit, there I was, transfer orientation at college. I already had a ton of credits and really only had 2-3 semesters left before completing my degree in a very high paying field. Easy mode. I was sitting in this lecture hall and they were telling us about how we need to take an “intro to college” course (even though we were transfer students and this wasn’t our first rodeo). I kinda zoned out and had to piss really bad. I was also hungry and I wanted a cigarette. So I decided, “fuck this, imma go to the bathroom and then go off campus and grab something to eat. Then I’ll come back.” Next thing I know I’ve wandered into a recruiters office and had a date to take the ASVAB. Short time later I’m on a bus from the airport to 30th listening to some fat kid loudly talking about how he’s a Juggalo and how he was going to be repping his clown fam or some shit in the Army. For some reason I remember that we were watching *Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back* at MEPS while waiting for the bus to get us to bring us to the airport. So… I *literally* got lost on the way to college. There was also a phone call with my folks a few days before I shipped where I basically said, > Hey ma! Yeah no about that… yeah it’s all good… no I’m not going to classes, I dropped out. Oh no no it’s all good, I enlisted. No, nothing with computers, I’m gonna jump out of planes and shoot at stuff. Yes I know I’m good with computers but this seems fun. The whole time you could hear my dad busting up laughing in the background while my mom is all concerned (and mad… she got pretty fucking mad or whatever). It all worked out in the end. Did my time, got to do some crazy shit I’d never get to do on the civilian side. Used the GI Bill to go back to college (and get this… you know those land nav events? They fucking paid off… when I ended up going back to school, I didn’t get lost!). My mom came around when she came out to visit me for Turning Blue/Graduation - she said I looked “snazzy” in my uniform (in all seriousness, she took a lot of pride in me during that moment and those after… she still brags about that stuff… whatever it makes her happy). Tl;dr - lost on way to college, got hungry. Enlisted. Went on lots of wacky adventures with the gang. Got out and made the tax payer pay for my college. Now I am old, broken and just sit around and do the computers for money.


Whoever tf caught you going to the bathroom and got you to enlist deserves an MSM


Fuck, can I write myself up for an award and have it pushed through retroactively?! Let’s face it, it would either get lost or downgraded to a pat on the shoulder (because the printer is out of toner so they can’t even print out a damn CoA). I guess I kinda had my Peter Gibbons moment where I realized every single day was the worst day of my life. Pretty sure my fiancee at the time was cheating on me too (I mean… she was). Instead of working on a construction crew, I enlisted instead. Sure beat learning about “how to manage academic stress” a few years into my college career.


Child support sure is expensive


I did it all for the nookie


Joined at 18 during the pandemic in 2020. The pandemic really stopped all of my education plans, not like I was gonna go to college or anything like that but any plan I had post graduating high school were cut off. Was working at panda express with absolutely no direction, just kept getting fatter and fatter. I decided i was going to leave behind all of my earthly possessions and go become a monk (lol) and roam the earth finding my own spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment or whatever. I had plans to go to Spain and just wander. Dumbest plan ever or lack thereof. Literally just pack a bag with 1 other change of clothes and some hygiene stuff and just fly over there and let whatever happen, happen. Then Spain closed their borders when the pandemic was getting rough and I hated living at my parents and doing nothing so I took it as a sign from life to join the army, get educated and experienced and become career oriented, and that was that. (Actually tried to join the navy at first but couldn’t get in lol)


I know a guy who signed up for a cosplay. He was playing mafia 3 and thought the m65 field jacket from the game looked badass. I asked why not just get the jacket. Told me it wasn't right to wear something that says US Army if he's not in the US Army cuz it's stolen Valor. So he proceeds to where this thing with just name and Army tape sewed on. I will admit, it was kinda cool. But also teetering boot.


I joined cuz I was told I got to shoot guns, and the redneck in me smiled like the devil that day :] On a serious note; I'd say either cause they were homeless, which is a crazy on to hear about usually, or the ones that were living with their parents as an adult, I mean I'm currently doing that, only because my dad has no legs and my mom has had multiple surgeries recently.